The Coming Consequences of Banking Fraud

J. S. Kim
Seeking Alpha
September 11, 2009

The Double Dip Recession, or the “W” shaped recovery that a minority of economists, such as Joseph Stiglitz, is now stating as a strong possible outcome of this current rally, should not be discussed in the realm of economics but rather in the more apropos realm of financial fraud. The fact that the upleg of the “W” shaped recovery that is occurring now will inevitably crumble in spectacular fashion will not be a result of any free market principle, but rather the direct consequence of a fraudulent scheme executed by an elite global financial oligarchy, otherwise known as Central Banks. If the mission of this current manufactured leg-up in Western stock markets was to fool the world into believing that global economies are recovering, then clearly, up until this point, the mission has been a resounding success. For those unfamiliar with the term “blowback”, it’s a CIA term that was first used in March 1954 to describe the unintended consequences of US government international activities kept secret from the American people.

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Obama sets stage for using budget maneuver to pass health reform

Sam Youngman
The Hill
September 11, 2009

President Barack Obama this week has been laying the foundation for Senate Democrats to use a controversial budget maneuver to pass healthcare reform.

By offering Republicans olive branches during his address to Congress on Wednesday, Obama has set up a win-win situation. If GOP lawmakers embrace compromise, a healthcare bill would pass Congress easily. But the more likely scenario is that Republicans will continue to oppose Obama’s plan, and the president later this fall will be able to note he tried to strike a deal with the GOP but could not.

That will set up a Democratic argument that Senate leaders have been forced to use a partisan budget tool known as reconciliation to pass a health bill through the Senate by a simple majority, instead of 60 votes. Under the budget plan they passed earlier this year, Democrats could invoke the reconciliation process on Oct. 15.

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Anti-abortion activist shot in front of Michigan High School

Elizabeth Shaw
Flint Journal
September 11, 2009

OWOSSO, Michigan — State police at the Corunna post have confirmed a well-known anti-abortion activist was shot multiple times and killed this morning in front of Owosso High School.

The victim’s identity has not yet been released but the shooting occurred around 7:30 a.m., after most students were off the buses and safely inside the building, said Owosso schools transportation supervisor Jayne Campbell.

State police also confirmed that a suspect was taken into custody about 8:15 a.m. at the suspect’s home.

Owosso High School secretary Wendy Smith said the students remain in lockdown this morning and confirmed that no students were involved and all are safe with classes going on as normal. The shooting did not occur on school property, Smith said.

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9/11 Scare: ‘Shots’ Reported Fired by Coast Guard

ABC News
September 11, 2009

Washington, D.C., residents mourning the victims of the Sept. 11 attacks this morning heard an eerie echo just an hour later — reports that a Coast Guard vessel had fired shots at a boat in the Potomac River near the Pentagon.

But after half an hour of anxiety, the Coast Guard and local police said the whole thing was a training exercise, and no shots were fired at all.

Network news programs broke into regular morning shows to report the incident, and CNN went to blanket coverage.

Departures from Washington’s Reagan National Airport were halted from 10:08 a.m. to 10:29 a.m., delaying 17 departures, and FBI agents scrambled to the scene near the river. A law enforcement official, asking not to be identified, told the Associated Press the local FBI office had not been told ahead of time about the exercise.

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How will Oklahoma health officials handle the swine flu pandemic?

Andrew W. Griffin
Red Dirt Report
September 11, 2009

OKLAHOMA CITY – What lies in store for Oklahomans who are faced with a serious swine flu threat? Will the state require citizens to be quarantined if they are exposed to the disease? What if folks refuse the vaccine that is being strongly promoted by state health officials, as noted in a Red Dirt Report story this week?

This online newspaper is seeking answers as more and more questions are raised about the state and their real plans when faced with the harsh realities presented by this growing pandemic.

Thanks to the hard work of the folks over at We Are Change Oklahoma, a two-year-old public document they provided Red Dirt Report from the Oklahoma State Department of Health (OSDH) titled “2007 Oklahoma Pandemic Influenza Management Plan,” reveals plans to enforce “mandatory isolation or quarantine orders.”

