Americans Who Know Their Rights Are The Real Target Of Napolitano’s “Domestic Terror” Warning

Paul Joseph Watson
Monday, February 22, 2010

Homeland Security chief Janet Napolitano cited examples of Muslim extremists in her warning Sunday that domestic terrorists were now as much a focus as international terrorism, but actual training manuals being used by state and federal authorities across America reveal that the primary target of the anti-terror apparatus hits a lot closer to home.

“Americans who turn to terrorism and plot against the U.S. are now as big a concern as international terrorists, Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano said Sunday,” reports the Associated Press.

“In the last year, Napolitano said, she’s witnessed a movement from international extremism to domestic extremism – cases in which Americans radicalized and decided to plot attacks against the country.”

However, Napolitano’s comments were clearly crafted to appeal to some on the right who claim that the Obama administration, despite its clear intensification of Bush’s “war on terror” with more raids into Pakistan and new targets in Yemen, has been “soft” on terror, with the DHS Secretary listing examples of Muslim Americans who have allegedly planned terror attacks (but not without aggressive prompting by FBI informants in almost every case).

In reality, as leaked state and federal documents illustrate, the primary focus of the war on terror is aimed at American citizens who exercise or merely show an interest in their own constitutional rights.

As President Obama’s would-be TSA head and former FBi agent Erroll Southers stated last month, white Christian “anti-government” types are now the primary target of suspicion for authorities.

In a video interview posted to You Tube, Southers outlined how the government and the TSA has to “pay attention” not to Muslim terrorists but to “anti-government, anti-abortion, survivalist types” who are “christian identity oriented.”

As we have exhaustively documented for years, even if there were cells of Muslim terrorists planning to bomb airliners, the federal government is far more concerned with what politically active conservative and libertarian Americans are up to.

This was illustrated again earlier this month with a story concerning South Carolina’s “Subversive Activities Registration Act,” a law which mandates that “Every member of a subversive organization, or an organization subject to foreign control, every foreign agent and every person who advocates, teaches, advises or practices the duty, necessity or propriety of controlling, conducting, seizing or overthrowing the government of the United States … shall register with the Secretary of State.”

Under the sweeping terms of the law, members of tax protest organizations, the Tea Party movement and the States’ Rights movement based in South Carolina are all domestic terrorists if they fail to register their dissent with the authorities. If such groups don’t obtain what amounts to a license from the government to engage in free speech, their members face a $25,000 fine and 10 years in prison.

Leaked state and federal documents produced since the early nineties have routinely labeled politically active Americans, or merely those cognizant of their constitutional rights, as the main domestic extremist threat.

An infamous leaked report distributed by the Missouri Information Analysis Center last year listed Ron Paul supporters, libertarians, people who display bumper stickers, people who own gold, or even people who fly a U.S. flag and equated them with radical race hate groups and terrorists.

The 2009 Virginia Terrorism Threat Assessment, produced by the Virginia Fusion Center, smeared anyone who is “anti-government,” “anti-abortion,” as potential terrorists, equated people who enjoy rifle shooting practice and hunting with terrorists, and demonized the use of the Internet and websites like You Tube, Fark and Slashdot as terrorist tools. The use of “e-protests” is also talked about in the context of terrorism.

The document also discusses “special interest groups” who “incorporate a political message” in its section about domestic terrorists, which could be defined as any mildly political organization whatsoever.

These are just two of a plethora of similar police and federal government reports stretching back well over a decade that identify politically active Americans as domestic terrorists and a target of domestic authorities.

The American people are clearly being prepared for more “home grown” false flag terror attacks on soft targets in order to smooth the rollout of stifling airport-style security measures onto the streets. With passengers at bus terminals already being subjected to random pat downs, baggage and sniffer dog searches, shopping malls and other public buildings are next.

The ultimate goal is to have naked body scanners attached to lamp posts that scan your naked body as you innocently walk down the street. The only way to sell this to the public will be for them to witness repeated soft target attacks similar to those seen in Israel over the past decade.

