Vibrant Response 2009 Info/Rumors

While the Patriot (Sovereign-Citizen) and Militia communities has been focused on National Level Exercise 2009 (NLE 09), the far more upsetting “Vibrant Response 2009” exercise is being held right now at Fort Leavenworth, Kansas.

The exercise is being held by the chemical, biological, radiological, nuclear and high-yield explosive (CBRNE) Consequence Management Response Force, or CCMRF (pronounced “Sea-Smurf”).

The CCMRF’s are being given a scenario in which they will be testing communication capabilities and reactions. As one insider tells us, Vibrant Response 2009 is a dry rehearsal for enforcing H1N1 quarantines of a city should the need arise this fall.

For the uninitiated, quarantine is just a politically correct term for “martial law”. The current strength of a CCMRF’s brigade is listed at 4,700 joint personnel comprised of Soldiers, Sailors, Airmen and Marines.

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As we have pointed out before, a 3000 to 5000 man force would likely be hard-pressed to secure even one medium-sized town in the former United State of America.

The CCMRF’s are a reactionary force, they are designed to supplement law enforcement and emergency responders.

They are attempting to develop the CCMRF’s, so that they can respond to three simultaneous or near simultaneous events. Quaranting 3 large cities, say New York City, Los Angeles and Boston is beyond their current ability at this moment.

CBRNE is made of three divisions, 9.1, 10.1 and 10.2; 10.1 and 10.2 which are being trained to be combat-ready by Oct. 1. Each CCMRF unit contains three task forces — medical, operations and aviation, in addition to smaller elements with specific technical expertise.

The Operation Task Force 2/18 Marine Expeditionary Brigade (MEB) from South Carolina, Medical Task Force 3/30 MEB from Illinois, and Aviation Task Force 11 from Kentucky are all participating in Vibrant Response 2009.

We are getting in disturbing reports of counterinsurgency training against citizens being given to the CCMRF’s as well as large amounts of cement being used at Fort Leavenworth. Several of our Signals Intelligence (SIGINT) people report the testing of a new communication technology between United Kingdom forces and the CCMRF’s is also being conducted.

We can only only say watch yourselves as Vibrant Response 2009 runs from July 31st to August 14th.

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One thought on “Vibrant Response 2009 Info/Rumors

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  1. I think you need to check the credibility of your “source” that claims Vibrant Response was preparing troop for quarentine of a city. I work with CCMRF in Indiana and I can tell you that the mission is strictly to support civillian first responders. All CCMRF operations are controlled through a civillian Incedent Command Structure.

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