New Yorkers Subjected to “Carbon Clock” at Penn Station

Adam Vaughan
The Guardian
June 19, 2009

New Yorkers leaving Penn station and the tenor Andrea Bocelli’s concert at Madison Square Garden stadium were confronted with an unusual advert yesterday – a huge sign showing greenhouse gas levels in the atmosphere.

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Updated in real time, using projections from monthly measurements of CO2 and other greenhouse gases by Massachusetts Institute of Technology, the Carbon Counter is designed to get everyone to reduce their emissions.

Kevin Parker, the global head of Deutsche Bank’s asset management division, which put up the 21-metre sign, said: “Carbon in the atmosphere has reached an 800,000-year high. We can’t see greenhouse gases, so it is easy to forget that they are accumulating rapidly.”

Yesterday the counter, which uses 40,960 low-energy LEDs and carbon-offsets its electricity usage, gave a figure of 3.64tn tonnes.

At current rates, the counter’s figures are expected to rise by 2bn tonnes a month. The concentration of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere stands at about 387 parts per million (ppm), up by more than a third on pre-industrial revolution levels of about 280ppm.

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Hill wants reins on Fed


June 19, 2009

Fed Chairman Ben Bernanke is spending so much time on the Hill these days that he takes his lunch wherever he can, recently plopping down at a tiny desk inside Rep. Barney Frank’s office to sneak a sandwich.

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Bernanke can expect to brown-bag it a lot more in the coming months as he faces a rising tide of congressional scrutiny and growing concerns that the once-untouchable Fed is becoming an out-of-control financial Frankenstein with $2.2 trillion in loans on its books.

“The fact is that the American people want to know more of the ‘Secrets of the Temple,’” House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) told reporters Thursday, referring to the 1989 William Greider book examining the Federal Reserve. “A balance has to be struck as to what is required to run the Fed in a responsible way, about what transparency there should be.”

House and Senate members of both parties praise Bernanke’s bold moves in saving the banking sector from complete collapse, but they don’t like the way he’s done it, bypassing congressional funding channels and rebuffing some calls for oversight.

“If you think about the power that the Federal Reserve has at this particular moment in history, it’s incredible,” said Rep. Tammy Baldwin (D-Wis.).

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Lawmaker Bachmann vows not to complete Census

Stephen Dinan
The Washington Times
June 19, 2009

Outspoken Republican Rep. Michele Bachmann says she’s so worried that information from next year’s national census will be abused that she will refuse to fill out anything more than the number of people in her household.

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In an interview Wednesday morning with The Washington Times “America’s Morning News,” Mrs. Bachmann, Minnesota Republican, said the questions have become “very intricate, very personal” and she also fears ACORN, the community organizing group that came under fire for its voter registration efforts last year, will be part of the Census Bureau’s door-to-door information collection efforts.

“I know for my family the only question we will be answering is how many people are in our home,” she said. “We won’t be answering any information beyond that, because the Constitution doesn’t require any information beyond that.”

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USS John McCain Set to Intercept North Korean Ship

Fox News
June 19, 2009

The U.S. military is planning to intercept a flagged North Korean ship suspected of proliferating weapons material in violation of a U.N. Security Council resolution passed last Friday, FOX News has learned.

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The USS John McCain, a navy destroyer, will intercept the ship Kang Nam as soon as it leaves the vicinity off the coast of China, according to a senior U.S. defense official. The order to inderdict has not been given yet, but the ship is getting into position.

The ship left a port in North Korea Wednesday and appears to be heading toward Singapore, according to a senior U.S. military source. The vessel, which the military has been tracking since its departure, could be carrying weaponry, missile parts or nuclear materials, a violation of U.N. Resolution 1874, which put sanctions in place against Pyongyang.

The USS McCain was involved in an incident with a Chinese sub last Friday – near Subic Bay off the Philippines.

The Chinese sub was shadowing the destroyer when it hit the underwater sonar array that the USS McCain was towing behind it.

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CIA Recruiting Laid-Off Bankers in NYC

June 19, 2009

NEW YORK – Laid off from Wall Street? The CIA wants you — as long as you can pass a lie detector test and show that you are motivated by service to your country rather than your wallet.

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The Central Intelligence Agency has been advertising for recruits and will be holding interviews on June 22 at a secret location in New York.

“Economics, finance and business professionals, if the quest for the bottom line is just not enough for you, the Central Intelligence Agency has a mission like no other,” one radio advertisement for the agency says.

