SWAT team confronts Young Americans for Liberty

Jim Randleman
Young American for Liberty
August 3, 2009

I’m sitting in the back of the classroom on the final day of the YAL National Convention, and I couldn’t wait any longer to get this YouTube video out to you.

Yesterday, YAL Events Director, Trevor Leach, and our top youth activists demonstrated on the Washington, DC, National Mall to collect petitions in opposition of Obama’s government takeover of health-care.

It wasn’t long until a SWAT team in an armored truck threatened Trevor and our youth activists declaring, “There are two options. Disassemble and leave. Or y’all are going to jail.”

“You don’t have free speech,” the sergeant told Trevor.

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Fortunately, our youth activists video taped the entire confrontation and stayed up all night to produce this video footage.

Be prepared to be shocked, appalled, and a little an gry at the actions of our public servants who swore to uphold the U.S. Constitution.

After you watch this video, please do me a favor. Click here and donate generously to support these youth activists and advance their continuous efforts.

It is important to me to get this video in your hands immediately. I’ll send a full update on the first-ever YAL National Convention later this week.

Let me say, this weekend has impacted these students in a very large way.

For liberty,

Jeff Frazee
Executive Director, YAL

URL to article: http://www.infowars.com/swat-team-confronts-young-americans-for-liberty/

SWAT Team Descends On Screaming Video Game Player

July 16, 2009
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A Winsor Street man was charged Tuesday with disorderly conduct following an incident Tuesday afternoon at his home that prompted a response from the Somerset County SWAT team.

The man, who has not been identified by police because the investigation is continuing, was taken to Somerset Medical Center in Somerville for psychological evaluation.

The incident began at about 3:29 p.m. when police received a call from a woman walking in the 500 block of Winsor Street that she heard screams coming from a house, police said.

A police officer responding to the home asked the resident if anything was wrong. The man said he was screaming because he was playing video games on his television, police said.

The man then became irrational, prompting additional police response, police said.

Read entire article

URL to article: http://www.infowars.com/swat-team-descends-on-screaming-video-game-player/

Support Your Local “Domestic Warrior-Heroes” — Or Get Kicked In The Head

William Grigg
The LRC Blog
May 31, 2009

Police are “society’s sheepdogs, [who] willingly and selflessly protect your flock — with your lives if necessary,” trumpeted retired SWAT officer Robert O’Brien in a recent column for Police magazine. “You are our nation’s domestic warriors and heroes.”

May 13, 2009, video of cop kicking suspect in the head as part of a “post pursuit ass-kicking.”

They are the heroic “sheepdogs”; we, the public at large, are merely helpless and contemptible sheep.

O’Brien spares no superlatives in hymning the innumerable virtues of his tax-devouring fraternity, which he describes as “a thin blue line [that] strengthens into a solid steel band of brothers” in the face of danger and adversity.

While O’Brien’s self-aggrandizing rhetoric is at once florid and fascist, Police Associate Editor Dean Scoville, a retired patrol supervisor for the Los Angeles Sheriff’s Department, eschews verbal adornment in expressing his thuggish and authoritarian views.

Scoville is peeved by the publicity earned by a recent incident in El Monte, in which a suspected gang member was kicked in the head by a cop following a vehicular pursuit. Although he led the police on a dangerous chase, the suspect, Richard Rodriguez, was face-down, hands-out, and unresisting when he was booted in the face by Lt. Dan Berlingham.

As far as Scoville is concerned, kicking an unresisting suspect is just good old-school police work. The real scandal, he whines, is a “conspiracy” by what he calls the “f___ing news media,” who are supposedly “putting the boot to our collective heads” by dwelling on the episode.

Lt. Bellingham’s only offense, Scoville sneers, is “Working in the wrong era.”

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“There was a time when post pursuit ass-kickings were obligatory,” Scoville writes with the gleeful abandon of an adolescent eager to show off his mastery of newly learned vulgarisms. “Cops knew it, suspects knew it, and there are enough old times on both sides of the fence that will verify the assertion when I say that what this officer did was NOTHING compared to what would have happened in another place and time…. I’m nostalgic for the days when the pursued feared the judicial system if for nothing but the inevitable ass-kicking and street justice.”

Actually, it’s quite common to see tax-fattened functionaries in police uniforms inflict reflexive criminal abuse of the sort that makes Scoville go all girly with admiration. See this, for example, or this, this, this, this, this….

“Perhaps matters of practicality shouldn’t even be considered in a profession that embraces terms like `war on drugs,’ `war on organized crime,’ and ‘war on gangs,’ but is not allowed the means to fight them as such,” complains Scoville, who apparently lusts to turn the entire country into a patchwork of “free-fire zones” and “strategic hamlets” — or perhaps even unleash a domestic version of the Phoenix Program in order to “win” those “wars.”

(Thanks to Rad Geek for bringing the Police magazine essays to my attention.)

URL to article: http://www.infowars.com/support-your-local-domestic-warrior-heroes-or-get-kicked-in-the-head/

California Cops Stage “Shoooter” Drill at Mall

May 5, 2009
police state   California Cops Stage Shoooter Drill at Mall
police state   California Cops Stage Shoooter Drill at Mall
Police and emergency personnel take part in a training drill Monday at Chico Mall. (From left) Chico police officers Dane Gregory, Mike Caldwell, Jeremy Struthers and Dale Prosise practice looking for an active shooter.(Ty Barbour/Staff Photo)

CHICO — A pair of realistic drills Monday tested the ability of Chico police and firefighters to deal with an active shooter, in a public place, intent on inflicting as many injuries as possible in a short period of time.

The first drill, at 6 a.m., brought emergency personnel to the Chico Mall on East 20th Street. Police, including SWAT members, found civilian “victims” already suffering from pretend gunshot wounds. During the process of working their way toward the imaginary shooter, officers also sustained wounds.

Some victims were fitted with artificial hands and wrists, which bled a red liquid onto the mall floor, adding to the realism of the drill.

Police Lt. Linda Dye said the drills simulated environments with real world possibilities. “These situations evolve rapidly and require a rapid and dynamic response from police officers in the field,” Dye stated in a press release.

Read entire article

URL to article: http://www.infowars.com/california-cops-stage-shoooter-drill-at-mall/

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