DVD: The Fall Of The Republic: The Presidency Of Barack H. Obama

The Fall Of The Republic: The Presidency Of Barack H. Obama (2009)

Order the DVD at: http://infowars-shop.stores.yahoo.net…
Fall Of The Republic documents how an offshore corporate cartel is bankrupting the US economy by design. Leaders are now declaring that world government has arrived and that the dollar will be replaced by a new global currency.

President Obama has brazenly violated Article 1 Section 9 of the US Constitution by seating himself at the head of United Nations’ Security Council, thus becoming the first US president to chair the world body.

A scientific dictatorship is in its final stages of completion, and laws protecting basic human rights are being abolished worldwide; an iron curtain of high-tech tyranny is now descending over the planet.

A worldwide regime controlled by an unelected corporate elite is implementing a planetary carbon tax system that will dominate all human activity and establish a system of neo-feudal slavery.

The image makers have carefully packaged Obama as the world’s savior; he is the Trojan Horse manufactured to pacify the people just long enough for the globalists to complete their master plan.

This film reveals the architecture of the New World Order and what the power elite have in store for humanity. More importantly it communicates how We The People can retake control of our government, turn the criminal tide and bring the tyrants to justice.
A film by Alex jones

Democrats in revolt over Barack Obama’s troop surge

Christina Lamb
Times Online
November 29, 2009

Barack Obama’s much-vaunted eloquence faces the biggest test of his presidential career this week when he takes to the stage at West Point military academy to explain to a nation that thought it had elected an anti-war president why he is escalating the conflict in Afghanistan.

After almost three months of agonising, nine war councils and endless leaks, the president will finally make his views known on Tuesday when he is expected to announce that he is sending about 30,000 more troops. This will push up American forces to 100,000 and the total number of allied forces to almost 140,000, as many troops as the Soviet Union had in Afghanistan.

Read entire article

URL to article: http://www.infowars.com/democrats-in-revolt-over-barack-obama%e2%80%99s-troop-surge/

75 Percent of Oklahoma High School Students Can’t Name the First President of the U.S.

September 18, 2009

OKLAHOMA CITY — Only one in four Oklahoma public high school students can name the first President of the United States, according to a survey released today.

The survey was commissioned by the Oklahoma Council of Public Affairs in observance of Constitution Day on Thursday.

Brandon Dutcher is with the conservative think tank and said the group wanted to find out how much civic knowledge Oklahoma high school students know.

The Oklahoma City-based think tank enlisted national research firm, Strategic Vision, to access students’ basic civic knowledge.

“They’re questions taken from the actual exam that you have to take to become a U.S. citizen,” Dutcher said.

A thousand students were given 10 questions drawn from the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services item bank. Candidates for U.S. citizenship must answer six questions correctly in order to become citizens.

Read entire article

URL to article: http://www.infowars.com/75-percent-of-oklahoma-high-school-students-cant-name-the-first-president-of-the-u-s/

In Violation of the Constitution: Obama Takes On Chairmanship of UN Security Council

Right Soup
September 14, 2009

Some unprecedented news today, folks. Never in the history of the United Nations has a U.S. President taken the chairmanship of the powerful UN Security Council. Perhaps it is because of what could arguably be a Constitutional prohibition against doing so. To wit: Section 9 of the Constitution says:

No Title of Nobility shall be granted by the United States: And no Person holding any Office of Profit or Trust under them, shall, without the Consent of the Congress, accept of any present, Emolument, Office, or Title, of any kind whatever, from any King, Prince, or foreign State.

Nonetheless, the rotating chairmanship of the council goes to the U.S. this month. The normal course of business would have U.S. Ambassador to the UN Susan Rice take the gavel. However, this time will be different. Constitution be damned, Barack Hussein Obama has decided to put HIMSELF in the drivers seat, and will preside over global nuclear non-proliferation and disarmament talks slated to begin September 24th. The Financial Times says:

Barack Obama will cement the new co-operative relationship between the US and the United Nations this month when he becomes the first American president to chair its 15-member Security Council.

The topic for the summit-level session of the council on September 24 is nuclear non-proliferation and nuclear disarmament – one of several global challenges that the US now wants to see addressed at a multinational level.

