House “Cap & Trade” Bill Final, Call Your Senator Now

June 29, 2009
  • A d v e r t i s e m e n t
  • efoods

According to a post on the Daily Paul website, C-SPAN was incorrect when it stated that House members had until July 2nd to change their vote on HR 2454, also known as the American Clean Energy and Security Act. A contributor to the site called Ron Paul’s office to confirm the deadline and was told the vote was final — once the House gavels the vote, it is final.

Energy needs to be dedicated to the version now working its way through the Senate. 100 Senators need to be contacted before July 4th and told in no uncertain terms that they must not vote for this bill.

The so-called “cap and trade” bill will shut down the economy and introduce serfdom. “Limiting the amount of CO2 will do nothing to help make the planet less warm, make us energy independent or create millions of jobs. It will on the other hand destroy whatever is left of our industry here in the North American Union by leaving companies no choice but to move offshore. Some of the biggest oil reserves in the world are here in North America, yet we rely on foreign oil. The elites indirectly control every facet our life,” explains Zachary T Baker for Infowars.

Call your senator now!

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One thought on “House “Cap & Trade” Bill Final, Call Your Senator Now

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  1. We strongly urge you to vote “NO” to theCap & Trade Climate and Energy Bill.

    The final Climate and Energy Bill passed the House so diluted with special interest bribes that It defeats what was represented to be its original objectives. Have you read the over 1,000 pages of the bill on which you are asked to sign? Cap & Trade is a prime example of the legislation which has been rushed through from the inception of the economic downtown with dire consequences to your constituents whom you are elected to represent.

    While avoiding the underlying question, the proposed legislation would have a trivial effect on global warming while imposing substantial costs to the American householders. While avoiding the underlying question, the proposed legislation would have a trivial effect on global warming while imposing substantial costs to the American householders. The Congressional Budget Office estimates that its resulting increase in consumer required to achieve l5% CO2 reduction will raise the cost of living initially by $1600 per year per household with future costs significantly higher. Higher prices will relate to every manufactured goods, companies moving offshore, resulting in fewer jobs and higher unemployment WITH LITTLE EFFECT ON GLOBAL WARMING.

    What effects does Cab & Trade have?

    1. It interferes with positive solutions to Global Warming/ Solving global warming means solving how to keep most remaining fossel fuels in the ground.

    2. It squanders resources and ingenuity on the wrong things. t squanders resources and ingenuity on the wrong things. S. Korea, the firm of Rhodia has profited 30% more selling carbon credits with NO GAINS.

    3. It requires knowledge we don’t have and interferes with positive solutions to Global Warming.. Progressive California calls carbon training a “charade to continue business as usual.” – more construction of new fossel fuel fired power plants instead of focusing on building a green economy to provide new jobs for power communities.

    4. It is based on faith not experience. Carbon trading – the centerpiece of the Kyoto Protocol and Europe’s response to climate change – the EU Emissions Trading Scheme has FAILED.

    5. Cap & Trade is Antidemocratic.

    WHO BENEFITS? Who Benefits? Big fossel fuel using companies; hedge funds, commodities traders, banks and law firms, i.e. ENRON, WorldCom, LTCM and the subprime mortgage market.

    WHO LOSES? Once again – the American people. Cap and Trade is likely to be the biggest tax in American history.

    Fred and Renee DeKlotz

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