Georgia has glut of swine flu vaccine

Craig Schneider
The Atlanta Journal-Constitution
February 26, 2010

Georgia has a glut of 2 1/2 million doses of swine flu vaccine, and some local health departments are working hard to use them before they expire.

Only 978,092 doses of the vaccine have been administered — less than a third of the total allocation to Georgia of 3 1/2 million doses, according to the state Department of Community Health.

With only weeks left in a flu season that traditionally ends around late March, state and county health officials are faced with distributing a large amount of vaccine to a public that has largely lost interest in swine flu. Some local health officials say the vaccine, some of which was produced last spring, will start to expire at the end of March.

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CDC Panel Calls for Flu Vaccine for All

Daniel J. DeNoon
February 25, 2010

Everybody, not just those at risk of complications, should get a yearly flu shot, the CDC’s immunization advisory panel says.

The CDC almost certainly will make universal flu vaccination official U.S. policy for this fall’s 2010-2011 flu season, as it consistently follows the advice of the panel of outside experts, called the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP).

Now flu vaccination will be advised even for healthy adults ages 19 to 49 who do not come into contact with infants or elderly people, who are at highest risk of flu complications.

That’s only 15% of the U.S. population. But the ACIP say the effect of the universal recommendation will affect far more people. That’s because a lot of people for whom the flu vaccine already is recommended don’t think of themselves as being at high risk.

Moreover, the universal recommendation simplifies the extremely complicated current recommendations that create confusion about who should and should not be vaccinated. And it makes it likely that insurers will cover flu shots for all healthy adults.

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Florida Girl Faces Deportation for Not Taking Gardasil

September 14, 2009

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An adopted teen who has lived in Port St. Joe, Fla. since she was 3 faces possible deportation to England for refusing a vaccination, she and her mother say.

Simone Davis, 17, said she has no need for the vaccine Gardasil, which guards against the sexually transmitted human papillomavirus virus, because she is not sexually active, ABC News reported.

But the U.S. government requires female immigrants between the ages of 11 and 26 to receive Gardasil shots before they can become citizens.

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French Government Plans Mass Swine Flu Vaccination Program

Paul Joseph Watson
Monday, August 31, 2009

A shocking internal document outlines the French government’s plans to impose a mass swine flu vaccination program on the entire population which would be focused around regional vaccination centers and would be carried out by H1N1 injection teams, completely bypassing medical establishments and GP’s.

French Health Minister Roselyne Bachelot told the Associated Press last week that the vaccination campaign would be “voluntary,” but she urged all French residents to receive the shot when the vaccine becomes ready in mid-October. 94 million doses of the vaccine, more than enough to cover France’s population of 61.5 million, were purchased at a cost of €1 billion euros and the first batches have already been received.

However, a leaked internal government document signed by Batchelot and Minister of the Interior Brice Hortefeux describes a systematic procedure for vaccinating the entire population via specially secured “vaccination centers” that will be set up across the country and staffed by vaccine “teams” working in four hour bloc shifts.

According to the document, schoolchildren will also be vaccinated by mobile injection squads who will travel from school to school, covering the entire country. Babies from 6 months old will also be given the shot.

Crucially, GP’s and medical establishments will have no role in the vaccination program, a factor that leaves the plan resembling more of a military operation than a public health campaign.

While avoiding volatile rhetoric about “forced” injections, the document does state that the entire population will be vaccinated without exception, thereby implying that the shots will be mandatory, contradicting public statements made by Health Minister Batchelot.

Another vital aspect to the document is that it describes tracking procedures for keeping tabs on who has and who has not taken the vaccine, which will be done through microchipped state medical ID cards that all French residents hold by law. Data will be centralized to identify those citizens who have not taken the vaccine.

According to an analysis of the document posted on, “Data from the health insurance bodies are to be used to ensure that everyone receives the toxic “swine flu” jab. The need to implement measures to track every single person in France to determine whether they have been vaccinated or not is stressed.”

The August 21st document issued by the French government appears to be a chilling plan to initiate the mass murder of the French population by means of toxic vaccines under the cover of offering protection against a pandemic in just four weeks time.

Similar documents are believed to be circulating in all 194 member states of the WHO.

It is addressed to high ranking government officials who are ordered to prepare to supervise and coordinate the implementation of the forced vaccination programme in their regions, and to submit appropriate plans by the middle of September.

The general public is only to be “informed” at the end of September of the plans by means of communications to the local press.

