California Town to Use “Eye in the Sky” to “Fight Crime”

Valley Press
July 12, 2009

LANCASTER – In what they say is the first step toward a new era in law enforcement techniques, city officials are testing a small airplane mounting a high-tech surveillance camera to help fight crime.

The aerial surveillance system features high-definition video recording technology that is capable of viewing people or objects

several miles away and whose images can later be magnified to identify the individuals, officials said.

“You never know when you are being watched or followed. It would be stupid to commit a crime. You see it with such detail,” said Mayor R. Rex Parris, who took a ride last week in a camera-equipped airplane with pilot Dick Rutan.

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“I have every hope that Lancaster will be the first city to deploy it. I’ve never been so excited about anything.”

Such surveillance technology is used by the military, NASA and a limited number of other federal agencies, but Lancaster would be the first entity in the United States to use it for general public safety, officials said.

Parris asked Rutan, a Mojave Air and Space Port commissioner who is famous for piloting the Voyager aircraft around the world nonstop and unrefueled in 1986, for assistance in developing the concept of placing an “eye in the sky” over Lancaster.

At first, Rutan looked into deploying the camera on an unmanned aircraft to patrol the city’s skies, but that proved to be too expensive and faced too many difficulties with Federal Aviation Administration regulations.

Using a conventional small plane “solves all kinds of problems,” Rutan said. “It’s a lot cheaper to have a pilot on board than a drone.”

For the first demonstration flight last week, the camera was mounted on a Cessna Caravan, but Rutan is researching smaller general aviation aircraft for the aerial platform.

The camera is an example of technology developed for and used by the military making a transition to civilian applications, Rutan said.

“I’m pretty impressed with the quality of the imagery you’re able to get, day and night,” he said. “I think it would be a terrific tool for law enforcement.”

“I’m really excited to be part of it,” Rutan said.

During the demonstration flight, the system was used to observe a car accident, a city announcement said.

The camera detected the collision due to the heat produced by the vehicles, and within seconds focused on the area and provided a clear picture of all vehicles and people in the area.

The mayor said he can’t predict how long it will take to make the “eye in the sky” operational.

City officials said in the announcement that the trial flight exceeded their expectations, but called it just the first step in the process.

“This demonstration is a major milestone in a project that will improve the quality of life in the Antelope Valley,” City Manager Mark Bozigian said in the announcement.

“To put it simply, it works. The next step is to make it operational, which includes financial considerations.”

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Rockefeller Foundation: Climate change ‘will cause civilization to collapse’

Jonathan Owen
The Independent
July 12, 2009
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An effort on the scale of the Apollo mission that sent men to the Moon is needed if humanity is to have a fighting chance of surviving the ravages of climate change. The stakes are high, as, without sustainable growth, “billions of people will be condemned to poverty and much of civilisation will collapse”.

This is the stark warning from the biggest single report to look at the future of the planet – obtained by The Independent on Sunday ahead of its official publication next month. Backed by a diverse range of leading organisations such as Unesco, the World Bank, the US army and the Rockefeller Foundation, the 2009 State of the Future report runs to 6,700 pages and draws on contributions from 2,700 experts around the globe. Its findings are described by Ban Ki-moon, Secretary-General of the UN, as providing “invaluable insights into the future for the United Nations, its member states, and civil society”.

The impact of the global recession is a key theme, with researchers warning that global clean energy, food availability, poverty and the growth of democracy around the world are at “risk of getting worse due to the recession”. The report adds: “Too many greedy and deceitful decisions led to a world recession and demonstrated the international interdependence of economics and ethics.”

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Drones Hardly Ever Kill Bad Guys

Greg Grant
DoD Buzz
July 12, 2009

The foreign policy community’s favorite counterinsurgency adviser, or at least their favorite Australian one, David Kilcullen, told lawmakers last week that the drone strikes targeting Al Qaeda and Taliban fighters in Pakistan are creating enemies at a far faster rate than its killing them. According to statistics he provided, the success rate of the drone bombing campaign is extremely low: just 2 percent of bombs dropped have hit targeted militants. The other 98 percent? Those killed noncombatant Pakistani civilians, he said.

