Video: New York Health Care Workers in Revolt

September 30, 2009

Spread the message of freedom and individual liberty by rating and commenting on this video, as well as reposting it. Please visit the following sites for more information:

Educate and inform the whole mass of the people… They are the only sure reliance for the preservation of our liberty. -Thomas Jefferson

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Video: Confronted by LRAD Accoustic Weapons

September 26, 2009

Louder than bombs: LRAD ’sonic cannon’ debuts in U.S. at G20 protests

Sam Gustin
Daily Finance
September 26, 2009

Pittsburgh police on Thursday used an audio cannon manufactured by American Technology Corporation (ATCO), a San Diego-based company, to disperse protesters outside the G-20 Summit — the first time its LRAD series device has been used on civilians in the U.S.

An ATC sales representative confirms to DailyFinance that Pittsburgh police used ATC’s Long Range Acoustic Device (LRAD). “Yes, we sold one LRAD unit to a government agency — I don’t know which one — which was used in Pittsburgh,” the representative said. American Technology Corp.’s stock was trading up over 15 percent in heavy activity late Friday.

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Texas Cops to Snoop School Kids with Squad Car Video

Craig Civale
September 18, 2009

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A project in Frisco schools is bringing new meaning to emergency response. In a matter of seconds, police and fire crews can now check out security cameras at city schools.

Security cameras have been in schools for years, but the city of Frisco has developed a program that allows officers and firefighters to view video from those cameras from their own patrol cars and fire trucks. That could mean saved time for emergency crews to save lives.

The program, called SAFER, allows emergency officials to instantly tap into hundreds of cameras at Frisco schools from virtually anywhere.

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Deadline for Infowars Poster-Video Contest Extended

September 4, 2009

September 4, 2009

featured stories   Deadline for Infowars Poster Video Contest Extended
soylent green featured stories   Deadline for Infowars Poster Video Contest Extended
Another great Obama Joker poster by Infowars’ resident artist. Click here to get the poster.

Due to the fantastic response to the Infowars Poster-video contest, Alex has extended the deadline for entries to Tuesday, September 8. Please continue sending links to your video up until that time.

Please note that the contest is primarily about your video, not necessarily your poster. Feature your poster creation in a video and send us the link here:

Over the last couple weeks there has been some confusion about the purpose of the contest — it is a video contest, not a poster artwork contest.

After you have created your poster and have printed it out, create a video of your campaign to put the poster up in the public commons in your town. Remember not to put the poster on private or government property, as this provides our enemies and detractors with an excuse to denounce the campaign.

As previously noted, your poster should prominently feature the web address of Infowars or Prison Planet.

Here are the latest entries:

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Nation Outraged Over Cop Taking Down 84 Year Old Alzheimer’s Patient

Denise Yost
August 12, 2009
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An elderly woman with a weapon was taken to the ground by a Whitehall officer—and the incident was caught on tape.

Now, video of the incident has created new problems for the local police department as citizens from around the country question the force used.

The cell phone video ended up on YouTube—and the local police department said it has changed the way they work, NBC 4‘s Mike Bowersock reported.

Virginia Dotson was wandering the Walmart parking lot at 3657 E. Main St. the evening of Aug. 1 with a steak knife. She was telling strangers she would cut them and already had cut herself.

Whitehall officers were called to the scene, but some witnesses said officers used too much force in subduing the woman.

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Video Coverage of Obamacare Protests Around the Country

August 10, 2009

Just Say No! Health Care Protest at Brad Miller’s Office

Capitol grounds, Austin, Texas

Austin News, KXAN

Fox News, Boston

Dick Durbin: Protests “orchestrated”

Cell phone video confrontation

Troy, Michigan

Rep. Kathy Castor gets an earful

Physician protester outside Congressman Brad Miller’s office

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Obama Speech Police Shutdown Top You Tube Videos

Aaron Dykes
August 9, 2009

A video on TheAlexJonesChannel on YouTube has been taken down– not due to claims of copyright infringement or etc.– but due to alleged violations of the You Tube “Community Guidelines“:

We encourage free speech and defend everyone’s right to express unpopular points of view. But we don’t permit hate speech (speech which attacks or demeans a group based on race or ethnic origin, religion, disability, gender, age, veteran status, and sexual orientation/gender identity).

Alex Jones defends attempts to shut down his speech on You Tube through phony claims of racism

This suspension is apparently based on complaints that the video is “racist”– as numerous comments posted below the now suspended video titled “Obama JOKER $1000 Video Contest: The establishment will go nuts!!!,” as well as several other copies of the video, indicate.

One such Obama Brownshirt censor using the handle “barackobamaexpress”advocated:

barackobamaexpress: For anyone who reads this; if you want to do your part today – something patriotic today, report this video to Youtube administration. Alex Jones promotes racism, and fearmongering. He’s a known liar.

