ACTA “internet enforcement” chapter leaks

By Cory Doctorow at 11:35 AM February 21, 2010

Someone has uploaded a PDF to a Google Group that is claimed to be the proposal for Internet copyright enforcement that the USA has put forward for ACTA, the secret copyright treaty whose seventh round of negotiations just concluded in Guadalajara, Mexico. This reads like it probably is genuine treaty language, and if it is the real US proposal, it is the first time that this material has ever been visible to the public. According to my source, the US proposal is the current version of the treaty as of the conclusion of the Mexico round.

I’ve read it through a few times and it reads a lot like DMCA-plus. It contains, for example, a duty to technology firms to shut down infringement where they have “actual knowledge” that such is taking place. This argument was put forward in the Grokster case, and as Fred von Lohmann argued then, this is a potentially deadly burden to place on technology companies: in the offline world Xerox has “actual knowledge” that its technology is routinely used to infringe copyright at Kinko’s outlets around the world — should that create a duty to stop providing sales and service to Kinko’s?

This also includes takedown procedures for trademark infringement, as well as the existing procedures against copyright infringement. Since trademark infringement is a lot harder for a service provider to adjudicate (and since things that might be trademark infringement take place every time you do something as innocuous as taking a photo of a street-scene that contains hundreds or thousands of trademarks), this sounds like a potential disaster to me.

This calls on all parties to ensure that “third party liability” (the idea that ISPs, web-hosts, application developers, mobile carriers, universities, apartment buildings, and other “third parties” to infringement are sometimes liable for their users’ copyright infringements) is on the books in their countries. It doesn’t spell out what that liability should be, beyond “knowingly and materially aiding” an infringement — see the Kinko’s point above for why this is potentially deadly.

And, of course, this contains the DMCA’s injunction against breaking digital locks (that is, circumventing DRM), even though this provision has been in international treaties since 1996 and has done nothing to reduce infringement, has never shown itself to be effective in shoring up the power of these technologies to prevent copies, and has introduced enormous anti-competitive effects into the market.

Also buried in a footnote is a provision for forcing ISPs to terminate customers who’ve been accused — but not convicted — of copyright infringement (along with their families and anyone else who happens to share their net connection).

There’s plenty more here — and we don’t know what the rest of the treaty reads like, or what the competing drafts said — and I’m sure that more astute legal scholars than I will be along shortly with their commentary.

Update: Here’s an IDG report on the leak, with more analysis.

Article 2.17: Enforcement procedures in the digital environment (PDF)

My mirror (PDF)

(Thanks, Paolo!)

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Americans Who Know Their Rights Are The Real Target Of Napolitano’s “Domestic Terror” Warning

Paul Joseph Watson
Monday, February 22, 2010

Homeland Security chief Janet Napolitano cited examples of Muslim extremists in her warning Sunday that domestic terrorists were now as much a focus as international terrorism, but actual training manuals being used by state and federal authorities across America reveal that the primary target of the anti-terror apparatus hits a lot closer to home.

“Americans who turn to terrorism and plot against the U.S. are now as big a concern as international terrorists, Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano said Sunday,” reports the Associated Press.

“In the last year, Napolitano said, she’s witnessed a movement from international extremism to domestic extremism – cases in which Americans radicalized and decided to plot attacks against the country.”

However, Napolitano’s comments were clearly crafted to appeal to some on the right who claim that the Obama administration, despite its clear intensification of Bush’s “war on terror” with more raids into Pakistan and new targets in Yemen, has been “soft” on terror, with the DHS Secretary listing examples of Muslim Americans who have allegedly planned terror attacks (but not without aggressive prompting by FBI informants in almost every case).

In reality, as leaked state and federal documents illustrate, the primary focus of the war on terror is aimed at American citizens who exercise or merely show an interest in their own constitutional rights.

As President Obama’s would-be TSA head and former FBi agent Erroll Southers stated last month, white Christian “anti-government” types are now the primary target of suspicion for authorities.

In a video interview posted to You Tube, Southers outlined how the government and the TSA has to “pay attention” not to Muslim terrorists but to “anti-government, anti-abortion, survivalist types” who are “christian identity oriented.”

As we have exhaustively documented for years, even if there were cells of Muslim terrorists planning to bomb airliners, the federal government is far more concerned with what politically active conservative and libertarian Americans are up to.

This was illustrated again earlier this month with a story concerning South Carolina’s “Subversive Activities Registration Act,” a law which mandates that “Every member of a subversive organization, or an organization subject to foreign control, every foreign agent and every person who advocates, teaches, advises or practices the duty, necessity or propriety of controlling, conducting, seizing or overthrowing the government of the United States … shall register with the Secretary of State.”

