Teenager At Center Of Obama Joker Poster Controversy; Police Watched Me Post Flyers

Paul Joseph Watson
Prison Planet.com
Friday, August 21, 2009

The personal account of the teenager at the center of the Obama Joker poster controversy in Clermont Florida makes it clear that the “outrage” surrounding the story is a media contrived hoax and that police were disinterested in the dastardly “crime” of posting flyers until Florida media outlets started whipping up fake hysteria around the issue.

Prison Planet.com was contacted by the teenager who was the subject of news reports suggesting that authorities were considering charging him with felony vandalism for posting the Obama Joker flyers on public property, which if convicted would carry a maximum sentence of five years in jail.

The teenager is an active member of We Are Change Florida as well as the local chapter of Ron Paul’s Campaign For Liberty group.

He contacted us to point out that he was never arrested or interrogated as media outlets implied, and that he was merely interviewed by two investigators at his home who left after he told them he had only posted the flyers on telephone poles with a water-soluble adhesive, and not on stop signs or mailboxes.

Indeed, on numerous occasions police watched him post the flyers and took no action.

“Surprisingly, the police were never really an obstacle when I was putting up flyers,” writes the teenager. “During the posting at least 10 police officers watched me do it and did nothing. A few police officers even approached me and asked me what I was doing, then left me alone without any hassle.”

“I believe the police only got involved because WFTV (Channel 9 Orlando News) stirred up the story so much and put pressure on them,” he adds.

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The investigators admitted to the teenager that they “look the other way” when people post “lost pet” flyers and similar signs on telephone polls, clearly suggesting that police intervention was both politically motivated and done only in reaction to the contrived media outrage whipped up by Florida news stations and newspapers.

“I believe the best solution would be for your listeners to call the Clermont PD, Capt. Eric Jensen, Bill Gladson, and Brad King and inform them that they are upholding a double standard and selectively enforcing an almost entirely unknown city ordinance. Yard sale signs are plentiful in Clermont,” writes the teenager.

Crucially, the police told the teenager that he was “not in any kind of trouble” over posting the flyers, which completely contradicts mainstream media stories about him facing potential vandalism felony charges and jail time.

As we have previously highlighted, media coverage of the story characterized people who posted the flyers as dangerous individuals who were creating “victims” of some heinous crime. WFTV broadcast numerous interviews with Clermont residents who said they were disgusted with the flyers, despite the fact that a poll carried by Central Florida News showed that the majority of people supported the first amendment rights of the people posting the flyers, proving that a fake consensus was being manufactured by WFTV.

The personal story of the teenager involved in the story proves that before the media concocted a counterfeit controversy surrounding the issue, the police were perfectly happy to look the other way. It was only after this phony outrage was propagated that talk of “vandalism” and criminal charges emerged, which was clearly done to chill free speech and intimidate others from posting the flyers.

In reality, without the intervention of WFTV and the artificial creation of the “outrage” hoax, the police would have treated the posting of the flyers as they would “lost pet” or “yard sale” signs – as a legitimate expression of the first amendment, and not “vandalism” as was subsequently claimed.

URL to article: http://www.infowars.com/teenager-at-center-of-obama-joker-poster-controversy-police-watched-me-post-flyers/

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