ABC News Reports On Secret Meeting Of The Rich, Yet Ignores Bilderberg Completely

Paul Joseph Watson
Wednesday, May 20, 2009

ABC News Reports On Secret Meeting Of The Rich, Yet Ignores Bilderberg Completely  200509top2

ABC News today devoted a prominently featured three page story to a “secret meeting” of rich philanthropists which took place earlier this month in New York, and yet one of the biggest news corporations in America was completely silent during a far more important meeting of around 150 of the world’s powerbrokers at the Bilderberg conference last week.

At time of press, the ABC News story is the second top story on the website under the headline, America’s Richest Givers’ Secret Meeting.

“Under a cloak of secrecy, some of the world’s wealthiest people gathered in an unprecedented meeting early this month in New York City possibly to coordinate strategies for giving their vast fortunes to charity in the midst of the financial crisis,” begins the report, before descending into a deluge of fawning idolatry about how people like David Rockefeller, Bill Gates and Ted Turner, who has repeatedly called for world population to be reduced by a shocking 95% as well as a one child policy instituted in the west, are committed to saving the poor from the ravages of the economic crisis with their benign acts of philanthropy.

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The report states that the meeting is “enough to spark the imaginations of conspiracy theorists everywhere,” linking to a previous ABC News report that implies people who believe that powerful individuals conspire to rule the world in secret are probably mentally ill.

The most vomit inducing paragraph of the whole article arrives when ABC asks, “There remain as many questions about the meeting’s details as there are about the logistics behind its organization. How did some of the world’s most public figures coordinate their schedules, travel, and security with no one in media knowing about it?”

Well how indeed did they manage to do that I wonder? 150+ of the global elite manage to do it on a routine basis every single year without barely a whimper from the corporate media, despite the location of the Bilderberg meeting leaking in advance every time.

They manage to do it because the corporate media was castrated decades ago and is merely a PR machine for the establishment, which is why they dutifully follow orders not to report on what would otherwise be a gargantuan story of worldwide interest in the form of the secret Bilderberg Group meetings.

ABC News is owned by the Walt Disney Company, Vice Chairman of which is Roy Disney, nephew of Walt Disney himself. Roy Disney is a Bilderberg member, having attended the secretive cabal’s 1999 conference in Sintra, Portugal.

Since all Bilderberg members adhere to “Chatham House Rules,” forbidding the revelation of anything that was discussed, it’s unsurprising that ABC refused to report on the global elite’s annual confab in Greece near Athens last week, a story that dwarves this much vaunted “meeting of the rich” in terms of both the number and the influence of the numerous powerbrokers who attended.

Bilderberg 2009 coverage was left to a gaggle of alternative media citizen journalists who were harassed, stalked, detained and physically assaulted every step of the way by secret police and security goons at the behest of Bilderberg.

ABC News’ “meeting of the rich” exclusive is a pathetic attempt at convincing its declining audience that the corporate media has any interest in uncovering the secret agenda of the elite, when in reality the story is nothing more than a sophistic exercise in ass kissing and creeping adulation for people like David Rockefeller and Ted Turner, who are portrayed as philanthropic saviors of the planet, when they are in fact nothing more than globalist scum intent on destroying U.S. sovereignty and eliminating us “useless feeders” by means of population reduction programs which they have routinely advocated.

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