In the PDF file, provided to Red Dirt Report, it begins with a letter from Dr. James Michael Crutcher, the state’s Secretary of Health and Commissioner of Health until his retirement earlier this year. In the letter, dated August 31, 2007, addressed to public health workers and their partners, Crutcher notes concerns about H5N1 “bird flu,” which was more of a problem at that time. He also notes the “numerous community-wide preparedness exercises, and implemented new strategies for medical surge capacity and continuity of operations.”

And in the planning for a flu pandemic, Crutcher hopes the state will be able to minimize “the infrastructure disruption that pandemic influenza may cause.”

Well, under a section called “Community Disease Control and Prevention,”  “The OSDH Office of the State Epidemiologist, Acute Disease Service, Office of General Counsel and county health departments will coordinate degree of enforcement with partners and stakeholders who may be involved in enforcing mandatory isolation or quarantine orders.”

On the following page, there is a subsection that notes the importance of “(d)irecting isolation of persons with suspected novel influenza virus infection. Depending on the characteristics and severity of illness, patients may be isolated at home or in hospital.”

In the next section the OSDH is more in-depth about what happens with those the state believes may be infected with a pandemic-level flu: “Defining guidelines for close contact management. Identifying and quarantining individuals or groups in contact with cases may be recommended. OSDH and county health departments will recommend contact tracing and management on a case-by-case basis. Decisions will be based on the likelihood that the suspected cases is infected with a  novel influenza strain, the likelihood that the virus is or may become transmitted from person-to-person, and the feasibility of contact tracing. Quarantine may be lifted as soon as the exposed contact had remained without symptoms for a complete incubation period.”

Subsequent subsections address the issue of isolating “persons with suspected novel influenza virus,” like bird flu or swine flu, “at home, a hospital or alternative facility.”

One wonders what “alternative facility” or facilities are scheduled to be set up if Oklahoma is hit hard by the swine flu this fall.

Red Dirt Report went looking for answers.

Larry Weatherford, with OSDH, did return a call from Red Dirt Report and stated that much of the 2007 plans were in advance of concerns over the bird flu. However, little or no revisions have been made and

Forced quarantines and isolation would be “unusual,” Weatherford said, adding, “That’s a rarely used last resort.”

To compare, Weatherford said the state might intervene if someone with hepatitis insisted on continuing to work as a cook in a restaurant, possibly infecting others.

Discussing the fact that the World Health Organization (WHO) has the H1N1 (swine flu) outbreak set as a Level 6 pandemic, Weatherford reminded your Red Dirt Reporter that “it doesn’t refer to virulence, it refers to the widespread nature of the disease.” He added that it’s much more of a geographic designation than anything.”

When asked about any “alternative facilities” the state might have available, as noted in the ’07 document, Weatherford wasn’t sure if there was such a specific facility or facilities designated by the state. He did say that if hospitals were overwhelmed, they would look at gymnasiums or even buildings like the old Lucent Technologies building in west Oklahoma City where refugees from Hurricane Gustav camped out a year ago last week.

“There is a finite number of hospital beds,” Weatherford said. “We might set up a separate facility.”

And this, he said, would happen if, say, someone couldn’t go home because a family member had some health condition and they had nowhere to go. With a hotel being a poor option, Weatherford said an alternative facility set up by the state would be considered.

“The plan is designed to be as flexible as possible,” Weatherford said.

Continuing, several pages down in the state flu file, it states: “The OSDH and ODMHSAS will ensure that other occupational groups that might participate in the response to pandemic influenza (including police, firefighters and community workers) receive training materials that will help them anticipate behavioral reactions to public health measures such as movement restrictions (e.g. quarantine, isolation, closure of national or regional borders), especially if such actions are compounded by an economic crisis or abrupt loss of essential supplies and services.”