Under the sweeping terms of the law, members of tax protest organizations, the Tea Party movement and the States’ Rights movement based in South Carolina are all domestic terrorists if they fail to register their dissent with the authorities. If such groups don’t obtain what amounts to a license from the government to engage in free speech, their members face a $25,000 fine and 10 years in prison.

Leaked state and federal documents produced since the early nineties have routinely labeled politically active Americans, or merely those cognizant of their constitutional rights, as the main domestic extremist threat.

An infamous leaked report distributed by the Missouri Information Analysis Center last year listed Ron Paul supporters, libertarians, people who display bumper stickers, people who own gold, or even people who fly a U.S. flag and equated them with radical race hate groups and terrorists.

The 2009 Virginia Terrorism Threat Assessment, produced by the Virginia Fusion Center, smeared anyone who is “anti-government,” “anti-abortion,” as potential terrorists, equated people who enjoy rifle shooting practice and hunting with terrorists, and demonized the use of the Internet and websites like You Tube, Fark and Slashdot as terrorist tools. The use of “e-protests” is also talked about in the context of terrorism.

The document also discusses “special interest groups” who “incorporate a political message” in its section about domestic terrorists, which could be defined as any mildly political organization whatsoever.

These are just two of a plethora of similar police and federal government reports stretching back well over a decade that identify politically active Americans as domestic terrorists and a target of domestic authorities.

The American people are clearly being prepared for more “home grown” false flag terror attacks on soft targets in order to smooth the rollout of stifling airport-style security measures onto the streets. With passengers at bus terminals already being subjected to random pat downs, baggage and sniffer dog searches, shopping malls and other public buildings are next.

The ultimate goal is to have naked body scanners attached to lamp posts that scan your naked body as you innocently walk down the street. The only way to sell this to the public will be for them to witness repeated soft target attacks similar to those seen in Israel over the past decade.

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The Start Of The Second American Revolution?

Paul Joseph Watson
Friday, August 7, 2009

The Start Of The Second American Revolution? 080809top

For a long time people have been asking why Americans are not up in arms, screaming and shouting about their fast disappearing liberties along with the continuous passage of legislation that they vehemently oppose, from the banker bailout, to the cap and trade bill, to Obamacare. Well now they are screaming and shouting – and if the momentum continues to build, this rebellion could the spark to ignite the second American revolution.

For those waiting for a “summer of rage” it has now arrived – outraged Americans across the country are exercising their first amendment rights to do the most American thing imaginable – speaking truth to power through non-violent civil disobedience.

At first the establishment left media attempted to attack the credibility of the protests by claiming that they were the work of health insurance company lobbyists – but when that fizzled after ABC News reported that there were no lobbyists present at the demonstrations, the attack dogs shifted their rhetoric to claim that the protesters were Nazis and right-wing extremists.

Meanwhile, at the same time media apologists for the administration are labeling the protesters as violent and dangerous extremists, Obama supporters are beating up Obamacare protesters while foundation-funded organizations like ACORN,, the National Council of La Raza, the eugenics front Planned Parenthood Federation of America, and the Clintonite John Podesta’s war-mongering Center for American Progress are supporting moves to chill free speech and eliminate protesters at town hall meetings.

The only people acting like Nazi brownshirts are the White House front groups who are now calling for the police to crack heads and silence voices of dissent.

The desperation on behalf of the Obama administration and its mouthpieces in their attempts to denounce the protests is clearly evident, to the point where they are now compiling an enemies list via snitch tips sent to them via the White House website in order to try and neutralize the growing anger.

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Another talking point now making the rounds is that it is uncivil and belligerent to become rowdy at town hall meetings, when in fact nothing could be more Americana, nothing could be more in spirit with the legacy of the founding fathers and the very soul of the country.

The establishment is scared to death that Americans may see beyond the scope of their partisan divisions and come together to stand up in unison against the offshore bankers and corporations that run the White House, which is why the constant politicized drumbeat that the protesters are nothing more than astroturf Republicans is constantly echoed.

In reality, for anyone who has closely tracked the evolution of this movement, the demonstrations owe their origins in an increasing sense of outrage about the multi-trillion dollar looting being carried out by the Federal Reserve in the form of the bailout, the nightmare cap and trade bill, the totalitarian health care proposals, and the general handover of American sovereignty to globalist interests through crony infrastructure sellouts and the emerging North American Union.

Although admittedly at an embryonic stage, the scenes we see unfolding across the country could be the spark that ignites the second American revolution. At the very least, the passionate, outraged and bold reaction to the Obama administration’s big government agenda is definitely a sign of things to come, and as each new totalitarian program is rolled out the resistance will only increase and get louder as momentum builds and people across the nation get in the face of the system and yell, “don’t tread on me.”

Watch a compilation of protest videos from across the country below.

Tampa, Florida

Elkhart County, Indiana


Austin, Texas



St Louis

Romulus, Michigan


During a demonstration Thursday evening outside a forum on aging called by U.S. Rep. Russ Carnahan, D-St. Louis, in Mehville, Missouri, a patriot was viciously attacked by union thugs.

