Homeland Security Called out to Catch Bank Robber

Paige Dickerson
Peninsula Daily News
September 1, 2009

Editor’s note: It is said the primary responsibilities of the Department of Homeland Security is protecting the territory of the U.S. from terrorist attacks and responding to natural disasters. Does the Department now consider bank robbery a terrorist act or a natural disaster? The bank robber, described as a five foot five older man with gray hair, must have really frightened the police because they brought out the automatic weapons. Click here to see a photo of militarized cops frightening the citizens.

PORT ANGELES — A bank robber brandishing a black handgun remains at large today after his Monday holdup disrupted an entire east Port Angeles neighborhood Monday afternoon.

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A small brigade of law officers on land and in the air couldn’t find him — even as the region’s main hospital was locked down for an hour.

Several blocks of the neighborhood around Olympic Medical Center were closed to traffic for hours Monday afternoon as law officers — many carrying large automatic weapons — searched alleys, yards and streets for the bandit, who entered Sterling Savings Bank, 1033 E. First St., around 12:20 p.m. and forced a teller to empty her cash drawer at gunpoint.

The hospital and many of its affiliates in separate buildings in a five-block area were locked down after witnesses said they saw the robber head north from the bank on foot.

Two helicopters

Two helicopters — one from Coast Guard Group/Air Station Port Angeles and the other from U.S. Customs and Border Protection, both agencies of the Department of Homeland Security — hovered low over the neighborhood, calling attention to the scene from a wider area of Port Angeles.

Traffic on Front and First streets — the west and east directions of U.S. Highway 101 — crawled through the area between Race and Ennis streets.

The bank is located at First and Chambers streets in the commercial block between the two U.S. 101 traffic directions.

Read entire article

URL to article: http://www.infowars.com/homeland-security-called-out-to-catch-bank-robber/

Southern Poverty Law Center Supporter: Execute Alex Jones For His Political Beliefs

Paul Joseph Watson
Prison Planet.com
Thursday, August 13, 2009

Southern Poverty Law Center Supporter: Execute Alex Jones For His Political Beliefs 211204alex

Despite the fact that the Southern Poverty Law Center linked Infowars and Alex Jones with Pittsburgh cop killer Richard Poplawski earlier this year because Poplawski had left comments on Jones’ websites, comments on SPLC’s own website that call for Alex Jones to be executed for his political beliefs have remained online for four months.

Southern Poverty Law Center’s concern about comments on the Internet which call for violence does not seem to extend to their own website.

In a response to SPLC’s smear piece which connects Poplawski to Jones, which remains uncorrected despite several other large websites making retractions on the issue, a commenter compares Jones to the “Taliban, Nazis and ruthless fascist dictators” and says that people like him blow up clinics, fly planes into buildings, hang people and shoot cops.

The respondent then advocates that Jones and his ilk receive “a lethal injection or a bolt of electricity,” i.e. that they be executed by the state simply for espousing political viewpoints that some may disagree with.

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For full quote in context, click here.

The commenter then laments, “I expect to see more violence,” seemingly oblivious that he just advocated people be killed by the government for the words they say.

The comments were made on April 15th by a person calling themselves “Hawkeye”. They have remained on the SPLC website for nearly four months without being removed.

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The Southern Poverty Law Center routinely cites Internet chatter advocating violence as an excuse to push their anti-free speech agenda, and yet when their own supporters threaten violence it’s seemingly not a problem.

Other respondents to the article highlight the fact that the tragic death of three police officers during the incident was caused by an escalation of a domestic dispute, and had nothing to do with Poplawski’s political beliefs. Poplawski’s mother threw him out of the house because his dog had urinated on the floor and she then called the police when Poplawski became threatening.

However, in the days after the event, numerous leftist blogs attempted to smear Alex Jones and Infowars by claiming that Poplawski was a fan, despite the fact that his comments expressed vehement disagreement with Jones for not sharing his beliefs. This led to several large websites, including Raw Story and Crooks and Liars, to issue retractions and withdraw the accusation, something that the Southern Poverty Law Center and the Anti Defamation League have refused to do.

