Health Care Nullification: Things have just gotten underway

Michael Boldin
Tenth Amendment Center
December 21, 2009

For the past few days, I’ve received loads of emails urging me to get active regarding the healthcare vote – most of which had a subject line similar to: “Last Chance to Stop National Healthcare!”

Well, if you believe the only way to protect your rights is by begging federal politicians to do what you want, then these emails are certainly right. The vote went as expected, and so will the next.

So if you think marching on D.C. or calling your Representatives, or threating to “throw the bums out” in 2010 or 2012 or 20-whatever, is going to further the cause of the Constitution and your liberty – you might as well get your shackles on now. Your last chance has come and gone.

But, those of you who visit this site regularly already know that the Senate’s health care vote is far from the end of things – and you also know that even when it goes into effect (which I assume some version will), it’s still not the end of the road for your freedom.

The real way to resist DC is not by begging politicians and judges in Washington to allow us to exercise our rights…it’s to exercise our rights whether they want to give us “permission” to or not.

Nullification – state-level resistance to unconstitutional federal laws – is the way forward.

When a state ‘nullifies’ a federal law, it is proclaiming that the law in question is void and inoperative, or ‘non-effective,’ within the boundaries of that state; or, in other words, not a law as far as that state is concerned.

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It’s peaceful, effective, and has a long history in the American tradition. It’s been invoked in support of free speech, in opposition to war and fugitive slave laws, and more. Read more on this history here.

Regarding nullification and health care, there’s already a growing movement right now. Led by Arizona, voters in a number of states may get a chance to approve State Constitutional Amendments in 2010 that would effectively ban national health care in their states. Our sources here at the Tenth Amendment Center indicate to us that we should expect to see 20-25 states consider such legislation in 2010.

20 States resisting DC can do what calling, marching, yelling, faxing, and emailing has almost never done. Stop the feds dead in their tracks.

For example, 13 states are already defying federal marijuana prohibition, and the federal government is having such a hard time dealing with it that the Obama administration recently announced that they would no longer prioritize enforcement in states that have medical marijuana laws.

Better yet, in the last 2+ years more than 20 states have been able to effectively prevent the Real ID Act of 2005 from being implemented. How did they do that? They passed laws and resolutions refusing to comply with it. And today, it’s effectively null and void without ever being repealed by Congress or challenged in court.

While the Obama administration would like to revive it under a different name, the reality is still there – with massive state-level resistance, the federal government can be pushed back inside its constitutional box. Issue by issue, law by law, the best way to change the federal government is by resisting it on a state level.

That’s nullification at work.

Over the years, wise men and women warned us that the Constitution would never enforce itself. The time is long overdue for people to start recognizing this fact, and bring that enforcement closer to home.

The bottom line? If you want to make real change; if you want to really do something for liberty and for the Constitution…focus on local activism and your state governments.

Thomas Jefferson would be proud!

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National Park Service Admits 9/12 Demo Largest On Record

Thomas Lifson
American Thinker
September 14, 2009

Editor’s note: People on scene said the number was around 2 million people.

The truth will out. Despite mainstream media attempts to characterize turnout as in the thousands, a spokesman for the National Park Service, Dan Bana, is quoted as saying “It is a record…. We believe it is the largest event held in Washington, D.C., ever.”

Democrats and their media acolytes may wish this weren’t so, and they may even employ the Ostrich Strategy, burying their collective heads in the sand, pretending that a major important political movement isn’t happening. But they only hasten their own demise in doing so.

Meanwhile, Gateway Pundit compares the littler left behind on 9/12 with the aftermath of the Obama inauguration. It is a startling contrast.

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Massive Corporate Media Coverup of Real Numbers at D.C. Rally

Kurt Nimmo
September 13, 2009

The Gray Lady of Operation Mockingbird, the New York Times, reports today that “thousands” of patriots protested against Obamacare, cap and trade, the bankster bailout, and unchecked federal government power in the District of Criminals yesterday.

“The demonstrators numbered well into the tens of thousands, though the police declined to estimate the size of the crowd,” the newspaper reports, attempting to downplay the historical significance of the protest.

The New York Times says the police declined to estimate the crowd — or rather the corporate media declined to report it — because the number was around two million, the largest protest in the capitol’s history.

The protest out-numbered Martin Luther King’s “I Have a Dream” speech delivered from the steps of the Lincoln Memorial during the March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom on August 28, 1963. That march was estimated at around 200,000 people.