Troy, Michigan

Pelosi: Town Hall Protesters Are “Carrying Swastikas”

Sen. Boxer: ‘Well-dressed’ protesters at Town Halls are out to ‘hurt our president’

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Obama Administration Begins Opposition To States Claiming Sovereignty And Gun Rights

Tom Remington
Black Bear Blog
July 24, 2009

The several states are lining up to reclaim their sovereignty and telling the federal government to butt out. This is being done in myriad ways but all are related in that most claim that the Tenth Amendment protects the states from federal tyranny. States are passing resolutions, memorials and two states have passed laws and they intend to apply those laws for their citizens. The two states are Montana and Tennessee.

featured stories   Obama Administration Begins Opposition To States Claiming Sovereignty And Gun Rights
The approval of Sonia Sotomayor as a Supreme Court justice is vitally important, especially due to the fact that she is anti Second Amendment and has shown little regard for the original intent of the Constitution.

It was expected that at some point these laws would be challenged and it appears actions to do such has begun. The Federal Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives has published open letters to federal firearms license holders in Montana and Tennessee explaining that

federal law trumps state law when it comes to gun laws.

“As you may know, federal law requires a license to engage in the business of manufacturing firearms or ammunition, or to deal in firearms, even if the firearms or ammunition remain with the same state. All firearms manufactured by a licensee must be properly marked. Additionally, each licensee must record the type, model, caliber or gauge, and serial number of each firearm manufactured or otherwise acquired, and the date such manufacture or other acquisition was made. Firearms transaction records and NICS background checks must be conducted prior to disposition of firearms to unlicensed persons. These, as well as other Federal requirements and prohibitions, apply whether or not the firearms or ammunition have crossed state lines.

In a report filed by CBS News, it seems to indicate that even though these states are claiming sovereignty under the Tenth Amendment, the Federal Government may have power over such gun laws as the Firearms Freedom Act, via the Commerce Clause.

Read literally, the Tenth Amendment seems to suggest that the federal government’s powers are limited only to what it has been “delegated,” and the U.S. Supreme Court in 1918 confirmed that the amendment “carefully reserved” some authority “to the states.” That view is echoed by statements made at the time the Constitution was adopted; New Hampshire explicitly said that states kept “all powers not expressly and particularly delegated” to the federal government.

More recently, federal courts have interpreted the Tenth Amendment narrowly, in a way that justifies almost any law on grounds that it intends to regulate interstate commerce.

World Net Daily points out in an article of their own that the Montana Firearms Freedom Act bill declares that Congress has not “expressly pre-empted state regulation of intrastate commerce pertaining to the manufacture on an intrastate basis of firearms, firearms accessories, and ammunition”.

I have been saying for some time that all of this will eventually wend its way through the courts ultimately landing at the feet of the United States Supreme Court. This is one reason the approval of Sonia Sotomayor as a Supreme Court justice is vitally important, especially due to the fact that she is anti Second Amendment and has shown little regard for the original intent of the Constitution.

Also at issue in this debate are pending lawsuits challenging gun laws in other states. Chicago’s gun ban is being challenged after the District of Columbia vs. Heller decision reaffirming an individual right to keep and bear arms. The Seventh Circuit Court of Appeals has ruled that federal gun laws do not pertain to the states, a position taken by Sotomayor.

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This is an interesting ruling considering that prior to this the Ninth Circuit Court ruled that the Fourteenth Amendment’s Due Process Clause incorporates the Second Amendment and therefore federal law, which now holds the ruling of the District of Columbia vs. Heller decision, applies to the states rendering them unable to create gun laws that supersede federal laws. This will end up at the Supreme Court.

While we are discussing the Fourteenth Amendment, the Second Amendment and Ninth and Tenth, the BATFE is sending out public letters, assumed to be authorized by the Obama administration, to federal firearms dealers in Montana and Tennessee, stating that federal law supersedes state laws, at least as they pertain to firearms and ammunition.

Where will this all end up? I believe the Supreme Court but I know not how long this may take. In the meantime, the Obama administration, made up of mostly anti-gun people, are grasping to gain control over your right to keep and bear arms. From the day Obama was elected, the people rushed to stores buying up guns and ammunition at unprecedented rates. With the combination of a new president and staff known to want to ban gun and gun sales and the District of Columbia vs. Heller ruling, it has helped spur more laws to relax gun restrictions. This, I am positive, angers the Obama administration.

None of this comes as a surprise to Gary Marbut, President of the Montana Shooting Sports Association. Marbut was directly responsible for the Montana Firearms Freedom Act. In a letter sent to his members of MSSA, Marbut points out what he views as little concern over the letter and how it was expected.