The establishment of large-scale vaccine centers in “secure” facilities is a chilling echo of the Nazi concentration camps such as Buchenwald where inmates were killed by injections.

The French plan lists in detail the duties the “vaccination” teams are to perform, the layout of the vaccination centers, the location of the furniture, such as tables, and the number of vaccinations to be carried out in specific time frames by centers of various sizes.

The number of people prescribed to be vaccinated in four-hour sessions by a typical “vaccine team” is 360.

A typical vaccination “post” is to consist of “three agents”, one “agent” responsible for “preparing” the vaccines, one for administering them and one for tracking people who have been vaccinated.

The document mentions French laws (Article L3131-8 and Article L3131-9) that compel medical personnel to administer vaccines by government decree or face penalties, a factor which clearly implies that some health workers will face difficulties arising out of people who refuse to take the shot.

As we have previously documented, the swine flu vaccine is being rushed through safety procedures while governments have provided pharmaceutical companies with blanket immunity from lawsuits arriving out of the vaccine causing deaths and injuries.

It was previously revealed that some batches of the vaccine will contain mercury, a toxin linked with autism and neurological disorders. The vaccine will also contain the dangerous ingredient squalene, which has been directly linked with cases of Gulf War Syndrome and a host of other debilitating diseases.

It was also recently reported that the UK government sent a confidential letter to senior neurologists telling them to be on the alert for cases of a brain disorder called Guillain-Barre Syndrome (GBS), which could be triggered by the vaccine.

While the fact that the government would plan to forcibly vaccinate people against their will, amidst rising awareness of the dangers associated with the untested H1N1 vaccine, is a shocking story in and of itself, the question of whether they would ultimately be successful in doing so is another matter entirely.

The French people are renowned for cherishing their personal liberty and resisting government enforced tyranny and are nowhere near as apathetic as their English neighbors across the channel. The French routinely go on strike, conduct mass demonstrations and set up blockades when the government attempts to force through unpopular measures, and the response to an attempt on behalf of the state to forcibly vaccinate people against their will would be no different.

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Flu shot or get fired

Times Union
August 30, 2009

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ALBANY — Workers at Capital Region hospitals are going to have to get a flu shot this year or face losing their jobs.

The requirement is part of a new emergency regulation adopted earlier this month by the State Hospital Review and Planning Council that requires that all hospital workers get the flu vaccine — and that it be a requirement for employment.

Hospitals are quickly trying to assemble new workplace policies to comply with the regulation, and those that have been put in place threaten disciplinary action and even termination if workers, from janitors and food service workers to doctors and nurses, refuse to get the shots. The policy affects about 25,000 people in the region.

Albany Medical Center, the region’s leading hospital, sent out announcements to workers earlier this week saying employees had to get flu shots by Oct. 16. Spokesman Gregory McGarry said the hospital may take “corrective action” against employees if they don’t comply, although he declined to get into specifics about what type of penalties they would face.

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Forced vaccinations, quarantine camps, health care interrogations and mandatory “decontaminations”

Mike Adams
Natural News
August 28, 2009

The United States of America is devolving into medical fascism and Massachusetts is leading the way with the passage of a new bill, the “Pandemic Response Bill” 2028, reportedly just passed by the MA state Senate and now awaiting approval in the House. This bill suspends virtually all Constitutional rights of Massachusetts citizens and forces anyone “suspected” of being infected to submit to interrogations, “decontaminations” and vaccines.

It’s also sets fines up to $1,000 per day for anyone who refuses to submit to quarantines, vaccinations, decontamination efforts or to follow any other verbal order by virtually any state-licensed law enforcement or medical personnel. You can read the text yourself here:…

Here’s some of the language contained in the bill:

(Violation of 4th Amendment: Illegal search and seizure)

During either type of declared emergency, a local public health authority… may exercise authority… to require the owner or occupier of premises to permit entry into and investigation of the premises; to close, direct, and compel the evacuation of, or to decontaminate or cause to be
decontaminated any building or facility; to destroy any material; to restrict or prohibit assemblages of persons;

(Violation of 14th Amendment; illegal arrest without a warrant)

…an officer authorized to serve criminal process may arrest without a warrant any person whom the officer has probable cause to believe has violated an order given to effectuate the purposes of this subsection and shall use reasonable diligence to enforce such order. [Gunpoint]

(Government price controls)

The attorney general, in consultation with the office of consumer affairs and business regulation, and upon the declaration by the governor that a supply emergency exists, shall take appropriate action to ensure that no person shall sell a product or service that is at a price that unreasonably exceeds the price charged before the emergency.

