Obama Speech Police Shutdown Top You Tube Videos

Aaron Dykes
August 9, 2009

A video on TheAlexJonesChannel on YouTube has been taken down– not due to claims of copyright infringement or etc.– but due to alleged violations of the You Tube “Community Guidelines“:

We encourage free speech and defend everyone’s right to express unpopular points of view. But we don’t permit hate speech (speech which attacks or demeans a group based on race or ethnic origin, religion, disability, gender, age, veteran status, and sexual orientation/gender identity).

Alex Jones defends attempts to shut down his speech on You Tube through phony claims of racism

This suspension is apparently based on complaints that the video is “racist”– as numerous comments posted below the now suspended video titled “Obama JOKER $1000 Video Contest: The establishment will go nuts!!!,” as well as several other copies of the video, indicate.

One such Obama Brownshirt censor using the handle “barackobamaexpress”advocated:

barackobamaexpress: For anyone who reads this; if you want to do your part today – something patriotic today, report this video to Youtube administration. Alex Jones promotes racism, and fearmongering. He’s a known liar.

This is startling not only because the video– critical of President Obama’s policies– mentions nothing at all about race, but because You Tube is evidently willing to censor simply on the basis of receiving a significant number of complaints– not on the basis of whether or not its terms are upheld.

featured stories   Obama Speech Police Shutdown Top You Tube Videos
Click here to see full notice

There is no violation of the so-called ‘hate speech’ guidelines, but rather it is clear that one too many people seeking to remove the video and attack the account submitted fraudulent complaints.

Alex Jones is currently considering further action to restore the video and protect his free speech.

The cry of “racism” has become, instead, the first-reflex attack against anyone critical of President Obama & his policies anytime it is easier and more effective than actually responding to legitimate critique of the real issues. Heightening the race issue– truly a canard obscuring necessary debate over the massive legislation racing through the Democrat-controlled House, Senate and Executive bodies– is meant to create tension and bring out racism where it was never in play before.

featured stories   Obama Speech Police Shutdown Top You Tube Videos
Click here to see screen shot just prior to removal.

Obama Speech Police have been on the attack to silence the President’s critics as of late. The Official White House Blog asked supporters on Wednesday to “flag” chain e-mails and online videos ‘claiming to uncover the truth’ about Obama’s Health Care agenda. The posting essentially asked for an assault on dissenters and legitimate opposition in the name of alleged “disinformation.”

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Only days later, Press Secretary Gibbs used Rush Limbaugh as an example to say that anyone comparing the Democratic Party’s agenda to that of the Nazi’s was on “thin ice” and should be wary of using such terms. Such a comparison may well be justified, depending upon the context, and is being used to intimidate free speech critical of the President and his policies.

At the same time, the political group ‘Health Care for America Now,’ which counts the President and Vice President among its supporters, has “instructed Democrats to confiscate signs and leaflets brought to Obamacare events by “rightwing extremists,” that is to say Americans opposed to totalitarian health care,” as Kurt Nimmo reported Friday.

Also on Friday, Kenneth Gladney, a self-identified independent-conservative, was hospitalized after being beaten by a group of union thugs who didn’t like his criticizing the Health Care agenda.

Groups have been mobilizing everywhere in opposition to the pending Health Care legislation, and have been uniformly slandered and demonized by the media, and blocked by various pro-Health Care groups throughout the country.

This video, entitled ‘Obama JOKER $1000 Video Contest’ was copied off of ‘TheAlexJonesChannel’ shortly before it was censored on claims of ‘racism.’ Get this version and make more copies while you still can.

These recent attempts at quashing free speech are reminiscent of the Missouri Truth Squads during the 2008 campaign who — while hypocritically carrying out a slanted & untrue politicized message– vowed to shut down and have arrested anyone critical of Obama who is ‘not telling the truth’ via Missouri ethics laws.

The actual attempt to censor Alex Jones and his message will surely fail, as many dedicated fellow patriots have already taken to duplicating not only the video itself (as posted above), but to duplicating the viral spreading of the message on the streets and everywhere online.

For instance, here is the first of surely many hundreds of videos of individuals handing out the “JOKER” Obama poster in San Antonio:

URL to article: http://www.infowars.com/obama-speech-police-shutdown-top-you-tube-videos/

Alex Jones, A Catalyst For A New Breed of Activist Media

Harold Gray
June 10, 2009

Alex Jones is the self-described tip of the spear in the information war against the New World Order agenda. If you happened to be in Austin in the late 90’s and flipped through the channels, you would hear his voice of truth, piercing the airwaves like a beacon of light in the mental fog of pop culture entertainment, endless spectator sports and mainstream media disinformation. Looking back it was a magical time, in which many in Austin and abroad, were awakening during infancy of the technological truth movement. This was before YouTube, viral videos and social networking sites. It was a time that information was passed by word of mouth or by archaic devices called VHS tapes.

featured stories   Alex Jones, A Catalyst For A New Breed of Activist Media

My journey to the conspiracy capitol of the world proclaimed by the BBC, began in ‘95 after a degree at a technical college that gave me an opportunity to join the tech boom in Austin. Being in my early 20’s, I knew of government corruption at some level thanks to my father who was retired from the Air Force. He spoke about the New World Order, Bush crime family and eugenics, but like others, I was living a typical life fairly asleep to the grand deception we have all been born into.

