CDC Drafts “Isolation Order” for H1N1

Kurt Nimmo
September 28, 2009

The following draft of an “isolation order” was discovered on the CDC’s website. It is a template for state and local officials to impose quarantines and what would effectively be martial law.

“Your illness [as determined by state and local officials] requires that you be isolated and requires further public health investigation and monitoring.”

Failure to obey will result in imprisonment without bail prior to trial and the possiblity of a two year prison term.

In other words, according to this document, officials can impose quarantine without evidence that somebody is actually infected with a virus that is now negligible at best. It may also be used to quarantine potentially millions of people suffering from any number of illnesses — or not suffering from any disease at the discretion of the state — that have nothing to do with H1N1. It is basically a carte blanche for martial law under the cover of protecting the public from a communicable disease that is demonstrably a manufactured and weaponized threat.

isolation order

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Military Attacks American Citizens With Sound Weapons & Tear Gas At G20

Paul Joseph Watson
Thursday, September 24, 2009

REUTERS UPDATE: Secret Service confirms that police are shooting #g20 protesters with “bean bags.” But check out what they look like. Via

Military Attacks American Citizens With Sound Weapons & Tear Gas At G20 5c6c33b0 9c3f 49e6 8ca5 d5aea8751de5 300

A 12 gauge round that direct fires a 26 gram or 40 gram bean bag projectile. Designed for single target engagement allowing escalation of force from a close distance prior to use of lethal means. It’s $9.95 per round.

A Effect on target: Incapacitation caused by loss of breath, psychological effect, and/or pain and extreme discomfort.

B. Time to Effect: Instantaneous

C. Duration of Effect: Seconds to Minutes based on power factor, distance and location of strike.

D. Effective Range: 7 yards (heavily clothed subject) to 20 yards

G20 Pittsburgh LIVE Coverage:

LIVE: G-20 Protesters In Pittsburgh Streets:


National Guard, police, and other military units attacked American citizens with tear gas and deployed sound cannons today in response to an “unpermitted protest” as bedlam hit the streets on the first day of the G20 summit in downtown Pittsburgh.

The First Amendment is officially dead in the United States. If this isn’t martial law then we don’t know what is. Associated Press photographs show National Guard troops in full fatigues with active duty military running checkpoints that make the roadblocks in Iraq positively friendly. Like Iraq, America is now a conquered nation occupied by troops whose primary function is to oppress anyone who tries to express the freedoms that they once enjoyed.

It all unfolded live on The Alex Jones Show as the Infowars crew called in to the program as sound cannons were turned against protesters who police were attempting to force out of the immediate area.

“According to news agency reports, officers made their announcement over a loudspeaker telling people to leave or face arrest or “other police action,” reports the London Times. These words were broadcast live on the Alex Jones Show today along with police orders that the “unlawful assemblies should immediately disperse”.

“Protesters at one flashpoint reported the use of tear gas to disperse the crowds,” reports the Press Association.

Citing Pittsburgh criminal code, police bellowed through loudspeakers that unpermitted protests were a serious offense, an official death knell for the First Amendment.

Corporate media reports will obsess about anarchists causing nuisance without mentioning the fact that the You Tube video below clearly shows police terrorizing neighborhoods with ear-splitting sound weapons that are clearly a violation of all kinds of town ordinances related to public health and noise pollution.

Infowars correspondents reported live how police were “kettling” protesters into confined areas in an attempt to subdue them. Jason Bermas reported seeing mask wearing anarchists, who have been caught before on numerous occasions provoking violence as a pretext for the police to crackdown, throwing objects and tipping over garbage cans.

As we have previously reported, 2,500 National Guardsmen along with Marines and the Air Force are stationed in Pittsburgh to provide “security” for the G20 summit. Their primary training routine revolved around “crowd control” and dealing with civil unrest. The sight of troops on the streets of America, even for routine traffic control and “security” is now commonplace as the land of the free sinks into a militarized police state.

Watch this space for more coverage from Pittsburgh over the next few days. Images and videos appear below.

LRADS being used against protesters caught live on The Alex Jones Show.

Numerous videos of G20 protests and police actions can be viewed on You Tube as they roll in here.