“Join CIA’s directorate of intelligence and be a part of our global mission as an economic or financial analyst. Make a difference in your career and for your nation,” it says.

Ron Patrick, a spokesman for recruitment and retention at the CIA, told Reuters Television the agency had received several hundred resumes so far from applicants ranging from people just out of graduate school to laid-off bankers.

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It is Now Illegal to Photograph Buildings in America

Marc Fisher
The Washington Post
June 19, 2009
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If you happen by 3701 N. Fairfax Drive in Arlington and decide you have a sudden craving for a photograph of a generic suburban office building, and you point your camera at said structure, you will rather quickly be greeted by uniformed security folks who will demand that you delete the image and require that you give up various personal information.

When Keith McCammon unwittingly took a picture of that building, he was launched on an odyssey that has so far involved an Arlington police officer, the chief of police and the defense of the United States of America.

McCammon could not have been expected to know when he wandered by the building that it houses the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, a low-profile wing of the Defense Department that conducts all manner of high-tech research that evolves into weapons systems and high-order strategery.

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Cashless Control Grid Inches Closer to Reality

Kut Nimmo
June 19, 2009

Central bankers in Japan are mulling the abolition of cash. Richard Jerram, a senior economist with Macquarie bank, told investors that “the proposal has become practical with the broad penetration of electronic money and credit cards in Japan,” reports the Times Online. Bankers claim the scheme will rescue the economy from another deflationary spiral.

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Ben Bernanke and the Federal Reserve make sure inflation ravages the economy at the behest of the bankers.

For more than a decade Japan has implemented “quantitative easing” — i.e., printing money out of thin air — as a way to fight deflation. Deflation effects the economy because consumers hold back from purchasing decisions, as they wait for cheaper prices. Economists believe that in Japan’s case nominal interest rates of -4 per cent might be required to “rescue” the economy from deflation.

In fact, bankers love inflation and that is why they are inventing schemes to combat deflation. “This new law [the Federal Reserve Act] will create inflation whenever the trusts want inflation,” warned congressman Charles Lindbergh in 1913 on the eve of the passage of the Federal Reserve Act.

The trusts, or the criminal association of bankers, have consistently — and scientifically, as Lindbergh noted — imposed inflation since the Federal Reserve Act breezed through Congress in the dead of the night during Christmas recess in 1913.

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Government loves inflation because it depends on it to finance its operations. Government requires an ever increasing amount of money to pay back an ever increasing amount of debt owed to the bankers. Fed mob boss Bernanke promised to keep the process going back in 2002 when he delivered a speech on combating deflation. After the speech, he received the moniker “Helicopter Ben” because he said the Federal Reserve had printing presses and could drop money from helicopters.

Japan will become the “testing ground” for the “outré” migration from physical fiat paper money to cashless digits, according to one Bank of Tokyo Mitsubishi strategist. The plan is “in the realms of economic science fiction,” he said.

In addition of fine-tuning and tweaking the bankster control of monetary policy, the move toward a cashless society will allow the elite to control the masses to an extent previously only speculated upon in science fiction novels. The cashless society prophesized by our rulers fits right in with the choreographed move toward satellite and cellphone tracking, ubiquitous RFID chips, DARPA and NSA surveillance, the orchestrated end of Posse Comitatus and the federalization of local police and governments now well underway.

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Ron Paul Slams Federal Reserve’s New Dictatorial Powers

Paul Joseph Watson
Friday, June 19, 2009

Ron Paul Slams Federal Reserves New Dictatorial Powers 190609top

Responding to the Obama administration’s new regulatory reform plan, which will officially hand the Federal Reserve complete dictatorial control over the U.S. economy, Congressman Ron Paul told MSNBC that the Fed was now more powerful than Congress.

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Paul emphasized that no amount of regulation could compensate for a financial system created and controlled by the Federal Reserve that was completely unstable to begin with.

“The regulations should be on the Federal Reserve. We should have transparency of the Federal Reserve. They can create trillions of dollars to bail out their friends, and we don’t even have any transparency of this. They’re more powerful than the Congress,” said Paul.

As we reported yesterday, the new rules would see the Fed given the authority to “regulate” any company whose activity it believes could threaten the economy and the markets.

Obama’s regulatory “reform” plan is nothing less than a green light for the complete and total takeover of the United States by a private banking cartel that will usurp the power of existing regulatory bodies, who are now being blamed for the financial crisis in order that their status can be abolished and their roles handed over to the all-powerful Fed.

