The dawn of a new age of muckraking

Luke Rudkowski
Russia Today
December 3, 2009

Today, talking heads, corporations, governments, editors and publishers no longer make the definitive judgment on what is news and what is not. More than 100 years after Upton Sinclair wrote his muckraking book “The Jungle,” the tradition of muckraking has a new life on the Internet.

Sinclair set out on a daunting task: to infiltrate the meatpacking industry in Chicago. He took months off from work and immersed himself in the business, working undercover to expose the gross mistreatment of workers. Sinclair gave vivid details about immigrant life in Chicago, depicting poverty and homelessness and exploitation by the powerful.

Today, all it takes to create an expose is a laptop and a camera, or even just a cell phone. Anyone can take video and upload it to YouTube for the world to see. This accessibility opens up the possibility of an uncontrolled flow of information around the world.

The people now have eyes and ears all over the world, and are waiting to broadcast. This gives them an advantage over the mainstream media, which cannot always be at the right place at the right time. This exposure allows humanity to see and understand issues more clearly than ever, as events unfold in front of our very eyes from all perspectives.

The mainstream media occasionally misses big stories that rock society – either by negligence or on purpose – that online activists uncover. For example, in his book “Here Comes Everybody,” Clay Shirky details how bloggers brought down Trent Lott.

“This would have been a classic story of negative press coverage altering a political career – except that the press didn’t actually cover the story,” Shirky writes. It was the bloggers that picked up on Lott’s racist remarks during his speech at Storm Thurmond’s 100th birthday party, which eventually cost Lott his leadership position in the Senate.

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Recently, a groundbreaking story coined “Climategate” spread like wildfire through the Internet before making its way into mainstream media. This story concerned emails between scientists who produce studies to support theories of global warming. In the emails, the scientists were openly discussing destroying studies that didn’t support their theories.

This scandal, which was brought to the world’s attention thanks to the Internet, severely damages the validity of the global warming theory. If it weren’t for the Internet, this story might never have seen the light of day.

Major media outlets have not continued the tradition of muckraking for many reasons. It is a lot more efficient for a news organization to keep a reporter in the office writing news stories every day than to send him away for six months on a reporting trip that may only produce three stories.

It also has a lot to do with corporate relations. A news organization run by a corporation does not want to rock the boat and go after other large corporations to which they may have ties. It is impossible for a news agency to report fairly on an issue when their profits are involved. The news programs have been caught many times suppressing stories because their sponsors would be negatively affected by the media attention.

Corporations are only interested in profit and that’s why we have seen them forget about muckraking journalism – it is not profitable. Judith and William Serrin said it best in “Muckraking: The Journalism That Changed The World:” “Some publishers and broadcast executives might as well be selling shoes as selling news.”

Today, five corporations control nearly 90 percent of the mainstream media. Almost everything we see, hear or read in newspapers, magazines, books, radio and television is owned by Time Warner, Disney, News Corporation, Bertelsmann or Viacom. The democratization of information via the Internet could not have come at a better time.

The Internet not only allows us a greater and richer perspective on events, but covers events that would naturally be censored by the mainstream media and their corporate interests. It gives activists an opportunity to see, hear and smell for the people, looking out for the masses and at the same time exposing the elite. This threatening wave of truth can not only end the profits of the five information-controlling corporations, but reform and revolutionize society. Once the people fully recognize the potential of this tool to express their grievances, they will be an unstoppable force.

Day by day, more information is controlled by fewer hands – but because of technology, there are no longer any gatekeepers. We are able to get a rich abundance of perspectives and views online that help us grasp and understand important events in our history as they unfold. The Internet has become more effective than traditional media. If a tree falls in the forest and no one is around to hear it, it still makes a sound. With the help of the Internet, today a single isolated tree can make so much noise that the whole world will hear it.

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CNN Spreads Detention Camp Disinfo

December 1, 2009

In a new CNN report deeply rooted in Department of Homeland Security propaganda, CNN’s John Acosta says that the Federal government is not building detention camps around the country and that there is absolutely no proof of these kinds of activities. However, a highly controversial documentary released a couple of months ago offers the viewers almost 90 minutes of heart-stopping proof that plans for martial law and FEMA camps are indeed very real.

“Camp FEMA” has been called the most comprehensive documentary made on the topic of concentration camps in America. In the opening moments of the film, viewers are very quickly reminded that our government has turned to the use of detention camps to solve its problems before with the forced detention of over 120,000 Americans of Japanese decent in the early 1940’s. Forced labor, compulsory vaccinations, and mandatory “Americanization” classes top the list of atrocities committed against fellow citizens, on behalf of their Federal government.

