CNN Spreads Detention Camp Disinfo

December 1, 2009

In a new CNN report deeply rooted in Department of Homeland Security propaganda, CNN’s John Acosta says that the Federal government is not building detention camps around the country and that there is absolutely no proof of these kinds of activities. However, a highly controversial documentary released a couple of months ago offers the viewers almost 90 minutes of heart-stopping proof that plans for martial law and FEMA camps are indeed very real.

“Camp FEMA” has been called the most comprehensive documentary made on the topic of concentration camps in America. In the opening moments of the film, viewers are very quickly reminded that our government has turned to the use of detention camps to solve its problems before with the forced detention of over 120,000 Americans of Japanese decent in the early 1940’s. Forced labor, compulsory vaccinations, and mandatory “Americanization” classes top the list of atrocities committed against fellow citizens, on behalf of their Federal government.

The movie is kicked off by a single question, “Is it possible that history could repeat itself?”

Senate Select Committee Hearings and official FBI documents echo the rhetoric spewed forth by DHS and MIAC reports that transform patriot-minded third party supporters into dangerous potential terrorists of the homegrown variety. White House policies classify homeschoolers, gun rights activists and anti-abortionists as threats against the existing social and political order, by default creating an entire nation of radicals and revolutionaries – where everyone is a suspect… equally guilty until proven otherwise. History shows us what tyrannical governments have done with these people in the past.

CNN’s John Acosta also forgot to mention H.R. 645 introduced in early 2009 by Rep. Alcee Hastings, a Democrat from Florida convicted of bribery charges. In Camp FEMA, the audience learns the true meaning of “Emergency Centers.” The intent of the national emergency centers, according to Section 2 of HR 645, is to meet, “…for an extended period of time the housing, health, transportation, education, public works, humanitarian and other transition needs of a large number of individuals affected by an emergency or major disaster…” and can be used to advance “other purposes” not defined in the bill.

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H.R. 645 is specific. If the ”Relocation Center” is to be a closed military installation, the installation will no longer be under the Secretary of Defense, but the jurisdiction will be transferred to the Secretary of Homeland Security. As “relocation centers” will be established in the wake of a “national emergency,” the center should then fall under FEMA. The Federal Emergency Management Agency, FEMA, is the emergency response arm of the Federal Government. Established during the Carter Administration to respond to national emergencies and disasters, and under the Bush administration FEMA was brought under the Department of Homeland Security.

If CNN and Acosta needed more proof, they should check out Army Regulation 210-35, which was set up during the Reagan Presidency, and surfaced under the Clinton Administration. According to Alex Jones, who appears in Camp FEMA, there are now 12 camps completed and ready to house American citizens.

Also ignored in the CNN report is the participation of NORTHCOM in creating an advertisement, run earlier this year, on the Army National Guard’s own website. For the first time in U.S. history, there has been an army unit assigned to The United States. NORTHCOM, according to an article in The Army Times “…may be called upon to help with civil unrest and crowd control or to deal with potentially horrific scenarios…” The ad for a “Corrections Officers and Internment/Resettlement Specialists” was removed in mid August. Camp FEMA points out that the ad was specific with regard to the needs of the National Guard; someone to train “as Internment Settlement Specialists, to control and supervise detainees.”

CNN has conveniently chosen not to address the legislations, the government reports or the list of terror suspects that the US government keeps adding to a database on a daily basis. “You don’t keep a list unless you intend to use it,” said William Lewis writer of Camp FEMA. Producer Gary Franchi added, “There are now over 1.2 millions names on the DHS watch list. How did we let this happen in the United States of America?” Why is CNN deliberately misleading the public about internment camps? You may find the answers in Camp FEMA.


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Mass. Health Bill Would Allow Warrantless Arrests, Quarantines

Alex Newman
New American
September 1, 2009

A pandemic and disaster preparation bill (S. 2028) passed unanimously by the Massachusetts Senate earlier this year is receiving wide-spread criticism as citizens mobilize to oppose its passage in the commonwealth’s House of Representatives.