“Involuntary Transportation” (also known as kidnapping)

Law enforcement authorities, upon order of the commissioner or his agent or at the request of a local public health authority pursuant to such order, shall assist emergency medical technicians or other appropriate medical personnel in the involuntary transportation of such person to the tuberculosis treatment center.

$1,000 / day in fines

Any person who knowingly violates an order, as to which noncompliance poses a serious danger to public health as determined by the commissioner or the local public health authority, shall be punished by imprisonment for not more than 30 days or a fine of not more than one thousand dollars per day that the violation continues, or both.

Forced vaccinations

Furthermore, when the commissioner or a local public health authority within its jurisdiction determines that either or both of the following measures are necessary to prevent a serious danger to the public health the commissioner or local public health authority may exercise the following authority: (1) to vaccinate or provide precautionary prophylaxis to individuals as protection against communicable disease…

Forced quarantine for those who refuse (illegal imprisonment without charge)

An individual who is unable or unwilling to submit to vaccination or treatment shall not be required to submit to such procedures but may be isolated or quarantined pursuant to section 96 of chapter 111 if his or her refusal poses a serious danger to public health or results in uncertainty whether he or she has been exposed to or is infected with a disease or condition that poses a serious danger to public health, as determined by the commissioner, or a local public health authority operating within its jurisdiction.

Arrest for refusal to be “decontaminated”

If an individual is unable or unwilling to submit to decontamination or procedures necessary for diagnosis, the decontamination or diagnosis procedures may proceed only pursuant to an order of the superior court… During the time necessary to obtain such court order, such individual may be isolated or quarantined pursuant to section 96 of chapter 111 if his or her refusal to submit to decontamination or diagnosis procedures poses a serious danger to public health or results in uncertainty whether he or she has been exposed to or is infected with a disease or condition that poses a serious danger to public health.


When the commissioner or a local public health authority within its jurisdiction reasonably believes that a person may have been exposed to a disease or condition that poses a threat to the public health, in addition to their authority under section 96 of chapter 111, the commissioner or the local public health authority may detain the person for as long as may be reasonably necessary for the commissioner or the local public health authority, to convey information to the person regarding the disease or condition and to obtain contact information… If a person detained under subsection (1) refuses to provide the information requested, the person may be isolated or quarantined pursuant to section 96 of chapter 111 if his or her refusal poses a serious danger to public health…

Forced isolation and quarantine

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An order for isolation or quarantine may include any individual who is unwilling or unable to undergo vaccination, precautionary prophylaxis, medical treatment, decontamination, medical examinations, tests, or specimen collection and whose refusal of one or more of these measures poses a serious danger to public health or results in uncertainty whether he or she has been exposed to or is infected with a disease or condition that poses a serious danger to public health.

Forced entry into any home or building…

There’s a lot more in this bill, including language that allows Mass. police to enter any home or building without a search warrant, to destroy any object or building they suspect may pose a threat to public safety, to order the closing and / or decontamination of any facility using highly toxic chemical decontamination agents, and to arrest, detain and interrogate anyone who gets in their way.

Meanwhile, all state law enforcement and medical personnel are granted complete immunity from prosecution for their part in violating your Constitutional rights. So if they violate your right to due process, or they accidentally destroy your home, or they kill your family dog because they suspect it might be infected, you have absolutely zero recourse.

Under this bill, Massachusetts becomes a medical police state. There is no debating it. It’s all written, clear as day, in this law: The citizens of Massachusetts will have no rights, period. The Constitution is ancient history. You are now the property of the State.

Kiss your freedoms goodbye

Massachusetts, it seems, has never met a vaccine it didn’t like. This is the same state that rounded up the parents of schoolchildren who hadn’t been vaccinated, then corralled them into a courtroom (with attack dogs standing guard outside) and forced vaccine injections onto all the schoolchildren under the threat of jail time for parents who resisted.

Remember, readers, that this is all taking place in the “land of the free,” a nation that former President George Bush claimed was so envied around the world that terrorists attacked America because they “hate freedom” and wanted to destroy our way of life. But terrorists need no help attacking freedom as long as Massachusetts is in the vaccine game, because this latest form of “gunpoint medicine” destroys freedom for everyday Americans in a way that terrorists could have never hoped to accomplish with all the bombs in the world.

