Obama May Allow Tortured Gitmo Detainees to Plead Guilty, Face Execution

The New York Times
June 6, 2009

The Obama administration is considering a change in the law for the military commissions at the prison at Guantánamo Bay, Cuba, that would clear the way for detainees facing the death penalty to plead guilty without a full trial.

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The provision could permit military prosecutors to avoid airing the details of brutal interrogation techniques. It could also allow the five detainees who have been charged with the Sept. 11 attacks to achieve their stated goal of pleading guilty to gain what they have called martyrdom.

The proposal, in a draft of legislation that would be submitted to Congress, has not been publicly disclosed. It was circulated to officials under restrictions requiring secrecy. People who have read or been briefed on it said it had been presented to Defense Secretary Robert M. Gates by an administration task force on detention.

The proposal would ease what has come to be recognized as the government’s difficult task of prosecuting men who have confessed to terrorism but whose cases present challenges. Much of the evidence against the men accused in the Sept. 11 case, as well as against other detainees, is believed to have come from confessions they gave during intense interrogations at secret C.I.A. prisons. In any proceeding, the reliability of those statements would be challenged, making trials difficult and drawing new political pressure over detainee treatment.

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URL to article: http://www.infowars.com/obama-may-allow-tortured-gitmo-detainees-to-plead-guilty-face-execution/

California Highway Patrol Encourages Residents to Rat On Out of State Plates

The Orange County Register
June 6, 2009

The California Highway Patrol is out to catch cheaters.

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The CHP is asking people to report those who drive around with out-of-state license plates. The Program is called Californians Help Eliminate All The Evasive Registration Scofflaws — or CHEATERS.

The state is losing money because of drivers who keep their cars registered in other states, typically states with lower registration fees, said CHP Commander Fran Clader.

Here’s the law: a vehicle owner has 20 days to register their vehicle in California after accepting employment in the state or establishing residency.

Last year there were fees collected on 3,383 out-of-state license plate violations, which resulted in the collection of more than $1 million in fees, or an average of $297.58 per case, according to the CHP. Since the start of the program in 2004, $4 million has been collected in fees.

The California vehicle licensing fee ranges high or low depending on the make and age of the vehicle. The fee has increased from 0.65 percent of a vehicle’s value to 1.15 percent as of this May, said California DMV Information Officer Jan Mendoza. For a vehicle worth $25,000 that is four or five years old, a California resident may pay up to $280 for licensing registration, she said.

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URL to article: http://www.infowars.com/california-highway-patrol-encourages-residents-to-rat-on-out-of-state-plates/

Sotomayor Member of Female Version of Bohemian Grove

June 6, 2009

From Politico:

Supreme Court nominee Sonia Sotomayor last year accepted an invitation to join the Belizean Grove, an elite but little-known women’s-only group.

Founded nearly 10 years ago as the female answer to the Bohemian Grove — a secretive all-male club whose members have included former U.S. presidents and top business leaders — the Belizean Grove has about 125 members, including Army generals, Wall Street executives and former ambassadors.

Sotomayor’s membership in the New York-based group became public Thursday afternoon in a questionnaire submitted to the Senate Judiciary Committee.

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From the Belizean Grove website:

Having observed the power of the Bohemian Grove, a 130-year-old, elite old boys’ network of former Presidents, businessmen, military, musicians, academics, and non-profit leaders, and realizing that women didn’t have a similar organization, Susan Stautberg and 26 other founding members created the Belizean Grove, a constellation of influential women who are key decision makers in the profit, non-profit and social sectors; who build long term mutually beneficial relationships in order to both take charge of their own destinies and help others to do the same.

Susan Stautberg (a former Washington bureau chief for Westinghouse Broadcasting) said she’d like to keep the Belizean Grove under the media radar. In other words, you’re not supposed to know anything about an exclusive, invitation-only club organized by the ruling elite and their minions.

The elite want to conduct their plotting and conspiracies in the dark. Remember how angry CFR member David Gergen got when Alex Jones confronted him on his participation at Bohemian Grove.

