Alex Calls on Infowarriors to support the moneybomb

June 11th

With aspirations to grow and fight the Infowar full-force, Alex Jones humbly calls upon fellow patriots and infowarriors to donate now in the June 11th Moneybomb.

HELP ALEX EXPAND THE VIDEO DEPARTMENT: With each film receiving Tens of millions of hits online each, Infowars documentaries are one of the best ways to wake up new people and gain the exposure and reach we need to be effective.

Last year’s first-ever Moneybomb allowed Alex to build a new studio and upgrade his office and staff. Now, he hopes supporters can help him to expand the video department– and put out more DVD films per year to reach people waiting to rediscover liberty and the Constitution.

With each film receiving Tens of millions of hits each, films are the best way to wake up new people and gain the exposure and reach we need to be effective.

Now is the time to help; the liberty movement is growing just as the New World Order is trying to implement full control. With your aid, the freedom movement can reach the numbers it needs to effect a real change– a shift away from tyranny, corruption and fiat money back to the Bill of Rights, individual liberty and sound currency.


Pledge your shield in the Infowar and donate this June 11th!

Alex Jones appeals to all the patriots and truth seekers to support the Infowar and help us expand further in the fight against the global elite. By donating what you can, you help us combat the trillions of elite dollars spent on New World Order propaganda and eugenics programs with mere hundreds of thousands aimed at expanded coverage online and on-air. With these funds, freedom can prevail.

THE INFOWAR GOT AN UPGRADE – Last year, great listeners raised more than $250,000. With that help, Alex upgraded the studio, hired more staff and started reaching more listeners than ever before. Think what we could do this time.

Alex tours through the studio and offices to show firsthand what he was able to do with the funds from the first ever moneybomb last year. Alex hopes to match the $250,000 raised last year that enabled the office to grow; with these new funds, he will ramp up the video production facilities and square foot available to fight full-force. With your help, Alex will reawaken millions more to liberty and resistance against the control of the New World Order.

Spread the word and do your part to push tyranny back yet again! Calling all arms to the moneybomb; donate this June 11th!

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Australian Police Forced to Become Carbon Cops

Ben Packham
Herald and Weekly Times
June 11, 2009

The Herald Sun can reveal Australian Federal Police agents will have to prosecute a new range of climate offences.

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But they are yet to be offered extra resources, stretching the thin blue line to breaking point.

“The Government is effectively saying to us, ‘Ignore other crime types’,” Australian Federal Police Association chief Jim Torr said.

The group had been trying for months, without success, to discuss the issue with Climate Change Minister Penny Wong, he said.

Interpol has warned the carbon market will be irresistible to criminal gangs because of the vast amounts of cash to be made. Possible rorts include under-reporting of carbon emissions by firms and bogus carbon offset schemes.

“If someone is rorting it by even 1 per cent a year, we’re talking about many, many millions of dollars,” Mr Torr said.

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WHO Will Likely Declare Pandemic Today

ABC News
June 11, 2009
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The World Health Organization appears poised this morning to formally declare that swine flu has reached the level of a full-blown pandemic, moving the viral outbreaks to a so-called phase 6 on the pandemic alert scale.

WHO Director-General Dr Margaret Chan met with flu experts at 6:00 a.m. EDT today in Geneva to discuss the spread of the novel virus, and since yesterday the escalation to the highest level of pandemic alert has been widely anticipated.

The move would reflect the continued spread of the virus around the globe, despite quarantines, school closings and other measures designed to keep it in check. It would be the first official pandemic in more than 40 years.

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Glenn Beck’s Outrageous Lie: Racist Von Brunn is “Hero of 9/11 Truthers”

Kurt Nimmo
June 10, 2009

There should be absolutely no doubt Glenn Beck is a government disinfo operative tasked with taking down the 9/11 truth and patriot movements. In fact, Fox News — as a primary fount of Operation Mockingbird — is tasked with attacking not only the 9/11 truth movement but the pro-liberty and Constitution movements as well.

“Our country is now vulnerable,” the operative Beck declares. “Those people who would like to destroy us — our enemies like Al Qaeda. They’d like to destroy us, and they will work with anyone. There are also people like white supremacists or 9/11 truthers that would also like to destroy the country. They’ll work with anybody they can.”