ABC News did likewise, pegging the turnout in the thousands. “Thousands of conservative protesters from across the country converged on the Capitol Saturday morning to demonstrate against President Obama’s proposals for health care reform and voicing opposition to big government, what they say is over-the-top spending,” the corporate propaganda outlet claimed on Saturday.

Ditto the War Street Journal — excuse me, the Wall Street Journal — although they put the number at tens of thousands. The Journal admitted the obvious: “While some Republican officeholders were at the rally, not everybody there called themselves Republicans.”

Fox News tried to spin the event as a Glenn Beck phenomenon.

NPR, the news service of Soros and the foundations, did the same parlor trick with the math, putting the number at tens of thousands. NPR contradicted itself, however, and reported that as “the demonstrators walked along Pennsylvania Avenue toward the U.S. Capitol, the line stretched as far as the eye could see in either direction. The crowd was so thick in places that it was difficult to move.”

As to be expected, the “progressives” (left cover bankster faction) attempted to portray two million patriotic Americans as racists. Think Soros, formerly known as Think Progress, posted a blog entry supposedly revealing racist placards at the event — in fact, none of the signs showed were racist — the worst the Soros operatives produced was a photo of a woman with a Confederate flag. The Soros clan said everybody at the event was white (as if they had examined the skin color of two million people).

It’s not going to work. The two million people who showed up to voice their outrage at a federal government out of control and in violation of the Constitution was but a small sampling of the millions of people across the country in opposition to Obama and the corporate-fascist agenda of his one-world masters.

If Obama and the Democrats ram the deathcare bill through the House by way of “reconciliation,” the opposition will redouble its numbers and once again take to the streets.

Thousands? This timelapse video puts an end to the corporate media lies and spin.

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Mail Online Reports 2 Million at D.C. Tea Party

Mail Online
September 13, 2009

Up to two million people marched to the U.S. Capitol today, carrying signs with slogans such as “Obamacare makes me sick” as they protested the president’s health care plan and what they say is out-of-control spending.

The line of protesters spread across Pennsylvania Avenue for blocks, all the way to the capitol, according to the Washington Homeland Security and Emergency Management Agency.

People were chanting “enough, enough” and “We the People.” Others yelled “You lie, you lie!” and “Pelosi has to go,” referring to California congresswoman Nancy Pelosi.

Demonstrators waved U.S. flags and held signs reading “Go Green Recycle Congress” and “I’m Not Your ATM.” Men wore colonial costumes as they listened to speakers who warned of “judgment day” – Election Day 2010.

Richard Brigle, 57, a Vietnam War veteran and former Teamster, came from Michigan. He said health care needs to be reformed – but not according to President Barack Obama’s plan.

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Corporate Media Seriously Under Reports Numbers at D.C. Tea Party

September 12, 2009

The corporate media reports “tens of thousands” in attendance at the Tea Party demo today in the District of Criminals. Sources on the scene, however, put the number at hundreds of thousands upward to over a million.

“But whether the marchers reflect a small minority’s continuing anger over the more liberal direction the country began taking in the 2008 election or something deeper that could have repercussions in 2010 and 2012 is one of the questions the march may begin to answer,” reports Politico this afternoon.

Politico and the rest of the corporate media would like to characterize the mass movement as a right versus left sideshow that is of little relevance.

In fact, there was no such “liberal” direction taken after the dog and pony show 2008 election — Obama’s administration is packed with CFR, Trilateral, Bilderberg, and Federal Reserve insiders and he continues the wars and occupations initiated under his predecessor. The elite are using left cover to push their one-world agenda. It’s business as usual, never mind CNN, MSNBC, and yes Fox News. The Democrats are under the control of the Soros one-world faction and the Republicans under the neocon one-world faction. It is all a parlor trick.

Glenn Beck covered the demo this morning on Fox. Beck’s task is to make the event look like it was organized by the Republicans. Beck will never tell you the original tea party movement was created by libertarians, not one-world Republicans. Beck will not tell you the vast majority of the participants believe both parties represent one party — what Gore Vidal called the Property Party, the small elite that own D.C., excepting Ron Paul and few other brave souls.

That’s why Beck calls Paul a dangerous kook and his supporters violent extremists. How many people in the streets of Washington at the moment supported Ron Paul during the so-called election? How many of them want to go back to the days under the Republicans and the neocon front man Bush? The Republican party is the party of record budget deficits and mass murder (more than one million dead Iraqis and counting).