My first experience hearing Alex came one night flipping through the access channels, I immediately stopped on this seemingly crazed and outraged guy on TV. We have all been subjected to predictive programming through TV shows and movies, so I immediately labeled him a anti-government militia type that was probably racist. This was a horrible assumption, but this is what predictive programming does to the mind, it plants preconceived notions of people, places and things in your subconscious without you realizing your responses to such stimuli is scientifically programmed. I would listen to him for a few minutes, almost like I’m watching something taboo, and then change the channel. It was obvious that his shocking information was hitting areas of my brain making me think about what he was saying, but then the suppressed programmed propaganda would kick in, and tell me that this guy is crazy and everything couldn’t be that bad. Writing this now and reflecting, I now understand these feelings and can recognize how people who first listen to Alex can’t handle the information shattering their current paradigm, and tend to shut him off.

I began to listen to him more and more, burning off the pre-programmed brain receptors that were holding me back from having an open mind and using discernment. I also started finding others on access TV presenting similar information, so it wasn’t as foreign as it once was. So finally I watched one of his shows, he was exposing local corruption, and the growing move towards globalization modeled by the UN. I also noticed another strange thing, other access producers would do whole shows slandering him, which I found odd. Even in Alex’s early days, he was constantly attacked by peers and others who initially claimed to be his friends and colleagues.

Fast forward to the summer of 2001, I happened to catch the now historical broadcast of Alex accurately predicting the September 11th false flag events in New York and D.C., even more astounding was the fact he picked Osama Bin Laden as the central figure government would use as the mastermind of the attacks. Watching this broadcast was surreal, I had a feeling that he had stumbled on to something big and it freaked him out because his tone was alarming and somber at the same time, if that makes since. He was pleading for people to call the Whitehouse and tell them cease this false flag attack. I couldn’t turn the channel from this compelling broadcast, it seemed as if I was watching a Twilight Zone episode, in which a conspiracy theorists takes over the airwaves to speak the truth. Still mentally asleep, I watched this with no sense of urgency to do anything. It was like underground anti-government entertainment to me at the time, so I soon forgot and went on with life.

Coming home after my night shift on the morning of September 11th, I turned on the TV and within 5 minutes saw the infamous video of the second plane hit the Twin Towers live like the rest of the world. The response to this shocking and emotional event again was provided by the years of programming by the media. My first reaction in the days following 9/11 was pure anger, initially supporting an overwhelming military response directed towards the Middle East. The programming began to break with help from my father, who was a retired Air Force Veteran. He began to tell me that he believed the government was behind the attacks and Al-Qaeda was front terrorist group created by U.S. intelligence. I still wasn’t ready for that truth bomb, even though my eyes told me that the buildings fell in a controlled fashion similar to buildings being taken down in Vegas.

Around town and at work, people were united against this new boogey man Bin Laden, and for a few weeks it’s sad to say I was with them. Soon after, I saw the rebroadcast of Alex’s warning of the attack and it gave me chills. I remembered that I heard this scenario before, and it happened like Alex predicted. This started my journey, the realization that now my life has been changed forever, and now I have to do research to find out where he gathered this information from and why our own government would do this to their own people. Now I was awake, deciding to jump into the deep end of the info war. I began reading infowars.com regularly and checking out all the material and videos he had posted. Soon after 9/11 Alex put together an emergency broadcast that would later be expanded into his first documentary on the subject 9/11 the Road to Tyranny. The information was astounding, and at that time he was 9/11 truth. Soon after, more researchers like George Humphrey, Mike Ruppert and Eric Hufschmid provided more pieces of the complex puzzle.

By the time Thanksgiving came in 2001, I was stone cold awake like diving into a lake at 5 am. I came to town with a bag full of tapes and documents, telling everyone I saw that 9/11 wasn’t what we were lead to believe. At this point, I still had a large skeptical view on the subject and couldn’t believe what I was learning about the covert shadow government that used the 9/11 false flag to gain power overtly by implementing new draconian legislative bills. Although all signs were pointing to an inside job I couldn’t believe it and had to keep learning more.