1) The letters are addressed only to FFLs and purport to assert authority only over those licensees already under the federal thumb because of their licenses. We’ve always assumed that people with existing FFLs would not be players in the state-made guns exercise because they will not wish to risk thwarting the earned reputation the BATFE has for vindictiveness. The letters are not addressed to non-FFLs, those folks who are potential participants in the state-made guns business.

2) The BATFE letters may lack any official import because they are not signed by the official who appears in the signature block, but by some unknown other person. It’s difficult to place much credence in a missive upon which the purported issuing person is unwilling to put his signature, and for which the signer is unknown.

3) The essence of the letter is a declaration that the laws that the BATFE enforces supercede the U.S. Constitution and the Tenth

Amendment. I understand that the BATFE hopes that is so, but that’s far from proven yet. (We still recommend that nobody make these state-made guns until we can litigate and vet the principles involved.)4) The letters, if they are official even though unsigned by the issuer, will help us establish standing to get this issue squarely before the federal courts. The feds have thrown down the gauntlet.

I like Montana’s approach to their action in the creation of their Firearms Freedom Act. They are proactively seeking to bring this issue to the courts for a ruling. They believe in their own state’s constitution and that they, according to their contract with the people and the United States Government, have the sovereignty and freedom under the U.S. Constitution, to make their own laws in matters such as this.

This will be a long and drawn out affair but one that is ripe for a good battle. Let’s hope this battle arrives before Obama can stack the Supreme Court with more anti-gun “empathetic” justices.

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Foreclosure Filings in U.S. Reach Record 1.5 Million

Dan Levy
July 17, 2009
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U.S. foreclosure filings hit a record in the first half, a sign that job losses and falling property prices deepened the housing recession, according to RealtyTrac Inc.

More than 1.5 million properties received a default or auction notice or were seized by banks in the six months through June, the Irvine, California-based seller of default data said today in a statement. That’s a 15 percent increase from the year earlier. One in 84 U.S. households received a filing.

“People are losing their jobs, seeing their income go down and are underwater on their mortgage,” Richard Green, director of the Lusk Center for Real Estate at the University of Southern California in Los Angeles, said in an interview. “It’s a toxic combination.”

Read entire article

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The two party system has failed America

Shawn Connors
June 30, 2009

While America’s wealthy continue to enjoy economic and recreational comforts, many parts of the world are being plunged into economic collapse, depression, and civil unrest. American elitist politicians enjoy the safety and protection provided by our military and secret service.  Meanwhile, the American citizen’s freedoms are attacked non-stop by Police State agencies in their homes, schools and neighborhoods.  The writing has been on the wall for some time, nothing has changed, and the plan for the New World Order is full force.

election politics   The two party system has failed America

In America, the two party system has failed the people; the politicians feign fighting in front of cameras, while they sleep together at night.  Bush Sr., Clinton, Bush Jr., and now Obama have expressly followed elitist world power orders.  Nothing has changed and the class assault on America’s values, morals and freedoms continues.  George W. Bush, widely considered one of the worst presidents in US history, initiated legislation that stripped Americans of every right they thought they had.  This includes the Patriot Acts I and II, FISA Amendments Act of 2008, Violent Radicalization and Homegrown Terrorism Prevention Act, Economic Stabilization Act of 2008, Amended Presidential Executive Orders, and the revocation of Posse Comitatus Act.  These actions were specifically designed for DOMESTIC control – under the illusion and disguise they “help” you.  These are only a few of the many fascist laws the Bush Administration championed.  As a result, they effectively changed the Judicial, Legislative and Executive powers forever. With financial ruin, a contrived illegal war, amnesty for illegal aliens, and wide-open borders, the 8 year agenda becomes glaringly clear… American people do not matter.

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Barack Hussein Obama ran on the platform of “change”.  Like every politician the two party system and mainstream media offer us, his campaign promises immediately disappeared once elected.  Despite his fictional campaign rhetoric, his immediate actions paint the picture of what to expect.  He strongly condemned lobbyists and claimed his cabinet would NOT allow them.  Today, his cabinet has more “special interest” lobbyists than any cabinet in history.  He made assertions of repealing Bush laws that infringed American rights.  He hasn’t repealed one.  In fact he is using the same laws to his benefit and further strip firearm and free speech rights.  The Obama Administration bailout dwarfs what Bush initiated.  With the illusion “it helps you,” but it is designed specifically for elitist entitlement.  Obama ran on an Anti-war platform, promising to pull troops and get out of Iraq.  He’s done the opposite, increasing troops and extending war to Afghanistan and perhaps Iran.  Remember Ross Perot’s famous quote?  “You hear that sucking sound?  That’s your American jobs going overseas” due to NAFTA and the government “sell out” of American jobs.  Independent Ross Perot was right.  Obama made promises in his campaign mantra that he would change foreign trade agreements.  Today, he shows little interest in NAFTA or foreign trade policy.  In a time of recession/depression with massive debt, Barack Obama spent 3 times more money than any president in US history for his inauguration.  Scholars and Historians liken the Obama youth to Hitler Youth, complete with combat training for “domestic safety”.  He made assertions Bush would be held accountable for his actions in Iraq and 9/11 – Today he won’t touch it.  They are on the same Globalist team, and he continues where Bush left off with the NAU plan to combine USA, Canada and Mexico thereby eliminating our borders and our sovereignty; essentially declaring our Declaration of Independence void.

