Danish Cops Prepare “Dog Kennel” for Copenhagen Protesters

December 3, 2009

The following news article posted on the Ekstra Bladet website is translated from the Danish by Jens Angelsgaard, We Are Change, Denmark.

“The old buildings in Valby, which is intended to house the arrested protesters during the climateconference, bears all the hallmarks of a dog kennel.”

“346 people are to be held in the 37 cages in the old brewery storage facilities of world wide danish corporation Carlsberg.”

tates Ekstra Bladet a newspaper under the Politikens Hus/JP publishing corporation – which houses editor-in-chiefs such as former Bilderberg steering comitee member Tøger Seidenfaden now Trilateral Comitee Executive member and bilderberger Flemming Rose – the world known initiator of the “Mohammed cartoon crises”.

Moreover the danish parliament Folketinget recently passed legeslation – which enables the police to conduct preemptive arrests on the sole assumption – that the person has criminal intend. The danish police states that carrying an ordinary scarf or headdress in a bag – is considered an evidence of criminal intend. This is a surprise to some – beacause of the generally cold danish winterweather.

In ending it is relevant to add that the danish police – as reported by Ekstra Bladet – has announced that they will stop and arrest all passangers on busses loaded with demonstraters as far as 350 km from Copenhagen. Demonstrators against “COP 15″ are called “climate thugs” throughout the danish mainstream media.

Today the danish police held a press event due to its first purchase ever of mobile watercanons.


URL to article: http://www.infowars.com/danish-cops-prepare-dog-kennel-for-copenhagen-protesters/

Oakland, PA, Police Response Characterized as “Military-style Occupation”

Jerome L. Sherman
Pittsburgh Post-Gazette
September 28, 2009

Activists with the Thomas Merton Center and other groups today blasted the police response to a Friday night protest in Oakland following the G-20 summit, calling it a “military-style occupation” that resulted in the gassing and arrest of dozens of bystanders, including students and journalists.

During a press conference at the center’s Garfield headquarters, some activists threatened lawsuits against the city and placed responsibility for the confrontation with Mayor Luke Ravenstahl and top public safety officials.

“I’ll say it very bluntly: The mayor should be fired. The city council should hold his feet to the fire,” said David Meieran, an organizer with Three Rivers Climate Convergence.

Read entire article

URL to article: http://www.infowars.com/oakland-pa-police-response-characterized-as-military-style-occupation/

Agents Provocateurs Documented at G-20 During March

September 28, 2009

Saturday September 26 2009: Three undercover officers attempt to infiltrate a March Against Police Brutality at the University of Pittsburgh, but fail miserably due to their horrendous disguise attempts. During the march, one of them breaks a photographer’s camera. This is just one example of a larger pattern of attempts to silence the media during the G20 protests.

URL to article: http://www.infowars.com/agents-provocateurs-documented-at-g-20-during-march/

Military and Riot Thugs Detain, Dehumanize and TORTURE American Citizens

Jason Bermas
Prison Planet.com
Sunday, September 27, 2009

In what was possibly the most surreal, horrific, and unimaginable thing I have ever witnessed in my life, 1200 Riot Police and Military Personal rabidly attacked a group of well under 300 American citizens, many of them just students that were unaware there was even a protest going on.  They then expanded their perimeter and shut large areas of Oakland down.  This is how my last experience at the G20 in Pittsburgh went down, out of control authorities mercilessly attacking an unarmed crowd with batons, tear gas, pepper spray, sound weapons, and rubber bullets.  Around 10pm on Friday night, long after the vast majority of dignitaries and protesters had left, it became evident that the outrageous show of force by the Military and Police was not enough to stave off their thirst for blood.

When I first arrived on the scene Luke Rudowski of We Are Change and a small group of protesters were peaceably assembling among a much larger number of college students just out for another weekend of fun in Schenley Plaza.  Around ten minutes later Rob Dew arrived and we began filming the entire scene, it was evident that the number of police already in the area and the amount who were massing and surrounding the perimeter was extremely alarming.

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  • efoods

As Luke bull horned that the people in this park meant the police no physical harm, and that they were simply exercising their right to free speech, a couple of masked individuals began to scream “He doesn’t speak for us”.  These few provocateurs and well meaning idiots could have been easily dealt with by a handful of regular police officers dressed in their standard uniform, however that solution does not offer the pretext for over a thousand heavily armed psychotics to encircle and engage the American people.

