Jay Rockefeller Can’t Deny His Connection to Modern Eugenics

Kurt Nimmo
July 22, 2009

Near the end of the video here shot by WeAreChange activists, the great-grandson of John D. Rockefeller can only offer a telling smile when asked about the eugenics history of his family. “Go find somebody else to talk to,” snaps the West Virginia senator when politely asked to elaborate.

WeAreChange confront Jay Rockefeller.

As briefly documented in the short video, the Rockefeller family essentially created the modern eugenics movement from scratch. As John B. Sharpless of the University of Wisconsin documented in 1993 after examining the files of the Rockefeller Foundation, the records of the Population Council, and the personal papers of John D. Rockefeller III, Rockefeller spawned foundations are responsible for a “nearly unanimous change in attitudes and ideas about population that occurred during the 1960s.” In addition to the Rockefeller Foundation and the Population Council, other foundations active in eugenics include the Ford Foundation, the Milbank Memorial Fund, the Carnegie Corporation, and the Conservation Foundation.

The Carnegie Institution established a laboratory complex at Cold Spring Harbor on Long Island in 1904 that stockpiled millions of index cards on ordinary Americans, as researchers carefully plotted the removal of families, bloodlines and whole peoples. “From Cold Spring Harbor, eugenics advocates agitated in the legislatures of America, as well as the nation’s social service agencies and associations,” Edwin Black wrote for the San Francisco Chronicle in 2003.

In the United States, key eugenic organizations funded by the Rockefeller, Harriman and Carnegie families included the American Eugenics Society, and its sister organization, the American Society of Human Genetics established in 1947, the above mentioned Cold Springs Harbor Experimental Station for the Study of Evolution, the Eugenic Record Office, and the Rockefeller Institute for Medical Research.

It should be noted that J.D. Rockefeller and Averell Harriman were business partners of Prescott Bush in Brown Brothers Harriman. In addition to funding and promoting eugenics, they supported and funded the Nazi rise to power.

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Clinton featured stories   Jay Rockefeller Cant Deny His Connection to Modern Eugenics
Jay Rockefeller’s family is responsible for the racist eugenics policies that led to the mass extermination of millions.

The Rockefellers funded the Kaiser Wilhelm Institute in Germany, ultimately responsible for Hitler’s mass extermination policy. In addition to supporting Alexis Carrel, who advocated the use of poison gas to get rid of useless eaters, the Rockefellers funded the program that Josef Mengele worked in before he went to Auschwitz where he became medical commandant and experimented on concentration camp inmates. These gruesome medical experiments included needles used to change eye color, work on infections and blood transfusions, the removal of limbs without anesthetics, sex changes, sterilization, and other unspeakable crimes. Countless people were murdered and their organs, eyeballs, heads, and limbs sent to the Rockefeller group at the Kaiser Wilhelm Institute.

The Rockefellers’ chief executive for the Kaiser Wilhelm Institute was the fascist Swiss psychiatrist Ernst Rudin. Rudin and his staff, as part of the Task Force of Heredity Experts chaired by SS chief Heinrich Himmler, crafted Germany’s sterilization law. Dr. Alexis Carrel of the Rockefeller Institute and a Nobel Prize winner publically applauded Hitler for advocating the mass murder of mental patients and prisoners.

Rockefeller and his bankster cronies were up to their eyes in eugenics and mass extermination. “Under the Nazis, the German chemical company I.G. Farben and Rockefeller’s Standard Oil of New Jersey were effectively a single firm, merged in hundreds of cartel arrangements. I.G. Farben was led, up until 1937, by the Warburg family, Rockefeller’s partner in banking and in the design of Nazi German eugenics,” writes Anton Chaitkin. Standard-Germany president Emil Helfferich testified after the war that Standard Oil funds helped pay for SS guards at Auschwitz, the notorious mass extermination and slave labor camp.

After the war, the Rockefeller eugenics movement experienced a facelift to distance itself from the discredited Nazis. In the 1950s, the Rockefellers reorganized the U.S. eugenics movement and added population-control and abortion groups. The Eugenics Society changed its name to the Society for the Study of Social Biology — a mere two months after Roe was handed down. “The name was changed because it became evident that changes of a eugenic nature would be made for reasons other than eugenics, and that tying a eugenic label on them would more often hinder than help their adoption. Birth control and abortion are turning out to be great eugenic advances of our time. If they had been advanced for eugenic reasons it would have retarded or stopped their acceptance,” commented Frederick Osborn, who oversaw the workings of the organization at the time.