Ignore the Associated Press — one of the crown jewel’s of Operation Mockingbird — and its insistence in the above video to focus on a placard thanking Fox News. Instead, look at the streaming crowd in the street outside of the of the corporate whorehouse otherwise known as the U.S. Capitol.

That’s the real story, not Glenn Beck interviewing shameless Republicans who want to gain mileage off the event.

It looks like the government will have to do something — and soon — otherwise the movement to take back the government and restore the vision of the founders will reach critical velocity and there will be no turning back.

Is a false flag event to whip the populace back into slavish obedience just around the corner?

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Thousands gather in D.C. to protest healthcare reform

Mark Z. Barabak
Los Angeles Times
September 12, 2009

Thousands of protesters from across the country gathered at the foot of Pennsylvania Avenue this morning, mustering for a march on the Capitol and a daylong protest against the Obama administration and the president’s ambitious healthcare overhaul plan.

Organizers of the loosely knit coalition of anti-tax, small-government proponents were hoping for a crowd of 25,000 to 50,000, billing the march as the largest gathering of fiscal conservatives in the history of the nation’s capital.

Skies were gray with a few light sprinkles as protesters prepared to step off toward Capitol Hill.

If there was a unifying theme, it was the notion that the federal government, starting with the financial bailout last fall and continuing through the early months of the Obama administration, has grown too big and too intrusive in both the economy and the everyday lives of Americans.

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9/11 Scare: ‘Shots’ Reported Fired by Coast Guard

ABC News
September 11, 2009

Washington, D.C., residents mourning the victims of the Sept. 11 attacks this morning heard an eerie echo just an hour later — reports that a Coast Guard vessel had fired shots at a boat in the Potomac River near the Pentagon.

But after half an hour of anxiety, the Coast Guard and local police said the whole thing was a training exercise, and no shots were fired at all.

Network news programs broke into regular morning shows to report the incident, and CNN went to blanket coverage.

Departures from Washington’s Reagan National Airport were halted from 10:08 a.m. to 10:29 a.m., delaying 17 departures, and FBI agents scrambled to the scene near the river. A law enforcement official, asking not to be identified, told the Associated Press the local FBI office had not been told ahead of time about the exercise.

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Obama’s Well Organized Community Is Falling Apart

JB Williams
The Canadian Free Press
August 20, 2009

It’s now official—the average American is not as stupid as Washington DC Democrats and their international leftist friends thought. Their mystery messiah has already gone from hero to zero after only seven months in power, and Obama has now become a noose around the neck of every American Democrat, and every international fascist who “hoped” Obama could usher in Marxist “change.”

Nobody can organize a community like a good old fashioned communist thug can. It worked long enough to put a mystery man in the Oval Office, thanks to international socialists working through CPUSASPUSA and DSAUSA, funded by literally hundreds of leftist front-groups operating as special interest 527 organizations.

Here’s a short list of the BIGGEST leftist front groups America Coming Together Joint Victory Campaign 2004 Media Fund Service Employees International Union American Federation of State, County, and Municipal Employees New Democrat Network Sierra Club EMILY’s List AFL-CIO League of Conservation Voters.

Who spends an obscene $1 Billion dollars to win a lousy $400,000 per year job, and why?

The people behind

Obama expect a return on their investment. And they are NOT the kind of folks you want to disappoint… These folks make Capone look like a choir boy.

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SWAT team confronts Young Americans for Liberty

Jim Randleman
Young American for Liberty
August 3, 2009

I’m sitting in the back of the classroom on the final day of the YAL National Convention, and I couldn’t wait any longer to get this YouTube video out to you.

Yesterday, YAL Events Director, Trevor Leach, and our top youth activists demonstrated on the Washington, DC, National Mall to collect petitions in opposition of Obama’s government takeover of health-care.

It wasn’t long until a SWAT team in an armored truck threatened Trevor and our youth activists declaring, “There are two options. Disassemble and leave. Or y’all are going to jail.”

“You don’t have free speech,” the sergeant told Trevor.

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Fortunately, our youth activists video taped the entire confrontation and stayed up all night to produce this video footage.

Be prepared to be shocked, appalled, and a little an gry at the actions of our public servants who swore to uphold the U.S. Constitution.

After you watch this video, please do me a favor. Click here and donate generously to support these youth activists and advance their continuous efforts.

It is important to me to get this video in your hands immediately. I’ll send a full update on the first-ever YAL National Convention later this week.

Let me say, this weekend has impacted these students in a very large way.

For liberty,

Jeff Frazee
Executive Director, YAL

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