I began to become extremely frightened as to what the outcome of the situation was going to be as I began to witness LRAD weapons showing up, dogs beginning to circle the perimeter, and then everyone putting on their gas masks.  During all of this I was threatened with arrest three times and physically charged and chased by one of the officers.  At that point I realized they were about to attack, and they did.  Hundreds of armed to the teeth trained professionals began their march towards innocent young men and women, and then took it much further by launching tear gas canisters, battening people trying to leave, and firing rubber bullets randomly into the crowd.  Luckily I was able to slip through the cracks of a blockade of only 6 or so riot thugs as they tried to amass more in that area and form another brutal line.

I personally witnessed a young man on a bike being beaten for no reason whatsoever and as he fled the officers then beat his bike.  When the young man tried to retrieve his bike his knuckle was broken.  Another man was gassed so badly he had to be taken to the hospital.  This is how “Peace Officers” treat us?

During the very quick first burst of the madness I lost touch with Infowars Producer and Cameraman Rob Dew, I immediately thought he had been arrested, and I was correct.  He was illegally detained and digitally fingerprinted in a separate process for “protesters”.  Rob was cuffed all evening in a room full of other detainees, and was not released until 10:20 am the next morning with no charges being brought against him.  Military and Police mocked them as Americans were being detained and processed often laughing at college students that had been beaten for no other reason for being in the wrong place around their campus that evening.

Luke Rudowski received multiple battens to his back and legs as the jackals descended on him with force, even though he had made it clear to all of them he wished them no violence.  For his peaceful efforts Luke and Lee from We Are Change were separated from the rest of the more than one hundred detainees and sent to State Prison.  Luke was strip searched, mocked, and charged with Disorderly Conduct and Unlawful Assembly, and will have to go back to Pittsburgh Wednesday to face charges.  The Military and Police laughed as they took note of the “Superstar” that had been all over the news on channel 11 and even National NBC, taking a sick pleasure in the torture of another human being.

Welcome to the New Amerika.

URL to article: http://www.infowars.com/military-and-riot-thugs-detain-dehumanize-and-torture-american-citizens/

Video: Confronted by LRAD Accoustic Weapons

September 26, 2009

Louder than bombs: LRAD ’sonic cannon’ debuts in U.S. at G20 protests

Sam Gustin
Daily Finance
September 26, 2009

Pittsburgh police on Thursday used an audio cannon manufactured by American Technology Corporation (ATCO), a San Diego-based company, to disperse protesters outside the G-20 Summit — the first time its LRAD series device has been used on civilians in the U.S.

An ATC sales representative confirms to DailyFinance that Pittsburgh police used ATC’s Long Range Acoustic Device (LRAD). “Yes, we sold one LRAD unit to a government agency — I don’t know which one — which was used in Pittsburgh,” the representative said. American Technology Corp.’s stock was trading up over 15 percent in heavy activity late Friday.

Read entire article

URL to article: http://www.infowars.com/video-confronted-by-lrad-accoustic-weapons/

G20 Police & Military Savagely Attack Peaceful Protesters In Pittsburgh Park

Paul Joseph Watson
Prison Planet.com
Saturday, September 26, 2009

Editor’s note: Here is an example of the sort of violent behavior the Pittsburgh police are notorious for using against non-violent demonstrators.

Update: Infowars Reporter Rob Dew Now Released After Being Arrested

Police and military units savagely attacked peaceful protesters in a Pittsburgh park last night, cracking heads with billy clubs, deploying LRAD sound cannons and shooting rubber bullets at close range, according to Infowars’ Jason Bermas. Fellow Infowars reporter Rob Dew was arrested during the melee.

Bermas called Alex Jones last night as the attack unfolded. Around 200 to 300 peaceful protesters had converged at Schenley Park for a demonstration but they were soon under assault from busloads of riot cops and military units who quickly descended on the scene.

According to Bermas, police were aggressively charging protesters and cracking them on the head with billy clubs and also shooting rubber bullets at close range, which in numerous past cases has proven deadly.

Police also deployed LRAD sound cannons once again in an attempt to disperse the protesters. Pittsburgh marks the first time that such weapons have been used against American citizens in public as before they were only used against insurgents in Iraq and Afghanistan.

Bermas described the scene as like something out of a movie as police attempted to block off the whole park and catch every single protester and were prepared to use violence to do so, saying that they would run up to people and crack them on the head as hard as possible.

“Everyone was just sort of standing around spectating. No one was really having an adamant protest. It was just a bunch of college kids,” witness Ben Balik told The Pittsburgh Channel.

By the end of the confrontation, around half of the entire crowd of protesters had been arrested, including Infowars producer Rob Dew and most likely We Are Change leader Luke Rudkowski.

“Varun Viswanathan, a Pitt sophomore, said he saw a police officer hitting one individual, reports Pitt News.

