HR 2749: “Food Safety” Bill Has Martial Law Provisions

Food Freedom
July 5, 2009

HR 2749 is a strange bill in many ways.  While the other “food safety” bills have been around since winter, allowing for much public discussion on the internet, HR 2749 has only suddenly appeared.  It is a mutant conglomeration of the worst of the other bills, with the addition of one very original part – martial law.

When it was a draft, it was Waxman’s bill.  But once given a number, it became Dingel’s who already had a “food safety” bill, HR 759.  So Waxman got none and Dingel got two.  (Was this because Waxman, being Jewish, was a hideous choice to introduce a bill with Codex in it – designed by the Nazi pharmaceutical companies that funded Hitler, provided the gas for the gas chambers, experimented on prisoners with vaccines – and is expected to kill millions?)

* HR 2749 would give FDA the power to order a quarantine of a geographic area, including “prohibiting or restricting the movement of food or of any vehicle being used or that has been used to transport or hold such food within the geographic area.”

[This – “that has been used to transport or hold such food” – would mean all cars that have ever brought groceries home or any pickup someone has eaten take-out in, so this means ALL TRANSPORTATION can be shut down under this.  This is using food as a cover for martial law.]

Under this provision, farmers markets and local food sources could be shut down, even if they are not the source of the contamination.  The agency can halt all movement of all food in a geographic area.

[This is also a means of total control over the population under the cover of food, and at any time.] See this DailyKos entry.

The bill is unusual, too, because slow as it was to appear. The little bugger of bill has made up for it since.  It got a number on June 10, went to committee on June 17, passed instantly, and is headed for a vote on the floor of the House.

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The first Patriot Act was passed using fear of terrorism. This Patriot Act is more coy, hiding under a cloak of “food safety” and but also using fear – fear of food contamination.  Evidently, Americans are supposed to be so frightened by the slightest possibility of a terrorist or of E-coli, they would trade away all their precious, hard fought freedoms for the promise of safety.  Or at least, that is what the trade-off has become.  “Terrorism” and “contamination” are great bugaboos used to open doors to an end to the US Constitution.  That is exactly what we are left with after those who wrote HR 2749 are done.

Who did write these bills?  It seems Monsanto had not only a hand, but a “defining” influence.

This redefining of reality is what seems to be underlying all the loss of freedom.  Normal and free are disappearing into the maw of corporate definitions of reality. See this Yup Farming piece.

So, we begin with contaminated food from filthy corporate processors and concentrated animal feeding operations (CAFOs).  And what do we end up with after that reality is ground up by corporate legal hands?  Changes in the definition of risk so that natural things are treated as dangerous and toxic things are untouched, such that:

• Healthy, normal farms are taken over by government as though they were run by criminals and contaminated corporate slaughterhouses are untouched;
• The necessary freedom of individuals to live and grow food and be left alone are somehow suddenly destroyed, though they were never the source of any food contamination issue; and such that
• The profit and control and power of corporations which were absolutely the source of the increasingly terrible food, is somehow suddenly vastly increased.

Thanks to corporate control over reality, our wanting to clean up corporate processors and feedlots and CAFOS and end up with farmers’ markets and local farms and organic food has become the industrialization and potential destruction of every healthy part of the food system and the triumph of the most contaminated and toxic part.  And in the non-bargain, we lost all freedoms and they took all control.  And “all” is not a hyperbole here, for one need only look at another provision of HR 2749 to feel how insane, how distant from all we ever wanted.

* HR 2749 would empower FDA to regulate how crops are raised and harvested.  It puts the federal government right on the farm, dictating to our farmers.

[What is missing in pointing out this astounding control, is that it opens the door to CODEX and WTO “good farming practices” will include the elimination of organic farming by eliminating manure, mandating GMO animal feed, imposing animal drugs, and ordering applications of petrochemical fertilizers and pesticides.  Farmers, thus, will be locked not only into the industrialization of once normal and organic farms but into the forced purchase of industry’s products.  They will be slaves on the land, doing the work they are ordered to do – against their own best wisdom – and paying out to industry against their will.  There will be no way to be frugal, to grow one’s own grain to feed the animals, to raise healthy animals without GMO grains or drugs, to work with nature at all.  Grassfed cattle and poultry and hogs will be finished.  So, it needs to be made clear where control will take us.  And weren’t these the “rumors on the internet” that were dismissed but are clearly the case?]  See this DailyKos entry.