“Under this bill, Massachusetts becomes a medical police state. There is no debating it,” wrote Natural News editor Michael Adams in an August 28 article entitled “Wake Up, America: Forced vaccinations, quarantine camps, health care interrogations and mandatory ‘decontaminations,’” where he suggested America was delving into medical fascism. “The citizens of Massachusetts will have no rights, period. The Constitution is ancient history. You are now the property of the State.”

The bill contains a number of controversial, alarming, and blatantly unconstitutional provisions. Under an emergency declared by the governor, the statute purports to give the health commissioner, and law enforcement and medical personnel  broad authority to mobilize forces, vaccinate the population, enter private property with no warrants, and even quarantine people against their will.

The legislation provides severe penalties — $1,000 fine per day and possible jail time — for not complying with state orders, while also claiming to shield everyone involved from liability. It gives local health authorities the power “to restrict or prohibit assemblages of persons” and gives government agents the authority to “arrest without a warrant any person whom the officer has probable cause to believe has violated an order” while using “reasonable diligence to enforce such order.” Also, law-enforcement authorities “shall assist” medical personnel in the “involuntary transportation” of people to “treatment centers.”

The provision on vaccines does give citizens the authority to refuse the vaccination, but people who do can be “isolated or quarantined.” The same fate awaits those are “unable or unwilling to submit to decontamination or procedures necessary for diagnosis.” One part of the legislation requires that owners or occupiers of a property “permit entry into and investigation of the premises,” and another section creates price controls.

Draconian measures like this to supposedly deal with pandemics and outbreaks of disease are getting a boost with the hysteria surrounding swine flu, but critics are warning of the dangers of such tactics and fighting back. “In this time of fear, we can’t let that fear take away our freedom to make voluntary health decisions,” said Barbara Loe Fisher, the president of the National Vaccine Information Center. She offered a chilling analysis of the legislation in Massachusetts and the national situation, saying “it looks like few choices will be allowed.” But she encouraged people to find out what their rights are.

Though it breezed past the Senate with a 36 to 0 vote, the Massachusetts bill is still languishing in the House after being referred to the committee on health care financing. “One of the reasons the bill is stalled in the house is because those house reps are being bombarded with phone calls from constituents saying, ‘I will refuse the vaccine,’” explained writer Devvy Kidd in a piece about important bills to defeat where she said the reaction to this legislation may have been blown out of proportion.

But while opposition to the plan may be mounting, there are many in power who believe — like Obama’s chief of staff Rahm Emmanuel — that the government shouldn’t let “crises” go to “waste.” This bill has been debated in the Massachusetts legislature before, but the House and Senate could never agree on a final version. So some lawmakers are using concern over the swine flu outbreak as a tool for pushing their agenda and getting it passed this time around.

“It’s too bad that we have to have something like that pending to get us to finally act,” said Democratic Massachusetts Senator Richard Moore in a televised interview, referring to the spread of the H1N1 virus. “This was actually on the calendar before that became a news story,” he explained, but “it does give us another reason why it’s a good idea to have this one the books.” If the House passes it, a veto by the governor will likely be the last thing that could stop it.

Unfortunately, people hoping that the judicial branch will step in an restore some sanity may be left wanting. “Judges will not stand in the way of emergency actions taken to protect the public from a clear and present danger, and if they do, the state appeals court will over turn their rulings in a matter of hours,” explained a piece written by Louisiana State University director of the program in law, science and public health Edward Richards and Dr. Katherine Rathbun. “The history of judicial restraint on emergency powers is one of blind obedience to civil and military authority.”

A great deal of tyrannical federal statutes dealing with health emergencies already exist, and some other states are considering vast power grabs of their own. Maine recently had its National Guard engaging in swine flu vaccine scenario drills at a school while the military draws up plans to help FEMA with the swine flu situation across the country.