Massachusetts, it seems, has done what terrorists could not: It has turned “free” Americans into medical slave subjects who no longer have any freedom to decide the details of their own medical care. All options have been stripped from them but one: The Big Pharma option. That’s the one that involves using untested, unproven and potentially dangerous vaccines that could paralyze you or even kill you. All to defend you against a virus that’s so weak, almost anyone with decent levels of vitamin D and basic nutrition can resist the virus without incident.

But Massachusetts, as you’ll see below, is just the beginning. It turns out that the whole nation could soon find itself under a similar forced vaccination policy…

Isolation camps, forced vaccinations and more

In 2006, former President George Bush signed into law the Public Readiness and Emergency Preparedness Act (PREP). It gives power to the Secretary of the U.S. government’s Health and Human Services department (HHS) to declare any infectious disease a “national emergency” and therefore require mandatory vaccination of the entire population. Because of the existence of this PREP Act, the entire population of the USA is now but one pen stroke away from being subjected to mandatory swine flu vaccinations at gunpoint.

Those who resist such vaccines will be arrested and taken away for “isolation” in domestic prison camps. They can’t just leave vaccine refusers free to live among the population, of course, because that would send the message that anyone can refuse the vaccines without consequence. So they’ll arrest those who refuse the vaccine, labeling them “a threat to national security” (enemies of the state) and imprison them without trial, without charges and without any legal representation whatsoever.

Meanwhile, all those who take part in enforcing these crimes against the American people will be granted complete immunity. From the HHS website: “[the Secretary may] issue a declaration… that provides immunity from tort liability (except for willful misconduct) for claims of loss caused, arising out of, relating to, or resulting from administration or use of (vaccine or other pharmaceutical) countermeasures to diseases, threats and conditions determined by the Secretary to constitute a present, or credible risk of a future public health emergency…”

There are other laws already on the books that strip Americans of virtually all Constitutional rights in a “pandemic emergency” scenario. One such act is The Pandemic and All-Hazards Preparedness Act (S. 3678), which probably merits another article altogether.

Have no illusions: At the stroke of a pen, the Constitutional rights of all Americans will be immediately suspended. Mandatory vaccinations and “decontaminations” will kick in and the mass arrest of resisters will begin. There will be no court, no trial, no jury and no due process. Your actions will be dictated to you by a law enforcement officer or a health care worker who has been granted complete immunity, so if you just happen to get kicked around a bit (or shot), there’s really nothing you can do about it.

Some might argue these are necessary actions to save a nation from a deadly pandemic. And yet they forget that the pandemic has been intentionally allowed to worsen by censoring information about vitamin D and natural remedies that could stop it. Somebody at the top, in other words, wants this pandemic to get really bad, perhaps because it allows them to invoke precisely the draconian response I’ve outlined in this article. Seizing power in a Democracy cannot be accomplished by simply declaring war on the rights of the People. Rather, a situation must be engineered where the People are so desperate that they beg to be controlled. Releasing a pandemic into the wild is the perfect way to accomplish precisely that.


None of these laws will be invoked before the vaccines are ready in large numbers, of course. Part of the purpose in all this is to prop up Big Pharma profits with massive vaccination efforts, so until the vaccines are actually available, don’t expect to see any declarations of a public emergency.

It might take until October or November before the vaccines are readily available in sufficient quantity to inject just half the U.S. population. But once that milestone is reached, a declaration of a pandemic emergency is imminent. Trust me on this point: They won’t let all those hundreds of millions of vaccines sit around unused; they’ll make sure they get injected into the People as soon as possible, because that’s the only way to justify making more.

So the sequence of events we’re likely to see here are:

#1) Waiting on vaccine manufacturing to procure at least 150 million doses in the U.S. Probable timeframe = October.

#2) Hyping up a few local swine flu breakouts in schools in order to justify step #3. Probable timeframe = November / December.

#3) Declaring a full-blown national emergency and announcing mandatory vaccinations for everyone (to use up the vaccines that are now available). Probable timeframe = January / February / March.

#4) If the disease continues to spread, this is when you’ll see forced entry into homes and buildings, forced “decontamination” sprayings, widespread arrests and forced quarantine of resisters, Martial Law and a complete crackdown on freedoms (especially in the inner cities). This will likely continue through the winter until Spring arrives, bringing the sunshine that will suppress the virus around the May 2010 timeframe.

All this is written in black ink. It’s already part of the pandemic response plan. Body bags, FEMA camps and much more.

Two years ago, this was all the domain of conspiracy theory “wingnuts.” Now it’s State law. Now it’s being openly discussed in security conferences and health care meetings. What will we do when the hospital beds are full? How will we accomplish the “involuntary transportation” of those who are infected? Are there enough zip-tie handcuffs to go around? How do we disarm and arrest citizens who refuse to be vaccinated? How do we prevent National Guard troops from becoming infected themselves?