As we reported yesterday, the SPLC have issued a new report which recycles bellicose propaganda about how “rightwing extremists” are planning to commit acts of domestic terrorism because they are upset with Obama. As we highlighted, every major act of domestic terrorism in the last 20 years has been carried out by the federal government, from Ruby Ridge, to Waco, to the Oklahoma City bombing, with court documents now proving that Timothy McVeigh was being groomed by FBI handlers.

The SPLC has worked closely with Homeland Security to issue similar “threat projections” over the last few years, demonizing gun owners, constitutionalists and libertarians as terrorists, the latest of which, as an FOIA request revealed, was not based on any reliable supporting evidence whatsoever, but was merely the product of a DHS agent surfing around SPLC’s own website, as well as widely a debunked disinformation fringe blog, for a matter of hours.

URL to article: http://www.infowars.com/southern-poverty-law-center-supporter-execute-alex-jones-for-his-political-beliefs/

Napolitano Reports to CFR on Stasi Snoop Network

Kurt Nimmo
July 29, 2009

Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano traveled to New York to deliver a speech to the boss today. She told the Council on Foreign Relations there will be no departure from the Bush administration in regard to homeland security. It will be the same agenda with a few minor changes — for instance, the color-coded threat advisory will be chucked.

The official CFR video of Napolitano’s speech.

“Napolitano sang the praises of counter-terrorism intelligence being shared between federal, state and local agencies through arrangements known as fusion centers,” writes Frank James for NPR. Napolitano said she plans “to make them a top priority for this department to support them, build them, improve them and work with them.”

Translation: the feds will continue the full-steam ahead effort to federalize state and local law enforcement, an effort that began in earnest under Bill Clinton and picked up critical momentum during the reign of George W. Bush.

“Napolitano sounded just like her predecessors Ridge and Michael Chertoff,” James continues. “And she talked about educating the populace about how to be the eyes and ears of counter-terrorism and also how to respond to the aftermath of man-made or natural disasters,” or for that matter government contrived false flag operations.

Napolitano told the internationalist cabal in New York that the American people suffer from “complacency” and this is a “threat in the United States.” In order to combat complacency, the government has to do more to “educate” the public on the threat posed by terrorists and other miscreants. In other words, Napolitano admitted the incessant warnings of impending doom — from dirty bombs in major cities to bad guys taking out nuclear plants — have not worked.

Napolitano said the public has to be recruited, sort of like the public was recruited in East Germany by the Stasi. “For too long we’ve treated the public as a liability to be protected rather than an asset in our nation’s collective security,” she declared. Napolitano said the country’s “counter-terrorism efforts” should include the public, that “you are the ones who know if something is not right in your communities, such as a suspicious package, or unusual activities.”

Of course, “unusual activities” are in the eye of the beholder, especially a beholder that has endured nearly a decade of incessant propaganda about terrorism, most of it entirely fictional and bogus.

“To an intelligence agent, informant, or law enforcement officer,” Bruce Fein, of Bruce Fein & Associates and The Lichfield Group, said earlier this year, “everything unconventional or unorthodox looks like at least a pre-embryonic terrorist danger.” According to Fein, using the standards proposed by the Department of Homeland Security and fusion centers scattered around the country, everyone from the Founding Fathers to abolitionist William Lloyd Garrison to suffragette Susan B. Anthony would have been the subject of SARs, or suspicious activity reports.

Now SARs and intelligence reports are filed on the supporters of Ron Paul and Chuck Baldwin, as a fusion center report produced by the Missouri State Police indicated earlier this year. Napolitano’s DHS produced a report of its own on “rightwing extremism” that characterized militia members, Second Amendment advocates, returning veterans, pro-life and anti-illegal immigration activists as terrorists.

In addition to fostering a snoop culture, Janet Napolitano told the CFR her agency wants to “get to a point where we are in a constant state of preparedness, not a constant state of fear.” In order to do this, the government and its enlisted army of snoops, stool pigeons, and rat finks need to “monitor home-grown threats.”

