Danish Cops Prepare “Dog Kennel” for Copenhagen Protesters

December 3, 2009

The following news article posted on the Ekstra Bladet website is translated from the Danish by Jens Angelsgaard, We Are Change, Denmark.

“The old buildings in Valby, which is intended to house the arrested protesters during the climateconference, bears all the hallmarks of a dog kennel.”

“346 people are to be held in the 37 cages in the old brewery storage facilities of world wide danish corporation Carlsberg.”

tates Ekstra Bladet a newspaper under the Politikens Hus/JP publishing corporation – which houses editor-in-chiefs such as former Bilderberg steering comitee member Tøger Seidenfaden now Trilateral Comitee Executive member and bilderberger Flemming Rose – the world known initiator of the “Mohammed cartoon crises”.

Moreover the danish parliament Folketinget recently passed legeslation – which enables the police to conduct preemptive arrests on the sole assumption – that the person has criminal intend. The danish police states that carrying an ordinary scarf or headdress in a bag – is considered an evidence of criminal intend. This is a surprise to some – beacause of the generally cold danish winterweather.

In ending it is relevant to add that the danish police – as reported by Ekstra Bladet – has announced that they will stop and arrest all passangers on busses loaded with demonstraters as far as 350 km from Copenhagen. Demonstrators against “COP 15″ are called “climate thugs” throughout the danish mainstream media.

Today the danish police held a press event due to its first purchase ever of mobile watercanons.


URL to article: http://www.infowars.com/danish-cops-prepare-dog-kennel-for-copenhagen-protesters/

Agents Provocateurs Documented at G-20 During March

September 28, 2009

Saturday September 26 2009: Three undercover officers attempt to infiltrate a March Against Police Brutality at the University of Pittsburgh, but fail miserably due to their horrendous disguise attempts. During the march, one of them breaks a photographer’s camera. This is just one example of a larger pattern of attempts to silence the media during the G20 protests.

URL to article: http://www.infowars.com/agents-provocateurs-documented-at-g-20-during-march/

Military Police Kidnap G20 Protester, Shove Him Into Unmarked Car

Paul Joseph Watson
Prison Planet.com
Friday, September 25, 2009

It’s a shocking scene that wouldn’t have looked out of place on the streets of Nazi Germany or Maoist China in humanity’s darkest historical period – a protester is shoved into an unmarked car by military thugs and driven away to whatever Godforsaken fate awaits him. And yet this is America in 2009, where the First Amendment is now officially a criminal offense and people who dare exercise it are attacked and abducted by military police in broad daylight.

The video shows an unmarked gold Sedan drive up to a side street near Baum Ave & S Millvale Ave. in Pittsburgh. Men in military fatigues wrestle with the protester as other men in cammo exit the vehicle. The protester is shoved forcefully into the car as the military thugs follow him in and the car speeds away.

Watch the clip below.

Protesters scream “what the fuck is wrong with you” as the Sedan disappears into a cloud of tear gas.

In another You Tube clip, the man with the red bandana seen protesting as the other man is abducted is subsequently arrested by riot cops, presumably merely for voicing his displeasure at the disgraceful scenes he witnessed.

“Some guy just got chased down and thrown in a car for no reason,” states the camerawoman before the shot focuses in on the man with the red bandana, who is being manhandled and arrested by three riot cops.

“Why are you doing that, what did he do?” asks the woman.

Other protesters chant “let him go” as media photographers attempt to find out his name. The clip finishes with a another burst of the sound cannon being used against demonstrators.

Another You Tube clip features the image that is re-posted at the top of this story and asks people to try and identify the military police and riot cops who kidnapped the demonstrator.

These videos require no more explanation, they speak for themselves.

Riot cops and military personnel driving around in unmarked cars kidnapping American citizens off the streets for the crime of exercising their First Amendment.

There can be no more debate, America as we knew it is officially dead and buried. The U.S. is more of a police state than Communist China. The only free speech that still exists is on the Internet, in the form of You Tube videos that remind us of what we already knew – the whole country has been hijacked and looted by a criminal gang of globalists who are using their cadre of enforcer thugs to crush any form of opposition to their agenda.

Our only hope is that when the world witnesses scenes like this, it will act as a wake-up call and prevent the planet from sliding once again into tyranny. Only the most deluded and brainwashed individual can now deny the threat that faces us all when police and military show such contempt for the Constitution that they swore an oath to protect and defend.

URL to article: http://www.infowars.com/military-police-kidnap-g20-protester-shove-him-into-unmarked-car/

9/11 Families to March on New York City Hall

September 25, 2009

On Sunday, September 27 at 2 p.m., The New York City Coalition for Accountability Now (NYC CAN), a group comprising 9/11 family members, first responders and survivors, will march from Battery Park to City Hall in protest of the City’s attempt to block the referendum for a fresh probe of the 9/11 attacks from going on the November ballot.

The effort to establish a local commission to pick up where the 9/11 Commission left off comes just as the 9/11 Commission’s Chief Counsel John Farmer released a book entitled “The Ground Truth” in which he claims “at some level of government, at some point in time. . . there was an agreement not to tell the truth about what happened.”

