Obama Plans Internet Grab: FCC to Embrace ‘Net Neutrality’

John O. Edwards
September 21, 2009

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Since the Internet took root as a mass communications phenomenon in the mid 1990s, a quiet war has raged in Washington over the extent to which the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) would regulate the new medium.

Until, now the Internet has been largely self-regulated, and the FCC has taken a hands-off approach.

But that could change dramatically soon if the Obama administration has its way.

During the weekend, press reports revealed a stunning development: The Obama administration will announce Monday that the FCC would propose new rules to embrace what it calls “Net Neutrality.”

Obama’s new Federal Communications Commission chairman, Julius Genachowski, will use a speech to the Brookings Institution, a liberal think tank, to announce the FCC proposals, according to those reports.

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URL to article: http://www.infowars.com/obama-plans-internet-grab-fcc-to-embrace-net-neutrality/

Obama Supports Extending Patriot Act

Joe Palazzolo
Main Justice
September 15, 2009

The Obama administration has blessed three controversial provisions of the Patriot Act that expand the government’s reach in counter-terrorism investigations.

In a Sept. 14 letter to lawmakers, Assistant Attorney General Ron Weich said the Justice Department supports the use of roving wiretaps, the authority to access business records and the ability to track so-called “lone-wolf” terrorists, or those without visible ties to a foreign terrorist organization. The provisions sunset at the end of the year.

The Justice Department’s position was expected. During his confirmation hearings, Attorney General Eric Holder told members Congress he would review the provisions but said he would likely endorse their re-authorization.

“The tools that we have been given by Congress in FISA are important ones, so I would look at all three and make the determination of whether I would be able to support them,” Holder told member of the Senate Judiciary Committee. “I expect that I will.”

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URL to article: http://www.infowars.com/obama-supports-extending-patriot-act/

Thousands gather in D.C. to protest healthcare reform

Mark Z. Barabak
Los Angeles Times
September 12, 2009

Thousands of protesters from across the country gathered at the foot of Pennsylvania Avenue this morning, mustering for a march on the Capitol and a daylong protest against the Obama administration and the president’s ambitious healthcare overhaul plan.

Organizers of the loosely knit coalition of anti-tax, small-government proponents were hoping for a crowd of 25,000 to 50,000, billing the march as the largest gathering of fiscal conservatives in the history of the nation’s capital.

Skies were gray with a few light sprinkles as protesters prepared to step off toward Capitol Hill.

If there was a unifying theme, it was the notion that the federal government, starting with the financial bailout last fall and continuing through the early months of the Obama administration, has grown too big and too intrusive in both the economy and the everyday lives of Americans.

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URL to article: http://www.infowars.com/thousands-gather-in-d-c-to-protest-healthcare-reform/

U.S. Web-Tracking Plan Stirs Privacy Fears

Spencer S. Hsu and Cecilia Kang
The Washington Post
August 11, 2009
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The Obama administration is proposing to scale back a long-standing ban on tracking how people use government Internet sites with “cookies” and other technologies, raising alarms among privacy groups.

A two-week public comment period ended Monday on a proposal by the White House Office of Management and Budget to end a ban on federal Internet sites using such technologies and replace it with other privacy safeguards. The current prohibition, in place since 2000, can be waived if an agency head cites a “compelling need.”

Supporters of a change say social networking and similar services, which often take advantage of the tracking technologies, have transformed how people communicate over the Internet, and Obama’s aides say those services can make government more transparent and increase public involvement.

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URL to article: http://www.infowars.com/u-s-web-tracking-plan-stirs-privacy-fears/

Obama’s Imperial Decree: Target Oklahoma

Bryce Shonka
Tenth Amendment Center
August 7, 2009

Remember the good old days, when one only had to watch out for the Federal Government’s twisted interpretation of the commerce clause to justify tyranny?

Well those days seem to be long gone.  The Obama Administration has been employing an old tactic lately – what some might call an imperial threat – and they’re not doing it overseas, either.


The state of Oklahoma is now the target of a direct challenge from US Attorney General Eric Holder, who is using the Civil Rights Act of 1964 as justification to violate Oklahoma’s sovereignty as affirmed by the Tenth Amendment to the US Constitution.