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Georgia’s Flu Pandemic “Emergency” Bill

September 24, 2009

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The bill allows the Governor of the state to assume “emergency powers… in the event of a pandemic influenza emergency.” From the bill’s text:

To amend Article 2 of Chapter 34 of Title 43 of the Official Code of Georgia Annotated, relating to physicians, so as to authorize the use of influenza vaccine orders for a group of patients; to provide for influenza vaccine protocol agreements between physicians and pharmacists or nurses; to provide for definitions; to provide requirements for the content of influenza vaccine protocol agreements; to provide that a party to an influenza vaccine protocol agreement shall not delegate his or her authority; to provide for statutory construction; to provide for policies for handling used equipment; to limit the number of influenza vaccine protocol agreements in which a physician may enter at any one time; to prohibit certain entities from entering into influenza vaccine protocol agreements; to provide for rules and regulations; to provide for limited liability; to provide for applicability; to amend Article 1 of Chapter 7 of Title 31 of the Official Code of Georgia Annotated, relating to regulation of hospitals and related institutions, so as to provide for vaccinations or other measures for health care workers in hospitals; to provide for statutory construction; to amend Chapter 3 of Title 38 of the Official Code of Georgia Annotated, relating to emergency management, so as to provide for emergency powers of the Governor in the event of a pandemic influenza emergency; to provide for related matters; to provide for an effective date; to repeal conflicting laws; and for other purposes. (Emphasis added.)

Read the entire bill

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Panamax 2009: A U.S. Military Exercise to Train Soldiers to Impose Pandemic Martial Law

Mass Communication Specialist David P. Coleman
September 21, 2009

Editor’s note: Military exercise designed to train soldiers to “stop people from going to work and school,” according to the U.S. Navy.

Representatives from 10 U.S. government agencies are holding a two-day table-top exercise in cooperation with the government of Panama to assist in responding to any future influenza pandemic Sept. 16.

The agency representatives are in Panama in conjunction with Fuerzas Aliadas PANAMAX 2009, a 12-day military security training exercise involving 20 countries.

The representatives discussed how the United States and the Panamanian government can manage an influenza outbreak by utilizing their agencies’ assets to combat a pandemic.

“Our goal is to work as close as possible with the Panamanians in case there is a real threat, such as a pandemic influenza,” said U.S. Navy Capt. Miguel A. Cubano, a medical doctor and command surgeon for the U.S. Southern Command. “We want to help them set up a plan so a pandemic outbreak does not have a great impact on their economy, stop people from going to work and school and stop the operations of the Panama Canal.”

The agencies present included the Department of State, Department of Homeland Security, Department of Agriculture, Department of Commerce, Federal Aviation Administration, U.S. Agency for International Development, Department of Health and Human Services, U.S. Army, U.S. Coast Guard and U.S. Navy.

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Since the severity of flu outbreaks is difficult to predict, the U.S. agencies are sharing tools and information to help Panama combat any level of influenza outbreak.

Influenza usually starts suddenly, with symptoms that include fever, headache, tiredness, coughing, sore throat, runny or stuffy nose, body aches, diarrhea and vomiting. Many different illnesses, including the common cold, can have similar symptoms, so diagnosis and communication are key to anticipating an unusually severe flu outbreak.

The U.S. Navy is working with the Panamanian government and other U.S. agencies to build a preventive plan to fight all diseases, not just the flu.

According to U.S. Coast Guard Cmdr. Joselito S. Ignacio, head of the Coast Guard’s Environment Health Division, Navy and Coast Guard vessels could play an important role in combating future epidemics.

“The Coast Guard will work diligently to provide maritime support in our role to help the people of Panama defeat a pandemic outbreak,” Ignacio said.

The pandemic exercise is not directly part of the FA PANAMAX 2009 maritime exercise, but is occurring concurrently.

FA PANAMAX 2009 is one of the largest multinational training exercises in the world, and is taking place in the waters off the coasts of Panama from Sept. 11-22 with the participation of civil and military forces.

More than 20 vessels and a dozen aircraft are involved in the exercises. Participants are focusing on a variety of responses to any request from the Government of Panama to protect and guarantee safe passage of traffic through the Panama Canal, ensure its neutrality, and respect national sovereignty. Simulated ground forces are also participating at Fort Sam Houston in San Antonio, Texas.