When Weatherford was asked about “partners and stakeholders” who would assist in enforcing mandatory isolation or quarantine orders, as noted several paragraphs above, he seemed unsure who they would be other than “local law enforcement” and “hospitals with patients.”

More is mentioned in the document appendix regarding quarantines. It is here where it is noted that “Alternate care sites for quarantine may be necessary in certain situations such as persons who do not have a home suitable for this purpose or those who require quarantine while away from their home (e.g. during travel).

The document does make any forced quarantine during a pandemic to be more voluntary than anything.

And a call to Paul Sund, spokesman at Oklahoma Gov. Brad Henry’s office, was not returned by the time the story was scheduled to be published.

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Fifty questions on 9/11

Pepe Escobar
Asia Times
September 11, 2009

It’s September 11 all over again – eight years on. The George W Bush administration is out. The “global war on terror” is still on, renamed “overseas contingency operations” by the Barack Obama administration. Obama’s “new strategy” – a war escalation – is in play in AfPak. Osama bin Laden may be dead or not. “Al-Qaeda” remains a catch-all ghost entity. September 11 – the neo-cons’ “new Pearl Harbor” – remains the darkest jigsaw puzzle of the young 21st century.

It’s useless to expect US corporate media and the ruling elites’ political operatives to call for a true, in-depth investigation into the attacks on the US on September 11, 2001. Whitewash has been the norm. But even establishment highlight Dr Zbig “Grand Chessboard” Brzezinski, a former national security advisor, has admitted to the US Senate that the post-9/11 “war on terror” is a “mythical historical narrative”.

The following questions, some multi-part – and most totally ignored by the 9/11 Commission – are just the tip of the immense 9/11 iceberg. A hat tip goes to the indefatigable work of;; architects and engineers for 9/11 truth; the Italian documentary Zero: an investigation into 9/11; and Asia Times Online readers’ e-mails.

None of these questions has been convincingly answered – according to the official narrative. It’s up to US civil society to keep up the pressure. Eight years after the fact, one fundamental conclusion is imperative. The official narrative edifice of 9/11 is simply not acceptable.

Fifty questions

1) How come dead or not dead Osama bin Laden has not been formally indicted by the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) as responsible for 9/11? Is it because the US government – as acknowledged by the FBI itself – has not produced a single conclusive piece of evidence?

2) How could all the alleged 19 razor-blade box cutter-equipped Muslim perpetrators have been identified in less than 72 hours – without even a crime scene investigation?

3) How come none of the 19’s names appeared on the passenger lists released the same day by both United Airlines and American Airlines?

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9/11 Truth Signatories Stand By Call For New Investigation

Paul Joseph Watson
Friday, September 11, 2009

Despite a concerted effort on behalf of the establishment media to portray 9/11 truth as a taboo subject in light of the resignation of Van Jones, a investigation has found that the vast majority of original signatories to a petition calling for a new investigation into the events of 9/11 stand by their word.

Polls have consistently shown that a significant majority of Americans question the official 9/11 story and those concerns are shared by thousands of military leaders, current and former government officials, intelligence professionals, legal scholars, as well as scores of architects, scientists and engineers.

However, the fact that Van Jones recanted his support for a new investigation and was subsequently forced to resign enabled the media to manufacture a contrived perception that merely doubting the official story in any way was an embarrassing faux pas worthy of public ostracization.

In reality, as America marks the eighth anniversary since the tragic events of that day, support for 9/11 truth is as strong as ever and it’s firmly back at the forefront of public attention following Charlie Sheen’s letter and video message to Barack Obama demanding unanswered questions about the attacks be addressed.

“Salon contacted nearly 30 of the petition’s signatories to see if they felt, as did Lerner, Zinn and Jones, that the document didn’t reflect their views on 9/11. We asked a simple question: If you had to do it all over again, would you still sign the statement?”

“Salon has not heard back from two of the statement’s most famous signatories: actor Ed Asner and comedian Janeane Garofalo. (Editor’s Note: We will update this story if they respond.) But many did respond and most — though not all — expressed their full-fledged support for the petition,” according to the report.