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Between 1950 and 1989, the Stasi employed a total of 274,000 persons in an effort to root out the “class enemy,” that is to say anybody and everybody who opposed communism and East Germany’s Soviet-styled state. The Stasi had close to 500,000 inoffizielle Mitarbeiter (IMs), or informers, which approximated 5% of East Germany’s population between the ages of 18 and 60. The Stasi secret police and informer network rivaled that of both the Gestapo and the Soviet KGB.

It is said the former head of the Stasi, Markus Wolf, was hired by Homeland Security as a consultant back in 2003. Ditto KGB General Yevgeni Primakov.

The journalist Mike Whitney speculates that the stories about Wolf and Primakov might be “fabrications intended to mislead independent research,” but considering the track record of the Bush administration — murderous invasions claiming the lives of well over a million people, torture, rape rooms, assassination squads, massive and illegal surveillance, etc. — it is entirely possible.

It is a well established fact the United States recruited Nazis after World War Two. In addition to Wernher von Braun, Arthur Rudolph and Hubertus Strughold, the CIA recruited Nazi ideologue Emil Augsburg, an officer at the infamous Wannsee Institute, an SS mass extermination think tank. SS officer Klaus Barbie, “The Butcher of Lyon” was employed by the US Army after WW2 to spy on the French and other Nazi leaders, regarded as “specialists in anti-resistance activities,” were used in counterintelligence operations in Italy.

But even without the expertise of Wolf and Primakov, it should be obvious the United States is well along in the multifaceted process of creating a police state — or rather a political police force answerable to the executive (and those who control the executive) and tasked with maintaining the political power of the state rather than upholding the rule of law or for that matter protecting the nation against real terrorists (such as the economic and social terrorists gathered before Napolitano as she gave her speech).

A key characteristic of a police state is the creation and maintenance of a vast network of spies, informants, and agents provocateurs — again, not to guard against foreign enemies or criminals, but to hunt down, discredit, and render ineffective political dissidents.

Napolitano was in New York to inform her bosses at the Council on Foreign Relations that the secret police agency known as the Department of Homeland Security is on schedule and nothing — except that silly threat level meter — has changed in the supposed transition between the Bush and Obama administrations.

She was also sending a message to would-be snoops around the country — your services are required, especially if your neighbor has a Ron Paul bumper sticker on his car, talks about the Second Amendment, or says the Federal Reserve needs to be audited.

Incidentally, in the case of the Stasi and East Germany, only 7.7%, according to official figures, were coerced into cooperating. Most people cooperated with the state because they were made to feel important or were given material or social incentives.

It will be the same here when our particular brand of Stasi gets moving in earnest.

URL to article: http://www.infowars.com/napolitano-reports-to-cfr-on-stasi-snoop-network/

Racist Web Posts Traced to Homeland Security

The New York Times
July 25, 2009
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After federal border agents detained several Mexican immigrants in western New York in June, an article about the incident in a local newspaper drew an onslaught of vitriolic postings on its Web site. Some were racist. Others attacked farmers in the region, an apple-growing area east of Rochester, accusing them of harboring illegal workers. Still others made personal attacks about the reporter who wrote the article.

Most of the posts were made anonymously. But in reviewing the logs of its Internet server, the paper, The Wayne County Star in Wolcott, traced three of them to Internet protocol addresses at the Department of Homeland Security, which oversees border protection.

Homeland Security started an investigation into the posts this month, according to the reporter, Louise Hoffman-Broach, and Richard M. Healy, the Wayne County district attorney. A spokeswoman for the federal agency’s inspector general said she could neither confirm nor deny an investigation; department rules prohibit the use of office equipment for the personal transmission of material that could offend fellow employees or the public.

Read entire article

URL to article: http://www.infowars.com/racist-web-posts-traced-to-homeland-security/

Cable TV Workers Trained To Spy On Citizens

Paul Joseph Watson
Prison Planet.com
Thursday, July 23, 2009

Cable TV Workers Trained To Spy On Citizens 230709top

One of the largest cable TV companies in the United States is training its employees to look for suspicious behavior and report it to police under the guise of a neighborhood watch initiative. Since according to law enforcement and Homeland Security guidelines, suspicious behavior includes owning guns, being politically active, and having bumper stickers on your car, the cable guy’s next visit to your house may turn out to have more interesting consequences than you originally anticipated.

