SWAT team confronts Young Americans for Liberty

Jim Randleman
Young American for Liberty
August 3, 2009

I’m sitting in the back of the classroom on the final day of the YAL National Convention, and I couldn’t wait any longer to get this YouTube video out to you.

Yesterday, YAL Events Director, Trevor Leach, and our top youth activists demonstrated on the Washington, DC, National Mall to collect petitions in opposition of Obama’s government takeover of health-care.

It wasn’t long until a SWAT team in an armored truck threatened Trevor and our youth activists declaring, “There are two options. Disassemble and leave. Or y’all are going to jail.”

“You don’t have free speech,” the sergeant told Trevor.

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Fortunately, our youth activists video taped the entire confrontation and stayed up all night to produce this video footage.

Be prepared to be shocked, appalled, and a little an gry at the actions of our public servants who swore to uphold the U.S. Constitution.

After you watch this video, please do me a favor. Click here and donate generously to support these youth activists and advance their continuous efforts.

It is important to me to get this video in your hands immediately. I’ll send a full update on the first-ever YAL National Convention later this week.

Let me say, this weekend has impacted these students in a very large way.

For liberty,

Jeff Frazee
Executive Director, YAL

URL to article: http://www.infowars.com/swat-team-confronts-young-americans-for-liberty/

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