“They’re giving a tremendous amount of more power to the Federal Reserve – the very institution that created our problem. That’s about the way Washington works,” said the Congressman

“Too much regulations to begin with, so they give it more. The Federal Reserve creates the problem, so we give them more power. It’s fiat money that’s the problem, so we allow them to double the money supply – you can’t solve the problems that way. That’s like saying you can take care of a drug addict by just giving them more drugs,” concluded Paul, adding that the lack of understanding about how the Federal Reserve created the problem and how the free market ought to work was the root of the crisis.

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Iran’s Election and US – Iranian Relations

Stephen Lendman
Global Research
June 19, 2009

In the run-up to Iran’s June 12 presidential election, early indications suggested the media’s reaction if the wrong candidate won. On June 7, New York Times writer Robert Worth reported “a surge of energy (for) Mir Hussein Mousavi, a reformist who is the leading contender to defeat Mr. Ahmadinejad (and) a new unofficial poll (has him well ahead) with 54 percent of respondents saying they would vote for him compared with 39 percent for Mr. Ahmadinejad.” No mention of who conducted the poll, how it was done, what interests they represented, or if Mousavi winning might be the wrong result. More on that below.

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featured stories   Irans Election and US   Iranian Relations
Although Iran is a theocracy with standards leaving a lot to be desired, it’s one of the few Middle East countries holding real elections, unlike regional monarchies or dictatorial states like Egypt where Hosni Mubarak has ruled for nearly 30 years and wins easily with well over 90% of the “vote” in little more than a sham process.

Writing for the influential far right Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS), Fariborz Ghadar described the contest as “pit(ting) the hard-line Mahmoud Ahmadinejad against two relatively moderate and one conservative challenger.” In spite of one or more independent polls showing Ahmadinejad way ahead, he suggested that “the outcome (isn’t) all that clear.” More on the poll results below.

The Wall Street Journal sounded a similar tone in calling Ahmadinejad’s opponents “two reformists and one conservative (who) criticized his government for its lack of tolerance. Each has promised more personal and social freedom if elected.”

Newsweek quoted Iranian historian Mohammed Javad Mozafar saying:

“The choice is….between democracy and an authoritarian government. If Ahmadinejad wins, that means the end of this reformist dream for a while. Many of these young people will be depressed and even leave the country. But if Mousavi wins, that means the citizens have won despite Ahmadinejad’s deceitful policies and the support he receives from above (meaning Iran’s Guardian Council and Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei).”

The dominant US media repeated similar comments to the above ones, so their post-June 12 response was no surprise.

On June 13, Robert Worth and Nazila Fathi in The New York Times headlined: “Protests Flare in Tehran as Opposition Disputes Vote,” then described “the most intense protests in a decade….with riot police officers using batons and tear gas against opposition demonstrators who claimed President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad had stolen the presidential election.”

The Wall Street Journal called the election “a sham” and cited the AP reporting that “election authorities were miraculously able to count millions of paper ballots (in just hours) after the polls closed to hand Mr. Ahmadinejad his supposed victory.” It quoted writer Laura Secor in the New Yorker saying: “What is most shocking is not the fraud itself, but that it was brazen and entirely without pretext.”

Perhaps she meant “precedent,” but either way she ignored two stolen US elections for George Bush and the shameful media response to them.

Also disturbing are more moderate, supposedly even-handed, and progressive US voices. On June 13, Stephen Zunes asked “Has the Election Been Stolen in Iran?” Again with no evidence he wrote:

“….predictions of knowledgeable Iranian observers from various countries and from across the political spectrum were nearly unanimous in the belief that the leading challenger Mir Hossein Mousavi would (win) decisively..” Given the results, “the only reasonable assumption was that there has been fraud on a massive scale.”

Juan Cole admitted “difficulties of catching history on the run (and said evidence) may emerge for Ahmadinejad’s upset that does not involve fraud,” yet he concluded on first reaction that “this post-election situation looks to me like a crime scene.”

The Nation magazine has had a shameful record since inception. In more recent years, it called the US-led NATO Serbia-Kosovo aggression “humanitarian intervention.” Initially it supported the Afghanistan war and the Iraq war in its run-up and early months. In 2000 and 2004, it ignored blatant electoral fraud for George Bush. It attacks Hugo Chavez, and was hostile to Jean-Bertrand Aristide during his years as Haiti’s President. It called the 2008 US presidential campaign the “Obama Moment” for his “historic candidacy” and keeps supporting him despite his brazen betrayal of voters who elected him.