Our ranking two party politicians can no longer be trusted because they are not making decisions in our interest.  World bankers, corporations, and elitists with an agenda have infiltrated our government.  These two party politicians are puppets.  They serve the elite and only have one goal, globalism.  They are not loyal to country or people.  Likewise, our main stream media only serve to reinforce that agenda and manipulate the minds of the people.  Fox News, CNN, ABC, CBS, NBC corporate news appear to take their marching orders from Washington and other elitists.  They are equivalent to NAZI propaganda in the 1930s. Diversion, deception, misleading, and boycotting REAL news is the name of their game.  It’s not a coincidence.

These NEWS organizations spend hours diluting you with Hollywood drivel, American Idol, Sports, Dancing with the stars, and everything ridiculous WHILE at the same time major American legislation is passed to destroy your future.  Yet, this legislation goes on and is seldom heard about.  They serve to divert attention away from real issues.

Everything is a “sellout” and the American people eat popcorn and watch movies instead of compiling arms, food, and preparing for a revolution.  When the masses finally get clued into reality, it may be entirely too late.

Yes indeed, the two party system has failed the American people.  Politicians are bought and paid for and they disregard your children’s future with unabashed arrogance.

Everyone from legislators, to judges, to presidents, is manipulated and lopsided in the Democratic and Republican royalty.  The media gives the illusion you have a choice, while simultaneously stifling and ridiculing third party candidates and alternative media.  It is time for independence once again. We need independent candidates, media, and independence from corporate greed and lobbyists.  Independence from freedom-stripping legislators is the last hope that exists for a country founded on freedom.  The independent thinkers of America have long suffered ridicule and labels such as “conspiracy theorists”.  300 million people corralled into two parties is insanity, it is time the American citizen is heard.  It is time for American Independence again. People, turn off the television, think for yourself, stand up.

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Thousands of Pakistanis hold anti-US rally

Regional Times
June 29, 2009

KARACHI: A mammoth ‘Go America Go rally organized here on Sunday by Jamaat-e-Islami (JI) Karachi chapter lambasted the USA for interference into Pakistani affairs and asked local rulers to shun toeing the US agenda and keep supreme the interests of Pakistani nation and country.

In a resolution, passed at the end of the Go America Go rally, the participants demanded immediate end to the US interference in the internal affairs of Pakistan. They said the root cause of all the problems facing Pakistan is this unwanted US meddling. The US has even violated the sanctity of territories of Pakistan and killed thousands of innocent men, women and children in drone and missile attacks, but the rulers instead of raising voice against this hegemony are playing role of silent spectator.

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The repeated US drone attacks have jeopardized the very sovereignty and integrity of Pakistan. The participants demanded immediate halt US drone attacks besides ending US prying into the countrys affairs. The second resolution was pertaining to ‘Infrastructure Tax imposed by the City District Government Karachi (CDGK). It was said that imposing a new tax in the name of infrastructure is sheer injustice with the Karachiites, adding city government instead of solving the problems of masses is increasing them. They termed new tax a sort of ‘extortion and demanded of the government to immediately withdraw it. Another resolution adopted by the rally, was regarding load shedding. The resolution described that power outages are worsening with each passing day.

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RED ALERT: The Total Takeover Of America Enters Its Final Phase

Paul Joseph Watson
Monday, June 29, 2009

RED ALERT: The Total Takeover Of America Enters Its Final Phase 290609top2

The wholesale looting of America and the transfer of wealth and power over to a private banking elite who are setting up a world government, along with the complete obliteration of any remaining freedom to protest, resist, or even speak out against this agenda, is now entering its final phase as numerous different pieces of the jigsaw puzzle fall into place and portray a clear picture of tyranny.

We are about to sound the death knell for the United States if every one of the following attacks on our liberty, free speech, sovereignty, and right to not be ruled over by an unelected banking dictatorship is not fiercely opposed and crushed.


The passage of the “Climate Bill” by the House and its likely approval by the Senate represents the entrée for the complete and total subjugation of any freedoms we had left and the beginning of nightmare regulation and suffocating control over every aspect of our personal lives by millions of green stasi tasked with enforcing impossible to attain goals of 80% carbon dioxide reduction – all based on the manufactured threat of global warming.