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Boston NPR Editorial Defends Massachusetts Flu Pandemic Police State Bill

WBUR Boston
September 12, 2009

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Richard T. Moore (D-Uxbridge), Senate Chairman of the Legislature’s Joint Committee on Health Care and the Special Senate Committee on National Health Reform, says the latest target of anti-government advocates is Senate Bill No. 2028, a pandemic and emergency preparedness plan that gives officials authority to quarantine individuals if necessary:

This summer, vividly and loudly dominating our TV news and print media, America witnessed a raucous display of distrust of our own elected government in the health care town hall meetings. The President and Congress are seeking to expand access to affordable health insurance, and therefore health care, to all Americans. But some of our fellow citizens, skeptical of anything government does, demonized those who tried to explain the proposals before Congress and shouted down explanations rather than engage in a reasonable discussion of the problems and possible solutions.

The anger over health reform efforts by the national government to help Americans expand their right to life, health and happiness has, apparently spilled over to Massachusetts in the form of anger at efforts under discussion in the state government to protect the rights of all citizens during a time of public health emergency. For more than a century, government has had extraordinary powers to respond to an epidemic, and it has generally exercised those powers responsibly. However, legislation aimed at modernizing and refining those powers to preserve individual liberty while protecting everyone from epidemic has been seen by some as more “big brother” government.

Read entire article

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Martial Law Alert Over Swine Flu

Stephen Lendman
The Baltimore News
September 8, 2009

Fact check:

• no Swine Flu threat exists;

• reported H1N1 infections and deaths are uncorroborated;

• WHO predicting a global pandemic affecting “as many as two billion people….over the next two years” is falsified hype unless a diabolical depopulation scheme (by vaccines or other means) plans to create one;

• vaccines don’t protect against diseases they’re designed to prevent and often cause them;

• all vaccines contain harmful toxins, including mercury, aluminum, formaldehyde, phenoxyethanol (antifreeze), and squalene adjuvants that weaken and can destroy the human immune system, making it vulnerable to many annoying to life-threatening illnesses; and

• evidence suggests that the H1N1 strain was bioengineered in a US laboratory, and the vaccines being produced for it are extremely hazardous and potentially lethal.

Under no circumstances should anyone submit to them even if threatened with fines, quarantine, or incarceration.

Government and PhRMA Are Enemies, Not Protectors

On April 26, the US Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) issued a “Determination that a Public Health Emergency Exists….as a consequence of confirmed cases of H1N1 Influenza in four US states.” At an April 27 press briefing, Homeland Security (DHS) Secretary Janet Napolitano said:

Yesterday “I issued a public health emergency declaration” as part of “standard operating procedure” to make more government resources available to combat the spread of Swine Flu. She then ordered the FDA “to proceed to permit things like Tamiflu to be used for populations that they otherwise wouldn’t be used for – in this case, for example, very, very young children.”

On November 13, 2005, Japan’s Health Ministry said it was “looking into reports of a number of sudden deaths of young people who had taken prescribed dosages of Tamiflu.” The Ministry also “found 64 cases of psychological disorders linked to the drug in the past four years.”

The Japan Institute of Pharmaco-Vigilance head, Dr. Rokura Hama, said “Tamiflu appears to be similar to other powerful drugs that can cause behavioral changes” by affecting the central nervous system. It’s the leading medication prescribed for the treatment and prevention of flu. In April, DHS ordered 12 million doses made available in locations around the country for quick access if needed.

Then on June 11, the World Health Organization (WHO) “raise(d) the level of (Swine Flu) influenza pandemic alert from phase 5 to phase 6,” its highest level in declaring “The world is now at the start of the 2009 influenza pandemic,” while admitting its severity would likely be “moderate (and) most people will recover from swine flu within a week, just as they would from seasonal forms of influenza.” The WHO no longer reports “confirmed” Swine Flu cases globally, yet continues to hype the scare without corroborating proof.

There was no emergency earlier or now, but you’d never know it from hyped media reports to convince people voluntarily to submit to experimental, untested, toxic and extremely dangerous vaccines that damage the human immune system and cause health problems ranging from annoying to life-threatening.