In other words, the 9/11 truth movement, according to Beck, will work with al-Qaeda. If you read between the lines, Beck is calling for the government to dish out the same kind of violent response to the truth movement the CIA-created al-Qaeda received in Afghanistan or at Camp Gitmo. Beck is calling for murder and torture of people who disagree with the government.

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Fox News did a smash up job subverting the tea parties and reducing the movement to a carnival sideshow while CNN and especially MSNBC went into overtime to portray the “tea baggers” as irrelevant and absurd.

On October 22, 2007, Beck — then a host on Prime Time News — viciously attacked the 9/11 truth movement, describing the whole movement as “insane” and branding 9/11 activists as “dangerous anarchists.”

“These truthers are exactly the kind of people who want to rock this nation’s foundation, tear us apart and plant the seeds of dissatisfaction in all of us” said Beck. He later said the 9/11 truth movement is “the kind of group a Timothy McVeigh would come from,” insinuating the movement is intent on violence.

In November of 2007, Beck the operative teamed up with the scurrilous ex-Marxist and neocon David Horowitz to denounce Ron Paul’s supporters as terrorists. “Beck opened up his show segment by inferring that the U.S. military should be used to silence domestic dissent against the war, claiming that those he would later identify as Ron Paul supporters, libertarians and the anti-war left and link with terrorists, were a ‘physical threat,’” wrote Paul Joseph Watson for Prison Planet.

“When you enlist in the U.S. military, you have take an oath that says you’re gonna support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies – foreign and domestic – we talk a lot on this program about the foreign threats – maybe we should spend some time tonight on the domestic one….the physical threat may be developing domestically as well,” said Beck.

Last week the corporate media reported that U.S. counterterrorism officials “authenticated” a video by a supposed al-Qaeda recruiter who claimed he has the ability to smuggle a biological weapon into the United States via tunnels under the Mexico border. In the video, Abdullah al-Nafisi also suggests that al-Qaeda might want to collaborate with “members of native U.S. white supremacist militias who hate the federal government,” according to the Washington Post. The video was posted on the web by MEMRI, a documented Mossad front and Israeli propaganda outfit run by intelligence operatives and neocons.

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Media Portrays Suspected Holocaust Museum Shooter as “Antigovernment Extremist”

Kurt Nimmo
June 10, 2009

“An elderly gunman opened fire with a rifle inside the crowded U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum on Wednesday, gravely wounding a security guard before two other officers returned fire. The assailant and his victim were both hospitalized,” the Associated Press reports this afternoon. “The episode unfolded inside the museum, which maintains a heavy security presence, with guards positioned inside and out. All visitors are required to pass through metal detectors at the entrance, and bags are screened.”

The suspected gunman, James Von Brunn, is described as a white supremacist “whose Web site is full of anti-government and anti-Semitic rants,” according to the New York Daily News.

In 1981, von Brunn entered the Federal Reserve with a shotgun to make a citizens arrest, he later said, to protest high interest rates. He was sentenced to 11 years in jail. “Von Brunn attempted to place the treasonous Federal Reserve Board of Governors under legal, non-violent, citizens arrest,” is how Von Brunn later described his action in the third person.

“Brunn, a WWII veteran, also wrote a screed on President Obama’s citizenship that was re-posted to popular right-wing blog Free Republic,” the Soros-funded Think Progress reports. “A Department of Homeland Security report leaked earlier this year — and subsequently retracted — warned of right-wing extremists ‘that are primarily hate-oriented (based on hatred of particular religious, racial or ethnic groups).’”

The DHS document — “Right-wing Extremism: Current Economic and Political Climate Fueling Resurgence in Radicalization and Recruitment” — states that “threats from white supremacist and violent anti-government groups during 2009 have been largely rhetorical and have not indicated plans to carry out violent acts.” The DHS made a point of conflating white supremacists with “anti-government” groups and individuals “rejecting federal authority in favor of state or local authority, or rejecting government authority entirely. It may include groups and individuals that are dedicated to a single issue, such as opposition to abortion or immigration.”

The report cited the April 4 shooting of three police officers in Pittsburgh as an example of “right-wing extremist” terrorism. In the wake of that incident, the corporate and the so-called progressive media attempted to link the deranged shooter to radio talk show host Alex Jones and the patriot movement.

