CNN Spreads Detention Camp Disinfo

December 1, 2009

In a new CNN report deeply rooted in Department of Homeland Security propaganda, CNN’s John Acosta says that the Federal government is not building detention camps around the country and that there is absolutely no proof of these kinds of activities. However, a highly controversial documentary released a couple of months ago offers the viewers almost 90 minutes of heart-stopping proof that plans for martial law and FEMA camps are indeed very real.

“Camp FEMA” has been called the most comprehensive documentary made on the topic of concentration camps in America. In the opening moments of the film, viewers are very quickly reminded that our government has turned to the use of detention camps to solve its problems before with the forced detention of over 120,000 Americans of Japanese decent in the early 1940’s. Forced labor, compulsory vaccinations, and mandatory “Americanization” classes top the list of atrocities committed against fellow citizens, on behalf of their Federal government.

The movie is kicked off by a single question, “Is it possible that history could repeat itself?”

Senate Select Committee Hearings and official FBI documents echo the rhetoric spewed forth by DHS and MIAC reports that transform patriot-minded third party supporters into dangerous potential terrorists of the homegrown variety. White House policies classify homeschoolers, gun rights activists and anti-abortionists as threats against the existing social and political order, by default creating an entire nation of radicals and revolutionaries – where everyone is a suspect… equally guilty until proven otherwise. History shows us what tyrannical governments have done with these people in the past.

CNN’s John Acosta also forgot to mention H.R. 645 introduced in early 2009 by Rep. Alcee Hastings, a Democrat from Florida convicted of bribery charges. In Camp FEMA, the audience learns the true meaning of “Emergency Centers.” The intent of the national emergency centers, according to Section 2 of HR 645, is to meet, “…for an extended period of time the housing, health, transportation, education, public works, humanitarian and other transition needs of a large number of individuals affected by an emergency or major disaster…” and can be used to advance “other purposes” not defined in the bill.

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H.R. 645 is specific. If the ”Relocation Center” is to be a closed military installation, the installation will no longer be under the Secretary of Defense, but the jurisdiction will be transferred to the Secretary of Homeland Security. As “relocation centers” will be established in the wake of a “national emergency,” the center should then fall under FEMA. The Federal Emergency Management Agency, FEMA, is the emergency response arm of the Federal Government. Established during the Carter Administration to respond to national emergencies and disasters, and under the Bush administration FEMA was brought under the Department of Homeland Security.

If CNN and Acosta needed more proof, they should check out Army Regulation 210-35, which was set up during the Reagan Presidency, and surfaced under the Clinton Administration. According to Alex Jones, who appears in Camp FEMA, there are now 12 camps completed and ready to house American citizens.

Also ignored in the CNN report is the participation of NORTHCOM in creating an advertisement, run earlier this year, on the Army National Guard’s own website. For the first time in U.S. history, there has been an army unit assigned to The United States. NORTHCOM, according to an article in The Army Times “…may be called upon to help with civil unrest and crowd control or to deal with potentially horrific scenarios…” The ad for a “Corrections Officers and Internment/Resettlement Specialists” was removed in mid August. Camp FEMA points out that the ad was specific with regard to the needs of the National Guard; someone to train “as Internment Settlement Specialists, to control and supervise detainees.”

CNN has conveniently chosen not to address the legislations, the government reports or the list of terror suspects that the US government keeps adding to a database on a daily basis. “You don’t keep a list unless you intend to use it,” said William Lewis writer of Camp FEMA. Producer Gary Franchi added, “There are now over 1.2 millions names on the DHS watch list. How did we let this happen in the United States of America?” Why is CNN deliberately misleading the public about internment camps? You may find the answers in Camp FEMA.


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Corporate Media Gets You Ready for Your Forced Experimental Vaccination

July 30, 2009

Fox’s Shepard Smith almost said “draconian” and instead said “drastic” while reporting on Northcom’s involvement in plans to “administer” a toxic H1N1 vaccine, more than likely in October. Robert Gates, the Bush admin leftover at the Pentagon, is ready to sign off on marrying troops with FEMA when the engineered pandemic breaks out later this year. No mention of the egregious violation of Posse Comitatus this plan presents in the Fox News report:

Northcom has a plan “on the table” for “five regional military teams” to back up FEMA when the pandemic hits. Fox’s Brain Wilson reports the military will be involved in imposing “mass quarantines,” that is to say martial law.

It is becoming increasingly clear what the government has in mind for the serfs.

For all the details on the hyped flu pandemic, forced vaccination with experimental vaccines, and coming martial law, see our Flu Pandemic Resource page.

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Military To Work With FEMA During Swine Flu Pandemic

Paul Joseph Watson
Wednesday, July 29, 2009

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According to a CNN report, the military will assist civilian authorities in the event of a significant swine flu outbreak in the U.S. this fall, stoking fears that the pandemic, which has claimed relatively few lives so far, will be used as an excuse to implement martial law and a mandatory vaccination program.

“The plan calls for military task forces to work in conjunction with the Federal Emergency Management Agency. There is no final decision on how the military effort would be manned, but one source said it would likely include personnel from all branches of the military,” states the report.

The proposal, which was drawn up by U.S. Northern Command’s Gen. Victor Renuart, is awaiting final approval from Defense Secretary Robert Gates. The first step would be to sign an “execution order” which would authorize the military to begin detailed planning on how to implement the proposal, before actual orders to deploy military personnel are given.

The amount of troops required or whether they would come from the active duty or the National Guard and Reserve forces has not yet been determined.

Northcom has been preparing for mass flu pandemics for years and indeed, Gen. Victor Renuart spoke of the threat of a flu pandemic emerging out of Mexico just weeks before it actually happened.