Now it’s at it again in a June 13 Robert Dreyfuss article headlined, “Iran’s Ex-Foreign Minister Yazdi: It’s a Coup” in which (without no substantiating evidence) he called the election “rigged,” referred to Ahmadinejad as “radical-right,” and said “his paramilitary backers were kept in office.” Now “Iran’s capital (is) steeped in anger, despair, and bitterness” as he almost cheerled for a “color revolution” with comments like:

“For years, the hardline clergy and their allies, including Ahmadinejad, have feared nothing more than an Iranian-style ‘color revolution.’ Now, Mousavi – with solid establishment credentials, an Islamic revolutionary pedigree second to none, and an outspoken pro-reform message – finds himself at the head of a green parade” in contrast to “Ahmadinejad’s Red Tide,” a reference to “the red-armband-wearing, virtual fascist movement in support of reelecting” him.

A lack of journalistic and analytical integrity on the left and right continues to hype fraud without a shred of supportive evidence, so something sinister may be visible on Iranian streets. If true, the Obama administration likely is behind it or at least in support, so Iranians need remember their history.

More on that below, but first some background. Four candidates participated, each of whom was vetted and approved by Iran’s Guardian Council and most importantly Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei – a system similar to America where democracy is illusory because party bosses choose candidates, big money controls them, key outcomes are predetermined, horse race journalism and media hype substitute for honest coverage, independent voices are suppressed, vital issues go unaddressed, voter disenfranchisement is rife, and corporate-run electronic voting machines decide winners, not the electorate.

In Iran, the Guardian Counsel’s approved candidates seek closer relations with America and less confrontation. In deference to Iran’s business and elitist interests, they favor austerity measures against Iranian workers. In March, Ahmadinejad’s budget called for reduced spending by eliminating subsidies on water, fuel and electricity but kept “targeted” ones in place for the nation’s poor.

On November 6, Ahmadinejad congratulated Obama on his election and wrote: “The great civilization-building and justice-seeking nation of Iran would welcome major, fair and real changes, in policies and actions, especially in this region.” On February 10, he said he was willing to negotiate “in a fair atmosphere with mutual respect,” short of surrendering Iranian sovereignty. Given 30 years of confrontation since 1979, it’s doubtful that’s enough, despite recent hints of rapprochement from Washington.

The four candidates included:

– current President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad; in 2005, he scored a decisive second round victory over former President Akbar Hashemi Rafsanjani (61.69% – 35.93%), one of Iran’s wealthiest men, notoriously corrupt, and despised by Iranian workers and the poor; since elected, Ahmadinejad has been mischaracterized, misquoted, and vilified in Washington, Tel Aviv, and the West for supporting Palestine’s legitimate Hamas government, Hezbollah in Lebanon, and Iran’s right to peaceful commercial nuclear power development; he’s supported by Iran’s military, conservative elements, Iranian workers, and the nation’s urban and rural poor;

– Mir Hossein Mousavi served earlier (from 1981 – 1989) as Iran’s Prime Minister (before constitutional changes ended the position) and is currently president of the Iranian Academy of Arts and a member of the Expediency Discernment Council and High Council of Cultural Revolution; earlier he served as Foreign Minister; as Prime Minister, he was hardline and anti-Western during the Iran – Iraq war when he imposed austerity measures to finance it; today, he draws support from portions of Iran’s ruling elite and urban middle class, especially students and youths who favor better relations with America;

– Mohsen Rezaei is a politician, economist, and former Revolutionary Guard Corp (IRGC) commander; he’s currently Secretary of the Expediency Discernment Council and drew sparse support in the June 12 election; and

– Mehdi Karroubi is a cleric and former parliamentary speaker; he’s currently chairman of the National Trust party and founding member and former chairman of the Association of Combatant Clerics party; he also scored poorly in election results that came down to a contest between the two leading candidates.

On June 13, Iran’s Interior Minister, Sadeq Mahsouli, announced the following results after which street protests erupted:

– turnout was 85% of eligible voters

– Ahmadinejad won with 62.63%

– Mousavi was second with 33.75%

– Rezaei got 1.73%

– Karroubi had 0.85%, and

– 1.04% of ballots were voided.