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Since the drone strikes began in earnest in 2006, the U.S. has killed 14 mid-level Al Qaeda and Taliban leaders. In the same time frame, the strikes have killed 700 Pakistani civilians, Kilcullen said May 7, speaking before the House Armed Services Committee, Subcommittee on Terrorism and Unconventional Threats. The strikes themselves are not particularly unpopular in the tribal areas, the FATA, that border Afghanistan, as many of the people there are weary of the militants operating in their midst. Where the strikes are extremely unpopular, he said, is in the more populated areas of Punjab and Sind, areas where there has been a big jump in militancy since the bombing campaign began.

“Right now our biggest problem is not the [extremist] networks in the FATA, but the fact that Pakistan may collapse if this political instability continues.” The U.S. should stop the bombing campaign against the Pakistani Taliban and instead return to a narrower target set aimed only at Al Qaeda operatives, Kilcullen said, as the bombing campaign has simply become too counterproductive. The Taliban run a very effective “information operations” that broadcasts the death toll from U.S. strikes to feed a rising tide of popular anger against the U.S. and western involvement in Pakistan, he said.

The issue of civilian casualties caused by U.S. bombing is not simply a humanitarian matter, but is a major factor influencing the political and ideological battles being waged in both Pakistan and Afghanistan, says CSIS’s Anthony Cordesman in an email. “Civilian casualty estimates have effectively become an extension of war by other means,” he says. “Tactics that physically defeat elements of the enemy and lose the population lose the war.”

Cordesman says the U.S. can’t bomb its way to victory in Pakistan. The U.S. is also too unpopular to put significant numbers of troops there. He says Pakistan will either succeed or fail against the Taliban based on whether it can adopt some version of the “clear, hold and build” counterinsurgency strategy the U.S. applied in Iraq, and is trying to apply in Afghanistan, versus “having the Pakistani Army smash its way into Swat and leave, which has been the high point of Pakistani warfighting to date.”

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Experimental Vaccine to be Delivered in “Military-style Operation”

Jon Ungoed-Thomas
Times Online
July 12, 2009

Editor’s note: It is admitted in the following article that the vaccine is experimental and “will be introduced into the general population while regulators continue to carry out simultaneous clinical trials.” Under the Nuremberg Code, “voluntary consent of the human subject is absolutely essential” in the administration of experimental medical procedures. “This means that the person involved should have legal capacity to give consent; should be so situated as to be able to exercise free power of choice, without the intervention of any element of force, fraud, deceit, duress, over-reaching, or other ulterior form of constraint or coercion; and should have sufficient knowledge and comprehension of the elements of the subject matter involved as to enable him to make an understanding and enlightened decision.” If the government arrives at your door and demands you subject yourself to a toxic vaccine “assessed in five days,” politely tell them to take a flying leap.

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The path of a popular medicine from the laboratory to the chemist or doctor’s surgery can involve years of clinical trials on a select group of patients.

When the new vaccine for swine flu arrives in Britain, regulators said this weekend, it could be approved for use in just five days.

Regulators at the European Medicines Agency (EMEA) said the fast-tracked procedure has involved clinical trials of a “mock-up” vaccine similar to the one that will be used for the biggest mass vaccination programme in generations. It will be introduced into the general population while regulators continue to carry out simultaneous clinical trials.

The first patients in the queue for the jab – being supplied to the UK by GSK and Baxter Healthcare – may understandably be a little nervous at any possible side effects. A mass vaccination campaign against swine flu in America was halted in the 1970s after some people suffered Guillain-Barré syndrome, a disorder of the nervous system.

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Egypt Calls for Establishing New World Order to Overcome Crises

July 12, 2009

Egyptian Assistant Foreign Minister Naela Gabr said Saturday that the world society should make joint efforts to set up a new world order to deal with various crises.