These are the questions circulating now at high levels, all across the world. And the answers are always the same: Abandon freedoms. Strip the People of any rights. Dictate from the top down and arrest anyone who gets in your way.

Welcome to the Land of the Free. I hope you are prepared for what looks to be coming, because this isn’t America anymore, folks. This is Amerika, and the Constitutional rights you thought you had are about to be written right off the books.

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Fox News Poll: Majority Think Swine Flu Vaccine Deadlier Than Virus

Paul Joseph Watson
Friday, August 28, 2009

According to a Fox News poll, the majority of respondents think that the swine flu vaccine is deadlier than the actual virus itself, emphasizing the growing momentum in the revolt against government plans to institute mass H1N1 vaccination programs.

Despite attempts on behalf of governments and their lapdog corporate media allies to push the necessity of the H1N1 vaccination, large numbers of the general public along with health workers have made it known that they will refuse to take the shot.

The latest effort on behalf of the establishment to push the vaccine occurred earlier this week when Dr. Nancy Snyderman, billed as chief medical editor at NBC News, stated during an MSNBC panel discussion that people should reject “conspiracy theories” about the vaccine’s safety, trust the government and “get your damn vaccine”.

The desperation and anger in Snyderman’s snarly voice was clearly a result of frustration arising out of the fact that vast numbers of people are getting educated about what will actually be in the vaccine.

The swine flu vaccine is being rushed through safety procedures while governments have provided pharmaceutical companies with blanket immunity from lawsuits arriving out of the vaccine causing deaths and injuries.

It was previously revealed that some batches of the vaccine will contain mercury, a toxin linked with autism and neurological disorders. The vaccine will also contain the dangerous ingredient squalene, which has been directly linked with cases of Gulf War Syndrome and a host of other debilitating diseases.

It was also recently reported that the UK government sent a confidential letter to senior neurologists telling them to be on the alert for cases of a brain disorder called Guillain-Barre Syndrome (GBS), which could be triggered by the vaccine.

The Fox News poll on the issue is not scientific but is impossible to “game” for one side or the other because votes are restricted to one per IP address.

The results show that 50% think the vaccine is a greater risk than the virus, 32% think not taking the vaccine is the greater risk, while 19% are undecided.

The poll arrives on the back of a study published in the world’s foremost peer-reviewed medical journal which found that half of Hong Kong’s medical workers would refuse to take the swine flu vaccine because of fears about its safety.

Fox News Poll: Majority Think Swine Flu Vaccine Deadlier Than Virus 280809top

Research conducted by the University of Hong Kong and made public by the British Medical Journalconsistently found that less than half of 8,500 doctors and nurses in public hospitals would accept vaccination against H1N1 influenza.

“The major barriers identified were fear of side effects and doubts about efficacy.” The study reveals.

Microbiologists and infectious disease experts involved in the study also suggest that the number of dissenters is likely to be broadly representative of health workers worldwide.

This followed a survey conducted by Nursing Times magazine in which it was discovered that just 37 per cent of nurses and frontline health workers said they would take the swine flu vaccine in a survey conducted by Nursing Times magazine. 30 per cent said they would not be immunized and 33 per cent said they were unsure.

Two separate polls of GPs in Britain have also revealed that one in two doctors have severe reservations over the safety of the forthcoming H1N1 flu vaccine, raising serious questions over the government’s planned mass vaccination program.

A poll of doctors for Pulse magazine found that 49% would reject the vaccine with 9% still undecided.

56 of the 115 GPs surveyed said they did not intend to receive the jab, according to the UK’s leading medical weekly publication for health professionals.

A second poll conducted by GP magazine reveals that Up to 60% of GPs have severe doubts over the proposed vaccine. Of 216 GPs surveyed, 29% say they will outright refuse to be vaccinated, while a further 29% remain unsure. Only 41% of doctors said they would definitely take the shot.

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Swine Flu Fearmongering a Mass Psy-op?

Andrew W. Griffin
Red Dirt Report
August 27, 2009

OKLAHOMA CITY – Here at Red Dirt Report headquarters, we have been closely monitoring this swine flu (H1N1) situation, called a Level 6 “pandemic” by the questionable World Health Organization.

As previously reported here at Red Dirt Report, IPS Research, located in downtown Oklahoma City, has started their clinical trials of the experimental swine flu vaccine as offered by drugmakers Novartis and Sanofi-Aventis.