This bill will also sink the economy and create a new great depression, effectively obliterating America’s first world status. It represents a transfer of power and wealth from both the U.S. government and the American taxpayer over to the system of world government and global regulation now being erected by means of the climate change hoax.

This is far worse than just a “new tax” as Republicans are complaining – this is the total takeover of the American economy by private banking interests through the carbon trading system.

As we have attempted to warn, the major beneficiaries of the climate bill will be the elitists who own the carbon trading systems that will be used to handle the ‘cap and trade’ program, namely Al Gore and Maurice Strong, two figures intimately involved with a long standing movement to use the theory of man made global warming as a mechanism for profit and social engineering.

We must rally now to lobby members of Congress who voted for the legislation and demand they change their vote before July 2nd. Failing that, we must demand that the Senate does not rubber stamp this nightmare legislation. Failing that, we must support and organize to craft more legislation based on the example of Arizona, who recently passed state Senate legislation refusing to comply with insane climate laws coming from the federal level.


The seemingly endless economic “bailouts” represent the wholesale looting of the American taxpayer and the grand theft of trillions of dollars by private banking interests who refuse to even disclose where the money went.

Not satisfied with stealing tens of trillions, under the Obama administration’s new regulatory reform plan, the Federal Reserve is now trying to enrich itself with dictator powers that will give it complete control over the U.S. economy, handing them the authority to “regulate” and shut down any company whose activity it believes could threaten the economy and the markets.

We must rally now and lobby more members of Congress to support Ron Paul’s H.R. 1207 bill to audit the Federal Reserve and highlight the fact that Bernanke is spewing financial terrorism when he threatens an economic collapse should the Fed be opened up to scrutiny.


Federal hate crimes legislation, which in reality would criminalize “thought crimes,” has cleared the House and now faces the Senate as S.909, the Matthew Shepard Hate Crimes Prevention Act (officially, the Local Law Enforcement Hate Crimes Prevention Act).

S.909 is a direct violation of the First Amendment. It allows the federal government to prosecute people involved in “hate speech” transmitted over television, radio, and the internet. The House version of the bill states:

“Whoever transmits in interstate or foreign commerce [radio, TV, internet] any communication, with the intent to coerce, intimidate, harass, or cause substantial emotional distress to a person, using electronic means to support severe, repeated, and hostile behavior, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than two years, or both. (HR 1966, SEC 3, Sec. 881a)”

In other words, if a talk show host engages in “hostile” speech against a person or persons of the above mentioned federally protected group that talk show host will face federal prosecution and the prospect of a two year prison term.

The Megan Meier Cyberbullying Prevention Act would similarly criminalize free speech on the Internet if it can be deemed in any way to have been “harmful” to an individual. This represents the end of political blogging and free speech on the world wide web.

If both bills are not opposed and thrown out then the First Amendment will become nothing more than a relic of a bygone age.

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The Senate bill S.787, otherwise known as the Clean Water Restoration Act (CWRA), would replace language in the regulatory act currently using “navigable waters” with “waters of the United States.”

What this means is that “the government would essentially be able to regulate everything from standing water in floodplains to creeks that run behind business and residences,” according to an Environmental Leader report.

This represents a complete takeover of private land and waterways by the federal government, a total assault on private property rights and a complete federalization of America’s land and water.

“In a letter to Senate Environment and Public Works Chair Barbara Boxer and ranking member James Inhofe, the American Farm Bureau Federation said that the proposed law would “extend to all water — anywhere from farm ponds, to storm water retention basins, to roadside ditches, to desert washes, to streets and gutters, even to a puddle of rainwater,” stated the letter. “For the first time in the 36-year history of the act, activities that have no impact on actual rivers and lakes would be subject to full federal regulation.”

If this bill becomes law, it will empower the federal government to seize private property on a whim, using similar powers that Communist China employed during Chairman Mao’s “great leap forward,” where landowners had their property violently confiscated and stolen by the government.

If this bill passes the Senate, private property rights in the United States are effectively null and void and the federal government would legally have the power to bulldoze families from their homes as routinely happens in Communist China.


Amongst the myriad of assaults on the Second Amendment rights of American citizens undertaken by the Obama administration during the course of its first year in office, the one that stands out as the most alarming is the attempt to ban people who appear on the terrorist watch list from buying guns.

But isn’t stopping terrorists from buying guns surely a sensible measure to take? The problem is that the terrorist watch list, sometimes called the no fly list, is not a list of likely terrorists, it is a sprawling database of of innocent people that contains the names of over one million Americans. This is a rise of 32% since 2007 alone.

Members of Congress, nuns, war heroes, reverends, the former assistant attorney general, toddlers and children, the ACLU administrator, people with difficult names and all American names like Robert Johnson and Gary Smith, have become caught in the vast tentacle of this list, documents the ACLU.