Gabr made the appeal when addressing the senior officials’ meeting of the 15th Non-Aligned Movement (NAM) summit, which opened Saturday in Egyptian Red Sea resort of Sharm el-Sheikh.

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The current world situation is quite different from 48 years ago when the NAM was founded, with increasing population, outbreaks of epidemic and deteriorating environment, she said.

The world society should reconsider the international financial system and be more democratic in decision-making so as to avoid the global financial crisis which has hampered the economic growth of developing countries, Gabr said.

She also called for restructuring of international mechanism in health and agriculture in an effort to help overcome the crises in the two areas, referring to global spread of A/H1N1 flu and rising food prices.

Senior officials from over 140 countries gathered here to work out basic documents for the coming NAM summit, which will state the movement’s stance in the current international context on major international and regional issues like the global financial crisis, the Middle East peace process, and the Iranian nuclear issue.

The NAM has played a significant role in protecting rights and interests of its member states, and Egypt, as it will be the rotating chair of the group of pan-developing countries, will endeavor to strengthen its role in the world arena, she added.

Formally founded in September 1961, NAM groups 118 member states, which represents nearly two-thirds of the United Nations’ members, particularly developing countries. It also comprises 55 percent of the world population.

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Federal Reserve Threatens Congress Over HR 1207

Kurt Nimmo
July 12, 2009

On Thursday of last week, the Federal Reserve’s vice chairman, Donald Kohn, threatened to jack up interest rates if Congress continues to expose “some of the U.S. central bank’s most sensitive decisions to political scrutiny,” Reuters reported. “Any substantial erosion of the Federal Reserve’s monetary independence likely would lead to higher long-term interest rates as investors begin to fear future inflation,” Kohn told a House of Representatives Financial Services subcommittee.

Kohn’s threat came as Ron Paul’s bill to audit the Federal Reserve (HR 1207) has picked up 256 co-sponsors — more than 55% of the House of Representatives. HR 1207’s companion bill in the Senate, S 604, has already attracted 8 co-sponsors. Kohn and his boss Ben Bernanke are obviously very concerned over the prospect that the American people may soon have a look at their books.

Kohn went before Congress as debate rages over Obama’s plan for “regulatory reform,” in effect granting the Fed power to gobble up companies in national socialist fashion and consolidate banking and securities across the board. In order to quell outrage over this brazen power grab, Obama and his bankster advisers propose a token council of regulators advise the Fed.

On June 16, Goldman Sachs operative Timothy Geithner said: “When you have too many people involved, there’s an accountability problem.” In other words, Congress and the American people need to mind their own business. The Federal Reserve is an institution owned by the bankers, not the American people.

“Some people think the Federal Reserve Banks are the United States government’s institutions,” Louis T. McFadden, Chairman of the Committee on Banking and Currency in 1932 during the “Great Depression,” had entered into the Congressional Record. “They are not government institutions. They are private credit monopolies which prey upon the people of the United States for the benefit of themselves and their foreign swindlers.”

McFadden’s international swindlers are running scared from HR 1207 and public anger over last year’s engineered financial crisis and Fed-orchestrated “bailouts” of investment bank Bear Stearns and insurer American International Group.

“The Federal Reserve strongly believes that removing the statutory limits on GAO audits of monetary policy matters would be contrary to the public interest by tending to undermine the independence and efficacy of monetary policy,” said Kohn. He said accountability to the people would “cast a chill” on monetary policy deliberations held in secret behind closed doors.

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Kohn then threatened to jack up interest rates. “The bond rating agencies view operational independence of a country’s central bank as an important factor in determining sovereign credit ratings, suggesting that a threat to the Federal Reserve’s independence could lower the Treasury’s debt rating and thus raise its cost of borrowing.”

Bernanke’s underling made no bones about the fact Paul’s bill is a direct threat to the “independence” of the Federal Reserve. “History provides numerous examples of non-independent central banks being forced to finance large government budget deficits. Such episodes invariably lead to high inflation,” he said. “Given the current outlook for large federal budget deficits in the United States, this consideration is especially important.”