Adults and children are being urged by IPS Research to take part in the trials. Of course, we noted that dangerous ingredients including squalene (an oil-based adjuvant) and thimerosal (mercury) will be in each dose. This, despite many reports over the years regarding the horrific side effects both ingredients can lead to.

A story linked at Red Dirt Report called “Vaccine may be more dangerous than swine flu,” featured at in July and written by Dr. Russell Blaylock, notes that the mysterious virus is an “enigma for virologists.” Quoting a scientist as written in Nature magazine, “Where the hell it got all these genes from, we don’t know.” What does that mean? Well, virologists have discovered the H1N1, aka swine flu, has avian flu virus, 1918 H1N1 virus and two new H3N2 virus genes from Eurasia.

Sounds like somebody has been having a little too much fun in a biolab somewhere. And we don’t say that lightly. One of the companies that has been working with WHO to create a pandemic vaccine is Baxter Pharmaceuticals which earlier this year sent seasonal flu vaccine mixed with deadly avian flu virus to countries in Europe. There has never been any thorough explanation how this mistake happened and there are no reports that Baxter, with American offices in Illinois, was reprimanded or fined for this potentially deadly mistake. Fortunately, scientists in Czech Republic discovered this problem before it was sent out any further.

But as Dr. Louise Thurman noted in a public forum two weeks ago here in Oklahoma City, no problems are expected during the current trials, where the human guinea pigs are paid about $500 each for allowing this foreign material to be injected into their bodies.

Is your longterm health worth $500?

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But back to Dr. Blaylock’s article – there is something very alarming and it is primarily the aforementioned squalene and it is definitely in these experimental vaccines being used on children and adults here in Oklahoma and throughout the United States. This squalene has been reported to have led to debilitating and deadly effects on soldiers in the Gulf War who were injected with vaccines containing squalene. Having interviewed Gulf War soldiers in the late 1990’s, while working as a journalist in Louisiana, the effects on the soldiers, and how their bodies had broken down was absolutely heartbreaking.

This squalene adjuvant in the vaccines these soldiers received led to “devastating autoimmune disorders, including rheumatoid arthritis, multiple sclerosis and lupus.” Out of 14 guinea pigs used in animal studies that tested this adjuvant, only one guinea pig survived.

And yet developing young children are going to get shot up with this material. Thurman confirmed, during questioning, that MF-59 (squalene) would be in the injections. It’s criminal!

Writes Blaylock: “Because squalen, the main ingredient in MF-59, can induce hyperimmune reponses and induce autoimmunity, a real danger exists for prolonged activation has been strong associated with such diseases as multiple sclerosis, Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s disease, ALS and possibly vaccine-related encephalitis.”

Blaylock then lays out in plain language: “One must keep in mind that once the vaccine is injected, there is little you can do to protect yourself – at least by conventional medicine. It will mean a lifetime of crippling illness and early death.”

Just like those Gulf War veterans I interviewed. It’s been 10 years since then and I am not sure how those men are now.

But fortunately, skepticism regarding the fast-tracked swine flu vaccine is rising, despite propaganda appearing on mainstream news sources like Fox News Channel and major newspapers. Doctors are admitting that they will not take the vaccine because of too many dangers, including the crippling Guillain-Barre syndrome, which made headlines after the disastrous 1976 mass swine flu vaccination program.

This whole thing appears to be a giant psy-op on the American people. They say millions will die. Yet, it hasn’t mutated and only hundreds have died worldwide. Is this a cover for the collapsing economy? Is something bigger right around the corner? They are certainly preparing for something big, considering the internment camps, the government-sponsored propaganda and general fearmongering.

With Massachusetts being a virtual socialist enclave and a confirmed love of “Big Brother,” the Bay State will place a $1,000 per-day fine and 30 days in jail for people who refuse to take vaccines in a “public health emergency” like a major outbreak of swine flu, which at present time is no worse than normal seasonal flu.

And in the media, particularly the alternative media, word is getting out to folks who truly want to be informed about the true effects of this vaccine.

“It’s a eugenics operation and soft-kill weapon,” noted talk-show host Jason Bermas, of the swine flu vaccine.

And reading Jim Marrs’s scholarly and incredibly informative book The Rise of the Fourth Reich. Nazis really did infiltrate all levels of American society following World War II and their eugenics programs are still being implemented today. That is what we apparently are witnessing with this wicked cocktail being injected into America’s children, among others.

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