In a letter written to the State Attorney General in April, the Federal government used aggressive language, bringing up the possibility of withholding Federal funds appropriated for Oklahoma.  The reason?  A proposed amendment to the State Constitution, which requires voter approval, that would make English the official language of the State.

“What it indicates is the Federal Government’s contempt for the states, in this case Oklahoma, and for the idea of federal — as opposed to national — government. AG Holder believes that Oklahoma is an administrative subdivision of the USA, and that it is perfectly right for him to coerce Oklahomans to do his will. Who cares whether he has ever been to Oklahoma, met an Oklahoman, or thought about Oklahoma?” said Kevin Gutzman, an American historian and New York Times bestselling author.

Oklahoma is not alone as a state challenged by central authority in recent months.  Recently, federal firearms licensees in Tennessee and Montana received a letter from another Federal agency, the ATF, who had also issued a decree wrought with hubris – claims by the Federal government of their legal supremacy across the land.


“Both of these letters, particularly this letter to the Attorney General of Oklahoma, are very officious,” observed Rob Natelson, professor of law at the University of Montana.  “It reminds one eerily of the kinds of communications that started to come out from the Emperor to the local cities of the Roman Empire, beginning the course of the ultimate destruction of local government.”

Professor Natelson is a widely-recognized expert on the framing and adoption of the United States Constitution, and on several occasions, he has been the first to uncover key background facts about the Constitution’s meaning.  I knew this before our conversation.  What I didn’t know, however, was that he’s also been studying Roman Law and history for the past 50 years, and is responsible for several works in that field.

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“During the 2nd century AD, the Roman Emperors began increasingly to interfere with local government and they did this with…letters…letters that look something like this,” continued Natelson, indicating the letter from Holder to Oklahoma.  “They started out as almost advisory and they got increasingly peremptory.  By the end of the 2nd century, there was very little local government left.  You had very few people, therefore, willing to participate in local elections; very little patriotic spirit towards one’s own province or city.  And this was the harbinger for the ultimate centralization of the Roman Empire.”

He continued with a strong, decisive tone, “Almost everyone who’s studied in that area agrees that the effect was to sap the life out of the empire, so that everything flowed to the center.  All that counted was the Emperor and his bureaucrats…and his courtiers.  I look at this and I see this letter which gets close to looking like an order from the central government down to a sovereign state legislature, and I say…WOW.  This looks like something that Septimius Severus would have sent to the local officials.”

In Columbus, Ohio last weekend, a rally in support of State Sovereignty drew around 7,000 people.  Judge Andrew Napolitano addressed the rally and made similar comments indicating the nature of our current point in US history.

“In the long history of the world, very few generations have been granted the role of defending freedom in its maximum hour of danger. This is that moment and you are that generation”


Are these men ‘crying wolf’?

“Some people might think that’s a far fetched analogy but I can’t emphasize enough how important this development is seen by historians.  When people think of the collapse of the Roman Empire they think of the fall of Rome in 476 AD.  The conversion of Rome from a relatively free state – almost a Federation – into a totalitarian state, really picked up speed and accelerated during the 2nd century [AD], with this increasing intermeddling by the central authorities in local state government.  That’s what it reminded me of,” recalled Natelson.

“[The DOJ] are not violating any law by sending these letters, but there’s a change in tone, there’s a new and disturbing tone in them.  At least the ATF letter was addressed to individuals.  This one is addressed to a state legislature – really, it’s a bit much. Besides the fact that there’s the tone, there’s the fact that they sent the letters at all.  Most of the letters that were sent out by the emperor were called rescripts, and that’s almost what [the letter from Holder] looks like.  The one difference is that a rescript was usually a reply to a request for advice.  In some ways this is worse than a rescript because this is unsolicited.  A better way to compare it would be to an imperial constitutio – an imperial decision or decree.” Natelson added.

His Roman analogy is worth considering, for several reasons.  Rome may have ended up a brutal dictatorship, but it began through a series of treaties between regions, and in some ways parallels present day America.

“When you draw comparisons between the U.S. and ancient Rome, you have to be very cautious, though Rome does have lessons to offer us and the history and results of the relentless centralization of the Empire is one of them,” Natelson continued.