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As documented by Rebecca Messall and others, Roe v. Wade “relies directly and indirectly on the work of members of the British and American eugenic societies and of eugenics-related groups and initiatives.” Abortion has nothing to do with “choice” or empowering women — it is about controlling the masses and culling the herd.

In his excellent study of the Rockefellers, Gary Allen explains that the “Rockefeller game plan is to use population, energy, food, and financial controls as a method of people control which will lead, steadily and deliberately, into the Great Merger,” a one-world government and global fascism. “Understand that … enforced infertility is not planned for India or Senegal, but for the United States, where zero population growth is already a fact.

But we are being led to believe that unless we give Big Brother total power over people’s rights to have children, we will all be ankle deep in human beings within a decade. Such august organizations as the National Academy of Sciences are helping to hawk this Rockefeller line… Curbing population growth is just part of the Rockefeller war on the American family. Abortion is another.

Jay Rockefeller may deny knowledge of his family’s intimate connections to eugenics and abortion — and direct involvement in Hitler’s genocidal rampage across Europe — but the record is out there for all to see. It is easily researched on the internet.

And maybe that is why Jay Rockefeller mused during a Senate committee hearing a few months ago that we’d all be better off if the internet never existed. Minus the internet and search engines, it will be far easier to lead the masses to near extinction if they go ignorantly blissful like lambs to the slaughter with little more resistance than a bleat.

Drastically slashing world population and reducing the remainder into obedient slaves is the final act of the global elite. Jay Rockefeller knows it and that’s what his knowing smile was all about.

URL to article: http://www.infowars.com/jay-rockefeller-cant-deny-his-connection-to-modern-eugenics/

Pakistan Objects to U.S. Expansion in Afghan War

Herald Tribune
July 22, 2009
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ISLAMABAD, Pakistan — Pakistan is objecting to expanded American combat operations in neighboring Afghanistan, creating new fissures in the alliance with Washington at a critical juncture when thousands of new American forces are arriving in the region.

Pakistani officials have told the Obama administration that the Marines fighting the Taliban in southern Afghanistan will force militants across the border into Pakistan, with the potential to further inflame the troubled province of Baluchistan, according to Pakistani intelligence officials.

Pakistan does not have enough troops to deploy to Baluchistan to take on the Taliban without denuding its border with its archenemy, India, the officials said. Dialogue with the Taliban, not more fighting, is in Pakistan’s national interest, they said.

Read entire article

URL to article: http://www.infowars.com/pakistan-objects-to-u-s-expansion-in-afghan-war/

Swine Flu Vaccine Should Not Be Given To Children In Schools

Barbara Loe Fisher
Age of Autism
July 22, 2009
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These new vaccines are being fast tracked by the FDA. We are being told they will only be tested for a few weeks on a few hundred children and adults before being given to children in schools in October.

The National Vaccine Information Center (NVIC) has issued a statement publicly questioning the necessity and safety of administering experimental H1N1 swine flu vaccines to children in schools. NVIC called on the Obama Administration and state Governors to provide evidence to parents that there are vaccine safety screening, recording, monitoring, reporting and vaccine injury compensation mechanisms in place. (HERE)

On April 26, a national public health emergency was declared by officials in the U.S. Departments of Health and Homeland Security. We were told it was necessary to declare a national emergency because people were getting sick from a new swine flu virus that began in Mexico and might cause a deadly influenza pandemic. So far, the vast majority of people who get sick with swine flu have symptoms that are no worse than the regular flu and recover completely.

The declaration of a national public health emergency last spring set a chain of events in motion: some schools were closed, some people were quarantined and drug companies were given billons of tax dollars to create experimental swine flu vaccines. These new vaccines are being fast tracked by the FDA. We are being told they will only be tested for a few weeks on a few hundred children and adults  before being given to children in schools in October.

Under federal legislation passed by Congress since 2001, an Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) allows drug companies, health officials and anyone who gives experimental vaccines to Americans during a declared public health emergency, to be protected from liability if people get hurt……….to read more go to NVIC.