Eighty-thousand New Yorkers have signed the petition as it has won the endorsement of 2002 TIME magazine person of the year, and former FBI agent, Coleen Rowley, as well as outspoken 9/11 victims’ family members including Bill Doyle, who lost his son Joey, and Lorie Van Auken, who lost her husband Kenneth. Van Auken is one of the esteemed ‘Jersey Girls’ who successfully lobbied the federal government to set up the 9/11 Commission only to have 70% of her group’s questions to the Commission go unanswered.

Speakers for the Battery Park rally include 9/11 family members Bob McIlvaine and Manny Badillo, New York University’s Professor of Media Studies, Mark Crispin Miller, and actor Daniel Sunjata of the Emmy-winning Fox Television series “Rescue Me” which depicts post-9/11 life in a FDNY firehouse. After a half-hour speakers’ program, 9/11 family members and first responders will lead thousands of supporters in a march past Ground Zero, The City Clerk’s Office and The State Supreme Court, all the way to the steps of City Hall.

This week NYC CAN submitted a memorandum of law in response to the City’s challenge of the petition’s legality. The Court-appointed referee is scheduled to submit his report and recommendations to the Court on Monday, September 28. The Court will decide whether or not to adopt the referee’s recommendations and then issue a decision, after which appeals will likely follow immediately. “The arguments are strong on both sides, so the judges will have some thinking and analyzing to do,” said Dennis McMahon, the Petitioners’ attorney. “No other case pending in the New York courts has a higher priority on the calendars than this one, so we should have a definitive answer by next week.”

If the Court decides in NYC CAN’s favor and 15,000 of the 28,000 additional signatures submitted on September 4 are deemed valid by the City Clerk, the referendum will go on this November’s ballot. If the referendum passes, it would lead to the creation of a local, independent commission with subpoena power that would be tasked with comprehensively reinvestigating the attacks. For more info: http://www.nyccan.org.


URL to article: http://www.infowars.com/911-families-to-march-on-new-york-city-hall-as-city-seeks-to-stop-fresh-probe-of-attacks-from-going-on-november-ballot/

Massive Corporate Media Coverup of Real Numbers at D.C. Rally

Kurt Nimmo
September 13, 2009

The Gray Lady of Operation Mockingbird, the New York Times, reports today that “thousands” of patriots protested against Obamacare, cap and trade, the bankster bailout, and unchecked federal government power in the District of Criminals yesterday.

“The demonstrators numbered well into the tens of thousands, though the police declined to estimate the size of the crowd,” the newspaper reports, attempting to downplay the historical significance of the protest.

The New York Times says the police declined to estimate the crowd — or rather the corporate media declined to report it — because the number was around two million, the largest protest in the capitol’s history.

The protest out-numbered Martin Luther King’s “I Have a Dream” speech delivered from the steps of the Lincoln Memorial during the March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom on August 28, 1963. That march was estimated at around 200,000 people.

ABC News did likewise, pegging the turnout in the thousands. “Thousands of conservative protesters from across the country converged on the Capitol Saturday morning to demonstrate against President Obama’s proposals for health care reform and voicing opposition to big government, what they say is over-the-top spending,” the corporate propaganda outlet claimed on Saturday.

Ditto the War Street Journal — excuse me, the Wall Street Journal — although they put the number at tens of thousands. The Journal admitted the obvious: “While some Republican officeholders were at the rally, not everybody there called themselves Republicans.”

Fox News tried to spin the event as a Glenn Beck phenomenon.

NPR, the news service of Soros and the foundations, did the same parlor trick with the math, putting the number at tens of thousands. NPR contradicted itself, however, and reported that as “the demonstrators walked along Pennsylvania Avenue toward the U.S. Capitol, the line stretched as far as the eye could see in either direction. The crowd was so thick in places that it was difficult to move.”

As to be expected, the “progressives” (left cover bankster faction) attempted to portray two million patriotic Americans as racists. Think Soros, formerly known as Think Progress, posted a blog entry supposedly revealing racist placards at the event — in fact, none of the signs showed were racist — the worst the Soros operatives produced was a photo of a woman with a Confederate flag. The Soros clan said everybody at the event was white (as if they had examined the skin color of two million people).

It’s not going to work. The two million people who showed up to voice their outrage at a federal government out of control and in violation of the Constitution was but a small sampling of the millions of people across the country in opposition to Obama and the corporate-fascist agenda of his one-world masters.

If Obama and the Democrats ram the deathcare bill through the House by way of “reconciliation,” the opposition will redouble its numbers and once again take to the streets.

Thousands? This timelapse video puts an end to the corporate media lies and spin.

URL to article: http://www.infowars.com/massive-corporate-media-coverup-of-real-numbers-at-d-c-rally/

Mail Online Reports 2 Million at D.C. Tea Party

Mail Online
September 13, 2009

Up to two million people marched to the U.S. Capitol today, carrying signs with slogans such as “Obamacare makes me sick” as they protested the president’s health care plan and what they say is out-of-control spending.