The movie is kicked off by a single question, “Is it possible that history could repeat itself?”

Senate Select Committee Hearings and official FBI documents echo the rhetoric spewed forth by DHS and MIAC reports that transform patriot-minded third party supporters into dangerous potential terrorists of the homegrown variety. White House policies classify homeschoolers, gun rights activists and anti-abortionists as threats against the existing social and political order, by default creating an entire nation of radicals and revolutionaries – where everyone is a suspect… equally guilty until proven otherwise. History shows us what tyrannical governments have done with these people in the past.

CNN’s John Acosta also forgot to mention H.R. 645 introduced in early 2009 by Rep. Alcee Hastings, a Democrat from Florida convicted of bribery charges. In Camp FEMA, the audience learns the true meaning of “Emergency Centers.” The intent of the national emergency centers, according to Section 2 of HR 645, is to meet, “…for an extended period of time the housing, health, transportation, education, public works, humanitarian and other transition needs of a large number of individuals affected by an emergency or major disaster…” and can be used to advance “other purposes” not defined in the bill.

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H.R. 645 is specific. If the ”Relocation Center” is to be a closed military installation, the installation will no longer be under the Secretary of Defense, but the jurisdiction will be transferred to the Secretary of Homeland Security. As “relocation centers” will be established in the wake of a “national emergency,” the center should then fall under FEMA. The Federal Emergency Management Agency, FEMA, is the emergency response arm of the Federal Government. Established during the Carter Administration to respond to national emergencies and disasters, and under the Bush administration FEMA was brought under the Department of Homeland Security.

If CNN and Acosta needed more proof, they should check out Army Regulation 210-35, which was set up during the Reagan Presidency, and surfaced under the Clinton Administration. According to Alex Jones, who appears in Camp FEMA, there are now 12 camps completed and ready to house American citizens.

Also ignored in the CNN report is the participation of NORTHCOM in creating an advertisement, run earlier this year, on the Army National Guard’s own website. For the first time in U.S. history, there has been an army unit assigned to The United States. NORTHCOM, according to an article in The Army Times “…may be called upon to help with civil unrest and crowd control or to deal with potentially horrific scenarios…” The ad for a “Corrections Officers and Internment/Resettlement Specialists” was removed in mid August. Camp FEMA points out that the ad was specific with regard to the needs of the National Guard; someone to train “as Internment Settlement Specialists, to control and supervise detainees.”

CNN has conveniently chosen not to address the legislations, the government reports or the list of terror suspects that the US government keeps adding to a database on a daily basis. “You don’t keep a list unless you intend to use it,” said William Lewis writer of Camp FEMA. Producer Gary Franchi added, “There are now over 1.2 millions names on the DHS watch list. How did we let this happen in the United States of America?” Why is CNN deliberately misleading the public about internment camps? You may find the answers in Camp FEMA.


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Copenhagen Spokesman Calls for “Creation of Vision” through Works of Fiction at UNESCO Conference

Jurriaan Maessen
December 1, 2009

Broadcasters play a vital role by informing and educating the public about the realities of climate change and the costs of inaction. Armed with information, citizens are better equipped to push for meaningful and responsible follow-through from their elected representatives. This is all the more essential in the final days before Copenhagen.”

Statement by UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon for UNESCO’s International Conference on Broadcast Media and Climate Change

At a UNESCO conference in September of this year on how to best sell the global warming hoax to selected target audiences, spokesman and media-manager of the UN’s Framework Convention on Climate Change Eric Hall called for the creation of “an imagination, and a vision” through works of fiction for people to chew on in the run-up and exceeding the Copenhagen conference next week.

“That”, Hall explained, “will come through film, it will come through soap operas, it will come through reality TV, it will come through novels.”

He made the statement at the conference “Broadcast Media and Climate Change”, organized by the United Nations Scientific and Cultural Organisation. Attended by a wide range of public and private broadcasters from around the globe, the meetings were recorded on tape for all to see and hear, highlighting the need for- as one attendee described it: “raising awareness on climate change worldwide”.

To put Eric Hall’s call for fiction-induced mind control into context, here follows a short summary of the conference. Because the video’s are copyright-protected, they are not posted here (I have included the accurate time-codes so the reader may easily look them up). The entire transcript archive of the conference can be accessed here.