But it is past time for citizens to demand that their leaders respect the people’s medical freedom and individual rights. Massachusetts should kill this bill and other states should fight to preserve the liberty of their citizens. Government officials at all levels should finally obey their oaths to the Constitution and the bill of rights, especially in the life-and-death field of healthcare.

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William Lewis’ Camp FEMA Now Available at Infowars

August 31, 2009

soylent green is proud to offer the new powerful film by William Lewis (Washington You’re Fired and Life on The Edge of a Bubble) and Gary Franchi (Republic Magazine and Restore the Republic!) that Glenn Beck is afraid you will see. CAMP FEMA exposes the background legislation already in place for civilian internment camps in the US. Learn what is already on the books and from first hand sources of our countries history of imprisoning it’s own citizens. CAMP FEMA features interviews from ALEX JONES, CATHERINE BLEISH, MICHAEL BADNARIK, & CHUCK BALDWIN This film is available at and is bundled with NEW WORLD ORDER from IFC that features ALEX JONES. GET YOUR COPY TODAY.



New World Order DVD:

Camp FEMA DVD 2 Pack:

Camp FEMA and New World Order Combo:

The Obama Deception & Camp FEMA DVD:

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Rex 84 – Your Internment Camp Awaits You

August 20, 2009

“All tyranny needs to gain a foothold is for people of good conscience to remain silent.” – Thomas Jefferson

Did you know that the United States Army National Guard has been advertising job openings for “Internment Specialists?” Who would we be rounding up for internment, anyway? The United States hasn’t done that openly since Asian-Americans were forced into relocation camps during the World War II era.

Has the time come when political dissidents and malcontents will no longer dare question the actions of their government? By doing so, would they risk being rounded up by Internment Specialists and filed away in a place where they cannot disturb a perfect Orwellian, “1984″-esque peace? Remember, in the parlance of NewSpeak, peace is war. The government simply wants to be prepared, as a part of Rex 84. In the meantime, we make a living day to day, occasionally relying upon secured loans and installment loans for our daily bread.

Breaking bread, breaking us

Taking a historical perspective, Kurt Nimmo writes for Global Research that the Army National Guard’s search for “corrections officers and internment/resettlement specialists” smacks of communist China and Mao’s way. Here’s a sample from the recruitment ad:

As an Internment/Resettlement Specialist for the Army National Guard, you will ensure the smooth running of military confinement/correctional facility or detention/internment facility, similar to those duties conducted by civilian Corrections Officers… This will require you to know proper procedures and military law; and have the ability to think quickly in high-stress situations. Specific duties may include assisting with supervision and management operations; providing facility security; providing custody, control, supervision, and escort; and counseling individual prisoners in rehabilitative programs.

FEMA camps are “rehabilitative programs”

Glenn Beck and other apologists say otherwise, but Nimmo points to specific military documents that demonstrate plans to relocate people into camps. Namely, Army Regulation 210-35, which bears the name “Civilian Inmate Labor Program.” According to the document, 210-35 “provides guidance for establishing and managing civilian inmate labor programs on Army installations. It provides guidance on establishing prison camps on Army installations.”

Apply Now!

This is quite similar to the kind of detention centers that used to thrive in Mao’s China. They were reeducation centers that used forced labor to break down residents in the interests of turning them toward “the greater good.” Joseph Stalin sanctioned a similar network of GULAGS (which is an acronym based on the Russian phrase for “The Chief Administration of Corrective Labor Camps and Colonies”). Does this sound like the kind of liberty that America’s founding fathers guaranteed its citizens? Apply for installment loans and secured loans now if you think you’ll need one… you may not be at liberty to do so later.

Enter Rex 84

This is what the United States government has in place to enact martial law and use Internment Specialists to relocate those who do not comply. According to Wikipedia, Rex 84 (Readiness Exercise 1984) is “a plan by the United States federal government to test their ability to detain large numbers of refugees or American citizens in case of civil unrest or national emergency.” It is a continuity of government plan that places FEMA in charge of rooting out domestic terrorism, essentially. What constitutes domestic terrorism is for them to know and citizens to find out, apparently.