The line of protesters spread across Pennsylvania Avenue for blocks, all the way to the capitol, according to the Washington Homeland Security and Emergency Management Agency.

People were chanting “enough, enough” and “We the People.” Others yelled “You lie, you lie!” and “Pelosi has to go,” referring to California congresswoman Nancy Pelosi.

Demonstrators waved U.S. flags and held signs reading “Go Green Recycle Congress” and “I’m Not Your ATM.” Men wore colonial costumes as they listened to speakers who warned of “judgment day” – Election Day 2010.

Richard Brigle, 57, a Vietnam War veteran and former Teamster, came from Michigan. He said health care needs to be reformed – but not according to President Barack Obama’s plan.

Read entire article

URL to article: http://www.infowars.com/mail-online-reports-2-million-at-d-c-tea-party/

Corporate Media Seriously Under Reports Numbers at D.C. Tea Party

September 12, 2009

The corporate media reports “tens of thousands” in attendance at the Tea Party demo today in the District of Criminals. Sources on the scene, however, put the number at hundreds of thousands upward to over a million.

“But whether the marchers reflect a small minority’s continuing anger over the more liberal direction the country began taking in the 2008 election or something deeper that could have repercussions in 2010 and 2012 is one of the questions the march may begin to answer,” reports Politico this afternoon.

Politico and the rest of the corporate media would like to characterize the mass movement as a right versus left sideshow that is of little relevance.

In fact, there was no such “liberal” direction taken after the dog and pony show 2008 election — Obama’s administration is packed with CFR, Trilateral, Bilderberg, and Federal Reserve insiders and he continues the wars and occupations initiated under his predecessor. The elite are using left cover to push their one-world agenda. It’s business as usual, never mind CNN, MSNBC, and yes Fox News. The Democrats are under the control of the Soros one-world faction and the Republicans under the neocon one-world faction. It is all a parlor trick.

Glenn Beck covered the demo this morning on Fox. Beck’s task is to make the event look like it was organized by the Republicans. Beck will never tell you the original tea party movement was created by libertarians, not one-world Republicans. Beck will not tell you the vast majority of the participants believe both parties represent one party — what Gore Vidal called the Property Party, the small elite that own D.C., excepting Ron Paul and few other brave souls.

That’s why Beck calls Paul a dangerous kook and his supporters violent extremists. How many people in the streets of Washington at the moment supported Ron Paul during the so-called election? How many of them want to go back to the days under the Republicans and the neocon front man Bush? The Republican party is the party of record budget deficits and mass murder (more than one million dead Iraqis and counting).

Ignore the Associated Press — one of the crown jewel’s of Operation Mockingbird — and its insistence in the above video to focus on a placard thanking Fox News. Instead, look at the streaming crowd in the street outside of the of the corporate whorehouse otherwise known as the U.S. Capitol.

That’s the real story, not Glenn Beck interviewing shameless Republicans who want to gain mileage off the event.

It looks like the government will have to do something — and soon — otherwise the movement to take back the government and restore the vision of the founders will reach critical velocity and there will be no turning back.

Is a false flag event to whip the populace back into slavish obedience just around the corner?

URL to article: http://www.infowars.com/corporate-media-seriously-under-reports-numbers-at-d-c-tea-party/

The spark that has triggered rebellion

Ellen Sauerbrey
American Thinker
September 12, 2009

‘I’m as Mad as Hell, and I’m Not Gonna Take This Anymore!’ This sentiment is being voiced by protesters turning out for Tea Parties and Health Care Town Hall Meetings around the country. People are angry and frightened by the prospect of government running their health care system, but their anger goes far beyond a 1000 page health bill.

Health care reform is merely the spark that has touched off a prairie fire of grassroots rebellion among a people who believe their representatives do not represent them, do not listen to them and do not care what they think. Many Americans feel that they are losing control of their financial well being, their values and their culture. Shell shock set in as they tried to absorb the rapidity of drastic change.

The first stirring of protest came with the Tea Parties in the spring. These gatherings were completely misread by a media that ignored them and dismissed the attendees as right wing kooks. The Tea Parties were about taxes, yes. But far more they were about the rapid intrusion of the federal government into private affairs, about deficit spending, and a growing understanding that America was heading down a very dangerous road.

People see a government in Washington that is in the process of destroying the constitutional principles of limited government and maximum personal freedom that made America the freest and most prosperous country the world has ever known.

James Madison, John Adams and Thomas Jefferson must be turning over in their graves at what is being done to the Republic they founded. At the close of Constitutional Convention in 1787, Benjamin Franklin said we gave you “a republic if you can keep it.” At the moment, keeping it does not look promising.

Our founding fathers had an incredible understanding of human nature, and of the natural tendency of governments to become oppressive. They gave us a unique Constitution that attempted to limit the power of government and ensure the rights of individuals. In 1798 Thomas Jefferson wrote, “In questions of power, then let no more be heard of confidence in man, but bind him down from mischief by the chains of the Constitution.”

Read entire article

URL to article: http://www.infowars.com/the-spark-that-has-triggered-rebellion/

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