The discovery of Sotomayor’s inclusion in the secretive Belizean Grove club is merely another indication that she is a minion of the global elite and her appointment to the Supreme Court will mean the globalist agenda will go forward — and that agenda includes the ultimate subversion of the Constitution, the Bill of Rights, and the sovereignty of the United States.

No word yet if members of the Belizean Grove engage in pagan rituals, dress up in red-hooded robes, cremate a coffin effigy of “Dull Care” at the base of a 40 foot owl altar, and romp with homosexuals like their male counterparts do at Bohemian Grove.

URL to article: http://www.infowars.com/sotomayor-member-of-female-version-of-bohemian-grove/

Obama’s Elite Agenda: Black Abortion for Profit

Richard Evans
Henry Makow
June 5, 2009

In a 1934 letter, Margaret Sanger, founder of Planned Parenthood, wrote to her financial sponsor, Clarence Gamble (the Proctor & Gamble heir) :

“We should hire three or four colored ministers, preferably with social-service backgrounds, and with engaging personalities. The most successful educational approach to the Negro is through a religious appeal. We don’t want the word to go out that we want to exterminate the Negro population and the minister is the man who can straighten out that idea if it ever occurs to any of their more rebellious members.”


Speaking before Rockefeller sponsored Planned Parenthood’s ‘Action fund’ banquet  July 17th 2007, candidate Barack Obama made his public announcement that his ‘first act as President’ would be signing FOCA (”Freedom of Choice Act”) It was.

The “Freedom of Choice” act amounts to de-regulation of the abortion industry and provides free federally funded abortions on demand. Obama is that ‘colored minister with social-service background and engaging personality’ Sanger envisioned.

Planned Parenthood’s slogan last year — “why should I be punished with a baby?”– was featured in television commercial campaigns.

Obama mouthed this very slogan at a campaign speech in Johnstown PA:”I have two daughters.  If they make a mistake, I don’t want them punished with a baby”.



PLANNED PARENTHOOD operates the largest chain of abortion clinics in the US. It has more than 850 “Health Centers” (abortion centers), 80% are in minority neighborhoods. The organization performed 22 percent of all abortions in 2005 (260,000 out of 1.2 million abortions.)

According to a Fox TV story, “Blacks do, indeed, have much higher rates of abortions than whites or other minority groups. In 2000, while blacks made up 17 percent of live births, they made up more than twice that share of abortions (36 percent). If those aborted children had been born, the number of blacks born would have been slightly over 50 percent greater than it was.

The comparison with whites and other minorities is striking. Whites made up 78 percent of live births, but only 57 percent of abortions. Non-black minorities had 7 percent of live births and 5 percent of abortions. Data from 1973 on indicate that black women’s share of abortions has consistently been at least twice their share of live births.”

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According to “Klan Parenthood,” A black baby is three times more likely to be murdered in the womb than a white baby. Since 1973, abortion has reduced the black population by over 25 percent. Twice as many African-Americans have died from abortion than have died from AIDS, accidents, violent crimes, cancer, and heart disease combined. Every three days, more African-Americans are killed by abortion than have been killed by the Ku Klux Klan in its entire history. About 13 percent of American women are black, but they submit to over 35 percent of the abortions.”


Bernard Nathanson, M.D., co-founder of pro-abortion “National Association for the Repeal of Abortion Laws” recalled creating the slogans for ‘pro-choice’ public relations with Betty Friedan back in 1968.  Such slogans included, “Women must have control over their own bodies.” and “Freedom of choice — a basic American right.”

I remember laughing when we made those slogans up. We were looking for some sexy, catchy slogans to capture public opinion. They were very cynical slogans then, just as all of these slogans today are very, very cynical.”

It was a racket. Promote the breakdown of marriage while simultaneously promoting promiscuous sex behavior, with abortion as handy backup birth control.  The only thing better would be if the federal government covered the abortion cost for impoverished teens — the very demographic targeted by Sanger’s eugenics agenda.

Nathanson andother former abortionists and clinic personnel have come clean after  becoming revulsed by the rampant profiteering of abortion providers.  Nathanson says all abortion doctors and staff are well aware they’re in the business of terminating live human beings. After performing thousands of procedures, literally butchering the unborn, all rationalizations break down.