Jean Reveillon, Director General of the European Broadcasting Union, outlines the mission at the very start of the conference (Session 1, 00:8:36):

“We believe that the subject at hand is of great importance and the very idea that people from the media- and in particular broadcasters- be able to come together and reflect on the best way to cover information on climate change in order to provide the best possible public service mission that is ours to the world (…)”

During the first session of the conference, we see a familiar face. Mr. IPCC and co-receiver of the Nobel peace-prize Rajendra K. Pachauri tells us via satellite link (Session 1, 01:05:00):

“Earlier speakers have referred to the importance of bringing about behavioural changes- and may I submit that these behavioural changes would essentially be in the nature of changes in lifestyles. There a several things that we can do in our individual lives and I think the broadcasting community perhaps needs to go out and tell people- and create a grass-roots movement (…).”

When broadcasters tell people what to do, any movement as a result of it would of course no longer be grass-roots. Vice-Chair of the IPCC, Jean-Pascal Van Ypersele, seconds Mr. Pachauri’s statements, saying (Session 1, 01:12:08):

“We are very much convinced in the IPCC that media- in particular broadcast media which talks to so many people at the same time- have a particular role to inform and educate the citizens throughout the world; and the IPCC is really keen on collaborating with you and trying to provide the best information, the most understandable information so that you can do your very important work.”

In response, the Director General of the European Broadcasting Union immediately replied:

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“Thank you very much. And indeed I can confirm that we from the media want to do our best to accomplish that mission.”

Another UN PR-person states (Session 1, 01:19:42):

“It is very important that the media seize this moment and help the United Nations and help others if they can. Very soon the United Nations will be putting out as part of its campaign a public service announcement. We hope you will work with us as far as that is concerned. I also pray that you’ll examine all roads. You look truly at revolutionary ways on climate change coverage.”

An interesting intermezzo was provided by speaker Alex Kirby, a 20-year BBC veteran environment reporter, who openly stated he cares not for opposing views of the IPCC fairytale, bizarrely comparing climate-sceptics to Apartheid proponents (Session 1, 01:36:35):

“I’ve never thought it is part of the journalists’ job to try to inject an artificial and spurious balance into an unbalanced reality. If I have been sent to do a story on Apartheid or poverty or starvation, I hope to God I would not have tried to do a balanced story. And I think the same applies to climate change.”

Even more interesting than the statement itself is the fact that it is not included in the transcript of his speech,  posted here on the UNESCO-website.

But the most curious statement coming out of the mouth of a UN communications person is that uttered by Eric Hall- chief PR-man at the United Nations. Hall outlined the way that climate change can best be hammered into the collective is through works of fiction (Session 2, 00:39:06):

“Probably the majority of the world does not read news at all. They don’t look at news as to change, to get their information or to change their behaviour. If climate change is about behavioural change, ultimately which I believe it is, then from a media perspective you must, you must look at it in a way that it’s not just about news. It’s about creating an imagination, and a vision, of what a climate change world- or a successfully avoided climate change world- will look like. That will come through film, it will come through soap operas, it will come through reality TV, it will come through novels.”

Hall draws an analogy with media-coverage in the Cold War era:

“If we did not have that visual imagination from the non-news part of the media about what a post-nuclear world would have looked like, we would have been in much more serious trouble that we have been if we wouldn’t have got the kind of agreements we had on the nuclear problem – itself a similar human civilization threatening problem.”

It seems that the greatest work of fiction shoved in humanity’s face today is the man-made global warming contrivance. Thanks to the leaked documents of the Climate Research Unit of the University of East Anglia, the mass mind control activities of most of the broadcasters is breaking down. The recent comments by high level media people about climategate indicates that the propaganda effort is blowing up in the face of those who perpetuate the lie all this time. If UNESCO’s Walter Erdelen would have known that crucial information would be leaked to the general public almost three months later, he probably wouldn’t have  bragged about his organisation’s role in perpetuating the myth nor highlighted UNESCO’s large role in the selling of it:

“This crucial role is largely invisible to the public eye. UNESCO has long sponsored the World Climate Research Programme (WCRP) and the Global Climate Observing System (GCOS), which are precisely what their names imply, and are fundamental to the progress made by the Nobel Prize-winning Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). Fully 91% of coordinating authors of the IPCC’s Fourth Assessment Report were WCRP scientists, and thus had the support of UNESCO behind them.”

This is a good example of a statement turning into a confession in retrospect. All those institutions involved will, after all, be held to account for the role they have played in this whole sordid affair.