If there’s a case to be made that the US is headed for the same sort of central plan that sucks the life out of a Republic, it would be difficult to imagine who in the United States could be encouraged by such a trend, outside of DC’s beltway.

“Certainly state legislators in Oklahoma and congressmen from Oklahoma should put the Federal Government on notice that they will support a substantial reduction in the budget for Holder’s portion of the federal bureaucracy so long as he is trying to coerce them in this way.” recommended Gutzman.

Worldwide trends in recent political elections do exhibit signs of a move away from central planner candidates, a trend the United States has been contrary to for nearly a decade, but perhaps the pendulum has reversed itself.

“As the economy grows increasingly complicated, increasingly interdependent and increasingly technological, centralized control (which never worked very well) works less and less, and people are less willing to stand for it.  This reflects a visceral gut reaction people have against centralized control, because they know from their own life it makes no sense, though it always takes time for those mega-trends to filter into the political class,” Natelson continued. “Eventually, when a mule gets hit over the head enough times it figures out what’s going on, and eventually the politicians will figure out what’s going on, too.”

People in the US are coming together by the thousands, demanding decentralization and nullification of Federal powers. Never before have the political elites had to contend with a non-partisan political force on such a massive scale.  A storm seems to be brewing; a maelstrom of everyday Americans rallying around the document designed to keep the government in fear of the people – instead of the other way around

URL to article: http://www.infowars.com/obamas-imperial-decree-target-oklahoma/

Martial Law Under the Cover of Bush Era Quarantine Regulations

Kurt Nimmo
August 5, 2009

It didn’t fly under Bush, but it might under Obama. “The Obama administration is quietly dusting off an effort to impose new federal quarantine regulations, which were vigorously resisted by civil liberties organizations and the airline industry when the rules were first proposed by the Bush administration nearly four years ago,” reports Politico.

Under the plan, the feds will have the authority to lock down cities or even entire areas of the country under “provisional quarantine.” In addition, the plan cooked up under Bush would have required airlines and cruise lines to store information about domestic and international passengers, such as e-mail addresses, traveling companions and return flight information. The information would be subject to review by federal officials in a health emergency.

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Critics say Obama and crew will attempt to sneak through the unconstitutional regulations while Congress is in recess this month.

“The White House’s Office of Management and Budget has set a September target date to complete the first major overhaul of the quarantine regulations in about three decades. That would have at least some of the rules in place if swine flu returns with a vengeance later this year, though officials are reluctant to make that link publicly,” writes Josh Gerstein for Politico.

The plan is backed by the CDC. “It’s important to public health to move forward with the regulations,” said Christine Pearson, a spokeswoman for the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. “We need to update our quarantine regulations, and this final rule is an important step.” The Office of Management and Budget has confirmed the lock-down plan is currently in “an interagency review process.”

As the flu outbreak approaches — promised to hit this autumn — we are beginning to see the full extent of the government’s plan to declare martial law and further violate the Constitution, or sideline it completely.

An outbreak of the flu is only a convenient pretext. According to Politico, analysts said the administration may want to hold new quarantine powers in reserve, for “unforeseen situations” or for diseases other than the flu.

In other words, the government may use the new lock-down regulations for political reasons. Late last year, the IMF said U.S. troops may need to be used to quell protests and bank runs during an economic crisis, according to the U.S. Army War College’s Strategic Institute.

In December, trends forecaster Gerald Celente predicted “food riots, squatter rebellion, tax revolts and job marches” in response to a crashing economy.

It was revealed at the time by Sen. James Inhofe and Rep. Brad Sherman that Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson considered the possibility of civil unrest while he pushed for September’s Wall Street bankster bailout and even suggested martial law might be required.

The government’s consideration of new federal quarantine regulations is merely a cynical ploy to exploit fears of a flu pandemic in order to push for a martial law option. There is absolutely no difference between the Obama and Bush administrations – both have put into place plans long ago drafted by our globalist rulers.

It is not al-Qaeda or a flu bug they fear but rather the people who will naturally rise up, as Celente and others predict, in response to tyranny.

URL to article: http://www.infowars.com/martial-law-under-the-cover-of-bush-era-quarantine-regulations/

The OAS Treaty: Blueprint for Dismantling the Second Amendment

Dave Kopel
August 3, 2009

The Obama administration’s offensive against the Second Amendment has begun.