UN officials also hope a climate change debate on September 22 will give fresh impetus to the search for a global climate deal at Copenhagen in December. There are also hopes a possible meeting between Benjamin Netanyahu, Israeli prime minister, and Mahmoud Abbas, Palestinian Authority president, that Mr. Obama would host, could lead to a breakthrough about a timetable for Middle East peace.

Here is what the UN Security Council does. Picture Obama as the Chair of this committee with this power.Under the UN Charter, the functions and powers of the Security Council are:

* to maintain international peace and security in accordance with the principles and purposes of the United Nations;

* to investigate any dispute or situation which might lead to international friction;

* to recommend methods of adjusting such disputes or the terms of settlement;

* to formulate plans for the establishment of a system to regulate armaments;

* to determine the existence of a threat to the peace or act of aggression and to recommend what action should be taken;

* to call on Members to apply economic sanctions and other measures not involving the use of force to prevent or stop aggression;

* to take military action against an aggressor;

* to recommend the admission of new Members;

* to exercise the trusteeship functions of the United Nations in “strategic areas”;

* to recommend to the General Assembly the appointment of the Secretary-General and, together with the Assembly, to elect the Judges of the International Court of Justice.

No American president has ever attempted to acquire the image of King of the Universe by officiating at a meeting of the UN’s highest body. Obama apparently believes that being flanked by council-member heads of state like Col. Moammar Qaddafi — who is expected to be seated five seats to Obama’s right — will cast a sufficiently blinding spell on Americans.

He undoubtedly hopes that the horrid state of the nation’s economy, turmoil over health care, and a summer of racial scapegoating will pale by comparison. This role as UN

Security Council chair will allow him to make decisions, influence legislation and resolutions, and set the agenda.Right Soup will be closely following this very unsettling turn of events. Like I always say, pay attention to what Obama DOES.

URL to article: http://www.infowars.com/in-violation-of-the-constitution-obama-takes-on-chairmanship-of-un-security-council/

Administration’s Suggestions for Teachers: Read Books about Obama, Post Obama Quotes on Classroom Walls

Terence P. Jeffrey
September 8, 2009

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The “corrected” lesson plans the U.S. Department of Education is suggesting that schools around the country use to turn President Obama’s speech to students today into a “teachable moment” still call for teachers to read books about Obama and to post quotations from Obama in large print on classroom walls.

The Department of Education created two “menus of classroom activities” for use with the president’s speech.  One is designed to guide Pre-K through 6th grade teachers, and the other is designed to guide 7th through 12th grade teachers.

The “menus” caused some controversy last week because the original version for Pre-K through 6th grade suggested that students, “Write letters to themselves about what they can do to help the president.” In the corrected version, the guide now calls for students to: “Write letters to themselves about how they can achieve their short-term and long-term education goals.”

Read entire article

URL to article: http://www.infowars.com/administrations-suggestions-for-teachers-read-books-about-obama-post-obama-quotes-on-classroom-walls/

Blogger Claims to Have Created Fake Obama Birth Certificate to “Punk” the “Birthers”

August 9, 2009

An anonymous blogger on the Fearless Blogging site claims to have created the latest Obama Kenyan birth certificate. The allegedly forged document was recently used by attorney Orly Taitz in the U.S. District Court for the Central District of California in a case on behalf of Alan Keyes and others claiming Obama is not born in the United States and is not legally entitled to be president.

featured stories   Blogger Claims to Have Created Fake Obama Birth Certificate to Punk the Birthers

The blogger claims to have used cotton business paper, an inkjet printer, a 1940 Royal Model KMM manual typewriter and other items to create the document. “Punkin’ the Birthers,” the blogger writes, “Priceless.”

WorldNetDaily reports that the suspect document was deemed inadmissible in court. “According to the OCRegister, the online site for the Orange County newspaper, a federal magistrate [on Friday] … threw out a request made to the court regarding the document,” WND writes. “The report said Magistrate Arthur Nakazato concluded the document was improperly filed, leaving open the door for it to be refiled.”

Forging an official document is punishable crime and that is probably why the blogger who posted the allegedly fake document — to “punk” the “birthers” — has decided to remain anonymous.

The blogger’s anonymity may hide another possibility — the fake document was planted by Obama operatives or fellow traveler in an effort to further discredit the growing demand that Obama release his birth certificate and finally put the issue to rest.

URL to article: http://www.infowars.com/blogger-claims-to-have-created-fake-obama-birth-certificate-to-punk-the-birthers/

Shocking New Birth Certificate Proof Obama Born In Kenya?