Moreover, once a person is included on the terrorist watch list it is virtually impossible to get off it.

The terrorist watch list is an ever-expanding tool with which to deny Americans basic rights as well as to strip them completely of the Fourth Amendment.

Now it is being used to prevent law-abiding citizens from purchasing firearms. Legislation sponsored by the The Government Accountability Office seeks to “close the gap” and prevent victims of the terrorist watch list from being able to purchase firearms.

This represents a new end run around the Second Amendment and a concerted effort on behalf of the federal government to classify millions of innocent Americans as potential terrorists, thus stripping them of their Constitutional right to own firearms.


Our right to protest against any of the egregious assaults on the Constitution that are listed above is itself being removed by new law enforcement and Pentagon training manuals and guidelines that define protesting as domestic terrorism.

Current Department of Defense anti-terrorism training course material states that the exercise of First Amendment rights in the U.S. constitutes terrorist activity.

Over the last few years we have documented countless examples of security assessment reports from the likes of the Department of Defense, the Department of Homeland Security and the FBI, as well as police training manuals, which state that anti-war protesters, gun owners, veterans, Ron Paul supporters and those who merely cite the Constitution should be equated with extremists and domestic terrorists.

The fact that the government is now treating people who merely criticize its conduct as domestic terrorists is the clearest signal possible that the United States has entered a period in history similar to Germany in the early 1930’s and that it can only be a matter of time before the right “emergency” provides the justification for dissidents to be targeted for round-ups and mass imprisonment.

No one can claim now that this is merely a paranoid delusion – the government itself is training its law enforcement and military arms that protesters and people who use their First Amendment rights are domestic terrorists. The last time this happened was under King George shortly before the American Revolution.


If we don’t stand up in unison and exercise our right to protest and free speech now more than ever before, while pointing out that the real terrorists are those who would seek to destroy the freedoms enshrined in the Bill of Rights, then we may find ourselves doing our protesting behind the barbed wires and the concrete blocks of an internment camp.

The hour is late, the clock stands at one minute to midnight, and the federal government, through all the examples documented above, is on the verge of implementing nothing less than a total environmental, financial and societal dictatorship and killing what once was the United States of America.

Almost identical programs of total enslavement are also being pushed through in almost every other major western country at the same time.

If we don’t stop obsessing about the minutia of life and actually concentrate on the imminent destruction of the very principles of our livelihoods, the bedrock freedoms that allow us to operate in relative comfort on a daily basis and be reasonably secure in our own homes, being able to pay our bills, put food on the table, earn money, and air our grievances when government threatens to impinge on those basic freedoms, then there will be nothing left but a rotten hollow carcass and a memory of what America once strived to be – land of the free, home of the brave – not land of the thief, home of the slave.

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In 1969, Rockefeller Official Said US Would Be De-industrialized

Henry Makow
June 23, 2009

On March 20, 1969, Dr. Richard Day, the National Medical Director of the Rockefeller-sponsored “Planned Parenthood” told a meeting  that American industry will be sabotaged and shown to be uncompetitive.

In view of the recent bankruptcy of General Motors, his remarks are especially pertinent.

“The stated plan was that different parts of the world would be assigned different roles of industry and commerce in a unified global system. The continued preeminence of the United States and the relative independence and self-sufficiency of the United States would have to be changed… in order to create a new structure, you first have to tear down the old, and American industry was one example of that.”

“Each part of the world will have a specialty and thus become inter-dependent, he said. The US will remain a center for agriculture, high tech, communications, and education but heavy industry would be “transported out.”

These remarks to the Pittsburgh Pediatric Society were reported by Dr. Lawrence Dunegan, a Pittsburgh pediatrician who died in Jan. 2004. The speech described “A New World System” already in place which would permanently transform the world.

Dr. Day wanted the 80 or so physicians present to be prepared. The transcript of Dunegan’s recollections has been posted here and should be read in full. However, I’ll provide a summary here.


Much of what Day promised in 1969 is looking like a rear-view mirror today. But ominous events have yet to transpire. They do want to implant a chip in us so they can find and identify us, as well as monitor and control our purchases.

They are weaning us off national allegiance and will resort to terrorism to win our assent to their global police state. They may use “one or two nuclear bombs to convince people we mean business,” Day said.

He refrained from mentioning who “we” are but said the names are recognizable. Given that he worked for the Rockefellers, I assume he meant the Rockefellers and their bosses, the Rothschilds.

This adds weight to the widely-held view that the central bankers are responsible for most terrorism, using MI-6, Mossad and the CIA. Dr. Day also said that “war is obsolete” given the danger of nuclear exchange so terrorism would be used instead. This was 1969.

He said that there are always two reasons for anything the Rockefellers do: the pretext which makes it palatable to the gullible public and the real reason. Thus, as I argued in my book “Cruel Hoax” (2007), we are being turned into homosexuals in the name of “women’s and gay rights.” Gender-neutered and promiscuous, fewer people are able to bond permanently with a member of the opposite sex for the purpose of procreation.