When we wanted not to get E-coli in processed meat, did we intend to put our farmers into corporate servitude?  Did we plan to have our own lives straight-jacketed by a million new controls over our own gardens, our own desire to grow food, our own plans to start small businesses, our own dreams to have a small piece of land and farm ourselves?  Who has the audacity to take our needs and grotesquely bastardize them in these ways, while giving the destruction and totalitarian control the sham name of “food safety”?

We wanted good food.  We never wanted to trap our farmers into an industrial prison on their own land, afraid moment to moment of not fulfilling some monstrous set of instructions that never end – rules the farmers loathe, rules that have not only nothing to do with real farming but which are antithetical to it.  Why have we ended up with HR 2749, an intense corporate nightmare around the most central and necessary aspects of a free country and of free human beings – farming and food?

American farming needs to be relieved of the burdens it has been under, not finished off by its corporate competition.  It needs freedom to flourish again.  Obviously – and Congress people who would think to vote for such absurdities, take note – the imposition of surveillance, monitoring, warrantless entry, taking of all records, licensing, fees, Codex and NAIS, in addition to massive penalties and prison terms (all without judicial review over even appropriateness and validity), are not how one thanks American farmers for holding together the only working part of our food system.  See Literal Enslavement by Linn Cohen-Cole.

HR 2749 is the most vicious and insane bill one could imagine.  Who treats our farmers in this way?  Who believes that such police measures can provide for the rebirth of farming and the return of healthy food?  Who wrote this bill that trashes the freedom of all our lives?  HR 2749 was not what we ordered and it should be sent back the bowels of hell it came from.

HR 2749 is both insane and cruel.  And the deceptiveness of hiding a Patriot Act in it and the brutal rush to slip it through Congress are ANTI-democratic.

Go here to tell Congress, “No.”

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FEMA, Israeli Defense Forces Home Front Command Partner for Martial Law

Kurt Nimmo
July 1, 2009

A press release buried on the FEMA website, dated June 30, 2009, announces a meeting between FEMA administrator Craig Fugate and Maj. Gen. Yair Golan of the Israeli Defense Forces Home Front Command. “I look forward to working with my Israeli counterpart as co-chair of an emergency management work group to improve emergency management practices in both countries,” said Fugate. “These partnerships are critical in ensuring that we are incorporating best practices and also working towards greater public preparedness.”

featured stories   FEMA, Israeli Defense Forces Home Front Command Partner for Martial Law
featured stories   FEMA, Israeli Defense Forces Home Front Command Partner for Martial Law
TOPOFF exercises concentrate on terrorist attack scenarios.

The Israeli National Emergency Management Authority and FEMA partnership was established under “an emergency management work stream workgroup established under a 2007 Memorandum of Understanding with DHS,” according to the press release. FEMA representatives attended the national preparedness exercise Turning Point 3 in Israel on June 1, 2009, and Israel sent observers to the TOPOFF 4 national exercise in the United States, as well as personnel to participate in FEMA emergency management training.

TOPOFF, or Top Officials, is billed as “the nation’s premier terrorism preparedness exercise” by the Department of Homeland Security. “Thousands of federal, state, territorial, and local officials engage in various activities as part of a robust, full-scale simulated response to a multi-faceted threat,” the DHS website explains.

Later this month, FEMA will hold National Level Exercise 2009 (NLE 09). “NLE 09 will be the first major exercise conducted by the United States government that will focus exclusively on terrorism prevention and protection, as opposed to incident response and recovery,” according to the FEMA site.

Turning Point 3 is a “war simulation” conducted by Israel’s IDF and Home Front Command. “The five-day drill, to be coordinated by the Defense Ministry together with the Home Front Command, is intended to test Israel’s preparedness at all levels, from the government down to the citizen in the street. It is also meant to check the coordination between local authorities and the various military and other organizations involved,” Arutz Sheva notes.