Paul Joseph Watson
Prison Planet.com
Sunday, August 2, 2009

Shocking New Birth Certificate Proof Obama Born In Kenya? 020809top

California attorney Orly Taitz has released a copy of a birth certificate that purports to show Barack Hussein Obama was born in Kenya, which if authenticated would plunge the United States into a constitutional crisis and potentially herald a catastrophic loss of confidence in the legitimacy of the government.

The Obama birth certificate issue has been rumbling on for over a year, with researchers demanding to see a complete birth certificate proving that President Obama was born in Hawaii as he claims, yet none has been forthcoming.

Mainstream media attention on the issue has intensified over the past few weeks, even forcing the White House itself to publicly dismiss the controversy.

However, Taitz’ bombshell discovery blows the whole story wide open and its ramifications could be monumental.

According to World Net Daily, Taitz has filed a new motion in U.S. District Court seeking authentication for the document.

View the document below. Click for enlargements.

Shocking New Birth Certificate Proof Obama Born In Kenya? 020809doc1a

Shocking New Birth Certificate Proof Obama Born In Kenya? 020809doc2a

Shocking New Birth Certificate Proof Obama Born In Kenya? 020809doc3a

“The document lists Obama’s parents as Barack Hussein Obama and Stanley Ann Obama, formerly Stanley Ann Dunham, the birth date as Aug. 4, 1961, and the hospital of birth as Coast General Hospital in Mombasa, Kenya,” reports World Net Daily.

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“No doctor is listed. But the alleged certificate bears the signature of the deputy registrar of Coast Province, Joshua Simon Oduya. It was allegedly issued as a certified copy of the original in February 1964.

“WND was able to obtain other birth certificates from Kenya for purposes of comparison, and the form of the documents appear to be identical.”

Despite the fact that a hoax document similar in nature circulated the Internet last week, World Net Daily reports that the new document “bears none of the obvious traits of a hoax”.

The birth certificate was released by an anonymous source who did not want to be named because he fears for his life.

“I filed the motion with the court asking for expedited discovery, which would allow me to start subpoenas and depositions even before Obama and the government responds,” Taitz told WND. “I am asking the judge to give me the power to subpoena the documents from the Kenyan embassy and to require a deposition from Hillary Clinton so they will be forced to authenticate [the birth certificate].”

If proven genuine, the document could herald a constitutional crisis in the United States and lead to Barack Obama being kicked out of office before he’s even able to complete his first year in the White House.

Obviously the more likely scenario will be that the court will be strong armed into dismissing the document as a counterfeit by the powers that be.

However, the overt preparations for martial law which have intensified since Obama took office have doubtless taken into account the fact that a complete loss of confidence in the legitimacy of the government could foster civil unrest and make a police state crackdown necessary from the perspective of the authorities.

URL to article: http://www.infowars.com/shocking-new-birth-certificate-proof-obama-born-in-kenya/

URL to article: http://www.infowars.com/army-national-guard-advertises-for-internment-specialists/

Danny Schechter
Global Research

July 31, 2009

The tide of public opinion may be turning against the President. Pollsters report growing skepticism about health care reform, and more active hostility on racial matters, thanks to that “uncalibrated” expression of opinion on the arrest of Professor Gates in his own home. That remark turned him, in the eyes of some, from a small b black President into a militant Black Panther, or at least someone who can bashed as such.

These are the new controversial issues with no one right answer, and a noisy debate everywhere, but something else is also going on.

With Democrats fussing among themselves, with Obamacrats forced to rely on corporate media, the right-wing TV and radio stations close ranks behind the most self-righteously-correct ranters having a filed day poking , prodding, pummeling, and peeing into cups of their own resentment, hate and venom.

There is no smear that is beneath them, no inference or insult out of bounds. Lou Dobbs blesses the birthers while that Elmer Gantry of demagoguery, Glenn Beck, meditates on his mountain and pronounces Obama a racist. An Israeli settler refers to our President as “that Arab,” and worse.

These are the nattering nabobs of negativity of our times, to resurrect an old canard once aimed at the left. The Yes We Can advocates seem to be taking refuge in the No We Won’t center. The next thing you know, the removal of a democratically elected President that worked in Honduras might be attempted here at home.

Some of us are still singing “We Shall Overcome” when our adversaries are chanting “We Shall Overthrow.”

