Got Global Warming?

While scientists doctor statistics to falsely prove global warming and control humanity through vague money making schemes, it is snowing in Austin Texas. People throughout the world are experiencing record cold temperatures. Global warming is a hoax and all you have to do is open your eyes to the lie.

The Alex Jones Channel:

Hollywood Gossip Websites Cover Appearance of Pratts on Alex Jones’ Show

July 1, 2009

It took didn’t take long for the corporate media gossip machine to crank out hit pieces aimed at Spencer Pratt and Heidi Montag Pratt after they appeared on the Alex Jones Show.

featured stories   Hollywood Gossip Websites Cover Appearance of Pratts on Alex Jones Show
featured stories   Hollywood Gossip Websites Cover Appearance of Pratts on Alex Jones Show
Spencer Pratt and Heidi Montag Pratt are not strangers to the gossip media.

“In a Monday appearance on Alex Jones’ radio show, Infowars, the couple revealed they feel 9/11 was an ‘inside job,’ say the idea that global warming exists is ‘mind boggling’ and lament the ‘end of humanity,’” writes the website for Us Magazine, the celebrity gossip weekly founded by The New York Times Company.

The Pratts told Jones — who is known for his conspiracy theories of a “New World Order” (or, as he feels, code for “totalitarian world government”) — they found out about him after a music producer gave them a copy of Jones’ movie, The Obama Deception.

“I really do feel like we took the blue pill or whatever from The Matrix,” Spencer says.

The website includes a link to an Infowars podcast of the broadcast.

Us Magazine picked up the story from Jezebel, an appropriately named blog covering “celebrity, sex, fashion for women.”

Sadie, writing for the lurid website, characterized Alex Jones as a “paleo-wingnut.” According to Ms. Sadie, “Alex Jones is a Texas-based nut-job with a penchant for conspiracy theories, references to ‘Big Brother’ and, obviously, a history of appearances in the worst Richard Linklater movies. In 2007 he made a film called Loose Change dealing with “the New World Order,” aka ‘totalitarian world government.’ (The New World Order seems to involve Obama deception, the suppression of American sovereignty and a lot of conspiracies.)”

“Spiedi” and her husband, according to Jezebel, are “Obama-big deep thinkers” who are “prepared to address the secret population decline.” In fact, as Alex has repeatedly pointed out on his show and in his documentaries, engineered “population decline,” more accurately defined as eugenics, is anything but a secret.

“Jones says he plans to have the couple back on his show in the coming days, presumably to continue their education,” the Jezebel scribe sarcastically continues. “We hope so, because if this is part of Spencer’s plan for world domination, it’s seriously mysterious.”

The imaginatively titled website The Hollywood Gossip also picked up the story. “The plastic pair hit up a conservative radio show, hosted by Alex Jones, to speak about their ‘awakening’ towards something called ‘the New World Order,’” writes Free Britney (another imaginative name). “Are these two possibly for real, or is this just another attempt by The Hills’ gruesome twosome to generate more media attention in any way possible?”

As the interview revealed, Spencer Pratt and Heidi Montag Pratt are for real and determined to use their celebrity to send the message far and wide. Us Magazine, Jezebel, and The Hollywood Gossip may think they are merely engaging in routine trashing of the “plastic pair,” but they are helping get the message out, too.

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MTV Star Heidi Montag: Over My Dead Body Would I Take A Microchip

Paul Joseph Watson
Tuesday, June 30, 2009

MTV Star Heidi Montag: Over My Dead Body Would I Take A Microchip 300609top3

Star of MTV’s The Hills Heidi Montag appeared on The Alex Jones Show today with her fellow co-star husband Spencer Pratt to discuss how some nightclubs are introducing implantable identification microchips to allow customers to access VIP areas. Montag told Jones, “You would have to kill me before I get a chip.”

Montag said that as a Christian she had always been aware of “the mark of the beast” and the content of the book of Revelations but over the last month she and her husband had arrived at a “new awakening” concerning what is going on in the world after one of her music producers showed them Alex Jones’ latest documentary The Obama Deception.

“You would have to kill me before I get a chip, that would never happen,” said Montag, referring to implantable microchips.

“The fact that people are even already OK with this is sickening, I could throw up right now,” she added, “A chip? are we dogs? Not even dogs deserve chips.”

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“It says in the bible that it’s the mark of the beast and that is a sign of worshipping the devil – so over my dead body would I ever get a chip in my body,” said Montag, adding, “My body belongs to Jesus Christ, to God alone, and no one will ever put anything in me, I will not worship the devil, I will not be conformed to this world, that will not happen.”

The subject of implantable microchips has vehemently left the realm of paranoia and is now a major concern as governments around the world prepare to roll out national ID cards which many fear could be replaced by mandatory implantable chips in the not too distant future.

Media interest surrounding the issue spiked in 2002 when the Jacobs family of Boca Raton, Florida, were all implanted with a Verichip containing their personal information for health and security reasons, as well as because the son Derek fantasized “about merging humans and machines”. NBC News’ Today Show even broadcast live footage of the family being surgically implanted with their chips.

In 2004, MSNBC reported that the Mexican attorney general and his staff of 160 people had “been implanted with microchips that get them access to secure areas of their headquarters.”

In August 2007, the Department of Defense announced that they were pursuing a “brain-implantable “biochip” that will measure/relay a soldier’s vitals on the battlefield,” a project said to be five years from completion.

As we have previously highlighted, the promotion of microchips not just from a safety or military aspect but in the context of popular culture is starting to gain serious momentum.

The most recent example comes from Yahoo Tech, which this week rehashed a 5 year old story about an implantable microchip being required to access the VIP area of a cool nightclub in Barcelona, as well as being used in place of a credit card to pay for drinks.

The story emphasizes how taking the chip is used to “free customers of the burdens of having to carry their purses or wallets” and “makes sense”.

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