On May 31, the late-term abortionist George Tiller was shot and killed in Wichita, Kansas. A mentally ill man, Scott Roeder, was arrested and charged for Tiller’s murder. Roeder had been a member of the “anti-government” Montana Freemen group and was convicted in 1996 on explosives charges after police discovered a fuse cord, a pound of gunpowder and nine-volt batteries in the trunk of his car.

According to the Anti-Defamation League, Roeder was a member of the Sovereign Citizen Movement, which believes that the United States government is illegitimate. ADL National Director Abraham Foxman stated that “Roeder’s attachment to extreme causes extended beyond anti-abortion extremism. His extremism cross-pollinated between anti-government extremism and anti-abortion activism and led to violence and murder.”

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In the wake of the Pittsburgh shooting, the ADL attempted to link Alex Jones to the accused shooter, Richard Poplawski. “One of Poplawski’s favorite places for such conspiracy theories was the Web site of the right-wing conspiracy radio talk show host Alex Jones. Poplawski visited the site, Infowars, frequently, shared links to it with others, and sometimes even posted to it,” an article dated April 8, 2009, on the ADL site states.

The DHS report and specifically a likewise report issued by MIAC (Missouri Information Analysis Center) leans heavily on ADL propaganda. “I believe we can also assume that the source of all of these reports is either Morris Dees and his Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) or the Anti-Defamation League (ADL), or both,” former presidential candidate Chuck Baldwin wrote on April 17, 2009. The MIAC report specifically describes supporters of presidential candidates Ron Paul, Chuck Baldwin, and Bob Barr as “militia” influenced terrorists and instructs the Missouri police to be on the lookout for supporters displaying bumper stickers and other paraphernalia associated with the Constitutional, Campaign for Liberty, and Libertarian parties.

Sam Stein, writing for the Huffington Post this afternoon, states that the “heavily criticized Department of Homeland Security Report on right-wing extremism that was released in April warned precisely of the type of violent anti-Semitic activity that occurred at the Holocaust Memorial Museum in Washington D.C.”

It’s been several months now since that DHS report was issues and, sadly, the study is proving increasingly prescient. In addition to the Von Brunn shootings, there has been the killing of abortion provider George Tiller, another type of ideologically-driven killing that Napolitano warned against.

Mr. Stein should take care. An earlier report issued by the DHS warned of the threat posed by “left-wing extremists,” including people who embrace “anticapitalist” and “antiglobalization” ideas. “Many leftwing extremists use the tactic of direct action to inflict economic damage on businesses and other targets to force the targeted organization to abandon what the extremists deem objectionable,” the DHS report reads. “Direct actions range from animal releases, property theft, vandalism, and cyber attacks — all of which extremists regard as nonviolent — to bombings and arson.”

As with the “rightwing extremism” report, the DHS’ assessment of “leftwing extremism” conflates legitimate anti-globalist activism with the bombings and arson of a radical — and possibly government-sponsored — fringe.

Liberals need to understand that the government holds no ideological bias and is determined to demonize and attack any political activity that challenges its authority, no matter what side of the false right-left construct that behavior hails from.

Addendum: Holocaust Museum Shooter “9/11 Truther”

A sampling of things to come in regard to Von Brunn can be sampled in a post on the Examiner website. Kathy Shaidle, a neocon follower of former Marxist David Horowitz, writes that the elderly James von Brunn was a “truther” and — here is the remarkable part — his avowed white supremacy is an attribute of the “left,” not the “right.”

Ms. Shaidle is determined to stretch the false right-left paradigm out of shape in order to dump the emerging image of Von Brunn on her ideological enemies. According to this poor deluded young woman, “James von Brunn’s advocacy of 9/11 conspiracy theories also gives him an additional commonality with individuals on the far-left.”

In fact, members of the so-called “far-left” dismiss out of hand the fact the attack launched on September 11, 2001, was an inside job, as evidenced by the public pronouncements of Noam Chomsky and Howard Zinn. But then Horowitz and his minions are certainly not beyond twisting the facts in order to mischaracterize and slander their opponents. A rather obvious example of this twisting and delusional thinking can be witnessed in Horowitz’s assertion that the globalist George Soros is a Marxist.

It would seem Horowitz and his small stable of neocons have a lot in common with the Department of Homeland Security, not surprising really when you consider that Horowitz’s operation is funded and supported by the CIA operative Richard Mellon Scaife.

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