The article quotes people such as Gray Brechin, historical geographer and visiting scholar at the University of California at Berkeley’s Department of Geography, who slams the chilling atmosphere that the establishment has attempted to generate around the subject.

“Have you contacted the widows and other family members who lost loved ones on that terrible day and asked them if they recant wondering why, for example, New York City and the Pentagon — the fucking Pentagon! — were defenseless on that morning more than a month after the would-be president was informed that Osama bin Laden was determined to attack the United States?” asks Brechin. “Have you asked them if they are as disloyal, or as nuts, as Van Jones for signing that petition? Have you an answer for that and other questions on that petition, which were never discussed by the mainstream media when it piled on Jones at (Glenn) Beck’s behest?”

Richard Falk, professor emeritus of international law and practice at Princeton University, told Salon that he would happily sign the petition again, stating, “Citizens in a democratic society deserve to know the truth, and to seek the truth in matters of such fundamental national importance should be treated as an expression of patriotic duty rather than the reverse.”

Mark Crispin Miller, professor of media studies at New York University, also restated his support for the petition, noting that the questions it contained have still not been answered to this day.

“First of all, the statement asks for a new inquiry into 9/11. That is hardly an insane demand, considering the many obstacles and limitations that prevented the 9/11 Commission from doing a proper job,” said Miller. “That body was deliberately enfeebled by Bush/Cheney: grossly underfunded ($3 million — while, for example, the budget for the study of the Challenger disaster was $50 million, and Whitewater cost over $40 million); granted no subpoena power; forced to rush the process; denied all sorts of vital information; and otherwise slowed down, fouled up, kept in the dark.”

“Witnesses employed by the USG were daunted openly by departmental colleagues who sat in on the hearings, ostentatiously, as “minders.” (”The Commission feels unanimously,” said Chairman Thomas Kean, “that it’s some intimidation to have somebody sitting behind you all the time who you either work with or works with your agency.”) And Bush/Cheney themselves refused to testify except in tandem, with a strict limit on their time, and their testimony given off the record and not under oath,” adds Miller.

“So how could anyone regard that body’s findings as definitive — even if those findings were not rife with logical and physical impossibilities, as well as glaring omissions?”

Miller concludes by saying that instead of vilifying “9/11 truthers,” the press should actually start examining the evidence itself.

Douglas Sturm, professor emeritus of religion and political science, Bucknell University, is another distinguished individual who stands by his support for a new investigation into 9/11.

“In direct response to your query, I in no way repudiate my action signing the 9/11 statement. It stands as an appeal to investigate closely and carefully a series of questions about that tragic event that have yet to receive fully satisfactory answers,” he told Salon.

Burns H. Weston, professor emeritus, University of Iowa law school, echoed similar sentiments, stating, “Yes, I would do it all over again. It is my position that too many critical questions have not yet been officially answered, if even investigated, and that, therefore, the jury is still out on the complete truth of 9/11.”

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Dead or Alive? Osama bin Laden: A Marketing Tool for US-NATO Military Operations

Elizabeth Woodworth
Global Research
September 11, 2009

In 1961, upon leaving office, President Eisenhower warned of the danger of a military-industrial takeover of information, power, and resources in a democracy[1] .

His dark vision has been steadily unfolding. Since September 11, 2001, world, and particularly US military budgets, have grown enormously[2], when the focus of the entire planet should have been on the ecological crisis.

There is no time to lose in mounting effective worldwide action against global warming, and it is now essential that we have the correct information about the events underpinning the war on terror: 9/11 and the role of Osama bin Laden.

A recent survey of news reports covering Osama bin Laden from 2001 to 2009[3] has provided overwhelming evidence that the al Qaeda leader has been dead since December 13, 2001, and that all messages that have been aired since that time have been fabricated[4] [5].