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EXCLUSIVE – British Peer: Copenhagen Summit Has Established A World Government

“Institutional framework” paves the way for unelected international bureaucracy

Steve Watson
Friday, Dec 18, 2009

Amid all the mainstream media reports of the talks in Copenhagen “limping” to a close and having failed, Lord Christopher Monckton, reporting from the summit, has stated that the only goal of the conference was to implement the framework and the funding for a world government – which he asserts has been achieved.

“That is the one thing that they are definitely going to succeed in doing here and they will announce that as a victory in itself, and they will be right because that is the one and only single aim of this entire global warming conference, to establish the mechanism, the structure, and above all the funding for a world government.” the British politician, business consultant, policy adviser exclusively told the Alex Jones show yesterday.

“They are going to take from the western countries the very large financial resources required to do that.” Monckton said, adding “They will disguise it by saying they are setting up a $100 billion fund for adaptation to climate change in third world countries, but actually, this money will almost all be gobbled up by the international bureaucracy.”

“The first thing they will do, and the one thing I think they were always going to succeed in doing at this conference is to agree to establish what will be delicately called ‘the institutional framework’. Now that is a code word for world government.”

Lord Monckton explained that although the word “government” has been dropped from the treaty, all the interlocking bureaucratic features of a world government are still present in the final draft of the treaty, which also legislates for a global tax on financial transactions that will be paid directly to the World Bank.

“These are the new entities that they are going to bring into being in order to create this world government” he said.

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“Ban Ki Moon, the head of the UN is clearly expecting that part of the treaty to go through because he is saying that we are going to have to set up a structure of global governance just to handle the enormous amounts of money which we are going to be getting from the countries of the West, once this agreement goes through at Copenhagen.” Monckton added

Ban Ki-moon made those comments on Wednesday in an interview with the LA Times in which he also said that a formal treaty would be signed by mid-2010.

“They are expecting to get this through,” the British peer stated, “so all the reports you see about how the parties are fatally deadlocked, China has walked out, the African countries have walked out… all of these things are the traditional window dressing to try to disarm those of us who don’t want any of this to succeed because we’d rather like to see our national sovereignty preserved.”

Monckton explained that there is still a great deal of hope in fighting the establishment of an unelected world government:

“What has been going on over the last ten days is they have been trying to see whether they can get a binding treaty, and more or less at the outset they realised they would have to abandon that because it would never pass the U.S. Senate.”

“If they call it a treaty it requires two thirds of the U.S. Senate to vote for it and there are just too many blue dog Democrats, as well as sensible Republicans, who will not vote for the destruction of the U.S. Constitution, the establishment of a world government, for the bankrupting of the United States, the destruction of working people’s jobs right across the industries of the U.S.”

“If they declare that they are going to do this and they do not have the constitutional authority to do this, and that will certainly be the case in the United States, then it is possible to fight it.” Monckton added.

Following president Obama’s announcement that he would attempt to circumvent the legislative process and bypass Congress to implement a cap and trade system on carbon emissions, Lord Monckton noted “If he tries to do that he will be impeached.”

“He had better tread very carefully indeed or he will be out of office and in prison before he knows it. There are constitutional constraints which, thank god, may yet save not only America but the rest of the world from what you rightly describe as a tyranny.”

“World government is coming because the leaders of the West have given up. They no longer care about democracy, they know longer care about the truth about the climate.” Monckton said. “They are willing to go along with this world government because they see roles for themselves in that world government in exactly the same way as the leaders of the EU did.”

“They can get more power as unelected leaders than they can at home.” Monckton added.

The British peer also spoke of the physical attacks on skeptics at Copenhagen by UN security, police and other demonstrators, adding that he himself was attacked and knocked out by a Danish police officer acting under UN authority after not allowing him access to a forum at the summit.

Watch the full interview below:

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Final Copenhagen Text Includes Global Transaction Tax

Obama set to bypass Congress and approve massive transfer of wealth to world government

Paul Joseph Watson
Friday, December 18, 2009

The final Copenhagen draft agreement which was hammered out in the early hours of Friday morning includes provisions for a global tax on financial transactions that will be paid directly to the World Bank, as President Obama prepares to bypass Congress by approving a massive transfer of wealth from America into globalist hands.