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Dictatorial UN Crushes Media Freedom Before Copenhagen

Paul Joseph Watson
Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Betraying its dictatorial and anti-free speech agenda, the United Nations has blocked two-time New York Times number one bestseller and World Net Daily senior staff writer Jerome Corsi from attending the Copenhagen climate conference next week.

Establishment propaganda organs like the Associated Press, who have dutifully echoed the UN’s hokey science on global warming, in spite of the recent climategate scandal which proved that top academics associated with the UN IPCC manipulated data to “hide the decline” in global temperatures, have been graciously invited to attend the summit, but any media outlet that has questioned the United Nations’ monopoly on universal truth is not welcome.

Despite the fact that Corsi was previously accredited for coverage at the UN, namely for speeches given by Mahmoud Ahmadinejad and George W. Bush, he has been banned from attending next week’s Copenhagen confab.

“Axel Wuestenhagen, media coordinator for the event, admitted in his response that, after two weeks of deliberation on the matter, he consulted with U.N. officials in New York to make a decision about WND’s request,” reports World Net Daily.

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“Having now reviewed the application and in consultation with the Media and Accreditation Unit in New York, regrettably, we are not in a position to grant accreditation in this instance,” he wrote. “As a for-profit subsidiary of the nonprofit Western Journalism Center, we follow the U.N. guidelines on accreditation which specifies that advocacy publications of nongovernmental or nonprofit organizations do not qualify for media accreditation. Please note that the organization is under no obligation to accept your request if it does not meet U.N. standards and requirements for press accreditation.”

As WND editor Joseph Farah points out, WND has no present affiliation whatsoever with the Western Journalism Center, so the ban has been implemented on a completely false pretext. Despite this, even if WND was affiliated with the Western Journalism Center, what gives the United Nations the right to block media coverage of an event that has global ramifications? This isnt a private function, this is a major summit at which decisions which intimately affect the lives of U.S. citizens will be made by unelected bureaucrats.

Of course, the real reason why Corsi and WND were banned from the event is because they have not prostrated themselves in front of the UN as a servile echo chamber for global warming brainwashing and propaganda, unlike organizations like the Associated Press who have profusely dothed their cap in support of the UN’s ceaseless drive to convince the world that the “debate is over” on global warming, despite the fact that temperatures have been falling for over 10 years.

The Copenhagen event is also being billed as a great leap forward for the implementation of a global government. Since Corsi and World Net Daily have consistently highlighted the anti-democratic nature of the march towards a new world order, their skepticism is obviously something the UN is trying to neutralize.

Top globalists routinely let slip damning statements about the real agenda behind the march towards global governance at these kind of events, yet establishment media outlets habitually fail to report on them. Corsi would have seized upon and reported these sort of statements, which is precisely why the UN has barred him from attending.

This is the model for freedom of the press in the new world order once global institutions completely seize control of national legislative bodies. As is also the case with the European Union, which passed a tyrannical ruling that made it an illegal offense to criticize the EU, dissent in the era of global governance will not be tolerated and those who attempt to exercise freedom of speech in opposing our new rulers will be summarily silenced and gagged.

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Dear Main Stream Media, Climategate Story’s Not Going Away

Conservative for Change
November 30, 2009

Dear Main Stream Media,

We know you are doing your best to cover this up. It is understandable, but very immoral. Instead of focusing on one of the biggest scientific scandals ever, and identifying the real scoundrels involved, you have given in to both corporate and governmental pressure. A lot of big companies pay you a great deal of money to advertise their products and they really want to continue the lies about the existence of global warming that they have helped perpetuate. Governments have their own shady agendas.

What you must understand is that WE THE PEOPLE are not letting this go! We will get the word out and we will make sure the truth is told, even if you stopped doing that long ago.

Truth Seeking Citizens of the World

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Man Gets Climategate Story Out on CBC

November 28, 2009

In general, the corporate media has ignored the climategate story. In Europe, Britain, Australia, and elsewhere the corporate media has reported on this important story, but here in the United States it has met mostly with a stony silence.

In Canada, a determined activist interrupted a CBC broadcast with a message demanding the news network report on the climategate story. His message and act should be repeated here in the United States and around the world.

The corporate media cannot be allowed to bury this important story.

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Climategate: The Silence is Deafening from the Corporate Media

J Speer-Williams
November 28, 2009

Who said, “Breakin’ news is always bad!”?

By now most of us in the alternative media are aware of the some 61 megabytes of global warming research data of emails, documents, and computer code released by whistleblowers (or hackers), that have exposed climate scientists, at the University of East Anglia in Great Britain, as the frauds they’ve proven themselves to be.