“I think they completely use unnecessary force on us,” he said. “They have no right to do that.”

“Pitt senior Ken Egler called the police action “one of the crazier things” he’d seen during last night’s protests, especially since he didn’t see many demonstrators in Oakland.”

“I really think it’s ridiculous,” Egler said. “We should be allowed to protest. This is needed, and they’re just basically trying to scare us.”

It is important to emphasize that the obscene behavior of cops in Pittsburgh suggests that police in America will now follow any orders, no matter how barbaric. No one can plausibly deny that the majority of cops would willingly line up American citizens and blow their heads off if they were ordered to.

Police behavior at the G20 has been widely condemned as unwarranted and the violence  metered out not to provide security but to provoke demonstrators.

“The deployment of police seems to be more geared toward suppressing lawful demonstrations than actually preventing crime,” Witold Walczak, legal director of the ACLU of Pennsylvania, told the Associated Press.

“Legal observers at the gathering saw police surrounding, chasing and arresting students who weren’t involved in the protest, said Paige Cram, spokeswoman for the National Lawyers Guild, a liberal legal-aid group. She called the show of force “an ominous spectacle,” adds the AP report, referring to a similar protest on Friday night.

“A video posted Friday on YouTube shows a group of Pitt students briefly trapped on the outdoor stairwell of a campus building, evidently exposed to gaseous pepper spray and unable to move because riot police were blocking the bottom and top of the stairs. The students had been standing on a second-floor balcony, observing the clash between police and protesters on the street below.”

As of Saturday morning, we were  unable to trace the exact whereabouts of Infowars reporter Rob Dew after he was arrested last night.

“After a long night of calls to Allegheny County Jail and the Pennsylvania Corrections Department, they keep referring us to one another saying they have no information, but that “protesters” are treated differently,” writes Jason Bermas.

We can now report that Rob Dew has been released and the Infowars crew are attempting to catch their flights back to Austin.

URL to article: http://www.infowars.com/g20-police-military-savagely-attack-peaceful-protesters-in-pittsburgh-park/

Military Police Kidnap G20 Protester, Shove Him Into Unmarked Car

Paul Joseph Watson
Prison Planet.com
Friday, September 25, 2009

It’s a shocking scene that wouldn’t have looked out of place on the streets of Nazi Germany or Maoist China in humanity’s darkest historical period – a protester is shoved into an unmarked car by military thugs and driven away to whatever Godforsaken fate awaits him. And yet this is America in 2009, where the First Amendment is now officially a criminal offense and people who dare exercise it are attacked and abducted by military police in broad daylight.

The video shows an unmarked gold Sedan drive up to a side street near Baum Ave & S Millvale Ave. in Pittsburgh. Men in military fatigues wrestle with the protester as other men in cammo exit the vehicle. The protester is shoved forcefully into the car as the military thugs follow him in and the car speeds away.

Watch the clip below.

Protesters scream “what the fuck is wrong with you” as the Sedan disappears into a cloud of tear gas.

In another You Tube clip, the man with the red bandana seen protesting as the other man is abducted is subsequently arrested by riot cops, presumably merely for voicing his displeasure at the disgraceful scenes he witnessed.

“Some guy just got chased down and thrown in a car for no reason,” states the camerawoman before the shot focuses in on the man with the red bandana, who is being manhandled and arrested by three riot cops.

“Why are you doing that, what did he do?” asks the woman.

Other protesters chant “let him go” as media photographers attempt to find out his name. The clip finishes with a another burst of the sound cannon being used against demonstrators.

Another You Tube clip features the image that is re-posted at the top of this story and asks people to try and identify the military police and riot cops who kidnapped the demonstrator.

These videos require no more explanation, they speak for themselves.

Riot cops and military personnel driving around in unmarked cars kidnapping American citizens off the streets for the crime of exercising their First Amendment.

There can be no more debate, America as we knew it is officially dead and buried. The U.S. is more of a police state than Communist China. The only free speech that still exists is on the Internet, in the form of You Tube videos that remind us of what we already knew – the whole country has been hijacked and looted by a criminal gang of globalists who are using their cadre of enforcer thugs to crush any form of opposition to their agenda.

Our only hope is that when the world witnesses scenes like this, it will act as a wake-up call and prevent the planet from sliding once again into tyranny. Only the most deluded and brainwashed individual can now deny the threat that faces us all when police and military show such contempt for the Constitution that they swore an oath to protect and defend.

URL to article: http://www.infowars.com/military-police-kidnap-g20-protester-shove-him-into-unmarked-car/

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