A long-buried 2001 CBS Evening News report, researched by foreign correspondent Barry Petersen and presented by Dan Rather, featured two hospital staff witnesses who saw bin Laden escorted into a military hospital in Rawalpindi, Pakistan, on the evening of September 10, 2001. He was there to receive kidney dialysis [6].

One witness reported, “they moved out all the regular staff in the urology department and sent in a secret team to replace them,” to treat a very special person. “The military had him surrounded,” said another hospital employee, “and I saw the mysterious patient helped out of a car. Since that time, I have seen many pictures of the man. He is the man we know as Osama bin Laden. I also heard two army officers talking to each other. They were saying that Osama bin Laden had to be watched carefully and looked after.”[7]

Yet seven years later, President Obama, relying on military intelligence, states that bin Laden is “almost certainly” hiding in the mountains bordering Afghanistan and Pakistan, the “most dangerous place in the world” for the American people[8].

However, only 25% of American want more troops in Afghanistan and almost twice that many want fewer [9].

Many Americans may recall that no messages have been intercepted between bin Laden and his followers since mid-December 2001, which was precisely the time of an unconfirmed funeral announcement, covered by Fox News, that bin Laden had died and been buried in the Tora Bora region of Afghanistan[10].

A deeper question should be inspired by the fact that the US Department of Justice has never indicted bin Laden for the attacks, nor does the FBI’s “Most Wanted Terrorist” page list him as wanted for 9/11. A spokesman openly admitted that “the FBI has no hard evidence connecting Bin Laden to 9/11.” [11]

It appears that bin Laden may be no more than a marketing tool for imperialistic military operations. A brilliant tool indeed, if the obsessive hunt for him were not blocking our response to the foundational issue of global warming.

It is vital to all nations that the many 2001-02 reports of bin Laden’s end-stage renal disease [12], and subsequent death, be resurrected to urge an investigation into who has been issuing fake audio and videotapes since 2001[13].

Indeed world governments should press the United States for an impartial, transparent investigation into the events of 9/11, with subpoena power to interview witnesses who were never called in the travesty that passes as the “9/11 Commission Report” (2004). The Commissioners themselves have publicly condemned C.I.A. obstruction to key witnesses [14].

Meanwhile, the United Nations should be given the responsibility and resources to protect the oil-rich Middle East from further imperialistic aggression. All national troops should be withdrawn and any efforts at stabilization should be led by the UN.

Then finally it might be possible to transform the global military economy into a cooperative alternative energy economy.


[1] President Dwight D. Eisenhower. Military-Industrial Complex Speech, 1961. “In the councils of government, we must guard against the acquisition of unwarranted influence, whether sought or unsought, by the military-industrial complex. The potential for the disastrous rise of misplaced power exists and will persist.

We must never let the weight of this combination endanger our liberties or democratic processes. We should take nothing for granted. Only an alert and knowledgeable citizenry can compel the proper meshing of the huge industrial and military machinery of defense with our peaceful methods and goals, so that security and liberty may prosper together.” (

[2] “World Wide Military Expenditures” shows current figures ( “World Military Spending” shows expenditure increases from 1988 to 2007 in constant 2005 dollars (

[3] David Ray Griffin, Osama bin Laden: Dead or Alive? Olive Branch Press, Northampton, 2009.

[4] World, “Bin Laden may be dead, but living on through old sound bites.” Feb. 11, 2008 (

[5] Mark Tran, “Bin Laden: the ultimate marketing tool,” The Guardian, Sept. 11, 2007 (

[6] CBC Evening News, “Hospital Worker: I Saw Osama,” January 28, 2002 ( Recovered video footage of the report was posted August 22, 2009 to

[7] The full transcript is available at: Michel Chossudovsky . “Where was Osama bin Laden on 9/11? Bush Administration knew the Whereabouts of Osama,” November 16, 2003 (

[8] The White House. Office of the Press Secretary. “Remarks by the President on a New Strategy for Afghanistan and Pakistan,” March 27, 2009 (

[9] Radio Free Europe, September 7, 2009. “Pentagon Defends Afghan Strategy As Public Support For War Ebbs” (

[10] Fox News, December 26, 2001. “Report: Bin Laden Already Dead,” (,2933,41576,00.html).