As Lord Monckton, Alex Jones and others warned, the notion that the globalists would achieve nothing at Copenhagen has likely been a ruse all along. The elite look set to ram through the lion’s share of their agenda, which would include a massive global government tax at a cost of at least $3,000 a year for American families already laboring under a devastating recession, double digit unemployment and a reduction in living standards.

Hillary Clinton arrived yesterday to rally global leaders around a resolution and Barack Obama is set to be portrayed as the savior of the world by rescuing what was pitched all along as a conference doomed to fail.

“The summit “hangs in the balance,” said Obama this morning. “We are running out of time. The time for talk is over. It is better for us to act than to talk. The question is whether we move forward together or split apart.”

The final agreement may not force countries to meet CO2 emission targets, but it will grease the skids for the biggest tax hike in human history, a fact that establishment media outlets have completely failed to emphasize.

Monckton told the Alex Jones Show last week that the initial secretive draft version of the Copenhagen agreement represented a global government power grab on an “unimaginable scale,” and mandated the creation of 700 new bureaucracies as well as a colossal raft of new taxes including 2 percent levies on both GDP and every international financial transaction.

Monckton said that the new world government outlined in the treaty would be handed powers to, “Tax the American economy to the extent of 2 percent GDP, to impose a further tax of 2 percent on every financial transaction….and to close down effectively the economies of the west, transfer your jobs to third world countries.”


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As the leak of the Danish text outlined, such taxes, earmarked as “climate financing,” will go straight into the coffers of the IMF and the World Bank. These funds will be used to bankroll the imposition of global governance that UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon promised would be achieved at Copenhagen.

According to the latest news out of Copenhagen, the taxes that were included in the initial text are still in the final agreement which is set to be passed later today or in the early hours of Saturday morning.

The Sydney Morning Herald reports that the final text, “Proposes a range of innovative mechanisms for raising the money, ranging from a tax on air and sea transports fuels to a tax on financial transfers.”

This would form part of an initial commitment of $US10 billion a year from 2010 to 2012, climbing to $US50 billion annually by 2015 and $US100 billion by 2020, although these figures will inevitably increase if the UN ramps up its climate fearmongering as it has done at each successive climate conference since the Rio Earth Summit in 1992.

The treaty outlines, “Penalties or fines for non-compliance,” in developed countries and the creation of an international police force to “enforce its will by imposing unlimited financial penalties on any countries whose performance under this treaty they don’t like,” Monckton told the Alex Jones Show, saying that it amounted to a total global government takeover on an “unimaginable scale”.

“We’re looking at a grab for absolute power and absolute financial control worldwide by the UN and its associated bureaucracies and 700 new bureaucratic bodies,” said Monckton, adding that if the agreement was signed by Obama, the U.S. would be losing its freedom to a “sinister dictatorship” being formed under the contrived pretext of global warming.

Watch Monckton’s latest interview with the Alex Jones Show below.

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EPA Threatens “Command-and-Control” Economy to Push Climate Change Agenda

Kurt Nimmo
December 9, 2009

The Environmental Protection Agency’s recent declaration that the life-sustaining gas carbon dioxide is a dangerous pollutant is part of an effort to establish “command-and-control” role for government. EPA boss Lisa Jackson declared carbon dioxide dangerous prior to her scheduled appearance at the Copenhagen climate summit in Denmark.

Command-and-control is a military term defined as the exercise of authority and direction by a designated commanding officer over assigned and attached forces in the accomplishment of the mission. In the case of the EPA, the mission is to impose the globalist climate change agenda on the United States.

EPA boss Jackson announces carbon dioxide is a pollutant.

More specifically, the EPA threat to impose a military-style command-and-control over the economy is an effort to force congressional action on the climate change agenda.

EPA states that it will not wait for an agreement in Copenhagen and action on climate change legislation in Congress. Proposed legislation that passed the House is currently on hold in the Senate.

The agency, established by Richard Nixon and Congress in 1970 with 18,000 full-time employees, will intervene directly in the economy, according to an official.

“If you don’t pass this legislation, then … the EPA is going to have to regulate in this area,” the official announced. “And it is not going to be able to regulate on a market-based way, so it’s going to have to regulate in a command-and-control way, which will probably generate even more uncertainty.” The EPA official warned that the EPA’s intervention will be a huge “deterrent to investment” and will inflict injury on an already damaged economy.