Pre-election polls suggest that Ahmadinejad Really Won

One or more independent pre-election polls conducted several weeks before June 12 provide evidence of Ahmadinejad’s strong victory, and it shouldn’t surprise. It was comparable to his sweeping 2005 runoff win in which he trounced former President Rafsanjani as explained above. This time, no second round was needed because only two dominant candidates contested. The others needn’t have bothered as final results showed.

Although Iran is a theocracy with standards leaving a lot to be desired, it’s one of the few Middle East countries holding real elections, unlike regional monarchies or dictatorial states like Egypt where Hosni Mubarak has ruled for nearly 30 years and wins easily with well over 90% of the “vote” in little more than a sham process.

Pre-Election Independent Poll Results

Ken Ballen is president of Terror Free Tomorrow: the Center for Public Opinion, a nonprofit institute that researches attitudes toward extremism. Patrick Doherty is deputy director of the American Strategy Program at the New America Foundation Washington-based think tank chaired by Google CEO Eric Schmidt.

On June 15 in the Washington Post, they reported the results of their May 11 – 20 poll based on 1001 nationwide Iranian voter interviews (in all 30 provinces) with a 3.1% margin of error.

While Western media reported a surge for Mousavi, the results showed Ahmadinejad way ahead. “The breadth of Ahmadinejad’s support was apparent in our preelection survey. During the campaign, for instance, Mousavi emphasized his identity as an Azeri, (Iran’s second largest ethnic group after Persians), to woo Azeri voters.” Yet poll results showed they favored Ahmadinejad 2 – 1.

Also, 18 – 24 year-olds strongly supported Ahmadinejad while Mousavi scored well only among university students and graduates and Iran’s “highest-income” earners. The writers concluded “the possibility that the vote (was) not the product of widespread fraud” but reflected the electorate’s true choice. They also said:

“Before other countries, including the United States, jump to the conclusion that the Iranian presidential elections were fraudulent, with the grave consequences such charges could bring, they should consider all independent information. The fact may simply be that the reelection of President Ahmadinejad is what the Iranian people wanted.”

Perhaps so according to University of Michigan Professor Walter Mebane. He used statistical and computational “election forensics” to detect fraud in comparing 366 Iranian district results with those in the 2005 election and concluded that “substantial core” local results were in line with basic statistical trends. “In 2009, Mr. Ahmadinejad tended to do best in towns where his (2005) support was highest, and he tended to do worst (where) turnout surged the most.” He didn’t rule out the possibility of manipulation but found no evidence to prove it.

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Nonetheless, Washington may be capitalizing on a pretext to stir trouble with large protests continuing for days. Obama hinted it in a June 12 statement several hours before polls closed by saying: “….just as has been true in Lebanon, what can be true in Iran as well is that you’re seeing people looking for new possibilities” – perhaps aided by covert CIA mischief, comparable to earlier decades of subversion, beginning in Iran in 1953.

America’s Post-WW II Meddling in Iran

Before becoming Prime Minister in 1951, Mohammed Mossadegh served in parliament beginning in 1944 and also worked with other members of the National Front of Iran (Jebhe Melli) to establish democracy, free of foreign influence, especially with regard to oil.

In December 1944, he introduced a bill to bar foreign country oil negotiations, yet Britain retained control through its Anglo-Iranian Oil Company (AIOC) at a time Iran’s southern region had the world’s largest known reserves. In late 1947, the government demanded a greater revenue share but Britain refused. In 1951, one month before Mossadegh became Prime Minister, Iran’s parliament nationalized the AIOC and paid fair compensation for it.

Economic sanctions and an oil embargo followed. Iranian assets were also frozen in British banks. Major Anglo-America oil interests supported London, while a CIA coup aimed to oust Mossadegh. Conceived by Theodore Roosevelt’s grandson Kermit, it took two attempts to succeed, and began each time by filling the streets with protesters against a leader The New York Times called “the most popular politician in the country.” Nonetheless, a military showdown followed against pro-Mossadegh officers with each side staking their careers on choosing the winning one.

Mossadegh was ousted. Reza Shah Pahlavi returned to power. Sanctions were lifted, and America and Britain regained their client state until February 1979 when the same Anglo-American interests turned on the Shah and deposed him.

F. William Engdahl explained it in his important book, “A Century of War: Anglo-American Oil Politics and the New World Order.” In 1978, a White House Iran task force recommended ousting the Shah and replacing him with Ayatollah Khomeini, then living in France. It was part of a larger scheme to balkanize the Middle East along tribal and religious lines and create an “Arc of Crisis” from Central Asia to the Soviet Union.