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As was predicted, the strategy uses international law to create a foundation for repressive and extreme gun control. The mechanism is an international treaty, the “Inter-American Convention against the Illicit Manufacturing of and Trafficking in Firearms, Ammunition, Explosives and Other Related Materials.”

If the  plan succeeds, police sales of confiscated firearms would be prohibited, and anyone who reloads ammunition at home would need a federal license. In addition, the treaty would create an international law requirement that almost every American firearm owner be licensed as if he were a manufacturer.

Founded in 1948, the Organization of American States (OAS) includes all of the independent nations of the Western Hemisphere. (Cuba’s participation has been suspended since 1962.) In 1997, President Clinton signed a gun control treaty, which had been negotiated by OAS. Subsequently, neither he nor President George W. Bush sent the treaty to the United States Senate for ratification.

The treaty is commonly known as “CIFTA,” for its Spanish acronym, Convención Interamericana Contra La Fabricación Y El Tráfico Ilícitos De Armas De Fuego, Municiones, Explosivos Y Otros Materiales Relacionados. The document is called a “convention” rather than a “treaty” because “convention” is a term of art for a multilateral treaty created by a multinational organization.

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URL to article: http://www.infowars.com/the-oas-treaty-blueprint-for-dismantling-the-second-amendment/

Biden Comments Signal Possible Iran Attack

Kurt Nimmo
July 6, 2009

Vice President Joe Biden, appearing on ABC’s “This Week,” said that the Obama administration would not stand in the way if Israel chose to attack Iran’s nuclear facilities. “Look, Israel can determine for itself — it’s a sovereign nation — what’s in their interest and what they decide to do relative to Iran and anyone else,” Biden said. He added that the Obama administration “cannot dictate to another sovereign nation what they can and cannot do.”

featured stories   Biden Comments Signal Possible Iran Attack
More than 17 million barrels of oil pass through the Strait of Hormuz every day. Iran has promised to shut down all shipping in the Gulf if attacked by Israel or the United States.

Reminded that the U.S. could impede an Israeli strike on Iran by prohibiting it from using Iraqi air space, Biden said he was “not going to speculate” beyond saying that Israel, like the U.S., has a right to “determine what is in its interests.”

On Monday, Iran’s Press TV reported that Israel has denied reports that suggest Israeli bombers have been allowed to use Saudi airspace for an attack on Iran’s nuclear sites, thus bypassing Iraq airspace. The denial came after unnamed Israeli diplomatic sources told The Sunday Times that Saudi officials have secretly agreed to allow Israeli fighter jets to fly over the kingdom to strike Iran’s nuclear sites.

“The Saudis have tacitly agreed to the Israeli air force flying through their airspace on a mission which is supposed to be in the common interests of both Israel and Saudi Arabia,” the The Sunday Times quoted an Israeli diplomatic source as saying.

An Israeli defense source recently confirmed that the Mossad spy agency maintained “working relations” with Saudi Arabia.

Former U.S. ambassador to the United Nations, John Bolton, said it was “entirely logical” for the Israelis to use Saudi airspace to attack Iran.

Bolton said he had discussed the possibility with Saudi officials in closed-door meetings. “None of them would say anything about it publicly but they would certainly acquiesce in an overflight if the Israelis didn’t trumpet it as a big success.”

“Israel’s decision of whether to use military force against Tehran’s nuclear weapons program is more urgent than ever,” Bolton told the Washington Post last week.

Israel held a major long-range military air exercise – involving more than 100 F15 and F16 fighters – as a rehearsal for a potential strike on Iran’s nuclear facilities, The Independent revealed in June, 2008. The fighters, along with refuelling tankers and helicopters able to rescue downed pilots, were mobilized during the first week of June over the eastern Mediterranean and Greece in an exercise monitored by foreign intelligence agencies.

Late last month, as the CIA and NGO spawned “color revolution” unfolded in Iran, former Secretary of State and Rockefeller minion Henry Kissinger said if the western orchestrated coup against Ahmadinejad and the mullahs failed, an outside alternative would have to be used in the name of “regime change.”