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Critics of the Obama administration and the EPA say such directives from on-high represent a move toward socialism. In fact, the EPA’s dictatorial edict is more evidence that the government is colluding with the “powers of financial capitalism,” as Carroll Quigley of Georgetown University described the global elite, who are working to dominate the political system of each country and the economy of the world as a whole. “This system was to be controlled in a feudalist fashion by the central banks of the world acting in concert, by secret agreements, arrived at in frequent private meetings and conferences,” explained Quigley.

The leak earlier this week of the “Danish text” demonstrates that secret agreements are being hatched behind the scenes at Copenhagen.

Republicans have urged Jackson and the EPA to withdraw the finding on carbon dioxide in light of leaked emails from the Climate Research Unit that reveals how scientists manipulated climate data and threatened skeptics.

Rep. James Sensenbrenner, R-Wis., the ranking Republican on the House Select Committee for Energy Independence and Global Warming, said yesterday he is will attend the Copenhagen conference and inform world leaders and climate change commissars that despite any promises made by Obama no new laws will be passed in the United States until the “scientific fascism” ends. “The U.N. should throw a red flag” on scientists who support the climate change fraud and are attempting to stifle dissent.

Climate change guru and carbon trading opportunist Al Gore told CNN yesterday that the leaked emails do not change the world government and carbon taxation scheme. Gore said the emails were taken “out of context.”

Al Gore attempts to dismiss the CRU emails on CNN.

Appearing on the Alex Jones Show yesterday, Lord Monckton said text of the Copenhagen agreement mandates a globalist power grab on an “unimaginable scale” by a “sinister dictatorship.” Monckton described how a new world government outlined in the treaty would impose a 2% taxation on the GDP of the United States and “close down effectively the economies of the west” and “transfer your jobs to third world countries.”

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Depression Good for Reducing Carbon Emissions

Kurt Nimmo
December 8, 2009

According to the U.S. Energy Information Administration, the United States has made remarkable progress in reducing carbon emissions. “Carbon dioxide output from the U.S. energy sector has probably fallen half as much as would be needed to meet the 2020 emissions reduction target the Obama administration took to the Copenhagen climate-change summit,” reports Bloomberg.

It is said the energy-related carbon dioxide emissions will be 5.45 billion tons this year, or 8.6 percent below the 2005 level of 5.96 billion tons. Prior to the Copenhagen climate scam confab, the Obama administration said the U.S. is willing to reduce carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases “in the range of 17 percent” below the 2005 level by 2020.

As the EPA told us yesterday, such reductions will be imposed without input from Congress and the American people.

How did we get here? It’s the economy, stupid.

“Falling U.S. emissions are the result of the ‘weak economy,’ which grew at an annual rate of 2.8 percent in the third quarter after shrinking for a year, and a cleaner fuel mix in the electricity sector, the EIA said in its December Short-Term Energy Outlook,” writes Bloomberg.

Storm clouds on the horizon, however. “After falling 6.1 percent this year, energy-related CO2 emissions should increase 1.5 percent next year on ‘projected improvements in the economy,’ EIA said. This would put 2010 emissions at 7.2 percent below the 2005 level, making the 2020 target harder to reach relative to the 2009 total.”

Bummer. But fear not tree-huggers and would-be globalists. If the bureaucrats teaming up at Copenhagen as I write this have their way, they will cut the carbon emissions in stupendous fashion and usher in an era of permanent economic “recession.”

In order to realize this return to the Dark Ages in the name of polar bears and bankers, much of the world will necessarily need to be pitched into utter poverty. As the “Danish text” reveals, this is precisely what our global managers have in mind for the so-called third world.

“The UN Copenhagen climate talks are in disarray today after developing countries reacted furiously to leaked documents that show world leaders will next week be asked to sign an agreement that hands more power to rich countries and sidelines the UN’s role in all future climate change negotiations,” reports the Guardian this morning. “The so-called Danish text, a secret draft agreement worked on by a group of individuals known as ‘the circle of commitment’ – but understood to include the UK, US and Denmark – has only been shown to a handful of countries since it was finalized this week.”