George Bush’s Executive Orders (EOs) 13295 and 13375, Homeland Security Presidential Directive-21, and Military Pandemic Planning

In addition to the federal laws below, the Bush EOs, HSPD-21, and Pentagon plan suggest a hidden agenda behind today’s Swine Flu crisis as a way to institute martial law on the pretext of a public health emergency, using hyped fear to win popular acquiescence.

On April 4, 2003, EO 13295 issued a “Revised List of Quarantinable Communicable Diseases” that included cholera, diphtheria, infectious TB, plague, smallpox, yellow fever, severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS), and viral hemorrhagic fevers like ebola and lassa.

On April 1, 2005, EO 13375 amended EO 13295 by adding “the following new subsection:”

“(c) Influenza caused by novel or reemergent influenza viruses that are causing, or have the potential to cause, a pandemic.”

The October 2007 HSPD-21 “establishe(d) a National Strategy for Public Health and Medical Preparedness which builds upon principles set forth in (the 2004) Biodefense for the 21st Century and will transform our national approach to protecting the health of the American people against all disasters.”

It called for:

• “nationwide, robust, and integrated biosurveillance…to provide early warning and ongoing characterization of disease outbreaks in near real-time;

• countermeasure stockpiling and distribution….of medical countermeasures (vaccines, drugs, and therapeutics) to a large population….;

• mass casualty care….created by a catastrophic health event;” and

• “community resilience” whereby “civic leaders, citizens, and families are educated regarding threats and are empowered to mitigate their own risk;” in addition, the federal government must be involved in “medical preparedness to assist (nationwide) in the face of potential catastrophic health events.”

In May 2007, the Department of Defense’s (DOD) “Implementation Plan for Pandemic Influenza” prepared for a possible H5N1 (Avian Flu) pandemic that could affect up to one-third of the population and kill as many as three million in just weeks, it was claimed. It involved using US troops to put down riots, guard pharmaceutical plants and shipments, and restrict the movement of people inside the country and across borders.

This plan remains active and US laws authorize it, including Sections 1076 and 333 of the John Warner National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2007 that amended the 1807 Insurrection Act and 1878 Posse Comitatus Act. They prohibit using federal and National Guard troops for law enforcement except as constitutionally allowed or expressly authorized by Congress in times of a national emergency like an insurrection.

The president may now announce a public emergency, declare martial law, suspend the Constitution, and deploy US troops on city streets to suppress what he calls disorder.

The Legal Basis for Quarantines

Vaccine law expert Alan G. Phillips says:

“….underlying laws….allow states to mandate vaccines in an emergency….throw out exemptions….impose quarantines and isolation outside of our homes,” and the only way around this is to “chang(e) state policy and law.”

US laws are similar. They can mandate vaccinations and let states isolate and quarantine Swine Flu victims if authorities call the disease infectious and life-threatening.

Under the proposed Model State Emergency Health Powers Act (MSEHPA), civil liberties may be suspended in case of a public health emergency, with or without verifiable evidence.

The September 2003 Turning Point Model State Public Health Act (MSPHA) lets state, local, and tribal governments revise or update public health statutes and administrative regulations. According to James Hodges, executive director of Johns Hopkins and Georgetown University’s Centers for Law and the Public Health, over half the states have these laws that can order flu testing, ban public gatherings, mandate quarantines, and issue other emergency public health directives.

Federal laws already do it, including the 2006 Public Readiness and Emergency Preparedness (PREP) Act that lets the HHS Secretary declare any disease an epidemic or national emergency requiring mandatory vaccinations. It also protects drug companies from tort liability, except in cases of “willful misconduct.”

US State Responses to Swine Flu

Growing numbers of states are exploiting the hyped scare by declaring a public health emergency. Others are passing laws that order forced quarantines, impose fines or imprisonment for offenders, and prepare to govern under martial law with local police, National Guard, or federal troops for enforcement.