As we noted in April in regard to NLE 09, these coordinated exercises are inappropriate, considering the fact there has not been a terrorist attack on the United States since September 11, 2001.

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The DHS and FBI have shifted from so-called Islamic terrorism — well documented as a manufactured threat — to “homegrown” terrorism. In recent months, the DHS has characterized patriot groups, pro-life and anti-illegal immigration activists as “rightwing extremists” threatening the homeland. In the wake of several violent incidents attributed to “white supremacists,” the corporate media has stepped up its mantra that patriot groups and extremist “lone wolves” are a threat.

Although not specifically mentioned in the FEMA factsheet, NLE 09 will also include exercises designed to round-up and intern suspected terrorists. Under REX 84 and other operations, FEMA, in association with 34 other federal civil departments and agencies, trained to detain large numbers of American citizens.

Israel has plenty of “best practices” experience in rounding-up “terrorists” in the Occupied Territories of Palestine. As noted by human rights groups, Palestinian detainees are held, often for indefinite periods, on secret charges at locations that are rarely disclosed to their families. Most of the Palestinian detainees have never been charged, never been tried, and never have seen a lawyer, according to Mitchell Kaidy, writing for WRMEA. In the 1980s, the Israeli Landau Commission discovered that Israeli security police tortured prisoners not only to extract information but to extract confessions.

Israel is now sharing this experience with their American partners under the guise of “emergency management.”

In addition to “exercising” mass detainments, NLE 09 will concentrate on preparing various governmental bodies and organizations for a “Code Red” alert, in other words full martial law. In 2003, then DHS secretary Tom Ridge told CBS News: “If we simply go to red… it basically shuts down the country,” meaning that civilian government bodies would be closed down and taken over by an Emergency Administration. The Israeli Defense Forces Home Front Command is designed for the same purpose.

“In turn, code red alert would trigger the ‘civilian’ Homeland Emergency response system, including the DHS’ Ready.Gov instructions, the Big Brother Citizen Corps, not to mention the USAonWatch and the Department of Justice Neighborhood Watch Program which have a new post 9/11 mandate to ‘identify and report suspicious activity in neighborhoods’ across America,” Michel Chossudovsky wrote in 2005.

Since 2005 and the election of Barack Obama, the government has made strides in creating a Big Brother Citizen Corps. In addition to passing the Generations Invigorating Volunteerism and Education (GIVE) Act — the foundation for Obama’s “civilian national security force that’s just as powerful, just as strong, just as well funded” as the U.S. military — Democrats are pushing H.R. 675, a bill that would amend title 10 of the United States Code and extend to civilian employees of the Department of Defense the authority to execute warrants, make arrests, and carry firearms.

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Pennsylvania chapter of NAACP urges martial law

The Patriot-News
June 27, 2009
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The Harrisburg Chapter of the NAACP is calling on Pennsylvania Gov. Ed Rendell to suspend some civil liberties and impose martial law in the city to halt the wave of recent lawlessness.

Chapter President Stanley Lawson also called on Rendell to bring in the state National Guard for at least 30 days and to impose a curfew. In June, there have been at least 12 shootings, many of them in the daytime, including a man killed Wednesday at a busy city intersection during the lunch hour.

“The Guard is for floods and natural disasters. I don’t know any more of a natural disaster than of our young people being killed,” he said at a general membership meeting of about 25 people at Capitol Presbyterian Church, 14th and Cumberland streets.

“It’s time for some real action,” he said. “Right now the important thing is to stop this madness.”

Read entire article

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Not to Worry: Charlotte Explosion Part of Military Exercise

Christopher D. Kirkpatrick
The Charlotte Observer
June 8, 2009

Editor’s note: Charlotte Fire Department considers citizens “civilians.”

A reported explosion at an uptown federal building late Sunday morning was just a military exercise, said Charlotte Fire Department Capt. Mark Basnight.

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The department received a call from a civilian who said there had been an explosion in the back of the Charles R. Jonas Federal Building at 401 West Trade St. The fire department responded but left the scene after realizing there wasn’t an emergency. Several military personnel in fatigues could be seen inside the gated back lot of the building.