Of course, when these guys say “rich countries,” they are not talking about the average American pleb or his counterpart in England or Europe. They’re talking about the bankers and transnational corporations. The so-called “circle of commitment” (to rob us blind and enslave us) is a creature of the World Bank and the IMF, two Frankenstein monsters created as a result of the one-worlder Bretton Woods Conference in 1944.

“The draft hands effective control of climate change finance to the World Bank,” the Guardian reports. In other words, the monetary aspect of the climate change scam predicated on junk science will be handled over to a notorious global loan shark syndicate already responsible for starving millions of people to death and enslaving billions more to an astronomical debt that can never be repaid and was in fact never meant to be repaid. The IMF and World Bank are about fire sales and stealing natural resources and other prized goodies around the planet.

Not a bad deal for “financial institutions” that create funny money out of thin air and pawn it off on corrupt dictators who then force their people to pay it all back with interest. The fire sales begin when the people are unable to pay off the interest let alone the principal.

In addition to forcing poor nations to live up to unrealistic carbon emission standards (designed to keep them mired in poverty and misery forever) the Danish text — let’s call it what it is, the bankster text — spells out how the global elite (”rich nations”) will further slice up and divide the third world and force them to tighten their belts even more than they are now tightened and make sure they never arrive in the twentieth first century, let alone the twentieth.

Much of the world now exists on less than two dollars a day. If the banksters have their way, a lot of them will be existing on fifty cents or less per day. It’s an ideal scenario for a gaggle of eugenicists who resent most of humanity.

But that’s only part of the story. The scheme will not be limited to the third world. The “rich nations” — or rather the people who live in them — will be forced into the New Dark Age as well.

On the Alex Jones Show today, Lord Monckton, reporting from the epicenter of the criminal conspiracy, revealed what the control freaks in high places have in mind for the “developed nations.”

The Copenhagen summit under the cover of an elaborately constructed climate religion facade will endeavor to build a taxation and world government structure that will impose a 2% levy on the GNP of the “rich nations.” It will create 700 or more bureaucratic globalist bodies and a totalitarian world police force that will go after the scofflaws. It will impose levies on airfares, on international monetary transactions (of folks who are not part of the bankster syndicate) and in general tax out of existence most aspects of modern life.

As the U.S. Energy Information Administration unwittingly revealed, “weak” economies and economic depression are good for reducing carbon emissions. The Copenhagen summit — with its tear-jerk apocalyptic movies and blathering scientists (never mind the emails and programmer notes) — is all about convincing us that we have to accept world government and global poverty in the name of saving the planet.

It is the biggest scam in history.

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Your Right to Photograph

Kurt Nimmo
December 2, 2009

Infowars has posted numerous stories and videos documenting police and security guards harassing photographers and videographers in public spaces. In the United States, it is entirely legal for you to photograph people, buildings, infrastructure, and even criminal activity in public, so long as you do not interfere with the police. You don’t need permission and the cops cannot legally stop you or confiscate your camera, film, or video tape.

Earlier this year, Aaron Dykes was threatened with arrest in downtown Kansas City, Missouri after filming the local branch of the private Federal Reserve building. Security guards working for the Fed approached Infowars reporters at a city park that houses the National WWI memorial and demanded that they provide their names and disclose why they were filming the building.

Dykes and the Infowars crew were legally photographing the Federal Reserve building but this did not stop over-zealous rent-a-thugs from threatening them.

Infowars posted a video of the confrontation, but YouTube removed it claiming it violates their terms of use. Apparently Google (who owns YouTube) does not want people to know Americans are denied their right to photograph in public, especially when they are photographing buildings where criminal activity is planned and carried out.

In February, an independent videographer attempted to photograph the Federal Reserve building in Washington from a public sidewalk and was told he was violating the law by a Fed cop. See the video:

Video Link Here:

In 2007, WeAreChange founder and activist Luke Rudkowski was threatened with arrest by New York police for refusing to stop filming on a public sidewalk outside the offices of Larry Silverstein. Cops dressed in street clothes accused Rudkowski of having a gun and a bomb in his backpack. “It is a serious federal and state crime to publicly state that someone has a bomb and is a terrorist when not true — like extreme example of yelling fire in a theater — and needs to be prosecuted,” Alex Jones and Aaron Dykes wrote for the Jones Report on April 27, 2007.