URL to article: http://www.infowars.com/swine-flu-vaccine-should-not-be-given-to-children-in-schools/

Wall Street’s Love Affair with Ben Bernanke

Mike Whitney
Global Research
July 22, 2009
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The Fed’s job is to provide an endless stream of cheap capital to Wall Street. By that standard, Bernanke has performed his task admirably.

A careful reading of Federal Reserve chairman Ben Bernanke’s op-ed in Tuesday’s Wall Street Journal, shows that Bernanke thinks the economy is in a deflationary spiral that will last for some time. Ben Bernanke: “The depth and breadth of the global recession has required a highly accommodative monetary policy. Since the onset of the financial crisis nearly two years ago, the Federal Reserve has reduced the interest-rate target for overnight lending between banks (the federal-funds rate) nearly to zero. We have also greatly expanded the size of the Fed’s balance sheet through purchases of longer-term securities and through targeted lending programs aimed at restarting the flow of credit….My colleagues and I believe that accommodative policies will likely be warranted for an extended period.” No talk of recovery here; just a continuation of the same radical policies that were adopted after the collapse of Lehman Bros. The only sign of improvement has been in the stock market, where Bernanke’s liquidity injections have jolted equities back to life. The S&P 500 is up 40% since March. Conditions in the broader economy have continued to deteriorate as unemployment rises, the states find it harder to balance their budgets, and the real estate bubble (commercial and residential) continues to unwind. The Fed’s policies are Bernanke’s way of saying, “The states are not the country. The banks are the country.” The public seems slow to grasp this message.

Bernanke’s op-ed is a public relations ploy intended to soften the effects of his visit to Capital Hill today. Congress wants to know the Fed chief’s “exit strategy” for soaking up all the money he’s created and avoiding inflation. Bernanke again: “The exit strategy is closely tied to the management of the Federal Reserve balance sheet. When the Fed makes loans or acquires securities, the funds enter the banking system and ultimately appear in the reserve accounts held at the Fed by banks and other depository institutions. These reserve balances now total about $800 billion, much more than normal. And given the current economic conditions, banks have generally held their reserves as balances at the Fed.” This is the core issue. The Fed has built up bank reserves by accepting (mainly) mortgage-backed garbage (MBS) that is worth only pennies on the dollar. Bernanke assumes that investors will eventually recognize their mistake and begin to purchase these toxic assets at a price that won’t bankrupt the banking system. It’s a complete hoax and everyone knows it. In essence, Bernanke is saying that he is right and the market is wrong, which is why he continues to conceal the fact that he provided full-value loans for collateral which the banks will never be able to repay. The costs, of course, will eventually be shifted onto the taxpayer.

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Bernanke knows that the country is in a Depression and that inflation won’t be a problem for years to come. It’s all politics. Bank lending is way off and the shadow banking system–which provided over 40% of consumer credit via securitization–is still on life-support. At the same time, the savings rate has spiked to 6.9%–a 15 year high–as consumers cut back on spending to service their debt-load, and try to make up for the $14 trillion in lost household wealth since the crisis began. If the banks aren’t lending and consumers aren’t spending, inflation is impossible.

Bernanke’s zero-percent interest rates and lending facilities have been a total bust. The velocity of money (how fast money changes hands) has stopped. Retail is down 9% year-over-year. Imports/exports down 20%. Rail freight and shipping at historic lows. Travel, manufacturing, hotels, restaurants are all in the tank. The economy is flat-lining. Only Goldman and JPM have done well in this environment, and that’s because the White House is a Goldman-annex. The only Bernanke policy that’s worked so far has been flooding the market with money, which has has sent equities into orbit while the real economy continues to twist in the wind. Here’s how former hedge fund manager Andy Kessler summed it up last week in the Wall Street Journal: “By buying U.S. Treasuries and mortgages to increase the monetary base by $1 trillion, Fed Chairman Ben Bernanke didn’t put money directly into the stock market but he didn’t have to. With nowhere else to go, except maybe commodities, inflows into the stock market have been on a tear. Stock and bond funds saw net inflows of close to $150 billion since January. The dollars he cranked out didn’t go into the hard economy, but instead into tradable assets. In other words, Ben Bernanke has been the market.” (Andy Kessler, “The Bernanke Market” Wall Street Journal) Bernanke’s quantitative easing (QE) has pumped up bank stocks enough so that Geithner won’t have to grovel to Congress for another TARP bailout. The banks now have access to the capital markets and can withstand the stormy downgrades ahead. Thus, the nagging problem of toxic assets has been solved (temporarily) just as Bernanke had planned. Bernanke will continue to monetize the debt (by purchasing more US Treasuries and MBS) until securitization is restored and there are signs of life in the failed wholesale credit-system. That’s the real objective; to keep credit expansion in the hands of privately-owned financial institutions that are beyond the reach of government regulation. The Fed’s so-called mandate of “full employment and price stability” is pure malarkey. The Fed’s job is to provide an endless stream of cheap capital to Wall Street. By that standard, Bernanke has performed his task admirably.

