Incident Reports Add Evidence to Video Showing OK Cops Attacking Paramedic

May 30, 2009

A witness to the “struggle” between two Oklahoma Highway Patrol officers and a paramedic in Okfuskee County told News Channel 8 in Tulsa that the cop who throttled the EMP worker needs “anger management.” She is worried “that if one of them ever tries to stop me, I may do something that might make them mad.”

featured stories   Incident Reports Add Evidence to Video Showing OK Cops Attacking Paramedic
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It does not take much to make cops in America “mad” these days, as numerous videos posted on the web reveal. Not displaying the required degree of deference to police can result in violence and even death.

It is against the law in Oklahoma to interfere with with paramedics in the performance of their duties. But instead of charing the cops — Daniel Martin and Bryan Iker — with breaking the law, the assaulted paramedic may be brought up on charges, according to Assistant District Attorney Maxey Reilly.

“The OHP has turned over details of the incident to the prosecutor in Okfuskee County to determine if charges will be filed in the case,” reports Tulsa World.

Meanwhile, the cops remain on duty, free to assault other citizens.

Creek Nation paramedics at Paden, located east of Prague, in Okfuskee County, have released their accounts of the incident (see PDF linked at right) while the OHP has yet to deliver its version of the encounter, not surprising because a cell phone video of the incident clearly shows the cops are at fault.

Tulsa World reports that the video “is now the No. 2 most-watched video on YouTube.”

In order to go about stomping and throttling — and murdering — citizens (cops often like to call them civilians) without damning video popping up on YouTube, the cops will have to find a way to put an end to video recording.

The feds use “a closely held law enforcement tool: equipment that can jam cellphones and other wireless devices to foil remote-controlled bombs,” the Washington Post reported in February. “It is an increasingly common technology, with federal agencies expanding its use as state and local agencies are pushing for permission to do the same. Police and others say it could stop terrorists from coordinating during an attack, prevent suspects from erasing evidence on wireless devices, simplify arrests and keep inmates from using contraband phones.”

In the not to distant future, cops may be able to flip a switch and shut down cell phones before they assault citizens.

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