Doing it in 1978 became urgent at a time the Shah was negotiating a 25-year oil agreement with British Petroleum (BP), but talks broke down in October. BP demanded exclusive rights to future output but refused to guarantee oil purchases. The Shah balked and looked for new buyers in continental Europe and elsewhere.

He also sought to create a modern energy infrastructure built around nuclear power generation to transform the region’s power needs. He envisioned 20 new reactors by 1995, wanted to diversity Iran’s dependence on oil to weaken Washington’s pressure to recycle petrodollars, and also increase investments in leading continental European companies.

Washington was alarmed, tried to block the plan but failed, and resorted instead to destabilization, starting with cutting Iranian purchases. Economic pressures and oil strikes followed along with US and UK agitators fanning religious discontent and other turmoil. The Carter administration urged Iran’s Savak secret police to crack down as a way to arouse anti-Shah sentiment. Western media highlighted it, gave Khomeini a public stage to speak and prevented the Shah from responding.

In January 1979, things came to a head. The Shah fled the country, Khomeini returned, and proclaimed a theocratic state. By May, he cancelled Iran’s nuclear plans. America thought it could control him and his nation’s oil but calculated wrongly. Tensions built, thirty years later they continue, and post-June 12 they may again be coming to a boil.

Iranian Street Protests and Their Ominous Possibilities

Leading up to and after the Iranian election, The New York Times played its customary role as lead media gatekeeper/instigator doing what it does best – sanitizing news, filtering out uncomfortable truths, and presenting distorted opinions for the powerful interests it represents.

Roger Cohen’s June 17 op-ed said 40 million Iranian “votes (were) flouted,” many of whom “have crossed over from reluctant acquiescence to the Islamic Republic into opposition. (The Republic) has lost legitimacy. It is fissured. It will not be the same again.” Does he know something we don’t?

He called Mousavi “the reformist of impeccable revolutionary credentials.” He’s “a credible vehicle for a reform regime that serves to preserve it – an acceptable compromise to most Iranians.” No matter that most of them apparently preferred Ahmadinejad, an outcome neither Cohen nor the Times accepts, or perhaps they and Washington do to be able to use his victory to incite trouble.

On June 17, The Times’ feature story highlighted “Iranians angry at the results of last week’s election (marshaled) tens of thousands (in) the streets (in spite of) signs of an intensified crackdown….the government expanded (it) with more arrests and pressure against journalists to limit coverage of the protests.”

Scant mention was made of huge pro-Ahmadinejad crowds in central Tehran nor has there been in other media reports, especially on television where, not surprisingly, coverage has been distorted, one-way, and hostile to the Iranian president and regime, much as it’s always been.

What’s going on? Are anti-Ahmadinejad protests spontaneous or are covert instigators inciting them?

The Pak Alert Press reported that former Pakistani Army General Mirza Aslam Beig claims that the CIA distributed around $400 million inside Iran to incite revolution. In a June 15 interview with Pashto Radio, he cited “undisputed” intelligence proving interference.

“The documents prove that the CIA spend $400 million inside Iran to prop up a colorful-hollow revolution following the election” to incite regime change for a pro-Western government. He called Ahmadinejad’s victory “a decisive point in regional policy and if Pakistan and Afghanistan unite with Iran, the US has to leave the area, especially (from) occupied Afghanistan.”

Writing in the New Yorker’s June 29, 2008 issue, Seymour Hersh said “Late last year, Congress agreed to a request from President Bush to fund a major escalation of covert operations against Iran, according to current and former military, intelligence, and congressional sources. These operations, for which the President sought up to four hundred million dollars, were described in a Presidential Finding signed by Bush, and are designed to destabilize the country’s religious leadership.”

Involved is support for Iranian dissidents and “gathering intelligence about Iran’s suspected nuclear-weapons program.” Perhaps later to disrupt the presidential election with Hersh saying Bush’s Finding “focussed on undermining Iran’s nuclear ambitions and trying to undermine the government through regime change (by)working with opposition groups and passing money,” according to a person familiar with its contents. His account is a year old but may be relevant to today, hopefully something he’ll substantiate in a future report given what’s now playing out.

On June 16, Computerworld’s Robert McMillan reported more of it in writing about key Iranian web sites knocked offline. “On (June 15), sites belonging to Iranian news agencies, President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad and Iran’s supreme leader (Khamenei) were knocked offline after activists opposed to the Iranian government posted tools designed to barrage these websites with traffic.”