Thousands of young women die annually from botched legal abortions performed at a rate of 120 procedures per urban clinic per day, 8 am to midnight shifts, seven days a week. Nathanson himself estimates he’s performed 75,000 abortions during his career as an abortionist.  The average cost to the patient for an abortion is around $480.00.

Doctors and staff who do the dirty work are expendable and replaceable.  Abortion clinics now are operated as large franchises with profits going to their boards and shareholders.  Only so much profit can be had from the abortion market alone, which with Obama’s signing of FOCA will reach saturation shortly.  Tax payer funded abortion will increase the numbers to the maximum, but the corporate owners and investors of this industry want more profit.

Human baby corpses — stem cells and tissue — are worth money. What’s left of the ban on wholesale harvesting of aborted human cell tissue has cost investors billions of dollars a year.

Margaret Sanger and Heinrich Himmler probably never dreamed that exterminating ‘undesirables’ could be so profitable.  Sanger merely wanted to rid American society of ‘weeds’. Himmler dreamed of his Aryan supermen perpetuating the thousand year Fourth Reich.

The Negro Project: Planned Parenthood founder Margaret Sanger’s eugenics plan for black Americans

Abortion and Black Genocide (Barack Obama and the Negro Project)

Obama’s Tax-Funded Abortions Project

Obama Abortion Agenda – (see the step-by-step plan in full)

Pro-Choice co-founder rips abortion industry

Pro-Abortion Lawmakers Propose “FOCA” to Invalidate All Limits on Abortion

Read FOCA http://www.usccb.org/prolife/issues/FOCA/FOCA_FactSheet08.pdfhttp://www.usccb.org/prolife/issues/FOCA/FOCA_FactSheet08.pdf

URL to article: http://www.infowars.com/obamas-elite-agenda-black-abortion-for-profit/

New Jersey Cop Beats Man for Standing On Corner

June 5, 2009

If what’s on a tape captured outside a bar in Passaic, is what really happened, then a police officer in New Jersey has some big explaining to do.

The tape shows a cop getting out of his car and getting more than a little rough with a man standing on a street corner.

One week after the beating, Ronnie Holloway’s eye is still black and blue. But it’s an improvement.

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URL to article: http://www.infowars.com/new-jersey-cop-beats-man-for-standing-on-corner/

WHO Will Declare Pandemic Level 6 “Within Days”

Kurt Heine
June 5, 2009

The World Health Organization’s pandemic alert scale should consider the severity of diseases instead of just the geographic spread, an advisory committee said today.

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The Geneva-based WHO within days will declare the first influenza pandemic in 41 years, according to people familiar with the United Nations agency’s plans. WHO’s International Health Regulations Committee urged the agency “to introduce severity assessments in any future announcements of pandemic phase changes,” WHO said today in a statement.

Swine flu, also known as H1N1, is entrenched in North America, Australia and Chile. WHO says 21,940 cases, including 125 deaths, have been reported in 69 countries. In most cases, the illness causes symptoms no more serious than seasonal flu. Raising WHO’s six-step pandemic scale to its highest level might spur some countries to restrict travel or ban public events — measures unneeded for swine flu.

“There was a broad consensus on the importance of including information on severity” in deciding whether WHO should raise the pandemic alert to the highest level, WHO said in the statement.

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URL to article: http://www.infowars.com/who-will-declare-pandemic-level-6-within-days/

Fed to Hire PR Wizard to Fight Against HR 1207

Kurt Nimmo
June 6, 2009

As HR 1207 gains momentum and co-sponsors in the House of Representatives, the Federal Reserve is planning to fight the tide calling for an audit of its books by hiring a veteran lobbyist to “manage its relations with Congress,” according to Reuters.

featured stories   Fed to Hire PR Wizard to Fight Against HR 1207
Ron Paul featured stories   Fed to Hire PR Wizard to Fight Against HR 1207
Linda Robertson

The Fed plans to hire Linda Robertson, who previously worked for now-defunct energy company Enron, as well as the Clinton administration. She is currently head of government, community and public relations at The Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore. Robertson “spent eight years in senior positions at the Treasury Department, working for three secretaries: Lloyd Bentsen, Robert Rubin and Lawrence Summers,” a bio posted on The John Hopkins University website states.