If Barack’s legitimacy as a citizen won’t bring him down, his actions—moderate if not reactionary as they are— unites the crazies against him and drives them even more beserk. The contentious Congressman who vowed to “break him,” should be taken seriously

This relentless riposte is having an effect on a demoralized and economically challenged population that is not well informed in the first place—except perhaps about Michael Jackson’s dubious doctor who may have done the dirty deed. Sensing possible victory—whatever that means— the Angeroid microfactions that lost the election are now seeking to polarize the public to topple the Administration with an electronic coup d’media. It is all that serious.

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Only Jon Stewart seems to be calling them on their game, while at the same time despairing about the obvious missteps and mistakes that the White House is making. They may be a garden outside the Oval Office but there is a minefield inside it.

At the same time, another enemy is mounting a counterattack, perhaps in a more stealth manner, not by what it says, but by what it does The banks are deploying regiments of lobbyists and PR firms to defeat proposed new financial rules and an agency to protect consumers. They are escalating the gouging of the public.

Emboldened by billions in bailout monies, and funds from the Treasury and Federal Reserve, the Bankster are in full loot mode. New York Attorney General Andrew Cuomo reports that extravagant bonuses at some banks now outstrip revenues. The financial elite takes our money–and tells us to shove it.

As a new wave of foreclosures threatens, the banks are not willing to modify most mortgages—even those sold fraudulently, because they make more money forcing families out and reselling their homes.

The pace of regulatory reform, meanwhile is a slow-go, with few calls for more radical measures like a moratorium on foreclosures of the kind declared by FDR during the last Depression.

Are you aware that outside of the government, a not for profit called NACA (The Neighborhood Assistance Corporation of America) is touring the country mobilizing homeowners to demand financial relief. I was at their original “Save The Deam” event in Washington last summer where members of Congress and officials like FDIC chairman Sheila Bair pledged support, but little happened.

Government help as only reached 200,000 of the more than 12 million families in need. If you are not familiar with this issue or the role of devious mortgage servicers like Litton, owned by Goldman Sachs, see these You Tube videos on the PACFILM Channel:



According to FEED News, NACA is doing better—even though they are not getting the national publicity they deserve, perhaps because media outlets don’t want to send the few staffers they have to the heartland,

“About 50,000 people attended the second Save the Dream event in Chicago. This is a dramatic increase over the 25,000 people who attended NACA’s first two Save the Dream events last year in Columbia, SC, and Washington, DC.

“One of the reasons why turnout has increased this year is NACA’s use of optimized press releases, blog outreach, and YouTube videos to let people know that the national non-profit community advocacy and homeownership organization offers unprecedented solutions for homeowners caught up in the current mortgage and economic crisis. During the Save the Dream events, borrowers can get mortgages restructured the same day.”

If the Obama Administration is to survive an ongoing assault still building steam, it needs a grass roots action-oriented army like the one NACA is building. They can’t just rely on the Netroots activists who prefer emails to organizing. They can’t rely on that co-opted in-house DNC arm, Organizing for America either. That is there only to rally support for the White House.

A new movement has to develop outside the Democratic party in the same way that the right acts outside the GOP, and has built a capacity for independent action with echo chambers, message points and personalities. Their ideas may be backward but their dedication can’t be denied.

We can defend Obama’s ideals, and also press for more action. As Jeff Cohen reminds us, we have a “president whose instinct is toward conciliation and splitting the difference with big business and the right wing. Sure, Obama was a community organizer once. That was decades ago when Russia was still our mortal enemy, Nelson Mandela was still an official State Department terrorist threat and the White House was still funding Islamist fanatics in Afghanistan. For the last dozen years Obama has been a politician — and a consummate compromiser at that. Have we failed to notice?”

Can progressives fight a three front war—against the vicious right, against the slippery center, and for a more comprehensive and empowering agenda? Can they finally realize that all politics does not occur in DC, and that being tethered to the denizens on the Hill can be a liability at a time when most political chameleons enjoy so little respect.

Will they ever realize that they have to get into the economic trenches and fight the power of the banks with groups like A New Way Forward? Why is economic justice a priority for so few activists when these issues impact millions?

Knock, Knock, anyone there?

URL to article: http://www.infowars.com/the-tide-of-public-opinion-may-be-turning-against-president-obama/

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