Dr. Day said sex will be separated from marriage and reproduction ( i.e. “sexual liberation”) to break up the family and reduce population. Abortion, divorce and homosexuality will be made socially acceptable.

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“Homosexuals will be given permission to act out. Everyone including the elderly will be encouraged to have sex. It will be brought out into the open. Anything goes.” [The “Stonewall Riots” which unleashed the “gay rights” movement, took place three months later.] The ultimate goal is to have sex without reproduction. Reproduction without sex will occur in laboratories. Family size will be limited as in China.

It will be made more difficult for families to stay together. More women will work outside the home and more people will remain single. Sports instead of dolls will be promoted to girls so they will seek achievement instead of family. Girls will be taught they are the same as boys.

In general, international sports like soccer and hockey will be pushed so Americans will see themselves as “world citizens.” American sports like baseball and football will not be similarly encouraged.


Pornography, violence and obscenity on TV and in movies will be increased. People will be desensitized to violence and porn and made to feel life is short, precarious and brutish. Music will “get worse” and will be used for indoctrination.

There will be unemployment and mass migration in order to uproot long established (conservative) communities. Social change will be introduced in port cities and work its way to the heartland. (Thus, the east and west coast are liberal.)

He said a cure to cancer exists in the Rockefeller Institute but is kept secret for purposes of  depopulation. He said there will be an increase in infectious man-made diseases.

Dr. Day, who worked in weather modification during the war, said weather can be used to wage war or create drought and famine. The food supply will be monitored so no one can get enough food to “support a fugitive from the New System.” Growing your own food will be outlawed under the pretext of it being unsafe.

He said people are controlled by means of the information they are given. Thus, information will be selective. Not everyone will be allowed to own books. “Certain books will disappear from libraries.” Literary classics will be subtly altered. People will spend longer in school but not learn anything. There will be restrictions on travel; and private home ownership will disappear.

He said people who don’t want to go along will be “disposed of humanely.” He said there will be no martyrs–”people will just disappear.”


Our political and cultural “leaders” are accomplices in a plot to re-engineer humanity to serve the Judeo-Masonic central banking cartel. Wars, terrorism, depressions, political and social change, entertainment and fads are all contrived to gradually bring about an Orwellian police state.

Dr. Day says politicians are manipulated “without their even knowing it.” Their failure to protect us from this Satanic conspiracy is a betrayal of the first order. We have to alert the sincere ones and reach soldiers and police too. Civilization hangs in the balance. We are in real danger and should organize in small independent units.

People are hurting now and are more receptive to this information. This “economic downturn” is deliberate and part of the police state agenda. We have to educate people who think these events are random. The Rockefellers and their traitorous lackeys won’t bring this off if the intelligentsia and masses are aware of the truth.

Progressives and Leftists need to learn that “progress” and “change” really refer to totalitarian world government. This is the change they “believe in.” Dr. Day said in 1969, “people will have to get used to constant change.”  I used to be a Liberal-Leftist myself. If I can see the real meaning of “changing the world,” others can too.

We also have to take practical steps to defend ourselves, our families and our freedom.

Our society and culture are a fraud based on one central fraud, the monopoly over government credit in the hands of Cabalist private bankers. They are using this power to extend their monopoly over every aspect of our lives by manipulating world events and social behavior. The only way to save civilization from failure is to nationalize the Central Banks.

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The CIA’s Iranian Plan?

Information Clearing House
June 16, 2009

Bush Authorizes New Covert Action Against Iran: Bush Authorizes New Covert Action Against Iran The CIA has received secret presidential approval to mount a covert “black” operation to destabilize the Iranian government, current and former officials in the intelligence community tell the Blotter on

Bush sanctions ‘black ops’ against Iran: Mr Bush has signed an official document endorsing CIA plans for a propaganda and disinformation campaign intended to destabilise, and eventually topple, the theocratic rule of the mullahs.

Rice says Iran spying charges pervert rule of law: U.S. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice accused Iran of perverting the rule of law by charging three Iranian-Americans with spying and denied they were involved in espionage.

Secret war report led to spy charges for Roxana: Lawyer reveals that a trip to Israel in 2006 helped to incriminate journalist

Journalist Copied Iranian Report on U.S. and Iraq: Her attorney revealed that the American-born journalist had been convicted of spying for the United States in part because she had a copy of a confidential Iranian report on the U.S.-led war in Iraq.

Trojan Horse: The National Endowment for Democracy: How many Americans could identify the National Endowment for Democracy? An organization which often does exactly the opposite of what its name implies. The NED was set up in the early 1980s under President Reagan in the wake of all the negative revelations about the CIA in the second half of the 1970s.

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