“Some arm of the military was conducting a drill,” Basnight said.

There were no apparent signs of an explosion or any damage. No other details were available.

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FEMA Web Page Shows Martial Law Exercise With Foreign Troops

Target: Freedom
June 8, 2009

The above is a link to FEMA.GOV website page that details the upcoming nationwide training exercise in July 2009. This is directly cut and pasted the full text below from the site.

This is very alarming. This IS NOT an exercise for FEMA to practice disaster relief. This page states very clearly that this exercise will “focus exclusively on terrorism prevention and protection, as opposed to incident response and recovery”.

AND THEY ARE BRINGING FOREIGN TROOPS INTO OUR TOWNS AND CITIES TO TRAIN TO POLICE US. As stated in FEMA website, “This year the United States welcomes the participation of Australia, Canada, Mexico and the United Kingdom in NLE 09.”

Imagine, armed Mexican troops protecting us from ”terrorism” in the United States!  Don’t you feel safer already? ¿Dónde están sus documentos?

Rumors of foreign troops on our soil have been circulated for a long time. BUT this is not a rumor. It is a blatant fact as stated by FEMA on their government website. THIS IS AN INVASION.

During Katrina the federal government went in and disarmed everyone, even law abiding citizens. Recently, Tennessee passed into law a bill that states that Tennessee residents undoubtedly have the right to keep and possess their firearms during martial rule. Why did they feel the need to do this? And what does it mean when our government is running martial law drills on a nationwide scale?

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We are told that this is just a training exercise. Should we believe that? Foreign troops in the Southwest sounds incredibly similar to what we learned, back in the 1980’s, from undercover FBI agent  Larry Grathwohl:

Watch the videos that are here:

Undercover FBI agent Larry Grathwohl told us of people whom he described in this way:

“They felt that this counter-revolution could best be guarded against by creating and establishing re-education centers in the Southwest, where we would take all of the people who needed to be re-educated into the new way of thinking and teach them how things were going to be. I asked, well what is going to happen to those people that we can’t re-educate that are die-hard capitalists? The reply was that they would have to be eliminated. When I pursued this further they estimated that they would have to eliminate 25 million people in these re-education centers. When I say eliminate, I mean kill … 25 million people.

I want you to imagine sitting in a room with 25 people, most of which have graduate degrees from Columbia and other well-known educational centers, and hear them figuring out the logistics for the elimination of 25 million people. And they were dead serious.”

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Bilderberger treason goes unpunished!

Jerry Mazza
Online Journal
June 5, 2009

The True Story of the Bilderberg Group
The updated, revised, expanded
North American Union Edition
By Daniel Estulin

It is ironic, as Daniel Estulin points out, that America’s fledgling democracy established the Logan act in 1799 to protect itself from Americans fostering foreign associations to intrude in our affairs. Named after Dr. George Logan, a pro Republican and prescient Quaker from Pennsylvania, it has remained almost unchanged and unfortunately unused since its passage, though it reads with great relevance in the shadows of the New World Order’s operatives . . .

featured stories   Bilderberger treason goes unpunished!

It states, “Any citizen of the United States, wherever he may be, who, without authority of the United States, directly or indirectly commences or carries on any correspondence or intercourse with any foreign government or any officer or agent thereof, with intent to influence the measures or conduct of any foreign government or of any officer or agent thereof, in relation to any disputes or controversies with the United States, or to defeat the measures of the United States, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than three years, or both.”

In fact, it is amazing that the Bilderberg Group has met since 1954 with funding from the CIA and is made up of the world’s most powerful people, notably US and world heads of state, made and in the making, numerous international corporate CEOs from business, banking, industry, media, as well as world royalty, plus high-ranking members of the Council on Foreign Relations and the Tri-Lateral Commission.

The Bilderberg goal has been to shape policy that deeply concerns the United States and its citizens in regards to innumerable foreign alliances without providing US citizens any awareness of same. And not once has any US member been indicted for their treasonous breaches in these actions.