Robert Rubin, as secretary of the Treasury, recommended that Congress pass legislation to reform or repeal the Glass-Steagall Act of 1933, while Lawrence Summers in the same capacity organized the looting of Russia, stripping one trillion dollars from Russia’s struggling economy in the name of the bankers.

“Members of Congress have chafed at the Fed’s bold use of its emergency powers and in particular its multibillion-dollar bailouts of investment bank Bear Stearns and insurer American International Group,” Reuters continues. “Critics also bristle at the Fed’s practice of maintaining the confidentiality of the companies that borrow directly from the central bank on the grounds that divulging their names would risk runs on those institutions.”

One such critic is senator Bernie Sanders of Vermont. In March, Sanders put it squarely to Fed boss Bernanke when he said “My question to you is, will you tell the American people to whom you lent $2.2 trillion of their dollars?” Bernanke, of course, refused to divulge a single name and instead said the loans in question are “over-collateralized” and thus come with a heavy stigma for the unknown borrowers.

Sanders has put his weight behind a similar bill — S. 604, the Federal Reserve Sunshine Act of 2009. It was referred to the Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs on March 16, 2009.

As reported by Bloomberg, the Fed has entered into trillions of dollars in off-balance sheet transactions since last September. More specifically, the Fed extended $9 trillion in credit, which is $30,000 for every single men, women, and child in this country.

Early last month, Elizabeth Coleman, Inspector General for the Federal Reserve, told Rep. Alan Grayson of the United States House Committee on Financial Services that she does “not have jurisdiction to directly go out and audit Reserve Bank activities specifically.” See a video of Grayson questioning Coleman.

“We’re getting instructions from on high saying, ‘Don’t dwell on the past,’” Grayson was told before a hearing scheduled to investigate the Fannie and Freddie swindle.

Young Americans for Liberty profiles Congressman Ron Paul’s bill to audit the Federal Reserve, HR 1207.

HR 1207 would put an end to this sort of hide-and-seek nonsense. It would “amend title 31, United States Code, to reform the manner in which the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System is audited by the Comptroller General of the United States and the manner in which such audits are reported, and for other purposes.”

Rep. Ron Paul notes that only the Fed can inflate the currency and create new money out of thin air in secrecy without oversight or supervision. “Debasing a currency is counterfeiting,” Paul told Congress in February, 2008, “it steals value from every dollar earned or saved. “It robs the people and makes them poorer… it is the enemy of the working person. Inflation is the most vicious and regressive of all forms of taxation. It transfers wealth from the middle class to the privileged rich.”

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HR 1207 would cast a laser light on this criminal process. “By opening all Fed operations to a GAO audit and calling for such an audit to be completed by the end of 2010, the Federal Reserve Transparency Act would achieve much-needed transparency of the Federal Reserve,” Paul explained earlier this year.

An audit would set the stage for the end of the Federal Reserve and a return of honest money and fiscal policies. The banksters behind the Fed understand this very well and that is why they have not only hired a PR wizard but also why they have attempted to subvert the End the Fed movement.

It is hardly a mistake that the MIAC report characterized the End the Fed movement as extremist. It is also no mistake the United States Army Reserve Command issued “mitigation measures” in response to End the Fed demonstrations around the country last year. The Army “established relationships” with local law enforcement and the FBI and encouraged them to “update alert rosters,” according to a Force Protection Advisory leaked to the media. On November 22, 2008, Alex Jones led a rally at the Federal Reserve Bank in Dallas Texas. The Dallas protest is specifically mentioned in the official Army document.

As HR 1207 picks up sponsors and gains critical mass, we can expect the international bankers to devise ways to protect their Federal Reserve racket. Obviously, it will take more than a former Enron and Treasury Department hack to stem the growing tide of people demanding the Fed be investigated and eventually dismantled.