Florida ordered voluntary or mandatory detentions at home or in state-designated facilities as well as closures of suspected buildings and areas. Quarantine Detention Orders state:

• “non-compliant” persons are ordered to “remain in detention quarantine until released by the State Epidemiologist or Health Officer;”

• at home, they must wear surgical masks at all times in the presence of anyone, even family members, and follow other required instructions while in isolation;

• in state-run facilities, they must “comply with all orders….regarding (their) medical care,” and must “cooperate with the detention facility’s access to (themselves) and (their) medical records for purposes of delivering and monitoring (their) medical care;” and

• these “action(s are) taken under the police power authority of the health department and your cooperation is required by law;” failure to comply is a “crime.”

Forms circulating on the Internet show that Iowa ordered home or facility quarantines for anyone suspected of possible H1N1 infection. However, Mason City, Iowa’s KIMT TV 3 reported that “Health leaders in (the state) are reassuring people that there are no H1N1 related quarantines being ordered,” yet preparations have been made to do it.

North Carolina’s Draft Isolation Order calls for imprisonment for up to two years and pretrial detention for residents failing to comply with isolation orders.

Washington empowers local health authorities to issue emergency detention orders for up to 10 days.

On April 28, Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger issued a “Proclamation to Confront Swine Flu Outbreak” and ordered “all state agencies and departments to utilize and employ state personnel, equipment and facilities to assist the Department of Public Health (DPH) and the State Emergency Plan as coordinated by the California Emergency Management Agency.”

He further proclaimed a “state of emergency” because of “conditions of extreme peril” in the State.

On April 26, New York Gov. David Paterson activated the state’s health emergency preparedness plan, thereby putting the state on “high alert to quickly identify and respond to any cases of swine flu.” No further action was taken.

On April 28, Texas became the second state to declare a Swine Flu emergency as officials closed schools and cancelled sporting events after an alleged fatality was reported. At a press conference, Gov. Rick Perry said:

“I’m issuing a disaster declaration which covers the entire state. This will move Texas to a higher state of alert and release resources to address the spread of the virus.” No further action was taken.

On May 1, Maryland’s Gov. Martin O’Malley’s executive order declared a public health emergency “based on an abundance of caution and concern for our students…If there is a probable case of H1N1 virus at any school, we will close that school and cease all extra-curricular activities for up to 14 days.”

He also ordered “appropriate emergency protective measures (be taken to) assist public and private sector employers (take) proactive steps to prevent the spread to influenza workers and their families.” He stopped short of more draconian measures, including statewide forced vaccinations and quarantines for resisters.

On August 6, the Minneapolis-St.Paul Star Tribune headlined: “As fall approaches, officials are taking a hard look at emergency plans in the event the virus strikes more aggressively.” On August 10, the paper reported, without elaboration, that state officials “have a plan ready if Minnesota’s health care system is swamped by 1.5 million cases.”

Other states took similar actions, including Nebraska, Ohio, Virginia and Wisconsin, and still others are considering them as the fall flu season approaches and children return to school.

After earlier issuing a “Proclamation of Civil Emergency due to a Highly Infectious Disease,” Maine Gov. John Balducci signed a Swine Flu civil emergency decree on September 1 that gives the WHO and UN martial law authority over the state and authorized the Maine Center for Disease Control to vaccinate the state’s residents. Making this mandatory wasn’t mentioned, but state civil emergency powers may allow it if ordered.

On April 28, the Massachusetts Senate unanimously passed the most draconian law to date, S. 2028, that imposes virtual martial law authority. If it’s passed in the House and becomes law, it gives the governor sweeping powers, lets public health officials mandate vaccinations, and, with law enforcement and medical personnel, enter private residences and businesses without warrants, quarantine non-compliers, and impose $1,000-a-day fines and/or imprisonment for up to 30 days.

It also authorizes:

• closures and evacuations to decontaminate residences, buildings or facilities;

• the destruction of suspect materials;

• restricting or prohibiting public gatherings;

• public health authorities to use or supervise private health care facilities and requires private health personnel to provide appropriate services, including vaccinating state residents;

• “the arrest without warrant (of anyone believed to have) violated an order for isolation or quarantine…;”

• control over “ingress (and) egress” from public areas and human traffic within them;

• enforcement measures for the safe disposal of “infectious waste and human remains;”

• control over all medical supplies as well as other measures needed to respond to the emergency;

• the use of state police for enforcement;

• control over “routes of transportation and over materials and facilities including but not limited to communication devices, carriers, public utilities, fuels, food, clothing, and shelter;” and

• public health officials to “institute appropriate civil proceedings against (properties) to be destroyed in accordance with the existing laws and rules of the courts of this Commonwealth or any such rules that may be developed by the courts for use during the emergency;” acquired properties may “be disposed of by destruction as the court may direct.”