Talk about doublespeak. In fact, the Federal Reserve is all about huge federal budget deficits and a mounting federal debt. The Federal Reserve was established in 1913 by the banksters for the purpose of creating debt-based money secured by thin air. The American people are seriously and terminally indebted to the bankers and currently owe over $400 billion a year in interest alone, with no hope of every paying off the principal, which is in the tens of trillions.

In 1910, before the passage of the Federal Reserve Act, the federal debt was a mere $1 billion, or $12.40 per citizen. Now the overall debt is over 80% of the annual output of the entire U.S. economy, as measured by the gross domestic product. When government “obligations” are considered, the debt balloons to an astronomical $56 trillion, or roughly $184,000 per American, according to the Peter G. Peterson Foundation.

It is simple, really — the larger the debt, the richer and more powerful the international bankers become. The Federal Reserve is their front organization and it runs roughshod over Congress.

The passage of HR 1207 is not certain and it faces an even more strenuous uphill battle in the Senate. It is, at this point, our only practical hope of auditing the Fed, revealing its numerous crimes, exposing its mega-grand theft scams, and delivering Donald Kohn, his boss Bernanke, and the minions of the international banksters to justice.

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Brits Tell Goons With Needles To Stick It Where The Sun Don’t Shine

Paul Joseph Watson
Sunday, July 12, 2009

Brits Tell Goons With Needles To Stick It Where The Sun Dont Shine 120709top

The trial balloon went up today on the UK government’s efforts to impose a mass mandatory vaccination program against swine flu, but judging from the response on a major newspaper website, millions of British citizens will tell the goons with needles to stick it where the sun don’t shine.

Sky News reports today that, “The entire population could be vaccinated against swine flu as health chiefs draw up plans to build a nationwide immunity to the disease.”

According to health authorities, they plan to have 60 million plus UK citizens vaccinated by this time next year, despite the fact that only one healthy person has died from swine flu in Britain.

The resounding response to the government’s efforts to prepare everyone to accept the shot is a vehement, “I don’t think so!”

Respondents to a London Times article concerning the fact that the vaccine will be rushed through safety procedures in just five days, increasing the chances of it causing deaths and injuries in the thousands, as happened with the 1977 mass vaccination program in the U.S. which killed more people than the actual swine flu virus, overwhelmingly indicated that they would refuse to take the shot.

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“Nobody’s coming anywhere near me or my family with their experimental mass vaccine/poison programme,” wrote one. “We will take our chances of catching their manufactured bird/pig/human virus, that was accidentally on purpose! released onto an unsuspecting public in the first place!”

“Anybody who reads this obviously still has the ability to reason and be guided by their own survival instinct and thus should listen to it. The mass fear mongering is a worldwide, co-ordinated and open conspiracy with massive geo political underpinnings. Don’t be fooled, eat properly and exercise,” adds another.

“A vaccine that is – effectively – being tested on the population, the prime reasons for such being the economy and easing pressure on the NHS? I’ll be another one who passes,” comments another.

“Thanks but no thanks. Rushed through tests in 5 days? What about long term effects? Vioxx and Thalidomide had long testing. How safe did they turn out to be? The side effects of Statins that they want everyone to take are worrying. I’ll take my chances with cholesterol,” writes another.

In fact, nearly every one of the respondents to the article so far clearly states that they will refuse to take the shot.

What will the government do when millions of people refuse to take the vaccine? Will they forcibly inject people at gunpoint as health authorities in the U.S. seem to think is constitutional and the right thing to do?

Would you take a vaccine made by a company that got caught contaminating its product with live avian flu virus?

Would you, as an American citizen, take a vaccine from a government that counts amongst its chief scientific advisors a man who once advocated the mass sterilization of the entire U.S. population through the water supply?