“Operation Bright Eyes is designed to maximize the eyes and ears of Bright House Networks field service representatives and other employees to easily identify suspicious behavior and to quickly report criminal activities to police,” according to a Fox 35 report.

All current and new Bright House employees will receive training to help them use the ‘resources at their disposal’ to “become familiar with residents and activities in neighborhoods” and report anything they deem unusual to the authorities in order to “keep our neighborhoods safe”.

Since when was it the job of the cable guy to run around pretending to be an undercover cop? This program is ripe for abuse and another advancement in the tattle-tale stasi society being created in order to make the sheeple self-police their behavior, constantly aware that they are being watched by secret police and living in fear that big brother will catch any minor indiscretion.

The legacy of training Americans to spy on each other in the name of “safety” has its origins in Operation TIPS, which was supposedly nixed by Congress, a DOJ, FBI, DHS and FEMA coordinated program that would have recruited one in twenty-four Americans as domestic informants, a higher percentage than was used by the Stasi in Communist East Germany.

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Government funding was cut after an outcry but private funding continues and the same program was introduced under a number of sub-divisions including AmeriCorps, SecureCorps and the Highway Watch program.

More recently, ABC News reported that “The FBI is taking cues from the CIA to recruit thousands of covert informants in the United States as part of a sprawling effort…..to aid with criminal investigations.”

In July last year we reported on how hundreds of police, firefighters, paramedics and utility workers have been trained and recently dispatched as “Terrorism Liaison Officers” in Colorado, Arizona and California to watch for “suspicious activity” which is later fed into a secret government database.

Also last year, a New York Times feature article heartily celebrated the fact that an increasing number of Americans are becoming informants and turning in their neighbors and family members to the authorities in return for cash rewards. In a piece about a new program run by Southwest Florida Crime Stoppers, citing gas prices, foreclosure rates and runaway food price inflation, The Times lauds the fact that citizens are reporting on each other, ensuring “a substantial increase in Crime Stopper-related arrests and recovered property, as callers turn in neighbors, grandchildren or former boyfriends in exchange for a little cash.”

Forget Orwell’s 1984, this purebred tyranny is about as sophisticated as the wacky dictatorship portrayed in Arnold Schwarzenegger’s 1987 movie The Running Man, where citizens are reminded by huge TV screens placed on street corners that they can “earn a double bonus for reporting on a family member!”

Bright House Networks has 2.4 million customers and covers “several large cities including Tampa Bay and Orlando, Florida; Bakersfield, California; Indianapolis, Indiana; Detroit, Michigan; and Birmingham, Alabama; along with several other smaller regions in Alabama and the Florida Panhandle.”

Perhaps that 2.4 million figure will begin to dwindle once customers find out that the cable guy is eyeing them up for suspicious activity.

What constitutes suspicious activity isn’t listed, but if it’s in line with law enforcement and Homeland Security guidelines – watch out.

As we have previously documented, people displaying suspicious behavior as defined by law enforcement authorities in documents such as the MAIC report, along with Homeland Security lexicon files, include Ron Paul supporters, libertarians, people who display bumper stickers, people who own gold, or even people who fly a U.S. flag.

Homeland Security even equates people who express disagreement with the government with domestic extremists and terrorists. So if the cable guy sees an Alex Jones DVD in your TV cabinet, will that mandate a call to the cops?

There seems little need for President Obama to even create his promised “domestic security force,” and such a move would merely represent a centralization of what is already underway, since a plethora od programs that train Americans to report on each other are already firmly in place across the country.

URL to article: http://www.infowars.com/cable-tv-workers-trained-to-spy-on-citizens/

Make way for Obama the Bogeyman

Judi McLeod
Canada Free Press
July 16, 2009

The World Health Organization (WHO)–helping the Obama administration stir the pot on panicking the public into believing a deadly viral pandemic is headed our way this Fall–is getting a big leg up from the Discovery Channel.