In Britain, under section 44 of the Terrorism Act, citizens taking photographs can be stopped, have their film or digital media confiscated or deleted, and can even be arrested and charged as terrorists.

The police state is not as advanced in the United States. For now, a photographer has the right to photograph in public, but that may change.

Below is a link to an information sheet that details your rights as a photographer. It is based on the Bust Card and the Know Your Rights pamphlet that used to be available on the ACLU website. According to Bert P. Krages II, who distributed the sheet, you may distribute the guide to others, provided that such distribution is not done for commercial gain and credit is given to the author.

“The right to take photographs in the United States is being challenged more than ever,” writes Krages. “People are being stopped, harassed, and even intimidated into handing over their personal property simply because they were taking photographs of subjects that made other people uncomfortable. Recent examples have included photographing industrial plants, bridges, buildings, trains, and bus stations. For the most part, attempts to restrict photography are based on misguided fears about the supposed dangers that unrestricted photography presents to society.”

Ironically, unrestricted photography by private citizens has played an integral role in protecting the freedom, security, and well-being of all Americans. Photography in the United States has an established history of contributing to improvements in civil rights, curbing abusive child labor practices, and providing important information to crime investigators. Photography has not contributed to a decline in public safety or economic vitality in the United States. When people think back on the acts of domestic terrorism that have occurred over the last twenty years, none have depended on or even involved photography. Restrictions on photography would not have prevented any of these acts. Furthermore, the increase in people carrying small digital and cell phone cameras has resulted in the prevention of crimes and the apprehension of criminals.

As the flyer states, there are not very many legal restrictions on what can be photographed when in public view. Most attempts at restricting photography are done by lower-level security and law enforcement officials acting way beyond their authority. Note that neither the Patriot Act nor the Homeland Security Act have any provisions that restrict photography. Similarly, some businesses have a history of abusing the rights of photographers under the guise of protecting their trade secrets. These claims are almost always meritless because entities are required to keep trade secrets from public view if they want to protect them.

photographers right

The Photographer’s Right. Click image to download as PDF.

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Man Gets Climategate Story Out on CBC

November 28, 2009

In general, the corporate media has ignored the climategate story. In Europe, Britain, Australia, and elsewhere the corporate media has reported on this important story, but here in the United States it has met mostly with a stony silence.

In Canada, a determined activist interrupted a CBC broadcast with a message demanding the news network report on the climategate story. His message and act should be repeated here in the United States and around the world.

The corporate media cannot be allowed to bury this important story.

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Military Police Kidnap G20 Protester, Shove Him Into Unmarked Car

Paul Joseph Watson
Friday, September 25, 2009

It’s a shocking scene that wouldn’t have looked out of place on the streets of Nazi Germany or Maoist China in humanity’s darkest historical period – a protester is shoved into an unmarked car by military thugs and driven away to whatever Godforsaken fate awaits him. And yet this is America in 2009, where the First Amendment is now officially a criminal offense and people who dare exercise it are attacked and abducted by military police in broad daylight.

The video shows an unmarked gold Sedan drive up to a side street near Baum Ave & S Millvale Ave. in Pittsburgh. Men in military fatigues wrestle with the protester as other men in cammo exit the vehicle. The protester is shoved forcefully into the car as the military thugs follow him in and the car speeds away.

Watch the clip below.

Protesters scream “what the fuck is wrong with you” as the Sedan disappears into a cloud of tear gas.

In another You Tube clip, the man with the red bandana seen protesting as the other man is abducted is subsequently arrested by riot cops, presumably merely for voicing his displeasure at the disgraceful scenes he witnessed.

“Some guy just got chased down and thrown in a car for no reason,” states the camerawoman before the shot focuses in on the man with the red bandana, who is being manhandled and arrested by three riot cops.

“Why are you doing that, what did he do?” asks the woman.

Other protesters chant “let him go” as media photographers attempt to find out his name. The clip finishes with a another burst of the sound cannon being used against demonstrators.