The program was initially tested in 1984, with the goal of dealing with “civil disturbances, major demonstrations and strikes that would affect continuity of government and/or resource mobilization,” writes Nimmo. If you are a subversive in any way, Rex 84 and FEMA will look to deploy “the military to implement government ordered movements of civilian populations at state and regional levels” and authorize “the arrest of certain unidentified segments of the population, and the imposition of martial law.”

Our government is prepared to institute martial law

And they’ve practiced for that day numerous times over the years. Politically repressive actions like the Palmer Raids and the McCarthy Era are two examples. From 1967 to 1971, the ADEX List was written. Over 100,000 people are on that list, among them a variety of notable public figures. They are considered “subversive” and are to be rounded up if the government deems it prudent.

The Patriot Act and its focus on Homeland Security brought renewed steam to the Rex 84 engine. In fact, Northcom was established stateside in 2002 to assist in federal homeland defense efforts. This agency is authorized to monitor the communications of citizens and be a rallying point should it be deemed necessary to mobilize in a Rex 84-type action.

President George W. Bush authorized the martial law option

Specifically, when he signed the Homeland Security Presidential Directive (aka Directive 51) on May 4, 2007, President Bush gave the government the authority to “declare a national emergency and impose martial law.” Directive 51 and Rex 84 can work hand-in-hand to ensure that the proper people are detained when needed. How does that make you feel?

Swine flu readiness… a Rex 84 action?

Ripped from today’s headlines, Nimmo draws our attention to a CNN report that the U.S. military is going to get involved in combating the swine flu outbreak when it rears its slimy nose this flu season. Secretary of Defense Robert Gates, in his efforts to ensure that military teams can ostensibly work with civilian authorities efficiently, is prepared to sign an “execution order” that would authorize a Rex 84 action by the military. They just call it “detailed planning to execute the proposed plan.”

Executing the proposed plan

What does the Army National Guard and its Interment Specialists have in store for you? Will forced vaccinations be in order? Will those who disagree be relocated? Learn about Rex 84 and let your elected officials know what you think about forced relocation and martial law.

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NSA to build huge facility in Utah

Matthew D. LePlante
Salt Lake Tribune
July 8, 2009
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Hoping to protect its top-secret operations by decentralizing its massive computer hubs, the National Security Agency will build a 1-million-square-foot data center at Utah’s Camp Williams.

The years-in-the-making project, which may cost billions over time, got a $181 million start last week when President Obama signed a war spending bill in which Congress agreed to pay for primary construction, power access and security infrastructure. The enormous building, which will have a footprint about three times the size of the Utah State Capitol building, will be constructed on a 200-acre site near the Utah National Guard facility’s runway.

Congressional records show that initial construction — which may begin this year — will include tens of millions in electrical work and utility construction, a $9.3 million vehicle inspection facility, and $6.8 million in perimeter security fencing. The budget also allots $6.5 million for the relocation of an existing access road, communications building and training area.

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FEMA might place storm victims in foreclosed homes

David Fleshler and Josh Hafenbrack
South Florida Sun Sentinel
June 4, 2009

If a major hurricane strikes Florida, authorities may take advantage of the foreclosure crisis to place displaced residents in vacant homes seized by banks.

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Ruben Almaguer, interim director of the Florida Division of Emergency Management, has proposed that the Federal Emergency Management Agency use foreclosed homes — which are particularly abundant in this state — as an alternative to placing people in trailers or scattering them around the country.

“Historically, no one has ever used foreclosed properties,” Almaguer said. “If they have 1,000 foreclosed properties in the area, why not?

“It may be cheaper, especially if they have to drive a trailer down from Kansas. The cost of driving that down, setting it up, now they’ve got to connect water, sewer, electricity, get permits pulled for it. That’s resolved when you already have in place a fixed property. And what happens a month later when the second hurricane comes through the same area? Would you rather be in a foreclosed home or a travel trailer? I’d rather be in a foreclosed home.”

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