Massachusetts may be a trial balloon for what federal authorities plan everywhere as the fall flu season approaches, to be followed by hyped reports of nationwide Swine Flu outbreaks, perhaps caused by the vaccines intended to prevent them.

In early July, HHS Secretary Kathleen Sebelius announced that children, pregnant women, health care workers, and adults with chronic illnesses will be first to be vaccinated. Reports indicate that inoculations will begin in early October, preceded by media-hyped fear urging everyone to get one.

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Pittsburgh G20 Summit: De Facto Martial Law

Joe Pogany
September 4, 2009

In a disturbing trend that has been emerging in the United States over the last few years, active-duty military will be on a mission in the streets of another modern American city. WPXI News is reporting that 2,000 combat-ready troops from the 2nd Brigade Combat team of the Army National Guard will be deployed in Pittsburgh Pennsylvania during the G20 Summit. The troops will be tasked with providing assistance with crowd control, traffic, defensive terrorist tactics, and equipment to sense biological and chemical weapons.

In an August 3rd broadcast on KDKA News, it was reported that Gov. Ed Rendell had promised 1,500 Pennsylvania National Guard troops who would be on-call “If necessary.” In this and other news reports, it was reported that the roughly 900-member Pittsburgh Police Force was not enough to handle the amount of protestors that are being expected, which was cited as a reason to bring in the National Guard. Pittsburgh Police Department Chief Nate Harper put out a call to other departments and major cities seeking and eventually getting roughly 3,100 out-of-town police officers for the event. So, even though the police were able to secure the needed forces, we now have a confirmed commitment of active-duty military of not 1,500 troops— but 2,000! As of now we can expect 6,000 or more “authorities” for this elitists’ confab.

There is still no word as to whether or not these National Guard troops will be armed, and if so, whether they will be armed with lethal or non-lethal weapons. From earlier reports it is known that the police force will have “Standard-issue riot gear” but it is not known if the military will be equipped in this way too. Another point that is not known at this time is what the chain of command will be. (I.e. whether the police will be directing the military or vice-versa)

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Following the U.S. Department of Homeland Security’s designation of the summit as a “National Security Special Event,” the U.S. Secret Service has taken charge of the event. This means that the Federal Government is directing all of the activities of the police, military, local officials, and by fiat— all of the local citizens. Amtrak has announced that they will not be making stops in Pittsburgh during the summit as well as Greyhound, who is considering temporarily moving their terminal to McKeesport. The Port Authority of Allegheny County announced that the light-rail service into the city will stop as it enters the city and admit that they still don’t know about how bus service will be affected.

KDKA News is also reporting that residents of the Downtown Pittsburgh area will need to show ID to enter their homes. The assorted apartment firms in the area are notifying their tenants that their information will be given to the city, which in-turn will put their names into a database. When the tenants who live in the “security zone” want to get home, they will need to go through a security checkpoint and show proper identification. No word on who will man these checkpoints or whether the residents will have to take their belts and shoes off.

Many groups have applied for permits with the city for protests. Many permits have been denied, and many more have not yet been answered. Of the permits that have been granted, none have actually been issued yet. The ACLU plans on suing the City of Pittsburgh if the permits are not issued by the close of the business day, Friday. All of the groups who plan on protesting can look forward to doing so in one of the two proposed “Free-speech zones.”

With active-duty military personnel being on the streets, free-speech zones, little or no public transportation and making local residents show ID to get to their homes, we will be under a de facto martial law declaration here in Pittsburgh. This summit underlines all of the things that are totally un-American and wholly totalitarian in this country today.