Another You Tube clip features the image that is re-posted at the top of this story and asks people to try and identify the military police and riot cops who kidnapped the demonstrator.

These videos require no more explanation, they speak for themselves.

Riot cops and military personnel driving around in unmarked cars kidnapping American citizens off the streets for the crime of exercising their First Amendment.

There can be no more debate, America as we knew it is officially dead and buried. The U.S. is more of a police state than Communist China. The only free speech that still exists is on the Internet, in the form of You Tube videos that remind us of what we already knew – the whole country has been hijacked and looted by a criminal gang of globalists who are using their cadre of enforcer thugs to crush any form of opposition to their agenda.

Our only hope is that when the world witnesses scenes like this, it will act as a wake-up call and prevent the planet from sliding once again into tyranny. Only the most deluded and brainwashed individual can now deny the threat that faces us all when police and military show such contempt for the Constitution that they swore an oath to protect and defend.

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Military Attacks American Citizens With Sound Weapons & Tear Gas At G20

Paul Joseph Watson
Thursday, September 24, 2009

REUTERS UPDATE: Secret Service confirms that police are shooting #g20 protesters with “bean bags.” But check out what they look like. Via

Military Attacks American Citizens With Sound Weapons & Tear Gas At G20 5c6c33b0 9c3f 49e6 8ca5 d5aea8751de5 300

A 12 gauge round that direct fires a 26 gram or 40 gram bean bag projectile. Designed for single target engagement allowing escalation of force from a close distance prior to use of lethal means. It’s $9.95 per round.

A Effect on target: Incapacitation caused by loss of breath, psychological effect, and/or pain and extreme discomfort.

B. Time to Effect: Instantaneous

C. Duration of Effect: Seconds to Minutes based on power factor, distance and location of strike.

D. Effective Range: 7 yards (heavily clothed subject) to 20 yards

G20 Pittsburgh LIVE Coverage:

LIVE: G-20 Protesters In Pittsburgh Streets:


National Guard, police, and other military units attacked American citizens with tear gas and deployed sound cannons today in response to an “unpermitted protest” as bedlam hit the streets on the first day of the G20 summit in downtown Pittsburgh.

The First Amendment is officially dead in the United States. If this isn’t martial law then we don’t know what is. Associated Press photographs show National Guard troops in full fatigues with active duty military running checkpoints that make the roadblocks in Iraq positively friendly. Like Iraq, America is now a conquered nation occupied by troops whose primary function is to oppress anyone who tries to express the freedoms that they once enjoyed.

It all unfolded live on The Alex Jones Show as the Infowars crew called in to the program as sound cannons were turned against protesters who police were attempting to force out of the immediate area.

“According to news agency reports, officers made their announcement over a loudspeaker telling people to leave or face arrest or “other police action,” reports the London Times. These words were broadcast live on the Alex Jones Show today along with police orders that the “unlawful assemblies should immediately disperse”.

“Protesters at one flashpoint reported the use of tear gas to disperse the crowds,” reports the Press Association.

Citing Pittsburgh criminal code, police bellowed through loudspeakers that unpermitted protests were a serious offense, an official death knell for the First Amendment.

Corporate media reports will obsess about anarchists causing nuisance without mentioning the fact that the You Tube video below clearly shows police terrorizing neighborhoods with ear-splitting sound weapons that are clearly a violation of all kinds of town ordinances related to public health and noise pollution.

Infowars correspondents reported live how police were “kettling” protesters into confined areas in an attempt to subdue them. Jason Bermas reported seeing mask wearing anarchists, who have been caught before on numerous occasions provoking violence as a pretext for the police to crackdown, throwing objects and tipping over garbage cans.

As we have previously reported, 2,500 National Guardsmen along with Marines and the Air Force are stationed in Pittsburgh to provide “security” for the G20 summit. Their primary training routine revolved around “crowd control” and dealing with civil unrest. The sight of troops on the streets of America, even for routine traffic control and “security” is now commonplace as the land of the free sinks into a militarized police state.

Watch this space for more coverage from Pittsburgh over the next few days. Images and videos appear below.

LRADS being used against protesters caught live on The Alex Jones Show.

Numerous videos of G20 protests and police actions can be viewed on You Tube as they roll in here.

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