This is startling not only because the video– critical of President Obama’s policies– mentions nothing at all about race, but because You Tube is evidently willing to censor simply on the basis of receiving a significant number of complaints– not on the basis of whether or not its terms are upheld.

featured stories   Obama Speech Police Shutdown Top You Tube Videos
Click here to see full notice

There is no violation of the so-called ‘hate speech’ guidelines, but rather it is clear that one too many people seeking to remove the video and attack the account submitted fraudulent complaints.

Alex Jones is currently considering further action to restore the video and protect his free speech.

The cry of “racism” has become, instead, the first-reflex attack against anyone critical of President Obama & his policies anytime it is easier and more effective than actually responding to legitimate critique of the real issues. Heightening the race issue– truly a canard obscuring necessary debate over the massive legislation racing through the Democrat-controlled House, Senate and Executive bodies– is meant to create tension and bring out racism where it was never in play before.

featured stories   Obama Speech Police Shutdown Top You Tube Videos
Click here to see screen shot just prior to removal.

Obama Speech Police have been on the attack to silence the President’s critics as of late. The Official White House Blog asked supporters on Wednesday to “flag” chain e-mails and online videos ‘claiming to uncover the truth’ about Obama’s Health Care agenda. The posting essentially asked for an assault on dissenters and legitimate opposition in the name of alleged “disinformation.”

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Only days later, Press Secretary Gibbs used Rush Limbaugh as an example to say that anyone comparing the Democratic Party’s agenda to that of the Nazi’s was on “thin ice” and should be wary of using such terms. Such a comparison may well be justified, depending upon the context, and is being used to intimidate free speech critical of the President and his policies.

At the same time, the political group ‘Health Care for America Now,’ which counts the President and Vice President among its supporters, has “instructed Democrats to confiscate signs and leaflets brought to Obamacare events by “rightwing extremists,” that is to say Americans opposed to totalitarian health care,” as Kurt Nimmo reported Friday.

Also on Friday, Kenneth Gladney, a self-identified independent-conservative, was hospitalized after being beaten by a group of union thugs who didn’t like his criticizing the Health Care agenda.

Groups have been mobilizing everywhere in opposition to the pending Health Care legislation, and have been uniformly slandered and demonized by the media, and blocked by various pro-Health Care groups throughout the country.

This video, entitled ‘Obama JOKER $1000 Video Contest’ was copied off of ‘TheAlexJonesChannel’ shortly before it was censored on claims of ‘racism.’ Get this version and make more copies while you still can.

These recent attempts at quashing free speech are reminiscent of the Missouri Truth Squads during the 2008 campaign who — while hypocritically carrying out a slanted & untrue politicized message– vowed to shut down and have arrested anyone critical of Obama who is ‘not telling the truth’ via Missouri ethics laws.

The actual attempt to censor Alex Jones and his message will surely fail, as many dedicated fellow patriots have already taken to duplicating not only the video itself (as posted above), but to duplicating the viral spreading of the message on the streets and everywhere online.

For instance, here is the first of surely many hundreds of videos of individuals handing out the “JOKER” Obama poster in San Antonio:

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OK Cop Who Assaulted Paramedic Gets Unpaid Suspension

July 23, 2009

The Associated Press is reporting that Daniel Martin, the Oklahoma Highway Patrol trooper caught on video throttling paramedic Maurice White Jr., was put on unpaid suspension for five days. Martin must also undergo an anger assessment.

Maurice White’s attorney said the paramedic was disappointed by the suspension.

A video released by the Oklahoma Department of Public Safety clearly shows Martin assaulting White on the side of the road in Okfuskee County, Oklahoma. A cell phone video of the assault posted on YouTube received well over a million views and was the second most-watched video on May 30. A Fox station in Tulsa filed a Freedom of Information request for the dash cam but the OHP stonewalled the request. Late on June 12, the department finally released the video. It was posted on YouTube on June 13.

Police initially said the EMT vehicle failed to yield and this was the reason Martin confronted White, assaulted him and threatened to arrest him. But the police video reveals that the EMT was unable to immediately yield due to a car pulling over in the breakdown lane on the side of the road.

On June 12, White said he doesn’t want to see anyone else in the position he was in. “Whatever we have to make sure that that never occurs again and that some definitive light is shed on the problems with the OHP, we will go forward and do it whatever that takes,” he told NewsOn6 in Oklahoma.

Additional resources:

Insane Thug Cops Attack Emergency Paramedic
Incident Reports Add Evidence to Video Showing OK Cops Attacking Paramedic
Dash Cam Video Reveals Police Tried to Cover Up Misconduct in OK EMT Incident
EMT Wants Accountability From Oklahoma Highway Patrol
Trooper Claims Dashboard Cam Upholds His Actions

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