It’s been a summer of Internet warnings “the pandemic is coming”, and now the Discovery Channel will telecast the definitive Viral Pandemic Survival Show.

News of the coming scare show is available courtesy of Kurt Nimmo at Infowars, those folk challenged by mainstream media as “conspiracy theory advocates”.

The real conspiracy in this case is the Discovery Channel lending itself to WHO’s scare tactics on John Q. Public.

“Discovery Communications, the mega-entertainment corporation, will air a show at the end of this month called ”The Colony”, Kurt Nimmo, Infowars, July 13, 2009.  “According to

the Discovery Channel website, the show “is a controlled experiment to see exactly what it would take to survive and rebuild” after a global catastrophe, specifically a worldwide viral pandemic scheduled to strike this autumn.”

Looks like Discovery Channel bought into WHO’s scare tactics.  Or did it happen the opposite way?

The credibility of WHO is questionable because WHO is the health arm of the United Nations.

The United Nations is not the warm fuzzy blanket image it has long used in branding; it is One World Government advocate numero uno.

Guess who’s part of Discovery Channel’s Viral Pandemic Survival Show?  Homeland Security, that’s who.

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The Colony is a controlled experiment to see exactly what it would take to survive and rebuild under these (H1N1) circumstances.  For 10 weeks, a group of 10 volunteers, whose backgrounds and expertise represent a cross-section of modern society, are isolated in an urban environment outside Los Angeles and tasked with creating a livable society,” a description of the show explains.  “Experts from the field of Homeland Security, engineering and psychology have helped design the world of The Colony to reflect elements from both real-life disasters and models of what the future could look like after a global viral outbreak”(emphasis added).  Cordoned off in a downtown Los Angeles warehouse, the “volunteers” attempt to build a generator and a collection of communication devices, focus on building weapons and fortifying the warehouse, deal with a truckload of gun-toting traders, and fend off thieves and “a motorcycle-riding thug.”

Everyone gets to be Superman in this television special.

“On the surface, the show appears to be an updated version of the dystopian film Mad Max,” Nimmo writes.

But there is no Mel Gibson and only “actor volunteers” stepping out of real-life positions.

As Nimmo points out, “The Colony is billed as not merely post-apocalyptic fiction–after all, the Discovery network is billed on “reality-based” television themes–but is rather a slick propaganda effort.

“On Monday, the H1N1 influenza virus was compared to the virus that caused the 1918 flu pandemic.  The so-called Spanish flu killed 50 million to 100 million people worldwide, or 3% to 6% of the entire global population.

“The H1N1 virus has killed less than 500 people.  Regardless, on June 11, the World Health Organization declared a global pandemic.  The world is moving into the early days of its first influenza pandemic in the 21st century,” declared Dr. Margaret Chan, WHO director.

“In April, the Department of Homeland Security issued a swine flu memo to some health care providers. “The Department of Justice has established legal federal authorities pertaining to the implementation of a quarantine and enforcement.  Under approval from HHS, the Surgeon General has the authority to issue quarantines,” the memo states.  Federal quarantine authority is limited to diseases listed in presidential executive orders.  President Bush added “novel” forms of influenza with the potential to create pandemics in Executive Order 13375.  Anyone violating a quarantine order can be punished by a $250,000 fine and a one-year prison term, according to CBS News.”

As the Toronto-based researcher and author Michel Chossudovsky, noted back in 2005, the government is indeed considering imposing martial law if there is a flu pandemic, no matter the severity.

“Legislation inherited from the Clinton administration, not to mention the post 9/11 Patriot Acts 1 and 11, `blurs the line between military and civilian roles’ ”.

What this legislation, in effect does, is pave the way for martial law.

Meanwhile, even in the face of its daily dismantling of America, the Obama

administration has failed this summer in totally demoralizing and frightening the fight out of USA patriots.

The Summer of 2009 is coming to an end and Fall is on the way.

Make way for Obama the Bogeyman.