Even though high-ranking members of the press attend Bilderberg annual meetings, there is little or no press coverage. They are there, as it were, to get with and push the program, albeit disguised. The meetings’ locales are announced only days before the events, always in a small town near a big city — this year’s at the five-star Nafsika Astir Palace Hotel in Vouliagmeni, Greece, May 14-17.

There are no press reports of discussions, agendas or conclusions released. Yet the matters discussed ranged this year from all facets of the US economy, including the dollar’s future, whether there will be depression or prolonged stagnation, US unemployment; more frighteningly, even to the destruction of the United States as we know it into the North American Union of Canada, the US, and Mexico.

Even though I read and favorably reviewed Estulin’s Bilderberg 2007: Welcome to the Lunatic Fringe, this new edition of the story lends new urgency to what has been happening in the darkness of the political night we live in, both north and south of us, including newly made associations of corporations, plans to usurp US laws to North American Union imperatives, all part of a scheme to hammer America into the pieces of this NAU like broken glass into an unrecognizable mosaic of oppression.

Read entire article

Get Estulin’s book at Alex Jones’ Infowars Store

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Marines Train “Civilians” to Accept Coming Martial Law

June 1, 2009

Here is a photo from the Strategy Page website:


Caption: U.S. Marines participate in a practice raid on Flushing Meadows Park with a CH-46 helicopter to demonstrate for civilians the tactics the U.S. Marine Corps uses while raiding an area in enemy territory, May 25, 2009. The Marines are assigned to the 6th Marine Regiment’s 2nd Battalion. The demonstration was part of Fleet Week 2009 activities. U.S. Marine Corps photo by Lance Cpl. Carl Payne.

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Marines invade Clove Lakes Park during a demonstration as part of Fleet Week last month. Note the “civilians” in the background who are being trained to accept martial law.

On May 23, the Staten Island Real-Time News reported on “mock raids at the public park to give civilians a feel for how soldiers operate in battle.”

Or maybe that should be “mock raids” to give civilians a taste of things to come and, of course, get them acclimated to the presence of uniformed and armed soldiers in their midst.

It is interesting the Marines characterized Flushing Meadows Park as “enemy territory.” In fact, according to our rulers and their military functionaries, the entire United States is “enemy territory” in need of martial law.

World Bank head honcho and globalist Robert Zoellick said as much last week when he warned that the banker contrived “stimulus” will not stem rising unemployment and forestall “political unrest across the globe.” Increasing poverty and the coming fire sale of corporations and infrastructure here in the former land of the free and brave will be a “political combustible issue,” according to Zoellick and the World Bank loan sharking operation.

It’s a combustion that will need to be dealt with — and that’s why the Marines are landing CH-46 helicopters in public spaces.

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The Great Swine Flu or the Great Flu Swindle?

Rady Ananda
April 30, 2009

How serious should we take mainstream media’s hysteria about 0.00000189 of Mexico’s total population contracting swine flu?  Is this a pandemic?  By definition, it has to be geographically widespread (see Pandemic Nonsense: Flying Pig Flu).

In The last great swine flu epidemic, Patrick Di Justo shows that the 1976 epidemic that the government-media-CDC warned us about never occurred.

Excuse for Martial Law?

Some fear this latest flu outbreak will be used to impose martial law. In fact, the Massachusetts Senate just passed such a bill, 36-0.  It goes to the House next.  Martial law? Home invasions?  Two siblings in Massachusetts did recently travel to Mexico and contract the swine flu. Neither are hospitalized and both are at home recovering.

The bill also protects from liability those who assist the government. So, if the vaccine is deadlier than the virus, Big Pharma can’t be sued, it seems.

Mass Media Misinformation

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Mexican baby who did have swine flu was transferred to the states where he died. But mass media reported it as US baby dies as new Spanish case raises swine flu alarm.  If you read the article, you learn it was not a US baby.