URL to article: http://www.infowars.com/fed-to-hire-pr-wizard-to-fight-against-hr-1207/

Green & Lean: Austerity in the Age of Obama

Environmentalism, Economic Downturn, National Service all emphasize the need for common sacrifice, cutbacks and sustainability

Aaron Dykes / Jones Report | June 5, 2009

Ever noticed how the environmental ‘crises’ and economic ‘crises’ both prey upon the green of it all? The color of greed, jealousy, disease, Federal Reserve notes and trees. The marketing of both manufactured green crises have hinged around selling us on tightening our belts and buckling down for the big one.

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These global warming activists exemplify the new-fascism under Obama: the integration of environmentalism, green business and national service. The earth sign is integrated with the banker’s mantra “too big to fail” while the green helmets clearly sell the idea of “service”– service to the cap & trade profit schemes owned & operated by global warming’s biggest fearmonger, Al Gore

This blend of PR and predictive programming is clearly in play with Wal-Mart. Spokesmen in the MarketWatch article “Wal-Mart to tap into ‘new normal’ thrift consumer mentality” makes clear that austerity is not only an economic imperative but also sustainable. The similarity to the buzzwords used to push environmental policies is no accident.

Wal-Mart, one of the only firms anywhere to come out of the financial crisis stronger, made clear that its surge in “new customers, traffic and sales it has gained from the economic downturn are “permanent and sustainable.” Chief executive Mike Duke added, “There’s a ‘new normal’ in which people want to save money.”

Under the new era of economic degradation and depression austerity, life under slavemart is the new norm. The pride of American small business is over; consumer comforts too will be reduced; cheap plastic goods are the only affordable goods in this green age.

Webster Tarpley, author of Obama: The Postmodern Coup and Barack H. Obama: The Unauthorized Biography, warned months ahead of action by the Obama Administration that his entire agenda would be centered around the buzzword “austerity“– the idea that Americans must sacrifice in every way in the name of promised progress. Often enough, many initiatives will generate support under the green cover– anything green must be good.

This has proved true in the issues emerging from the Obama-era– the environmentalism, (banker-led) economic and service movements. Curiously, the common thread is sold through an appeal towards “common sacrifice.”


The Club of Rome was clearly the most active think tank in the 1970s pushing the agenda for a reduced ’standard of living’ in the West. These elites have insisted in their key publication “The Limits of Growth” that Americans and Europeans must embrace drastic population reduction quotas, and that its people use and consume less in the name of its carefully-framed sustainability crisis. The fact that the group fearmongered then about global cooling and now fearmongers about global warming should be an indicator that its environmental concerns are phony. The green cover is a ruse disguising the elite’s push for severe eugenics policies.

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Volcker’s policy of de-industrialization in the 70s and 80s hinged on bringing America’s standard down.

We have all been told by the elites that our standard of living will be brought down. There’s little speculating that it has been an intentional plan; they’ve announced it all throughout the 1970s. The Club of Rome and top economists like Paul Volcker alike have both made clear that the ‘limits of growth’ have been reached, and that first world westerners must be put back in balance– with cold scientific calculating– to the world’s mean (average).

In 1979, Paul Volcker, then Chairman of the Federal Reserve during the Carter Administration, openly stated:

“The standard of living of the American worker has to decline,” Volcker said. “I don’t think you can escape that”.

Volcker was at the helm of the Trilateral Commission’s alarming ‘Project 1980s’ plan for the “controlled disintegration” of the U.S. economy.

“A controlled disintegration in the world economy is a legitimate object for the 1980s… it was not by chance that starting the week of Oct. 6-12, 1979, Volcker began raising interest rates, by raising the federal funds rate and increasing certain categories of reserve requirements for commercial banks. He kept pushing rates upward, until, by December 1980, the prime lending rate of U.S. commercial banks reached 21.5%.”

Mike Duke, Wal-Mart Chief Executive, sounded an alarm signaling America’s shift to the world mean. ” The economic crisis has brought a fundamental shift in consumer attitudes and behavior.”

Wal-mart emphasizes that its ‘new normal’ customer experience would center around remodeling, continued low prices, as well as focus “on reducing waste and other sustainability efforts.”