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Iran’s leadership dispatched hundreds of riot police and Basij militiamen to put down demonstrations. Iran has detained over 1,000 demonstrators and the initially large protests have been scaled down due to the repressive measures of the government. Analysts say many Iranians who believe that fraud swayed the presidential election in favor of Mahmoud Ahmadinejad will have to find new means to challenge the hard-liners in power, The Christian Science Monitor reported over the weekend.

In February of 2007, it was revealed that the U.S. has a “fallback plan” in place for an attack. “US contingency plans for air strikes on Iran extend beyond nuclear sites and include most of the country’s military infrastructure,” the BBC reported. “It is understood that any such attack — if ordered — would target Iranian air bases, naval bases, missile facilities and command-and-control centers.”

Obama ordered Secretary of Defense Robert Gates to update the plans for the use of military force against Iran in May, according to Israel News.

Iran deployed missile batteries in the Persian Gulf after the Islamic Republic received secret information that the United States and Israel were planning to attack it, the Saudi newspaper al-Watan reported in May. The deployment of the missiles indicates that Iran believes an attack against its nuclear facilities will be conducted from the air or the sea.

The commander of Iran’s elite Revolutionary Guard said last June that the government would shut down vital oil lanes through the Persian Gulf if the country were attacked by the United States or Israel. “Naturally every country under attack by an enemy uses all its capacity and opportunities to confront the enemy,” said Maj. Gen. Mohammad Ali Jafari. “Iran will definitely act to impose control on the Persian Gulf and Strait of Hormuz.” More than 17 million barrels of oil pass through the Strait of Hormuz every day.

Jafari also warned of possible reprisals against countries that allow the U.S. or Israel to use their territory or airspace to launch attacks against Iran, a reference to Iraq and Saudi Arabia.

In addition to the obvious global economic implications of shutting down the oil lanes in the Persian Gulf, an attack by Israel or the United States would inflame tensions in the Middle East, especially among Shi’ite populations. An attack would incite Shi’ites in Lebanon — namely Hezbollah — and in Iraq and elsewhere in the region, including Saudi Arabia. Hezbollah is positioned to attack Israel if it attacks Iran.

“The most horrific impact of a US assault on Iran, of course, would be the potentially catastrophic number of casualties. The Oxford Research Group predicted that up to 10,000 people would die if the US bombed Iran’s nuclear sites, and that an attack on the Bushehr nuclear reactor could send a radioactive cloud over the Gulf. If the US uses nuclear weapons, such as earth-penetrating ‘bunker buster’ bombs, radioactive fallout would become even more disastrous,” Heather Wokusch wrote for Common Dreams in 2006.

URL to article: http://www.infowars.com/biden-comments-signal-possible-iran-attack/

Obama Moves to Undermine Iran with CIA Linked USAID “Democracy”

Kurt Nimmo
June 26, 2009

Ignore the neocons who whine that Obama and the Democrats are not doing enough to support the protesters arrayed in opposition to recently re-elected Mahmoud Ahmadinejad and the mullahs in Iran.

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featured stories   Obama Moves to Undermine Iran with CIA Linked USAID Democracy
A sordid cast of characters from “democracy” NGOs and the CIA failed to overthrow Venezuela’s Hugo Chávez.

“The Obama administration is moving forward with plans to fund groups that support Iranian dissidents,” reports USA Today. “The U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID), which reports to the secretary of state, has for the last year been soliciting applications for $20 million in grants to ‘promote democracy, human rights, and the rule of law in Iran,’ according to documents on the agency’s website. The final deadline for grant applications is June 30.”

Or put another way, the CIA will fund the opposition and this effort will be run out of Hillary Clinton’s State Department.

Public records show that USAID has long been a front for CIA intelligence gathering, as well as a conduit for CIA funding to foreign governments and agencies, according to Bill Keisling. Pages 607 to 613 of the so-called CIA Family Jewels document describes a “joint CIA/USAID training program.”

Andrew Natsios, USAID’s former head, stated unequivocally in a widely distributed 2003 speech that even foreign USAID-funded contractors and NGOs “are an arm of the U.S. government.” And the role of the much smaller NED was made clear when Allen Weinstein, one of its founders stated in a 1991 Washington Post article that, “a lot of what we do today was done covertly 25 years ago by the CIA.”