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Then one day in 2002, Alex posted the Operation Northwoods document on infowars and my jaw dropped. I had seen the information about drills, physics and hijackers that were government agents, but this declassified document literally made me nauseous. I googled it, found the pdf, and read it with disbelief. This was the turning point in my awakening and I haven’t looked back sense. This revelation compelled me to research and rethink everything I have learned since a child, historically, religiously and politically. So I took the whole summer of 2002 reading a watching anything I could get my hands on. I even read the dictionary from front to back and took notes extensively. It was information overload, like having a massive brainfreeze downing a Slurpee with a huge straw.

After my re-education, I appreciated all the researchers out there who took it upon themselves to spread their knowledge, in order to wake up society. I made a personal vow to do my best, researching and uncovering new facts, and use my perspective to also help enlighten the public. During this time I was a regular at the Austin access studio, and this is where I met Alex, shook his hand and hung out in the control booth while he broadcasted live. It was an amazing experience watching him work behind the scenes. He is the nicest guy in the world off the air, but just like a football player, when he is in his element he is amped and focus on destroying the enemy before him.

Over the years Alex continually grew on the net and on his syndicated radio show, bringing the emerging truth movement with him. His growing audience provided an outlet for other activists, researchers and websites. It was during these years that Google Video and YouTube took off, enabling Loose Change and We Are Change, to energize independent activism with the viral nature of politically oriented videos that Alex pioneered years earlier. This demonstrated how we could reach people outside the movement and bring them in with the seeds of truth. The emergence of social networking sites also provided an opportunity to spread information to a new audience virally. Alex’s documentaries, access show and radio clips where now circling the globe causing another exponential growth in the truth movement.

In early 2007, Congressman Ron Paul announced his run for president, given freedom lovers from several ideologies a unified political voice. His ideas brought together libertarians, true conservatives, 9/11 truthers, antiwar activists, people exposing the fiat non-federal monetary system created by the Fed and others exposing the New World Order. Alex helped catapult Ron Paul’s campaign to a new audience, and even Dr. Paul acknowledged that well over half of his supporters came from Alex’s audience of listeners.

Having been previously exposed to Ron Paul’s astute and brilliant analysis of the fiat monetary system and the fraudulent Federal Reserve, I decided that it was time for me to get active and help get Congressman Paul elected. One day in November my wife came up with an idea of billboards to promote Ron Paul and we decided to give it a try. I started a website, ronpaulbillboards and the rest is history. The idea was to raise money through a paypal chipin and then launch billboards in Iowa, the first primary caucus in the ‘08 election year. The donation meter was up for a couple of days and the initial donations were exciting, and I thought hey this might actually work. Towards the end of the week, the donations picked up real quick. I searched for the reason for the spike of donations and traffic and found out it was Steve Watson from Alex’s Infowars team, who had posted the link to the site on infowars. This was a truly amazing moment in my life, within days of launching this dream we had on the couch, we were already half way to our goal of $3,000 for a digital billboard in Cedar Rapids. It was the Alex’s platform that enabled us to reach our goal within a week. He later posted our press releases for the billboard launch and had me on the radio show a few times to promote the site which lead to the successfully reaching our goal in this seemingly impossible endeavor. Who would give money over the internet to strangers for a political billboard in this day and age. Accomplishing this boosted my confidence that I could achieve anything that I set my mind to and that if I have honest and good intentions, people will rally behind you in support.

This venture eventually led to us raising enough money to launch 5 billboards in 4 of the early primary states, including the first ever political billboard for a presidential election in downtown Austin off of the busy strip of I-35.

Riding the wave of the Ron Paul Revolution to the end, I sought after another way in which we can reach the public and begin the educational process on the issues, if we are ever to elect someone like Congressman Paul. During the Texas billboard campaign, I was contacted by a local graphic artist who provided some design ideas for the Austin billboard. We hit it off and began working on some new ideas for after Dr. Paul’s presidential run. I first had a vision of a website that would promote activist events like the DC Revolution March sponsored by groups who supported Ron Paul. After many design and content changes, it soon turned into a categorized resource for news, perspectives and analysis by me and a couple of writers such as Les Visible.

Anyone who has launched a website before remembers those first few months when you are trying to get something to get picked up by a larger site that would essential give your site the first traffic boost. Soon after launching, one of our articles was picked up by another alternative news site that is promoted by Alex, whatreallyhappened.com. Shortly after that we had several articles[1] picked up by writers from Infowars, solidifying our entry to the top of alternative news outlets.

This is why supporting Alex Jones in his upcoming money bomb is so important, my personal experience is proof that he is using his success to also boost other websites who are also working towards waking people up to the cold hard truth right before their eyes. The disinfo out on the web that he is a Jesuit gatekeeper, CIA agent, and space alien from planet X, is laughable but sad. Some people are being mislead by these ridiculous claims and are losing focus on the issues we face and the global elite who are moving to enslave humanity. We need to join together for the common cause of liberty, and focus our energy on those who are seeking to enslave us in a tyrannical global super state. Supporting Alex in this Money Bomb will further expand the truth movement in general, and allow for more burgeoning activists and websites to reach a wider audience.