Reuters reported in WHO warns flu pandemic imminent that the swine flu virus “killed the first person outside of Mexico, a toddler in Texas.”  It never clarifies that the baby was from Mexico.  The Reuters report makes other misstatements.  According to Mexican authorities, as reported by the Washington Post Bureau Chief in Mexico Wednesday morning, April 29:

“The government has announced this morning here that they have confirmed only 49 cases of swine flu, of which 7 patients have died. There are listing another 159 as ‘probable,’ but I’m unclear what that means.” (emphasis added)

Yet, Reuters reported ”159″ swine flu deaths in Mexico.  Only seven have died as of Wednesday morning – in a nation of 109,995,400. That’s 0.0000000636 of the entire population. Even if we use the higher figure of 208 possible cases of swine flu (of which only 49 are confirmed) in Mexico, that amounts to 0.00000189 of the population.  Hardly a blip on the map of terrible diseases.

Yesterday, the UK Guardian reported that the World Health Organization’s assistant director general said:

“[E]ight swine flu deaths had been reported to the WHO: seven in Mexico and one in the US. To date, 114 confirmed cases of infection have been reported to the WHO. They are: Canada 13, US 64, Mexico 26, Israel two, Spain four, UK two and New Zealand three.

Misanthropic Genetic Engineers or CAFOs to Blame?

Dr. Leonard Horowitz, a Harvard graduate and internationally known authority in public health, accuses biotech firm, Novavax, saying, “This unprecedented H1N1-H5N1 flu outbreak implicates the Anglo-American Vaccine Pipeline.”

The New Scientist magazine does not believe this is a genetically engineered strain unleashed on humanity by misanthropes.  Instead, it posits that factory farms, legally known as Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations (CAFOs), are likely the culprit:

“The conditions in which animals are kept can favour the evolution of new and deadlier strains.

“For instance, in the wild nasty flu strains that make animals too ill to walk or fly are unlikely to spread far. On crowded factory farms, they can spread like wildfire, helped by the global trade in animals and animal products.”

But small holdings, it says, can also be a source for pig-to-human transmission:

“The interaction of farm workers with animals, especially on small-holdings where pigs, ducks, chickens and children all happily intermingle, also provides plenty of opportunities for viruses to jump species.”

The New Scientist cautions that animal vaccines might make things worse causing super-viruses to evolve. Dr. Horowitz agrees, but on different grounds. He asserts that nano-sized anti-microbial silver-based medicines are safer and far less expensive than mercury and aluminum based vaccines using genetically modified organisms.

The New Scientist concludes:

“The fact is that we still know so little about flu, and what makes it capable of spreading from human to human, means that deliberately engineering a virus of this kind would be a huge challenge. Yes, it’s possible that this virus was created by a mistake at a research laboratory or a vaccine factory.

“But by far the most plausible explanation is that this monster is the long-predicted product of our farming system.”

Activists have long condemned CAFOs.  Grist Magazine named a Smithfield Foods subsidiary as a possible culprit in Mexico – a huge factory farm. (Even Grist and Global Research get the number of dead wrong, probably by relying on mainstream media.)

Fox News: Martial Law If It’s a Pandemic?

Legal analyst says Americans would be willing to give up rights

Federal police officers ride a police truck through the streets ...

Paul Joseph Watson
Thursday, April 30, 2009

A segment on Fox News’ Fox and Friends this morning explored the issue of whether a swine flu pandemic could result in a declaration of martial law in America and a suspension of constitutional rights.

“If it becomes a pandemic, you could lose some simple rights – like going to the movies,” said host Steve Doocy, before introducing legal analyst Peter J. Johnson, Jr.

“People in our government need to start thinking about how, if this actually becomes a pandemic, how it’s going to affect our daily life and our rights,” said Johnson, before asking if people who try to escape quarantines or refuse mandatory vaccinations would face jail time.

Johnson added that Americans were willing to give up rights in order to “stay alive” but that an orderly discussion of how that would happen needs to take place.


Fox News: Martial Law If Its a Pandemic? obama 340x169

Closing schools, closing the border, forcibly quarantining Americans and eliminating the right to freely assemble, including preventing people from going to shopping malls, were all mentioned as possibilities.

“What about legislatures? What about the U.S. Congress? What about courts of law? What about not impaneling juries because we don’t want to have public assemblies?” asked Johnson.

“Plus the possibility of martial law, but that’s a whole other conversation,” added Doocy, with Johnson responding, “not going there”.

Watch the clip below.

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