URL to article: http://www.infowars.com/make-way-for-obama-the-bogeyman/

Homeland Security Names New Cybersecurity Officials

J. Nicholas Hoover
June 2, 2009

The Department of Homeland Security filled out its cybersecurity team Monday, two months after Rod Beckstrom resigned as director of the department’s National Cybersecurity Center. He had clashed with the National Security Agency and complained about lack of funding.

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Taking Beckstrom’s place as director of the National Cybersecurity Center (NCSC) will be Philip Reitinger, who is currently Homeland Security deputy undersecretary for the National Protection and Programs Directorate (NPPD). Reitinger, who also worked in cybersecurity forMicrosoft (NSDQ: MSFT) and fought cybercrime for the Department of Justice, will help to coordinate cybersecurity efforts across the government.

Reitinger will continue to hold his position at the NPPD, where he heads up Homeland Security-specific cybersecurity efforts. “Holding both positions simultaneously will allow Reitinger to provide broader strategic direction to the department’s cybersecurity efforts while ensuring preparedness and response capabilities across all federal computer systems,” the Department of Homeland Security said in a statement. It’s unclear how his role would shift as the White House brings in its new cybersecurity czar.

Read entire article

URL to article: http://www.infowars.com/homeland-security-names-new-cybersecurity-officials/

Homeland Security to scan fingerprints of travellers exiting the US

Brett Winterford
May 29, 2009

The US Department of Homeland Security is set to kickstart a controversial new pilot to scan the fingerprints of travellers departing the United States.

From June, US Customs and Border Patrol will take a fingerprint scan of international travellers exiting the United States from Detroit, while the US Transport Security

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Administration will take fingerprint scans of international travellers exiting the United States from Atlanta.

Biometric technology such as fingerprint scans has been used by US Customs and Border Patrol for several years to gain a biometric record of non-US citizens entering the United States.

But under the Bush Administration, a plan was formulated to also scan outgoing passengers.

Michael Hardin, a senior policy analyst with the US-Visit Program at the United States Department of Homeland Security told a Biometrics Institute conference today that the DHS will use the data from the trial to “inform us as to where to take [exit screening] next.”

Read entire article

URL to article: http://www.infowars.com/homeland-security-to-scan-fingerprints-of-travellers-exiting-the-us/

Government Readies Youth Corps To Take On Vets

Paul Joseph Watson & Kurt Nimmo
Prison Planet.com
Friday, May 15, 2009

Government Readies Youth Corps To Take On Vets 150509top3

“Ten minutes into arrant mayhem in this town near the Mexican border, and the gunman, a disgruntled Iraq war veteran, has already taken out two people, one slumped in his desk, the other covered in blood on the floor,” begins a shocking New York Times article reporting on how the Boy Scouts are being trained to take on domestic terrorists, which apparently would include war veterans and American citizens if the Homeland Security definition of a terrorist is to be applied.

Homeland Security and the FBI are behind the effort to indoctrinate and train the Boy Scouts to become tomorrow’s Gestapo. “Our end goal is to create more agents,” April McKee, a senior Border Patrol agent, told the Times. “Before it was more about the basics,” said Johnny Longoria, a Border Patrol agent. “But now our emphasis is on terrorism, illegal entry, drugs and human smuggling.”

Is this the literal creation of Hitler-Jugend style youth brigades designed to act as the front line for eventual programs of mass internment and gun confiscation in the advent of a national emergency?

In Nazi Germany, the Hitler Youth succeeded the Boy Scout movement. Hitler Youth training was militarized in comparison to the Boy Scout network, which was largely based around education. Boys aged fourteen and upwards, as well as a separate branch aged 10-14, were trained at preparatory schools to become future Nazi leaders. At its height in 1940, and after it had become mandatory to join, the Hitler Youth boasted no less than 8 million members.

Apparently in a shift away from the traditional Boy Scouts activities of sports, camping, survival skills and team leadership, the government is now training children “to confront terrorism, illegal immigration and escalating border violence” under the banner of the Explorers program, with the aid of military-style exercises aimed at subduing insurgents.

In one scenario, boys are trained how to conduct drug raids and take out an “obstreperous lookout”.