This decade of emails and documents clearly concludes that global warming scientists have manipulated scientific data to “hide the decline” in global temperatures; and the fact that, there has been no statistically significant global warming for fifteen years, but our world has experienced a rapid and significant cooling for nine years.

So breath-taking has been this leaked data, to date, it has produced some startling headlines in the alternative media:

(1) Climategate: Greatest Scandal in Modern Science!”

(2) “Climategate? Smoking Gun? Blood in the Water?”

(3) “Global Warming Scientists Seek to Protect Their Government Funding by Corrupting the
Peer-review Process.”

(4) “Climate Bombshell: Hackers {or Whistleblowers] Leak Emails Showing Conspiracy.”

(5) “Email Leaks Turn Up Heat on Global Warming Advocates.”

(6) “Climategate Scientists Caught Red-handed in Monumental Fraud.”

(7) “Bad Scientists? No Criminals!”

Now, these global warming scientists, who have been so severely exposed for the frauds they are, are crying, “Persecution!”. While their own emails prove they have been very busy planning how best to get tenured professors fired, who will not shallow the rotten fish of anthropogenic global warming, how to black-ball them from scientific journals, and prevent them from participating in the peer-review process.

Persecution? No, prosecution in a criminal court of law is what they deserve.

Even Obama’s Climate Czar, John P. Holdren has been exposed, by these emails, for the fraud he is, proving Holdren’s avid global warming advocacy has been more driven by politics than science.

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Holdren, Director of the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy, is no stranger to extremist views: In a 1977 book, Holdren co-authored (Ecoscience – Population, Resources, Environment), he campaigned for compulsory abortion, mass sterilization, involuntary infertility, a one-child policy, and global governance.

In another of Holdren’s books (Human Ecology: Problems and Solutions), he even argued that babies were not human beings.

Mr. Holdren, there’s no question babies are human. The real question is are you a human being?

These academic and governments fraudsters, along with their corporate media counterparts, account for the fact that many people have been denied the truth regarding the man-made global warming myths.

The so-called “consensus” establishing the validity of the man-made global warming theories does not exist; the mainstream, corporately owned media merely tell us it does; and, do not expect “our” media to widely broadcast anything about these email exposures; many people will never hear of them.

When caught red-handed in their lies, the corporate media always has but one response: Utter silence, waiting for the smoking gun to cool, and then be forgotten. But if the red-hot pistol doesn’t cool quickly enough, the whole corrupted system of the controlled press goes into over-drive, preparing for a workable gambit: Which is usually their tried and true method of creating controversy, something relatively easy for them to do. And once an issue enters the world of controversy, the Establishment usually wins the info wars of public opinion, because they get the most words, the loudest words, and the last words. And after all, they represent authority.

Trial and error is employed to find the kindling that will ignite the fires of controversy. Usually the first maneuver is tested with some secondary official, from some secondary country, to gage the effectiveness of the ploy. This process has already begun with Dutch Environment Minister Jacqueline Cramer.

Ms. Cramer has claimed that the East Anglia University whistleblowers, or hackers, altered 61 metabytes of computer data before leaking the files, in spite of the fact such a statement, has to date, never been made by the man-made global warming advocates, who wrote it all .

If Ms. Cramer’s allegations gain traction, expect to hear more about how the whistle-blowers falsified the data. We may even hear of innocent people coming to trial, falsely confessing they were the ones who “altered” all the emails, before releasing them. But, with enough mind control, I could be convinced, I was the one who falsified them, even though I know so little about computers, I can hardly use my Apple program to write this sentence.

Ms. Cramer, in her outrage, screamed, “This is just criminal. It’s unacceptable.”

What is acceptable Ms. Cramer, the death of a billion starving people, and the guaranteed poverty of the rest of us, due to the pending Cap and Trade legislation in Washington, and the coming international laws, directives, regulations, and more laws, that will inhibit the farming of food and the means to get it to market, with few of us having enough money to buy food if it were available?

Am I exaggerating? I hope so, but believe not.

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Agents Provocateurs Documented at G-20 During March

September 28, 2009

Saturday September 26 2009: Three undercover officers attempt to infiltrate a March Against Police Brutality at the University of Pittsburgh, but fail miserably due to their horrendous disguise attempts. During the march, one of them breaks a photographer’s camera. This is just one example of a larger pattern of attempts to silence the media during the G20 protests.

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