URL to article: http://www.infowars.com/wall-streets-love-affair-with-ben-bernanke/

Obama’s Popularity at Six Months: Worse Than Bush

Alex Spillius
July 22, 2009
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A USA Today/Gallup survey suggested that six months into his presidency, his popularity was lower than George W Bush’s at the same stage of his tenure.

Amid rising unemployment and falling confidence in his economic plans, Mr Obama’s job approval rating has dropped by nine points since January to 55 per cent, a point below his predecessor in mid-2001.

Other polls by ABC News and the Washington Post also showed Mr Obama’s job approval falling below 60 per cent for the first time since he was sworn in as the nation’s first black president, with a marked drop in the last month.

The president is facing criticism about how he is going to pay for $1 trillion plans to reform the US health care system. Half of respondents in one poll disapproved of his health care policy compared with just 44 per cent who approved.

Read entire article

URL to article: http://www.infowars.com/obamas-popularity-at-six-months-worse-than-bush/

New Jersey Governor Attacks Concealed Carry and the Second Amendment

Kurt Nimmo
July 22, 2009

New Jersey Governor Jon S. Corzine has joined other Democrat gun-grabbers — Frank R. Lautenberg, Robert Menendez, Diane Feinstein, Charles Schumer, Jack Reed, and Sheldon Whitehouse — to denounce the Respecting States Rights and Concealed Carry Reciprocity Act of 2009. The bill will amend chapter 44 of title 18, United States Code, and allow citizens who have concealed carry permits from the state in which they reside to carry concealed firearms in another state that grants concealed carry permits. In February, the bill was referred to the Committee on the Judiciary.

On July 20, Sen. John Thune, R-SD, added the bill as an amendment to the National Defense Authorization Act. “It is not uncommon for stand-alone bills on a very narrow issue to have a tougher time passing Congress and being signed into law. With that in mind, Thune made the move to advance his concealed carry legislation by adding it to the National Defense Authorization bill as an amendment,” reports Land Line, the official publication of the Owner-Operator Independent Drivers Association. A large number of truckers have concealed carry permits and the issue is of vital importance to them because they cross state lines in the course of their work.

Corzine and a number of other governors, however, would deny truckers and others the right to protect themselves. Corzine has asked New Jersey Attorney General Anne Milgram and his Chief Counsel to be prepared to file a lawsuit to have the provision declared unconstitutional in the event that this proposal becomes law, according to a press release posted on the State of New Jersey’s Office of the Governor website.

Responsible citizens exercising the Second Amendment, according to Corzine, endanger “the safety of law-abiding Americans throughout New Jersey, and throughout this great nation by effectively nullifying state laws.” Corzine believes states have the right to strike the Second Amendment from the Bill of Rights and deny residents the right to protect themselves from marauding criminals.

“The statement exposes the Governor’s fundamentally misguided view that anyone who chooses to exercise the Constitutional right to bear arms for personal protection, even with government sanction, is a potential criminal from whom the public needs to be protected,” writes Scott Bach. “In an era where vicious criminal predators prey upon the weak and vulnerable, the U.S. Supreme Court has surprisingly held that police owe no duty to protect individual citizens and cannot be held accountable when they fail to do so. This means that from the time you dial 911 until the police arrive, you’re on your own. Right-to-Carry helps level the playing field in the gravest extreme, and offers victims a fighting chance while they wait for help to arrive.”