In the following short feature, Alex tours through the studio and offices to show firsthand what he was able to do with the funds from the first ever moneybomb last year:

The Infowars Money Bomb is your chance to play a crucial role in loading the cannons for an all-out assault on the corporate media monopoly in America. With your help, Alex and the team will reawaken millions more to liberty and resistance against the control of the new world order.

Learn more about the use of funds for the MoneyBomb:

Prepare to Launch the Infowars Moneybomb

Click here to donate to the Infowars Moneybomb.

URL to article: http://www.infowars.com/alex-jones-a-catalyst-for-a-new-breed-of-activist-media/

Alex Jones Calls for Aid to Expand the Infowar Against the Global Elite

June 8, 2009

Pledge your shield in the Infowar and donate this June 11th!

Alex Jones appeals to patriots and truth seekers to support the Infowar and help us expand in the fight against the global elite. By donating, you help us combat the trillions of elite dollars spent on New World Order propaganda and eugenics programs with mere hundreds of thousands aimed at expanded coverage online and on-air. With these funds, the fire of liberty will spread, and freedom can prevail.

Alex tours through the studio and offices to show firsthand what he was able to do with the funds from the first ever moneybomb last year. Alex hopes to match the $250,000 raised last year that enabled the office to grow; with these new funds, he will ramp up the video production facilities and square foot available to fight full-force. With your help, Alex will reawaken millions more to liberty and resistance against the control of the New World Order.

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Like it or not, Alex Jones has become our biggest weapon of resistance against the New World Order. We have a duty to get the message out and stop what is happening; Alex has proven that through the websites, films and his daily radio broadcast, we can reach millions of listeners and gain the critical mass that is needed for victory. Help Alex raise the capital necessary to become a true worldwide beacon of freedom that can penetrate enemy resistance and reach the people in time.

Spread the word and do your part to push tyranny back yet again! Calling all arms to the moneybomb; donate this June 11th!


URL to article: http://www.infowars.com/alex-jones-calls-for-aid-to-expand-the-infowar-against-the-global-elite/

Youtube Restores The Alex Jones Channel

Steve Watson
Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Youtube Restores The Alex Jones Channel 190509Youtube

Youtube has restored the official Alex Jones Youtube channel after legal counter claims were filed against the original claims of copyright violation.

It took two weeks for this issue to be resolved, with Youtube examining and determining exactly who had filed the original complaint.

The Infowars team had to write up legal papers and file counter claims in federal court, which eventually prompted the complainant to back down.

The Google owned company reversed it’s decision to pull the channel and resurrected it, along with the backup channel The Infowarrior, which was also restricted last week.

Youtube revealed that a second copyright violation was filed, however this turned out to be a fake, with no supporting evidence, no doubt filed by a person who simply dislikes Alex Jones and Infowars.

It also seems that the Pittsburgh Post-Gazzette did not file a complaint against Alex for showing a print out of one of their articles, as originally suggested by Youtube.

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The Alex Jones Channel, started by a fan but since embraced as the “official” Alex Jones micro-site on You Tube, has routinely featured in the website’s most popular ranking charts and has collectively attracted close to three million views for videos painstakingly catalogued and uploaded over the past two years.

According to Youtube’s figures, it is the 49th most subscribed to channel of all time and the 99th most viewed channel of all time, despite having only started in February 2008. Furthermore, it is the 9th most viewed channel this month, despite having been recently restricted.

The channel’s deletion seemed terminal, but thanks to the efforts of thousands of viewers and Infowars readers, who have called Youtube to complain about the censorship, the company was prompted to listen to our counter claims.

We would like to thank the viewers/readers for calling in to Youtube and all the Youtubers that have supported the Alex Jones channel. This victory shows the effect that people power can have in the Infowar.

However, having earned this success, we must now better prepare for the inevitable attacks that will follow. There is no doubt that there are people out there who desperately want to see important sources of information eliminated from Youtube, and there is no doubt that the Alex Jones Channel will come under fire in the future.

We would therefore like to announce “Operation Evacuation” – There are over 2000 vitally important videos that, for the moment, are confined to what may now be a compromised vessel.

We encourage readers to take whichever they feel are the most important videos from The Alex Jones Channel, and mirror them all over Youtube.

Man the Lifeboats!!

Watch Alex explain the resurrection of the Alex Jones Channel on last night’s Infowarrior show with Jason Bermas:

URL to article: http://www.infowars.com/youtube-restores-the-alex-jones-channel/

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