Disaster Recovery CEO Characterizes Infowars as “Group of Crazies” On Flu Pandemic

Kurt Nimmo
August 6, 2009

On August 6, during a National Pandemic Preparedness Planning Webinar for the workplace, Kevin Burton, CEO of Burton Asset Management, characterized Infowars as “a group of crazies” disseminating conspiracy theories about the H1N1 virus, promised by the government and the United Nations to become a pandemic this autumn.

Burton Asset Management describes itself as “a crackerjack team of ex-military strategists, FBI trainers, intelligence and security professionals” who are “serious players” in the “disaster recovery space.”

BAM is a for-profit venture that “advises the Gartner Group and Cisco Systems in and around global systems deployments and risk management for customers like American Express, Caterpillar and Baxter Pharmaceuticals,” according to the company’s website.

Burton went on to say that conspiracy theories about the coming flu pandemic on the internet are dangerous. “What scares me is all you need is one psycho” to believe the conspiracy theories “and you are going to have a bigger problem on your hands in your workplace than what to do with sick people. There was only one Ted Wasinksi (sic), there was only one Michael McVeigh (sic).”

featured stories   Disaster Recovery CEO Characterizes Infowars as Group of Crazies On Flu Pandemic
featured stories   Disaster Recovery CEO Characterizes Infowars as Group of Crazies On Flu Pandemic
Kevin Burton

According to Burton, employees who do not believe the government version of events are a danger to business. If they read Infowars and by extension listen to Alex Jones they may be psychotic and represent a threat to their fellow co-workers.

Burton does not explain how engaging in free speech or refusing to believe government and corporate media propaganda represent a danger to business. He does not bother to elaborate on the Ted Kaczynski and Timothy McVeigh comparison. Mr. Burton is so ill-informed on these individuals he cannot bother to get their names straight. Finally, he does he suggest what companies should do with such supposed conspiracy theorists, but the conclusion is obvious — they should probably be fired or maybe something more drastic.

During the coming staged flu pandemic, corporations may have their own solution to such individuals. The FBI cloned Infrgard is now well ensconced in many businesses. “InfraGard itself is still an FBI operation, with FBI agents in each state overseeing the local InfraGard chapters,” Matthew Rothschild wrote in 2008. FBI Director Robert Mueller, addressing an InfraGard convention on August 9, 2005, urged InfraGard members to contact the FBI and Homeland Security if they “note suspicious activity or an unusual event” threatening infrastructure or supporting terrorism. Members of the secretive organization told Rothschild they have “shoot to kill” orders during an emergency.

Finally, Mr. Burton’s warning about budding “Michael McVeighs” threatening the government’s ability to stage a flu pandemic and impose martial law should probably be taken with a grain of salt. Increasing numbers of people refusing to believe the hype and line up for their toxic soft kill vaccines and take orders from the government is a direct threat. Such incredulity directly threatens the government’s ability to unleash a pandemic and also threatens Mr. Burton’s profitable operation.

URL to article: http://www.infowars.com/disaster-recovery-ceo-characterizes-infowars-as-group-of-crazies-on-flu-pandemic/

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