Corzine’s attack on the Second Amendment and the right of New Jersey’s citizens to protect themselves comes as Democrats have proposed a number of anti-Second Amendment laws. The election of Obama was viewed as a victory for the gun-grabbers. The Brady Campaign said Obama “consistently supported common sense gun laws in the U.S. Senate and in the Illinois State Senate. Senator Biden not only has supported, but also has been a leader for strong gun laws throughout his career in the U.S. Senate,” Susan Jones reported for CNSNews after the election.

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In June, New Jersey Democrat senator Frank R. Lautenberg said he would introduce legislation designed to cancel the Second Amend rights of well over a million U.S. citizens. “Mr. Lautenberg plans to introduce legislation on Monday that would give the attorney general the discretion to block gun sales to people on terror watch lists,” the New York Times reported. Lautenberg’s bill, allowing AG Holder to block gun sales to “terrorists” on the federal no-fly database, was floated in 2007 by Obama chief of staff Rahm Emanuel, at the time a House member from Illinois.

Speaker of the House, Nancy Pelosi, told ABC’s Good Morning, America in April the Second Amendment would not “stand in the way” of administration plans to crack down on alleged gun trafficking to Mexico, since revealed as red herring. “We want them registered. We don’t want them crossing state lines,” said the Democrat.

Senator Kirsten Gillibrand, Democrat and member of the so-called Blue Dog Coalition, announced a plan to introduce an assault weapons in May. Gillibrand, the junior senator from New York, was at one time highly rated by the NRA for her advocacy of the Second Amendment. Since her Senate appointment, Gillibrand has “passed just about every test on guns set by Rep. Carolyn McCarthy,” who reintroduced a bill closing the so-called gun-show loophole. McCarthy is the poster child of gun-grabbers.

Democrats are on the offensive in the wake of the Supreme Court’s ruling on the Heller decision affirming the principle that the Second Amendment protects an individual right to keep and bear arms, and that the right it thus protects is a fundamental right. A number of states — most notably Texas, Tennessee, Alaska, and Montana — have proposed laws designed to protect the rights of gun owners. More than a dozen others are considering such laws, and more general declarations of state sovereignty have been introduced this year in more than 30 legislatures.

Earlier this month, the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms said in an open letter sent to Tennessee that federal laws apply to the state. A law signed by the state asserts that “federal laws and regulations do not apply to personal firearms, firearm accessories, or ammunition that is manufactured in Tennessee and remains in Tennessee.” ATF assistant director Carson W. Carroll wrote that ‘Federal law supersedes the Act’, and thus the ATF considers it meaningless.

URL to article: http://www.infowars.com/new-jersey-governor-attacks-concealed-carry-and-the-second-amendment/

Bernanke: “I Don’t Know” Which Foreign Banks Were Given Half a Trillion

Paul Joseph Watson
Prison Planet.com
Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Bernanke: I Dont Know Which Foreign Banks Were Given Half a Trillion 220709top

Federal Reserve chairman Ben Bernanke was confronted yesterday by Congressman Alan Grayson about which foreign banks were the recipients of Federal Reserve credit swaps, but he was unable to provide an answer as to where over half a trillion dollars had gone.

Asked which European financial institutions received the money, which was handed out by The Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC), a component of the Federal Reserve System, Bernanke responded, “I don’t know.”

“Half a trillion dollars and you don’t know who got the money?” asked Grayson.

As we have previously reported, the destination of trillions in bailout funds remains hidden after the Fed refused to disclose where it had gone despite a lawsuit filed by Bloomberg.

Bernanke said the Fed had a “long standing legal authority” to hand money to foreign banks under section 14 of the Federal Reserve Act, a claim contradicted by Bernanke’s own report, as Grayson soon highlighted.

Grayson said that he had investigated one of the arrangements, a $9 billion dollar package to New Zealand, which works out at $3000 dollars for every citizen of New Zealand.

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“Seriously, wouldn’t it have been better to extend that kind of credit to Americans rather than New Zealanders,” said Grayson.

The Congressman then implied that handing money to foreign institutions was unconstitutional, reading from Article I, “No money shall be drawn from the treasury, but in consequence of appropriations made by law.”