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Congressman: Obama Could Use Pandemic To Declare Martial Law

Paul Joseph Watson
Thursday, August 13, 2009

Congressman: Obama Could Use Pandemic To Declare Martial Law 130809top

Georgia Congressman Paul Broun warned attendees of a town hall event Tuesday that the Obama administration was planning to use a pandemic or a natural disaster to implement martial law in the United States.

Speaking at the North Georgia Technical College auditorium, Broun said that the “socialistic elite,” as well as Obama, Nancy Pelosi and Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, were planning to exploit a crisis to create a favorable climate for their stalling political agenda.

“They’re trying to develop an environment where they can take over,” he said. “We’ve seen that historically.”

Broun’s warning arrives on the back of a letter sent by The National Governors Association to the Pentagon last week, which condemns the military’s plans to usurp domestic control of National Guard and federal forces deployed in the event of a natural disaster or terrorist attack.

In December 2008 it was announced that at least 20,000 more active duty soldiers will be placed inside the United States under Northcom to “help state and local officials respond to a nuclear terrorist attack or other domestic catastrophe.”

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“Domestic emergency deployment may be “just the first example of a series of expansions in presidential and military authority,” or even an increase in domestic surveillance, warned Anna Christensen of the ACLU’s National Security Project. And Cato Vice President Gene Healy warned of “a creeping militarization” of homeland security.”

The contention that the troops will merely help “recovery efforts” after a major catastrophe is contradicted by the fact that Northcom itself, in a September 8 Army Times article, said the first wave of the deployment, which was put in place on October 1st at Fort Stewart and at Peterson Air Force Base in Colorado Springs, would be aimed at tackling “civil unrest and crowd control”.

Congressman Broun has been a thorn in the side of Obama’s agenda since day one, voting against the “cap and trade” bill and slamming the entire concept of man-made global warming as a “hoax”.

He also spoke out against Obama’s plan to create a “national civilian security force,” warning that the program sounded like a 21st century Gestapo and that it was part of a move towards a Marxist dictatorship.

“That’s exactly what Hitler did in Nazi Germany and it’s exactly what the Soviet Union did,” Broun said. “When he’s proposing to have a national security force that’s answering to him, that is as strong as the U.S. military, he’s showing me signs of being Marxist.”

Broun also cited the threat to the second amendment posed by the Obama administration and anti-gun Attorney General Eric Holder.

“We can’t be lulled into complacency,” Broun said. “You have to remember that Adolf Hitler was elected in a democratic Germany. I’m not comparing him to Adolf Hitler. What I’m saying is there is the potential of going down that road.”

MSNBC’s Keith Olbermann voted Broun his “worst person in the world” on two separate occasions and attacked the Congressman as a racist and a bigot for expressing worries about the porous border with Mexico in relation to the swine flu outbreak. Olbermann claimed that Broun had “exploited a dead baby” to make his “sick, xenophobic and utterly irrelevant case about immigration.”

In November 2008, Olbermann erroneously claimed that Obama had called for a “civilian reserve corps” and “federally funded construction workers” when he had actually announced a plan for a “national security force,” as this video shows. Olbermann attacked Broun for expressing concerns about the program.

In July 2008 on the campaign trail, Obama called for a “civilian national security force that’s just as powerful, just as strong, just as well funded,” as the U.S. military.

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Fox News Cites Infowars in Flu Pandemic Report

Katie Cobb
Fox News
August 10, 2009
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An uncontrollable, deadly virus ravages America, shutting down civilian institutions and triggering martial law. Vaccinations are compulsory, and there are mass quarantines throughout the country.

It’s the stuff of Hollywood — but rumors that it could be real are spreading like the flu in the blogosphere, where some people are loudly expressing their fears that the federal government is seriously considering such measures as it maps out a worst-case-scenario response to the swine flu pandemic.

During the bird flu scare of 2005, the Bush administration added novel forms of influenza — including the swine flu — to the official list of “quarantinable communicable diseases,” clearing the way for the forced detention of people who exhibit symptoms of the disease.

Now a proposal awaiting Defense Secretary Robert Gates’ approval would allow the military to set up regional teams to assist civilian authorities in dealing with the impact of the swine flu pandemic. And some observers see this level of government preparedness as little more than a pretext for tyranny.

Read entire article

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