“This type of attack, known as a denial of service (DoS) attack, has become a standard political protest tool, and has been used by grassroots protesters” in previous cyber-incidents, including Georgia in 2008. Initial efforts were to recruit Iranian protesters, but international users are now being targeted.

Dancho Danchev is a security consultant. He counted 12 Iranian sites under attack, including news agencies, the Foreign Affairs Ministry, National Police, and Ministries of Interior and Justice. Iranian officials have responded in kind to prevent protesters from social networking. Iran’s General Internet service was also disrupted for a short time. It’s again operating but anything may happen going forward. Computer World said Twitter “emerged as the major source of information on the protests, and is being” picked up in major media coverage.

Of interest is a June 18 Yaroslav Trofimov Wall Street Journal online article headlined “Some Israelis Prize Ahmadinejad’s Role.” He explained that some high level Israelis prefer him in power. One is Mossad chief, Meir Dagan, telling a closed Knesset committee hearing that his controversial reputation “makes it easier for Israel to enlist international support against Iran’s nuclear program.” Mousavi winning, however, would have created “a graver problem.”

Israeli officials said that in the 1980s, Mousavi “jump-started Iran’s nuclear drive” as prime minister. Both he and Ahmadinejad “pose the same threat. But it’s better for Israel that you have a leader with a very dangerous ideology who speaks clearly so that nobody can ignore him,” according to Knesset deputy speaker Danny Danon. A more soft-spoken president promising improved relations “would have made it harder for us to recruit the world to our side,” he added, and the same argument holds for America.

Addressing the issue of a stolen election, Dagan dismissed it out of hand in saying alleged ballot-stuffing in Iran is no worse than common electoral fraud in all democracies. In his judgment, protests will fizzle in several days.

Ardesir Ommni, co-founder and president of the American Iranian Friendship Committee (AIFC), headlined his June 16 article “Iran: Another Face of Velvet Revolution” in suggesting that Ahmadinejad’s opposition “is doing its utmost to create unrest and prepare the ground for a velvet takeover” much like others in Georgia and Ukraine as well as twice before in Iran.

It’s not “realizable in Iran,” he said, “because the workers and farmers, the millions who gave the lives of their children for the cause of independence and sovereignty, defend the Revolution and their real President who has frustrated the schemes and plots of the warmongers. (They’re proud that) Ahmadinejad has defied and resisted the war threats and sanctions by the same powers that have ruined the lives of” millions throughout the world and want no part of it themselves.

On June 15, editor Alan Woods expressed another view in headlining “Iran: the Revolution has begun.” He cited “dramatic events” with hundreds of thousands in Tehran and other city streets disputing the election results. Some marched silently. Others were vocal, angry and confronted by riot police crackdowns.

“The protests have marked the most serious display of discontent in the Islamic Republic in years. The breath of the mass movement is unprecedented (expressing) the accumulated rage and frustration that has been accumulating for the past 30 years….Power is slipping from the trembling hands of the leaders and passing to the streets….Nobody can say where events will end. But one thing is certain: Iran will never be the same again….the Iranian Revolution has begun!”

Woods sees it growing and suggests it’s progressing “through a whole series of stages before it has finally run its course. But in the end we are sure that it will triumph. When that moment comes, it will have explosive repercussions throughout the Middle East, Asia, and the whole world.”

Who can say if he, Ommni, or others are right or if Washington is plotting regime change, much like before in Iran and throughout the world. Thus far, events are fast moving with no clear outcome in sight. It remains to be seen whether Iranians or imperial America will prevail, then what happens next in this volatile part of the world.

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“The Responsible Left:” Funding Obama’s Expanding Wars

Jeremy Scahill
June 18, 2009

Over the past few days, we reported on how the White House and Democratic Congressional Leadership waged a dirty campaign to scare up votes to support another $106 billion in funds for their wars in Iraq, Afghanistan and Pakistan. Now, several of the so-called anti-war Democrats who left their principles at the House coat check on their way in to vote Tuesday are trying to explain away their hypocritical votes.

featured stories   The Responsible Left: Funding Obamas Expanding Wars
Instead of using cold hard cash, the White House threatens to pull the rug from under dissenting legislators and offers its support to those who cede their conscience to the president’s agenda. So much for change.