“Do you think it’s in the spirit of the Constitution for a group like the FOMC to hand out a half a trillion dollars to foreigners without any action by this Congress?” asked Grayson, to which Bernanke responded that Congress had approved it with the Federal Reserve act of 1913. Grayson responded that in 1913, the entire GDP of the U.S. was well under half a trillion dollars.

“Is it safe to say that nobody in 1913 contemplated that a small little group of people would decide to hand out half a trillion dollars to foreigners?,” asked Grayson, to which Bernanke again claimed that the authority had been used numerous times before.

Grayson debunked this claim by pointing to Bernanke’s own report, which stated that the entire amount had been handed out starting from the last quarter of 2007, and the amount given out before that to foreign banks was zero.

Watch the clip below.

URL to article: http://www.infowars.com/bernanke-i-don%e2%80%99t-know-which-foreign-banks-were-given-half-a-trillion/

European Court Ruling spells an end to water fluoridation

Doug Cross
UK Council Against Water Fluoridation
July 22, 2009

Fluoridated water must be treated as a medicine, and cannot be used to prepare foods. That is the decision of the European Court of Justice, in a landmark case dealing with the classification and regulation of ‘functional drinks’ in member states of the European Community. (HLH Warenvertriebs and Orthica (Joined Cases C-211/03, C-299/03, C-316/03 and C-318/03) 9 June 2005)

Functional drinks are those products that have two different purposes – for example, nutrition and exerting a positive effect on some medical condition. They include ‘near-water drinks with added minerals’ and, in view of the properties claimed for fluoridated water by fluoride advocates, it must be classified as a ‘funtional food’, and therefore falls within the scope of the relevant legislation.

Medicinal law takes precedent over food law.

The Court ruled that, where two different sets of rules appear to apply to a product, medicinal legislation must take precedent, and the product must be regulated as a medicine. It emphasised that medicines regulators in member states do not have the power to exercise discretion on the classification of such dual-function products. The repeated refusal of the British and Irish Regulators to recognise fluoridated water as a medicinal product is therefore an unlawful misuse of their powers, and one that requires immediate reversal.

ECJ rulings do not establish new laws, but clarify how existing ones should be applied, and are enforceable in the domestic legislation of all member states of the EC. In effect, this decision at last confirms the claim that I have made for many years – that existing medicinal law has always required that fluoridated water be regulated as a medicine. Fluoridated water has no medicinal marketing authorization (’product licence’), and because of this it is – and always has been – illegal to supply it to the public, as the 1968 Medicines Act confirms.

As a ‘medicinal water’, the protection afforded by the water quality regulations that shield consumers from hazardous substances in drinking water does not apply. Its use in the processing of foodstuffs is also prohibited, under the food safety legislation. Aa a direct result of this ruling, all English and Irish legislation providing for water fluoridation are at last exposed as having been in violation of that fundamental prohibition, and must now be repealed.

Prohibition of use of fluoridated water in foods

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But the Court also ruled that such functional food products must not be used in the preparation of foods. As a ‘medicinal water’ the fluoridated product cannot be regarded as equivalent to the mandatory ‘water for human consumption’ specified for drinking and food preparation. So now every food wholesale and retail outlet in fluoridated areas of the UK and Ireland, from the corner chip-shop to the largest brewery, from the small high-street bakery to the largest supermarket retailers – all will now have to either cease production or install an alternative water supply.

Implications for international trade in food products

But the ruling also has an equally profound implication for export trade in processed foods and drinks. The Court stated that even if a functional food product (or a food containing it) is legally marketed as a food in one member state, it cannot be exported to any other member state unless it has a medicinal licence. So any company making a consumable product using fluoridated water in its preparation or as an ingredient cannot now export that product to any other state in the EC, even if their product is permitted in their home state.

The economic implications are enormous. Not only does the ruling ban the use of fluoridated water for all retail catering and wholesale food processing in the UK and Ireland, it also prohibits such trade from these states to other member states of the EC. But it goes much further than even this, because if British and Irish processed foods from fluoridated areas cannot be exported to the EC, this prohibition must also apply to the importing of such products into EC member states from any other country that practices water fluoridation. The decision effectively bans all processed food products from countries such as the USA, Australia and New Zealand, unless they can be positively proven to have been prepared using only water that was not fluoridated.

What does this mean for water undertakers who fluoridate their product?