It is well documented that the CIA’s USAID, along with the Pentagon, the National Endowment for Democracy (NED), and the Venezuelan mafia in Miami attempted to overthrow Hugo Chávez. “It has been affirmed that the coup against Chávez was CIA-made,” writes Jean-Guy Allard of Granma International. “The CIA and the State Department maintain various fronts in the country, as they always do.”

In addition to USAID and NED, the failed coup against Chávez was coordinated by the International Republican Institute and Freedom House. Neocon and former CIA director James Woolsey was the chairman of Freedom House and trustees include the ubiquitous Zbigniew Brzezinski, former Clinton Commerce Secretary Stuart Eizenstat, and National Security Adviser Anthony Lake. “Freedom House lists USAID, US Information Agency, Soros Foundations and the National Endowment for Democracy, among its financial backers,” notes F. William Engdahl.

Soros and crew are behind the so-called “color revolutions” in former Soviet states. After the Orange Revolution in Ukraine several Central Asian nations took action against Soros’ Open Society Institute (OSI). Uzbekistan, for instance, forced the shutting down of the OSI regional offices in that country. The Guardian reported that USAID, National Endowment for Democracy, the International Republican Institute, the National Democratic Institute for International Affairs, and Freedom House were directly involved in the Orange Revolution. The Albert Einstein Institution — a documented CIA asset (according to researcher Thierry Meyssan) — provided training for activists in Serbia and Ukraine.

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Soros inspired or directly funded color revolutions are brewing in Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Burma, Moldova, Mongolia, Pakistan, Russia, and Uzbekistan.

In 2007, Iranian television ran a documentary showing two purported Soros activists, Haleh Esfandiari (she worked for the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars) and Kian Tajbakhsh (an urban planning consultant with Soros’ OSI), who are being held on suspicion of spying and endangering Iranian national security, according to the BBC.

The same year the CIA received secret presidential approval to mount a covert “black” operation to destabilize the Iranian government, according to ABC News. “The sources say the CIA developed the covert plan over the last year and received approval from White House officials and other officials in the intelligence community.”

On July 7, 2008, journalist Seymour Hersh provided detail on the campaign against Iran. “The covert activities involve support of the minority Ahwazi Arab and Baluchi groups and other dissident organizations,” including radical Sunnis compared to al-Qaeda, writes Hersh.

In addition, Israel is using “hitmen, sabotage, front companies and double agents” against Iran, according to the Telegraph. “As US-Israeli relations are bound to come under strain over the Obama administration’s outreach to Iran, and as the political atmosphere grows in complexity, an intensification of Israeli covert activity against Iran is likely to result,” Reva Bhalla, a senior analyst with Stratfor, told the newspaper.

In response to neocon criticism of Obama’s “outreach,” it appears the administration is now supporting Iranian opposition groups, preferring the “soft” approach to the neocon insistence the U.S. and Israel confront the Islamic nation head on with sanctions and eventually military action. Obama’s approach is described as “democracy promotion initiatives.”

“Respecting Iran’s sovereignty does not mean our silence on issues of fundamental rights and freedoms, such as the right to peacefully protest,” said State Department spokesman Ian Kelly.

Instead it means throwing millions of dollars at USAID and ultimately NED and the “freedom” NGOs that will covertly meddle in Iranian politics. The neoliberal template is to undermine target nations in the shadows and under the cover of so-called democracy, while the neocon penchant is for open hostility served up with a steaming side dish of bombastic rhetoric. The final result is approximately the same.

URL to article: http://www.infowars.com/obama-moves-to-undermine-iran-with-cia-linked-usaid-democracy/

Documents Back Saudi Link to Extremists

The New York Times
June 24, 2009
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Documents gathered by lawyers for the families of Sept. 11 victims provide new evidence of extensive financial support for Al Qaeda and other extremist groups by members of the Saudi royal family, but the material may never find its way into court because of legal and diplomatic obstacles.

The case has put the Obama administration in the middle of a political and legal dispute, with the Justice Department siding with the Saudis in court last month in seeking to kill further legal action. Adding to the intrigue, classified American intelligence documents related to Saudi finances were leaked anonymously to lawyers for the families. The Justice Department had the lawyers’ copies destroyed and now wants to prevent a judge from even looking at the material.

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URL to article: http://www.infowars.com/documents-back-saudi-link-to-extremists/

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