[11] Muckraker Report, June 6, 2006, “FBI says, ‘No hard evidence connecting Bin Laden to 9/11’” (

[12] CNN correspondent and brain surgeon Dr. Sanjay Gupta, who declined to be Surgeon General to the Obama adminstration, assessed bin Laden’s medical condition based on the videotape released December 27, 2001, which was made sometime after November 16th. Gupta said that Bin Laden’s “grayness of beard, paleness of skin, very gaunt sort of features” is often associated with chronic kidney failure, and noted that bin Laden could not move his left arm, probably due to a stroke resulting from kidney failure. He explained that dialysis machines require electricity, clean water and a sterile environment. Without such a machine, a patient could only survive less than a week. “Dr. Sanjay Gupta: Bin Laden Would Need Help if on Dialysis,” CNN, 21 January 2002 (

[13] The most obvious fabrication can be seen in a video dated November 9, 2001, known as the bin Laden “confession” video, which was released by the Pentagon December 13, 2001. Extracts may be seen at Notice the broad nose, short fingers, and right-handedness. For comparative photos and analysis, see and

[14] Thomas H. Kean and Lee H. Hamilton, “Stonewalled by the C.I.A.”, New York Times, January 2, 2008. The commissioners of the 9/11 Commission concluded: “What we do know is that government officials decided not to inform a lawfully constituted body, created by Congress and the president, to investigate one the greatest tragedies to confront this country. We call that obstruction.” (

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Obama “Czar” Sunstein Talks About the Second Amendment

Kurt Nimmo
September 10, 2009

In the following video, Obama’s “regulatory czar” Cass Sunstein — who was confirmed by the Senate on Wednesday – talks about the Second Amendment.

Harvard professor Sunstein has odd ideas about the Constitution and the Bill of Rights. He is in favor of “reformulating” the First Amendment. The purpose of this reformulation would be to “reinvigorate processes of democratic deliberation, by ensuring greater attention to public issues and greater diversity of views.” Sunstein would apparently have the government apply a sliding scale of importance to First Amendment and free speech issues favored by the state (under the control of ideologically biased intellectuals such as Sunstein) at the expense of those disfavored or deemed less important. The first Amendment specifically prohibits the government from infringing the freedom of speech, infringing the freedom of the press, limiting the right to peaceably assemble, or limiting the right to petition the government for a redress of grievances. It does not say anything about the government creating hierarchical categories of importance for free speech.

Sunstein also misinterprets the Second Amendment. His argument about government restrictions on the amendment — in particular, gun locks — is predicated on the self defense argument. In fact, the founders naturally assumed individuals would use weapons for self defense and they did not include the Second Amendment in the Bill of Rights to ensure self defense against criminal acts — rather, they explicitly crafted the Second Amendment as a bulwark against government tyranny. Armed militia — citizens of a country — were to defend against tyranny and were not organized for hunting expeditions. So-called liberals inherently sidestep this basic principle and insist the Second Amendment is about hunting and to a lesser degree self defense. It is unimaginable to them that the people may one day be required to defend themselves against a tyrannical state.

Sunstein either misunderstands the original purpose of the Second Amendment or stands opposed to an armed citizenry guarding against tyranny. “Your first question involved the Second Amendment. I strongly believe that the Second Amendment creates an individual right to possess and use guns for purposes of both hunting and self-defense. I agree with the Supreme Court’s decision in the Heller case, clearly recognizing the individual right to have guns for hunting and self-defense. If confirmed, I would respect the Second Amendment and the individual right that it recognizes,” he assured Sen. Saxby Chambliss of Georgia and other senators during his confirmation.

It would seem senator Saxby and the other Congress critters share a dim understanding of the Second Amendment as well. For them, it is all about hunting and self defense, not a tyrannical state.

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