Before British water undertakers allow Strategic Health Authorities to order them to start fluoridating their water they need to be fully aware of the implications to them and their shareholders should they agree to do so. Not only are medical damages compensation claims likely to be far higher, with charges of negligently supplying an unlawful product forming the basis of class actions, food processers who lose their markets will certainly hold their water undertaker accountable in law for their losses. This ruling means that Courts in other member states of the EC must support demands from competing food processors that an embargo be placed on British and Irish products unless they can be proven to have been manufactured using only non-fluoridated water.

I have previously warned that this illegal product substitution cannot be permitted to continue, and that members of the public are entirely entitled to demand to be supplied with water that complies with, and is regulated under, the drinking water quality standards that are enforceable under both EC and UK (and Irish) law. Since the ruling must be enforced in all EC member states, water companies will now have to come off the fence and accept that fluoridated water is not an acceptable alternative drinking water.

The only way out – repeal all fluoridation laws and ban the product.

This decision completely supports the challenge that I have issued repeatedly to the UK Regulator, the MHRA – identify the case law that justifies your perverse claim that this product is not a medicine. Ironically, it was the MHRA itself that finally gave the game away, in a formal response to another Regulator, the Advertising Standards Authority (ASA). In what I can only assume was a deliberate attempt to mislead the ASA, the MHRA actually cited this case in support of its continued perverse refusal to implement the medicines legislation that it is obliged to enforce!

The beginning of the end – fluoridation must now be banned, worldwide.

This ECJ ruling effectively puts the final nail in the coffin of water fluoridation, not only within the EC but worldwide. It establishes a very substantial but entirely justified obstacle to trade in food products that are prepared without proper regard to the protection of the public that is enshrined in law. The ruling must be recognised and enforced not only in every memebr state, but also in any external state that wishes to trade with the EC in processed foods. So just what can be done to resolve the present unacceptable situation?

One solution would be to grant a medicinal licence to fluoridated water. But the Court ruled that any evaluation of a functional drink may only be done under the rigorous procedures required to scrutinise any pharmaceutical product. In the present state of scientific concern over the evidence of its lack of efficacy and safety it is impossible to imagine that such a licence could ever be granted. If it were, it would immediately result in a world-wide denunciation from the scientific community that is fully aware of the improper commercial influence that is at the heart of the international promotion of fluoridated products.

The only acceptable response is to call a halt to this controversial practice now. The experience of the past half century has shown that it is completely unjustified – indeed, it is responsible for what may reasonably be described as a pandemic of avoidable chronic fluoride poisoning. In ruling that this type of product must be regulated under medicinal law, the Court has taken the final step towards bringing this disreputable practice to a long-delayed end. Let us hope that national Governments all over the world will heed this decision – the economic consequences will be dire for those who continue to attempt to continue this discredited and illegal practice.

URL to article: http://www.infowars.com/european-court-ruling-spells-an-end-to-water-fluoridation/

In Memoriam: A Lion Is Gone

Devvy Kidd
July 22, 2009

It is with great sadness that a dear friend and colleague, Alan Stang, passed away July 19, 2009 at the young age of 80.

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Alan was unique. He was fearless. For Alan Stang, truth was paramount.

Alan recognized decades ago that political correctness was one of the most idious tools of the ruling elite class. He fought it with all the ferocity of a lion. His voice stood out as a beacon for freedom and liberty through truth and knowledge. No icon was off limits for Alan. He played no favorites. In his eyes and heart, all men are created equal and no one is above the law.

Many years ago I read a book titled, The Actor: A Study in Deception. The true story of John Foster Dulles, Secretary of Statae 1953 to 1959. Little did I know that one day I would write for the same news/commentary site as that author! Alan’s accomplishments were many:

“Alan Stang was one of Mike Wallace’s original writers at Channel 13 in New York. A talk show host. In Los Angeles, he went head to head nightly with Larry King, and, according to Arbitron, had almost twice as many listeners. He was a foreign correspondent. Alan wrote hundreds of feature magazine articles in national magazines and some fifteen books, for which he has won many awards, including a citation from the Pennsylvania House of Representatives for journalistic excellence.

Read entire article

URL to article: http://www.infowars.com/in-memoriam-a-lion-is-gone/

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