“Put him on his face and put a knee in his back,” a Border Patrol agent explained. “I guarantee that he’ll shut up.”

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In other situations, Boy Scouts are trained to disarm “suspected terrorists” and subdue them, including Iraq war veterans.

Scouts are trained to identify the enemy. In a competition in Arizona, one role-player wore traditional Arab dress. “If we’re looking at 9/11 and what a Middle Eastern terrorist would be like,” said A. J. Lowenthal, a sheriff’s deputy in Imperial County, California, “then maybe your role-player would look like that. I don’t know, would you call that politically incorrect?”

Politically correct or not, Homeland Security and the FBI realize Arabs are not the enemy — “rightwing extremists” are.

Last month, Infowars reported on a document produced by the Department of Homeland Security’s National Infrastructure Coordinating Center identifying advocates of the Second Amendment, veterans, pro-life activists, and militia members as dangerous terrorists. A subsequent DHS document, entitled “Domestic Extremism Lexicon,” pinpointed “antigovernment” types “rejecting federal authority in favor of state or local authority” as possible terrorists. “Islamic groups are specifically excluded from this document,” writes Benjamin Sarlin for the Daily Beast.

The new Gestapo Boy Scouts program will train the new Hitler Youth — or Obama youth — for the challenges of a totalitarian globalist future. As the planned implosion of the economy unfolds and unemployment increases, the federal government is picking up the slack. “In the wake of the huge stimulus package to jumpstart the economy, plenty of new positions are being created by 2010. The agencies that will benefit include the Defense, Commerce, Homeland Security and Veterans Affairs departments,” writes Judi Hasson for Fierce Government.

Gestapo Scouts will be required to combat “rightwing extremists” who will refuse to turn in their firearms after the next false flag terror attack or engineered pandemic. SWAT Scouts will be called to deal with those who refuse to participate in mandatory vaccinations. Police state Scouts will be the vanguard for Obama’s million-man Civilian National Security Corps. “just as powerful, just as strong, just as well-funded” as the military.

It’s up to the New York Times, as the premier “liberal” propaganda outfit, to sell the militarization of the Boy Scouts to the American people, using the standard bugaboos of Arab terrorists, drug cartel thugs, and marijuana cultivators as the example of why all of this is necessary.

In the real world, however, government is not primarily concerned with drug dealers — after all, the government and Wall Street run most of the drugs — they are worried about growing opposition to the destruction of the Constitution and the imposition of world government by a cabal of international bankers and their corporate fascist partners in crime.

URL to article: http://www.infowars.com/government-readies-youth-corps-to-take-on-vets/

DHS “Extremist” Lexicon Emerges

Benjamin Sarlin
The Daily Beast
May 1, 2009

The Department of Homeland Security set off a firestorm earlier this month when a memo surfaced that warned of right-wing extremists. The memo, which was issued to law-enforcement officials, suggested that extremists driven to dire straits by the Obama administration could recruit returning veterans to help produce Timothy McVeigh-like terrorism. Now, The Daily Beast has obtained another DHS memo, and this one identifies an even more far-ranging group of “extremists.”

police state   DHS Extremist Lexicon Emerges
Click above image to read PDF.

Partisans leapt to decry the first DHS memo as part of a Democratic conspiracy to marginalize right wingers. But it became clear that DHS’s broad descriptions of extremists (“mainly antigovernment, rejecting federal authority in favor of state or local authority”; “may include groups and individuals that are dedicated to a single issue, such as opposition to abortion or immigration”) were symptomatic of an ongoing agency problem that crossed ideological lines. Indeed, earlier memos surfaced that targeted left-wing extremists with the same uncomfortably vague descriptions. For example, one memo warned that anarchist extremists “embrace a number of radical philosophical components of anticapitalist, antiglobalization, communist, socialist, and other movements.”

The new memo obtained by The Daily Beast locates an even wider-ranging group of extremists among us. You could safely say it crosses liberal and conservative lines: Entries range from Mexican separatists to antiabortion extremists to racial Nordic mysticism. (Islamic groups are specifically excluded from this document.)

Read entire article


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