New York Democrat Anthony Weiner, who voted against the war funding in May—when it didn’t matter—only to vote Tuesday with the pro-war Dems, sounded like an imbecile when he made this statement after the vote: “We are in the process of wrapping up the wars. The president needed our support.” What planet is Weiner living on? “Wrapping up the wars?” Last time I checked, there are 21,000 more US troops heading to Afghanistan alongside a surge in contractors there, including a 29% increase in armed contractors. Does Weiner think the $106 billion in war funding he voted for is going to pay for one way tickets home for the troops? What he voted for was certainly not the “Demolition of the 80 Football-field-size US Embassy in Baghdad Act of 2009.” To cap off this idiocy, Weiner basically admitted he is a fraud when he said the bill he voted in favor of “still sucks.”

Jan Schakowsky, who has done some incredibly important work on Blackwater and the privatized war machine, also voted against the supplemental in May, but switched her vote on Tuesday. “I do believe my president is a peacemaker,” Schakowsky said. “I’m going to give him what he wants.” A peacemaker who is expanding war? Moreover, what happened to the system of “checks and balances?” If Congressmembers, especially anti-war ones like Schakowsky, start just giving the president “what he wants,” then where is the peoples’ voice?

How are these people sleeping at night?

Obviously these folks are partisans or else they wouldn’t be Democrats, but this “Dear Leader knows best” mentality is cultish. Republican Rep. Ron Paul, who, whatever one thinks of him, has been consistently opposed to these wars, put it best when he rose on the floor Tuesday to speak against the war funding: “I wonder what happened to all of my colleagues who said they were opposed to the ongoing wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. I wonder what happened to my colleagues who voted with me as I opposed every war supplemental request under the previous administration. It seems, with very few exceptions, they have changed their position on the war now that the White House has changed hands.”

One “anonymous” Massachusetts lawmaker told Politico that those Democrats who voted for the war funding and IMF credits are “what we call the responsible left.” Barney Frank, another flip-flopper on war funding, compared the anti-war left to the Rush Limbaugh right-wing, saying, “They have no sense of reality.” Perhaps Rep. Frank should ask the Iraq and Afghanistan veterans who lobbied intensely against the war funding he supported if they have “no sense of reality.”

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As previously discussed, this vote was a crucial test—because the White House and pro-war Democrats actually needed to get some ‘anti-war’ legislators to vote with them or the bill would have failed—in determining which Democrats have a spine when it comes to standing up to the war and which are just party operatives with their principles and votes up for political bidding.

While the White House reportedly told some Democrats who voted against the war, “you’ll never hear from us again,” Obama has made it a point this week to intervene to defend those hypocritical “anti-war” legislators who voted with him. Rep. Steve Cohen, D-Tenn was one of the 51 Democrats who voted against the funding in May and then consciously misplaced his principles Tuesday. Cohen was targeted for his hypocrisy by activists, spurring President Obama to issue a statement to local media in his district praising Cohen:

The White House Press Office called the Washington bureau of The Commercial Appeal late Wednesday afternoon offering the statement after anti-war liberals across the country derided Cohen as a “fraud” and one who deserved a place in the “Hall of Shame.”

“Congressman Cohen is a leader in the United States Congress and a strong voice for the people of Tennessee,” Obama’s statement declared, adding that Cohen’s vote will “ensure our men and women in uniform have the resources they need to protect our country.”

What is particularly telling is how Cohen doesn’t even pretend his vote had anything to do with principle or representing his constituents. It was simple partisanship. “Maybe [Obama] just wanted to respond to people who helped him,” Cohen said. “Yes, I was surprised but I’ve been in the president’s corner on several occasions and it’s good to have him in my corner.”

All of this sounds, frankly, corrupt. Instead of using cold hard cash, the White House threatens to pull the rug from under dissenting legislators and offers its support to those who cede their conscience to the president’s agenda. So much for change.

This spending bill is likely to sail through the Senate where there is no group even vaguely resembling the ever-shrinking anti-war crowd in the House. Once again, here are the Democrats who turned their backs on their pledges to vote against this war funding:

Yvette Clarke, Steve Cohen, Jim Cooper, Jerry Costello, Barney Frank, Luis Gutierrez, Jay Inslee, Steve Kagen, Edward Markey, Doris Matsui, Jim McDermott, George Miller, Grace Napolitano, Richard Neal (MA), James Oberstar, Jan Schakowsky, Mike Thompson, Edolphus Towns, Nydia Velázquez, and Anthony Weiner.

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