Testifying back in March, Renuart said Northcom would provide “assistance in support of civil authorities” during an epidemic, adding “when requested and approved by the Secretary of Defense or directed by the President, federal military forces will contribute to federal support.” However, Renuart then added, “USNorthCom does not wait for that call to action.”

“Because Mexico is our neighbor and disasters do not respect national boundaries, we are focused on developing and improving procedures to respond to potentially catastrophic events such as pandemic influenza outbreak, mass exposure to dangerous chemicals and materials, and natural disasters,” he testified.

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Northcom was only relatively recently assigned its own fighting unit – the Army’s 3rd Infantry Division’s 1st Brigade Combat Team, which had been fighting in Iraq for five years before that. As we have previously reported, the Armed Forces Press Service has initiated a propaganda campaign designed to convince the American people that deploying the 3rd Infantry Division in the United States in violation of the Posse Comitatus Act is a good thing, with images of soldiers from the brigade helping in “humanitarian” rescue missions, such as car wrecks. This is all designed to condition Americans to accept troops on the streets and highways as a part of everyday life.

The assignment of the 1st Brigade Combat Team to Northcom alarmed the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU). “This is a radical departure from separation of civilian law enforcement and military authority and could, quite possibly, represent a violation of law,” said Mike German, ACLU national security policy counsel.

The news that troops are being prepared to work with FEMA in the event of a swine flu pandemic will increase fears that the government is preparing to enforce a mandatory vaccination program – at gunpoint if necessary.

State health authorities have already confirmed that if the government were to announce a mandatory vaccination program, then there would be no exemptions whatsoever and the program could be carried out with the use of force if necessary.

As reported by CNS News earlier this month, a health-care reform bill approved by the Senate Health, Education, Labor and Pension Committee called The Affordable Health Choices Act, will fund the creation of state “intervention” teams that will carry out home visits in order to check that both children and adults have been vaccinated and also provide “provision of immunizations”.

“Home visits? What exactly is the state going to do when it sends people to “implement interventions” in private homes designed “to improve immunization coverage of children”? asks the CNS report.

There can be little doubt that many Americans will call upon their second amendment rights and resort to using force to protect themselves and their children if the government attempts to forcibly impose a mass vaccination program. This is why the assistance of military personnel may be necessary to subdue potential resistors in the event of mandatory quarantines and inoculations.

The last time the the national guard and military worked with FEMA and local law enforcement on a large scale in the United States was during Hurricane Katrina, when they aided in the confiscation of privately owned firearms of citizens, even those who lived in the high and dry areas and were unaffected by the hurricane.

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Will NorthCom take over in Swine Flu Outbreak?

Matthew Rothschild
The Progressive
Thursday, April 30, 2009

The swine flu outbreak raises a lot of fears.

Here’s one you might not have thought of yet: The Pentagon may be taking over more and more of our civil society in this crisis.

Back in 2002, President Bush created NorthCom, the Pentagon’s Northern Command, which has jurisdiction over the United States.

And NorthCom has been running preparedness drills in the event of a flu pandemic for at least the past three years.

Making things more alarming, NorthCom got assigned its own fighting unit six months ago—the Army’s 3rd Infantry Division’s 1st Brigade Combat Team, which had spent much of the last five years battling things out in Iraq.

The assignment of that fighting unit alarmed the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU). “This is a radical departure from separation of civilian law enforcement and military authority and could, quite possibly, represent a violation of law,” said Mike German, ACLU national security policy counsel.

Testifying in March, General Victor Renuart, head of NorthCom, said it would provide “assistance in support of civil authorities” during an epidemic. And, he added, “when requested and approved by the Secretary of Defense or directed by the President, federal military forces will contribute to federal support.” But he boasted: “USNorthCom does not wait for that call to action.”

He noted that NorthCom has prepared for a flu outbreak from Mexico. “Because Mexico is our neighbor and disasters do not respect national boundaries, we are focused on developing and improving procedures to respond to potentially catastrophic events such as pandemic influenza outbreak, mass exposure to dangerous chemicals and materials, and natural disasters,” he testified.

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NorthCom also has a “private sector cell,” Renuart said in a talk to the Heritage Foundation on August 20, 2008. “We have great participation from industry and from other organizations around the country.”

One private sector group that has worked with the FBI and Homeland Security on pandemics is InfraGard. This is group of more than 30,000 businesspeople who have special access to confidential FBI information and may be assigned special—and lethal—duties in times of an emergency (See “The FBI Deputizes Business”).

An InfraGard chapter held a meeting at NYU Medical Center on February 21, 2007 on “Pandemic Preparedness Planning: the Case for Public-Private Collaboration”.

InfraGard also participated in a conference entitled “Surviving the Pandemic,” held in Madison, Wisconsin, October 12, 2006. That conference was co-sponsored by the Southeast Wisconsin Homeland Security Partnership, two centers at the University of Wisconsin, the Madison Area Technical College, Alliant Energy, and American Family Insurance.

InfraGard wants to be a player in pandemic response. “Utilization of their expertise will help local communities prepare for a possible pandemic event to ensure minimal disruption and quick recovery,” one InfraGard press release stated.

Whether and how InfraGard and NorthCom might be working together in this swine flu outbreak is unclear.

Similarly, it is unclear what actions NorthCom might take if an all-out pandemic ensues.

One last concern: George W. Bush bestowed upon the Presidency enormous powers, essentially to be in charge of every branch of government, as well as state and local and tribal governments and the private sector, in the event of a “catastrophic emergency.” (See National Security Presidential Directive 51)

We’re in a public health emergency now. It’s not “catastrophic” yet. But it appears to be up to the President—and the President only—to make that determination, according to the directive.

Congress needs to hold hearings on NorthCom, InfraGard, and National Security Presidential Directive 51.

We must insist on our rights, even in emergencies.

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