What is good for the economic goose is good for the environmental gander; and what is good for the environment must be good for green entrepreneurs as well.

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The double-speak of the phony environmental agenda for a reduced standard of living in the Western world is used to mutually reinforce any dictates coming from the financial sector or any calls for sacrifice under environmental pretexts. Because westerners use and consume too much, and therefore endanger the environment, carbon cuts or other measures must be accepted by all.

The industrial base has destroyed been by the globalization model in which jobs are shipped out the back door and transferred to underdeveloped, autocratic ’slave wage’ nations. It’s no coincidence that the de-industrialization benefits firms with the Wal-Mart model the most. Today, in the name of the global warming crisis, the remaining factories are to be choked by cap & trade laws, while the profits of the cap & trade are transferred to an Al Gore owned & operated chain of interlocking for-profit green derivatives scheme firms that specializes in carbon credits trading.

What is green must first be profitable for green business and green jobs.

SEE: Gore Denies that Ken Lay, Goldman Sachs CEOs Helped Develop C02 Trading ‘Scheme’: VIDEO

De-industrialist Volcker has now been brought back in the Obama-Federal Reserve Administration and serves on the President’s Economic Recovery Advisory Board. Volcker has long headed firms representing both the Rothschild family and the Rockefeller family and is equally dedicated to their schemes in both banking and the green movement.

Now, after Wall Street looters have been given extensive bailouts, collapsing car giants are required to shift major production to specialized green cars that have been little embraced by the public and show little hope of producing growth.

Volcker’s gloomy calls for austerity have demonstrated that the policies of former Federal Reserve chairmen such as himself, Alan Greenspan and little Timmy Geithner, will not pull us out of this crisis under any easy terms. Volcker spent the opening weeks of the Obama Administration warning that this could be “worse than the Great Depression.” Wonder why the Federal Reserve greenback continues to lose value?


The agenda for mandatory servitude (or strongly-encouraged ‘volunteerism’) isn’t just the ‘red jackets’ of City Year. Obama has made clear in speeches that he wants to form an energy corps to enforce emissions limitations on vehicles and to enforce power and lighting modifications in homes. All Americans will be asked to do more to use less.

Top presidential advisor David Gergen has helped push a coalition of more than 70 ‘more-than-profit’ service groups– that cover the gamut of environmentalism, energy, green initiatives, education, business-ventures, emergency corps and more. Gergen has led the initiative for the service movement to seize upon the September 11th anniversary activities; now City Year and other groups are preparing to mobilize on 9/11/2009.

During the 2008 election season, both candidates Obama and McCain attended a 9/11 ServiceNation forum which David Gergen helped put on. Obama used that platform to fully push the national service program he developed with WH Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel. “Everyone will have skin in the game,” Obama told the nation’s viewers, as he called for young and old alike to sacrifice and serve their government.

Obama elaborated on a “desperately needed” civilian expeditionary force to supplement military maneuvers in Afghanistan and other interventions. When asked about his motivation for service by fellow service-advocate, host and editor of TIME, Richard Stengel, Obama told us that it was 9/11 that gave him a vision for widespread national service. Politicians should have exploited the nation’s sentiment to help out, Obama assured us, instead of President Bush’s call for Americans ‘to go shopping.

Curiously, David Gergen exploited the same expression at a Harvard lecture on service, blasting the Bush administration for wasting the 9/11 crisis on ’shopping’ when it could have been used to stimulate widespread service. Again, the ploy of using the terminology crisis against cash is surely not emphasized by accident.

Green corps have already been organized in many varieties and similar groups. Once it was clear that Obama had the election momentum, CNN continuously covered the “O Generation” and its amorphous social movement.

Footage in The Obama Deception shows two such girls wearing green shirts going door to door. Obama ‘door-knockers’ have already been used in conjunction with the President’s private-parallel usaservice.org/service.gov, and his administration has only started.

Mandatory national service is now being introduced into Congress, after it was stripped from the GIVE Act already passed earlier in his term.

URL to article: http://www.infowars.com/green-lean-austerity-in-the-age-of-obama/

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