I think the answer is clear, U.S. and UK governments – your goons can stick their needles up their backsides because we are not taking it!

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Headed to National Socialism

Llewellyn H. Rockwell, Jr.
July 12, 2009

It was common on the left to intimate that George W. Bush was like Hitler, a remark that would drive the National Review crowd through the roof but which I didn’t find entirely outrageous. Bush’s main method of governance was to stir up fear of foreign enemies and instigate a kind of nationalist hysteria about the need for waging war and giving up liberty through security.

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In Nazi Germany there is no field of business activity in which the State does not interfere.

Hitler is the most famous parallel here, but he is hardly the only one. Many statesmen in world history have used the same tactics, dating back to ancient times. Machiavelli wrote in his Art of War advice to the ruler: “To know how to recognize an opportunity in war, and take it, benefits you more than anything else.”

But what’s the point of studying Hitler’s rise to power unless it is to learn from that history and apply the lessons? One lesson is to beware of leaders who come to power in troubled times, and then use foreign threats and economic crises to bolster their own power. Unless we can draw out lessons for our own times, history becomes nothing but a series of dry data points with no broader relevance.

Certainly Bush used 9-11 to consolidate his power and the neoconservative intellectuals who surrounded him adopted a deep cynicism concerning the manipulation of public opinion. Their governing style concerned the utility of public myth, which they found essential to wise rule. The main myth they promoted was that Bush was the Christian philosopher-king heading a new crusade against Islamic extremism. The very stupid among us believed it, and this served as a kind of ideological infrastructure of his tenure as president.

Then it collapsed when the economy went south and he was unable to sustain the absurd idea that he was protecting us from anyone. The result was disgrace, and the empowering of the political left and its socialistic ethos.

The talk of Hitler in the White House ended forthwith, as if the analogy extended only when nationalist ideology is ruling the day. What people don’t remember is that Hitlerism was about more than just militarism, nationalism, and consolidation of identity politics. It also involved a substantial shift in German domestic politics away from free enterprise, or what remained of it under Weimar, toward collectivist economic planning.

Nazism was not only nationalism run amok. It was also socialism of a particular variety.

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All Britons to be vaccinated against A/H1N1 flu

Xinhua News Agency
July 12, 2009

All Britons could be vaccinated against the A/H1N1 flu as the number of confirmed cases in Britain is moving closer toward 10,000, health authorities said Sunday.

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The first doses of A/H1N1 vaccine are set to arrive in Britain in September and could be fast-tracked through regulatory approval in less than a week.

Health officials have put forward plans to build a nationwide immunity to the disease, the biggest vaccination program of the past 50 years.

Health experts have already provided a priority list of patients, and the fast-tracking system has been established since the first British patient without underlying health problems died of the disease.

Lead negotiator on A/H1N1 of the British Medical Association Peter Holden told the Sunday Times the high risk groups will be done at the local clinics.

He added that if the virus does mutate, the idea is to give people immunity, but he also admitted that the sheer logistics of dealing with 60 million people can’t be underestimated.

It is reported on Friday that a patient at an Essex hospital has become the first person in Britain without underlying health problems to die of the infection, bringing the death toll in the country to 15.

It is expected to surge in the winter months when flu is more prevalent.

There are 9,718 confirmed cases of A/H1N1 in Britain, according to the latest figures from the Health Protection Agency.

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SPLC’s Dees: Army Training White Supremacists

Sam Greenberg
Jerusalem Post
July 12, 2009
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A white supremacist’s recent shooting attack at the US Holocaust Memorial Museum was part of a surge in extremist activity nationwide, according to Morris Dees.

White supremacist groups are increasingly relying on US military training, Dees, co-founder of the Southern Poverty Law Center, which works to track and shut down hate groups across America, said on Friday.

Speaking at a luncheon at the National Press Club, he discussed the findings of a report the Law Center released that day.

“Large numbers of potentially violent neo-Nazi skinheads and others are now learning the art of warfare in the United States military,” Dees said.

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